Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Aries New Moon 2012 March 22

Mercury and Uranus in Aries have compounded with the sun and moon to generate some heat - and heated communications, sudden heat outbursts/explosions are manifesting. There's a big fire event in Jefferson County (Lower north Fork fire) USA and several fires raging along the rail line in Christchurch NZ, due to a train fault. An Auckland man is in trouble for losing his cool & assaulting two other males, one a 13 year old at a skate park on March 26.  The shootings in France arose as Mercury and Uranus aligned in Aries in the lead up period before the New Moon - a common time of activation of the moon phase potentials.
These are examples typical of Aries behaviour and events. with the Mars connection, aggressive energies are released by those who have a matching vibration. Weapons of all sorts often are part of the picture - guns, knives in particular. Military urges are stimulated and in the body it's the adrenals glands that are activated. Cuts and blood-spilling are more common than usual when using tools.  Red is the Aries colour. Use it for impact. With Mercury in its retrograde phase, arguments can arise over misunderstandings or unclear communications.
There's no big planetary line up to worry about in this lunar phase March 22-April 21 but Saturn will oppose the sun on April 15 -lining up those whose planets are at or linked to 26 degrees of cardinal signs ( Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) for probable relationship problems - separation, splitting, 'being dumped' - over me vs us issues.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Earth quake uptick & solar storms

There is a considerable body of opinion linking solar activity to events impacting earth's weather, climate and tectonic integrity.

March 2012 saw a notable uptick in solar driven energetic material impacting earth  - ranging from a string of X and M class flares, to Coronal Mass Ejections and High Speed Streams of solar wind ejected from coronal holes.
scroll down for 2014 updates

The standard logic is that only when these events occur on the earth-facing side of the sun, that any consequences are delivered to earth. The other standard view is that only the data registered by the satellites & magnometers is relevant.
But given that space and earth sciences are relatively only in their infancy, with vast dimensions unknown, unexplained and unexplored, the potential for much bigger views is of maximum probability.
  •  The wholistic view would consider that any significant magnetic outpouring from the sun in any direction has a local galactic if not a universal impact.
  • the laboratory findings of Purdue University nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins showed that the decay rate of radioactive isotope manganese-54 decreased about a day and a half before the sun released a flare on Dec 13 2006, as well as dropping further during the flare itself. This result has intrigued scientists. Jenkins said: "What we're suggesting is that something that doesn't really interact with anything is changing something that can't be changed." Solar neutrinos are suspected to be involved. And this is another example of an Alice in Wonderland underlying nature of reality scenario
As a case in point look at the Japan tsunami of March 11 2011, generated by a massive undersea earthquake.
Solar activity was prolific preceding this event:

March 6   a flurry of C flares ( 23 ranging from C1.4 to C8.6
March 7  M flares, 7 in total, up to M3.7
               C flares, 6 in total up to  C7.6
Fastest [ >2200 km/sec ] CME [coronal mass ejection of charged particles] since Sept 2005, explodes 
March 8  M flares (5) to a max of M5.3
                C flares (5) to a max of M8.8
March 9  X flare - X1.5 and CME causing geomagnetic G2 storm
                M flares (2) to M1.7
                C flares (10) to C9.4
March 10 M flare (1) to M1.1
                 C flares (7) to C6.2
March 11 C flares (12) to C5.5. Then a general decline.
The Japan quake & tsunami happened on this day.

In 2012 -March again - which reflects a solar cycling component - refer to the red data in this compilation of strongest events during the current sunspot cycle #24
Add to this:
March 2   sunspot 1429 releases M3.3 flare after almost a month of lower level activity
March 4   M2.0 flare from the same spot
March 5   Multiple M and C flares
March 6 M 1.3 in addition to X flare noted in table
March 8 maximum flare is C7.0
March 12 (Universal Time, UT)  A CME reaches earth
March 13 M7.9 flare plus CME occurs
March 15 CME detected at earth; M 1.0 flare
March 17 M 1.3 flare
March 19 C 1.2 & C3.5 flares
In addition a large coronal hole sent a continual high speed stream of particles into the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during the first half of March 2012.
As well, the dominantly south pointing IMF through much of the period from March 7-20 has allowed for a powerful plug-in effect of the solar material to interact with earth's magnetic environment.

