Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Purification Aggression: the global outbreaks July-August 2016

July 2016 saw multiple global outbreaks of what can be depicted as purification aggression involving mass killings and/or mass injuries.

Mass violence in general has been headline news in July 2016 -with the US rocked by shootings related to racial tensions between Police and the Black community, following outrage over the killings of many Black males by Police.
Racial purification may well be subconscious in some situations as well as a conscious motivator in other examples in this context.

The intensity of violent energy has remained in force during July  and likely intensifying in August 2016.

In Japan, July 26 2016
A mass killer had a desire to obliterate the disabled -a form of cleansing similar to eugenics -in a stabbing frenzy at a facility, leaving 19 dead and 25 wounded

Europe, particularly France and Germany are on sustained high alert on account of multiple examples across the continent involving aggression fuelled by religious purification
France July 14
Munich July 22
Bavaria July 24
France July 26

The mass killings and or injuries are in addition to the widespread psychological violence endured by any population or subculture subjected to a state of war - which effectively now exists between radical Islamists and all those perceived as infidels.

This state of war however is far more insidious, covert, hidden and unpredictable, being fought from within a nation's own borders, impacting the daily lives of millions unaccustomed to such a high level of threat.

update July 30 2016
The decision by the New Zealand government announced July 25, to make the country predator free by 2050 - an ambitious plan to eradicate rats, stoats, possums, weasels, ferrets from the entire country in defence of the native bird population. Framed in patriotic terms by Predator Free NZ this proposal also strong fits the purfication aggression agenda, where entire species will be killed off, having been determined by one sector of humanity, to be inferior, impure, compared to another.
In a holistic spiritual context this view is extremely ignorant.

And, in another sector, in New Zealand, the purification agenda manifesting strongly in July 2016 relates to an idealistic view that all people are entitled to own their own homes. 
Global forces and domestic political policies have created in NZ [as in other Western nations] a housing boom involving extremely inflated house prices in Auckland city especially.
The Baby Boomer generation [1946-1964] have been demonised for having lived in an era when the costs of housing and education in particular were modest and achievable in a far more egalitarian way.
The disaffected are the millennials or late gen x-ers - the oldest of whom are mid-thirties and livid, hot with rage - but the most angry are the white middle class educated who are accustomed to entitlement by virtue of their inherited place in society - but that society has changed rapidly in their lifetime and the rug has now been pulled out from under them - saddled with high debt from sky-rocketing tertiary education fees many skipped the country. Then home ownership for many millennials went up in a puff of smoke as average sales in Auckland surpassed $800,000 in May 2015 - by March 2015 there were already 36 Auckland suburbs with an average residential sale price over $1 million
Local policies and global forces brought about this imbalance -but in NZ anyone aged over 55 is regarded as greedy, selfish because their life and opportunities were different -though not equally prosperous - and they will universally receive tax-payer funded retirement pension -which millennials will slog to pay for.
The anger is palpable, equivalent to the millennials wanting to eradicate the baby boomers in NZ and seize their karmic advantages -as clearly expressed in this cartoon .
The purification agenda expresses here as a purist or idealist view of an ongoing stable society - which, when threatened, morphs into an attack on another sector of society -symbolically seeking to exterminate them.
By the time the millennials rule Parliament it might not be safe to be a pensioner.

So what is going on?

The astrological indicators are strong
Sudden violence is a hallmark of Uranus transit through Aries [March 2011- March 2019
Mars in Scorpio [June, July 2016] - added more cruelty and destructive fuel
Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces [May 2016] aroused strong fundamentalist "pure doctrine" religious devotion.
Saturn in Sagittarius [Dec 2014-Dec 2017] creates much interfaith and cross-cultural discord

June, July, August, September 2016 are sustained months of Saturn at a right angle -90 degrees offset against Neptune - creating an intensity of tension - aggravating fear and repression of those seen as foreign or culturally different.

August 2016 is significant
Jupiter in Virgo the combined stimulus to achieve extreme purity or purification - closes in on the angle triggering the sudden violence of Uranus in Aries.
The month begins with  Jupiter at 22 Virgo and Uranus at 24'30 Aries.
August 13 sees them exact at 24'25 [quincunx]
[Uranus began retrograde direction from  July 29]
August 13 is significant too for Saturn ending its retrograde phase and resuming stationary direct - emphasising the energies of this planet.
August 13 is a prelude to energy-building in the development of the Full Moon - the Sun reaches 24 Leo on August 16 - linking to the Uranus-Jupiter combination and the Full Moon on August 18 at 25'52 Leo-Aquarius extends the energies for a lunar month.
Mercury joins exactly with Jupiter on August 22.

Why the events of August are likely to be dramatic - 
[the Leo month is typically so - the Sun is at its strongest position for the year, for transmitting the prevailing energies of the cosmos]
is the link to the mid September lunar eclipse - at - 24'20 Pisces. 
The ability of an eclipse energy to function in past,present and future is well known amongst astrologers. 
In this respect, August could very well play out the themes indicated by the September lunar eclipse in Virgo-Pisces - faith, purity along with hi-level discord indicated by Mars 23 Sagittarius closely square the eclipse, and Saturn in Sagittarius again almost exact square Neptune in Pisces.
Huge conflicts involving faith, religion, compassion versus cold-heartedness, how we all deal with cultural/racial differences.
Uranus at 23 Aries at the eclipse is again very much in the picture, ready to erupt in violence.

Eclipse have a 6 month period of effect -at the very least - until the next eclipse -and so bear the signature for an extended period.

This is not an easy time at all for humanity. It is an extreme and enduring crisis that demands a major shift in global consciousness to neutralise and resolve the primitivism, irrationality and hatred.
Humanity's level of immaturity and spiritual ignorance is being exposed and can only be transcended by the obvious antidotes: maturity and spiritual wisdom. 
Each of us has a part to play to alter what we have created.

also read related material in September 2016 eclipse report


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...