July 2016 Cancer New Moon astrology

The July New Moon in Cancer on the 4th is complicated - as befitting the times we are living in.
Some useful links to consider for the lunar month of July until the August New Moon, while I take a break from analysis.
But one small note from me:
Cancer energy activates all things concerning homes, families, parenting, emotions/moods.
Globally it is a time when domestic, tribal, clan or family issues strongly arise -with housing or home-related issues highly profiled. 
the new moon soon begins to be exposed to the solar light
Astrology King - very clear, easy to follow for beginners or those more conversed in astro terminology

Lua Astrology - lots of good insights, as usual - different emphasis to Astrology King, but hey we are all reading a different facet of the same diamond -so by piecing together pieces from each analysis you will find the truth that resonates for you like a well-struck bell.

Astrohawk adds in the new beginnings factor always connected to a New Moon and how emotions and relationships can begin on a new footing

Evolving door -a psychological perspective on the nurturing we need to do for our Inner Child

Collective Evolution a good summary of the main issues around the Cancer New Moon

Ambient Alchemy -a videocast which gets right to the point, no babble, very focussed on the emotional aspects of Cancer

Massive Attack Teardrop - very Cancerian baby-in-the-womb video content

A note on podcasts: I have been turned off more than once by astrology podcasters who essentially waste the listener's time due to their failure to get to the essence of their message, and instead deliver so much verbal space-filling chatter, :-[ so if one day I find an exceptional one, I will recommended it.

more recommended reports will be added as they are discovered


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