So in respect of earth's tectonic situation, events over M6.0 since March 2 2012 (UT Univeral time)  :
2012/03/03  12:19:55  22.14S 170.34E 14        6.6    SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

2012/03/05  07:46:09 28.22S 63.24W 550       6.1    SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, ARGENTINA
2012/03/09  07:09:50 19.12S 169.61E 16        6.7    VANUATU

2012/03/14 09:08:38   40.899 144.923       6.9  COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
 2012/03/14 10:49:25   40.799  144.770 

 2012/03/14 21:13:11   -5.642   151.025      6.2  NEW BRITAIN REGION, PNG

2012/03/20 17:56:19   -3.830   140.220       6.2  PAPUA, INDONESIA
2012/03/20 18:02:49   16.662   -98.188        7.4  OAXACA, MEXICO
(Data via USGS)
2012/03/21 22:15:06   -6.244   145.959        6.6  NEW GUINEA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
2012/03/23 09:25:17     -26.068   132.123       6.1 CENTRAL AUSTRALIA
more updated below

 In New Zealand, which has been dominated by seismic unrest in Christchurch since September 2010, the picture has been one of sustained events over M4.0 in diverse north and south locations:
First noticed in the period March 5-8 as a flurry across central New Zealand.
A Geonet NZ quake search for the time frame March 2-March 20 2012 pulls up 27 events M4+ with 5 of these being M5+. Only 7 of these occurred south of Wellington i.e. below the bottom tip of the North Island.  March 21 had a M4.6 in the north island east cape.
[update March 24 2 simultaneous Pegasus Bay quakes Christchurch M3.9-M4.1 at 5.09pm local time]
The correlation between solar events and earth events may be explained in terms of earth's molten interior being impacted by incoming solar and cosmic particles, with the resulting onion skin crust subject to gyrations as a result of both inner turbulence and the variable-cyclic solar-lunar driven gravitational tidal forces; March 28 M4 Blenheim.  update April 1  - continued M4+ activity = March 31 Carterton M4.5 & Tuatapere M4.1; April 1 White Island region M4.8. M4.7, M4.1]

Since March 10 a significant elevation of energetic protons in earth's outer radiation belt occurred, caused by the aftermath of recent geomagnetic storms mixed with the incoming high speed solar wind stream  - [via spaceweather.com] At March 21 the readings continued climbing.

Continuing events may be updated here:
March 26 2012
2012/03/25 22:37:07

 -35.183   -71.792   M7.1 MAULE, CHILE

2012/03/26 18:12:54   10.198  -104.030   M6.0  NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

2012/03/27 11:00:44   39.866   142.116   M6.0 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
March 23 2012
Australia reports a M6.1 quake in the north central outback, the biggest quake since 1997, preceded by March 16  M4.3; March 20 M3.8 in the same area, all three within the geostorming aftermath phase.
March 23 2012
NASA analysed geomagneticly disturbed days on earth over a 75 yr period and they now consider the spring and fall or autumn equinoxes (equal day-night points) of March & September to herald the greater frequency of disturbances and auroras:

March 27-28 2012 UT
9 successive hours of K level 4 readings either due to a high speed stream from a coronal hole or related to the large farside flare  and CME off sunspot 1429, large quake activity continues as updated above in quake data sections. Only M6+ worldwide are noted and M4+ in NZ but a flurry of activity has occurred as well in the M5+ [world] and M3+ [NZ] range in those regions

updates April 12
Please refer to the detailed but very readable paper by Richard Mackey listed below which provides extensive referencing and examples of solar-lunar-planetary impacts on terrestrial conditions

click to enlarge data
Japan has M5.8 quake at exact time of M3.3 flare on April 12 2013 [20.30 UT]
 = approx 37 hours after an M6.5 flare on April 11

and April 13 10am [April 12 22:00 UT] = 2 hrs later in north-east New Zealand waters a very deep offshore quake registered M5.0
source; GEONET NZ
April 11-14   Papua New Guinea M4.6, M5.1, M5.1, M6.6

