Saturday, 23 July 2016

Harmonics of the Universe & Water

This is water, a frozen frame of a water droplet, suspended by acoustic levitation.
The droplet is oscillating rapidly back and forth in a 5 pointed formation due to the sound waves sent at the 5th harmonic.

This type of cymatics experiment -see also those done with fine particles on a vibrated surface - reveals the fundamental force underlying every form of matter in the physical universe

Watch the related video from Clemsom University South Carolina US
Through this type of cymatic example it is easy to conceive of the pathway from vibrating sound waves and the harmonic patterns they build to the final outcome as manifest physical matter and everyday forms.

Dr. Masaru Emoto stunned the world by showing the effect of human emotion on water droplets -and harmonic patterns are central to this demonstration
Because our home planet and our own bodies are primarily composed of water it is worthwhile exploring the extraordinary qualities of water.
Water has an unusual capacity to hold memory -which alters its structure -but is not detectable in its chemical signature -it still tests as H20.
Structure means the way in which the water molecules are arranged into clusters. The clusters may be a type of memory cell -which stores whatever it is in energetic contact with - just like a magnetic tape recording.
Water creates the DNA helix .
Of all the factors affecting the integrity of water's molecular structure, human consciousness has been found to be more powerful than other tested influences such as force, pressure, electrical fields.

Also see other parts of this fascinating documentary -split into 8 parts - Part 2 etc on YouTube.

Watching these may change your attitude to life itself.

Harmonics lie at the basis of the vibrational energy emitted by planets. We are vibrated by them producing outcomes that are both easy, positive and enjoyable as difficult, challenging painful. The way our body's water uploads these vibrations to our consciousness is mutable - the perceptual level is what we can alter - by keeping a stronger harmonious balance in our interior fluid environment.


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