April 14 2013
Against all spaceweather predictions, the CME cloud appears to have almost totally missed earth. Ground based magnetometers recorded a sudden impulse at 22:57 on April 13 UT but just a weak event with no geostorm.
A valid question remains as to whether the energy of the initial event is more geoeffective than the CME's particle mass.
NASA focusses on the downstream effects generated by the coronal mass ejection, as hi speed charged particles interact some days afterwards with earth's magnetic field but a consideration of the activity occurring at the time of the flare itself may be primary:

Solar flares are the release, in a single burst, of energy in many forms - electro-magnetic (from radio waves through the visible spectrum to gamma rays and x-rays), energetic particles (protons and electrons), and matter that is so hot it is in the form of plasma. Flares are characterized by their brightness in x-rays.
The energy released during a flare is typically ten million times greater than the energy released from a volcanic explosion. 
CMEs expand away from the Sun at speeds as high as 4 million miles per hours! The light and x-rays accompanying a CME reach earth in a few minutes. The mass of particles may take three to five days to arrive.
source: USEPA

The red trace -top -shows from the time of near earth detection of the solar wind [around 22:00 hrs on April 12 the wind was northwards = above midline on this graph for almost the whole period. This prevents geostorming

April 15 2013
Despite no geostorm event recorded [the interplanetary magnetic field from the sun did not flip to a southwards polarity whilst in the connection phase with earth's field] various news reports
can be located for the period April 12-14 showing events that consistently cluster around strong flare or significant solar events:

Bali jet plane crash
Bombings in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan & Boston USA
Nationwide protests in New Zealand over National government education policies
Mass gatherings in UK celebrating death of Margaret Thatcher
Global sharemarkets decline, Gold drops 9%
M6 & M6.6 earthquakes Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea

This situation leads to more of a conclusion that the timing and magnitude of the initial event on the sun itself is more critical than any subsequent geostorm in affecting terrestrial & biological systems
In other words, planet earth has already been affected by the mega energy release of a significant event before any standard geo-effective period of measurement
 USGS map shows  several recent quakes in south west Pacific to Asian region
April 16 UT
A M7.8 quake in Iran at 10:44 UT on April 16 is the largest in April 2013
An earthquake uptick has been evident since the April 11 Solar flare of M6.5.
The main quakes recorded are:
                                                                                 courtesy of USGS
 also a very fatal China quake April 20, M6.6 in the vulnerable Sichuan region
see historic tectonic analysis re 2008 quake [ when Jupiter & Uranus at 22 degrees  are likely to have created the tidal force - but the solar cycle was extremely low being the start of C24]
Prior significant quakes in 2013:
via USGS

Another historic example:
X flare rated at 8.3 on November 2 2003 was followed on Nov 17 2003 by M7.8 quake, Rat Islands Alaska and a swarm of M4.5 in Nevada USA beginning Nov 15.

What is interesting is the planetary mix that coincides with that X flare - Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury all at 13 degrees - even preliminary research done recently confirms conclusions already in circulation, showing the likelihood that planetary forces are contributing to the sun's magnetic build-up, leading to large flares and in combination these solar system factors have significant seismic consequences on earth.

and an April 2013 example
Mars in sustained direct alignment with the sun plus Saturn in sustained connection to Uranus both at 9 degrees -  in combination have coincided with rising solar activity and a run of significant quakes.
April 23-25 forecast
Watch for terrestrial effects from the CHSS high speed solar wind from  a large earth facing coronal hole
Recent flares and the coronal hole effects have led to an increasing forecast of geomagnetic storming around 06:00 UT April 24

February 25 saw the sun emit an X4.9 flare and halo CME. Subsequent geostorming was low key on Feb 27 but as a consequence of several recently prior incoming CMEs, proton levels have been sustained at high levels:

In this context:
Quake activity has seen a jump to >M6 in
Nicaragua M6.2 on March 2
Japan M6.5 on March 3

Further Reading
Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the solar system regulates the Earth’s climate 
Decay Rate Effect
Biggest Solar Storm in the News March 2012
2012 events Indonesia,New Zealand

Monday, 19 March 2012

Easy Rider met fate under Bad Moon Rising

The New Zealand fishing boat, the 11 metre Easy Rider is said to have met a 'rogue wave' just after midnight beginning on March 15 2012, in the often treacherous waters of Foveaux Strait.
Having left Bluff Harbour bound for the Muttonbird Islands about 8pm on Wednesday. the wreckage of the Easy Rider was found about 2km off the coast of the northwestern tip of Stewart Island, near the Bishop and Clerks Islands.
A southwesterly change through Foveaux Strait on Wednesday evening, whipped up six-metre giant waves. [MetService ]
Two freak waves struck from the starboard side and capsized the boat near Stewart Island around 4 hours after it had left Bluff.
The boat had taken on water on two prior occasions in its history.

Another local, former oyster fisherman Christian Fife, said Easy Rider was overloaded when the boat left port. "She was overloaded ... the arse was in the water at the port.''
Maritime NZ will most likely investigate this accident.

Fishermen for millennia used the stars as navigational aids and weather observations as a guide. Perhaps in our current age we have truly lost our way when natural signs and indicators are overlooked or ignored.
For those interested in the Bad Moon aspect the following analysis is offered based on the energies in play that sought a channel of expression.
 Just as lightning seeks a conductor, the earth, sun, moon and all planets in the solar system are embedded in a mesh of magnetic field lines. When points along these pathways connect closely, as seen by mathematical similarity, the energy flows in combination, producing stronger than usual effects.

The chart of planetary positions on the night of this event shows two prominent 'mathematical bundles' of planets & axes:
Sun, AC axis, MC axis, IC axis  at 24 degrees
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto          at 9 degrees
Everything at 24 degrees is connected closely
Everything at 9 degrees is connected closely
24 degrees is closely connected to 9 degrees by virtue of the geometric division of the 360 degree circle into angles. [The main degree angles of division are 90, 180, 45, but also their component degrees.] When the 360 degree circle is divided into 12 sectors of 30 degrees each, 24 degrees is 45 degrees from 9 degrees - eg in this case 24 Pisces [Sun] + 45 degrees = 9 Taurus [Venus + Jupiter]
The result of the multiple links and connections on the night of the boat capsize is that multiple forces collided and combined to create an extraordinary event - called a freak or rogue wave, submerging a vessel and leading to the deaths of 8 out of nine aboard.
The Bad Moon was in a position indicating a fateful maritime adventure ( Moon and Node combining in the watery 12th house in the positions 8-16 degrees of the voyager sign Sagittarius ) The meeting point of these two factors is 12 degrees of Sagittarius. Here when the mathematical angle of 45 is applied the resulting conductor is 27 Capricorn. Sitting at 90 degrees to this position is the tragic force of Saturn (28 Libra). In Libra, Saturn brings separation and loss in relationships, marriages, partnerships. Saturn, the loss bringer, is in a phase of further maritime and watery problems and disasters as it closes in on its connections to the planet of all things liquid and gassy, Neptune, within the period 2012-2016. Maritime tragedies and water excess/drought are significant outcomes anticipated .

click to enlarge

Also refer to
Shipping News
 Maritime NZ Accident Reports
 Herald Report

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Solar Flares and Events on Earth

What happens on the Sun
 affects human behaviour

scroll to end for ongoing news examples related to magnetic storms & effects 
Disturbances in earth's magnetic field can occur after a solar storm. The terrestrial magnetic response is caused by interaction with charged particles discharged through the solar wind.
Regularly observable consequences occur in human behaviour in the aftermath of enhanced sun to earth magnetic connectivity.

Unlike the majority of others watching astronomical space to earth events, I am keen to see the consequences beyond what mainstream science observes. [power surges, communications interferences]
Observation and intuition combined with data provide a blend of information processing and theorising.

The London & UK riots started as a community protest and developed into anarchy. 

This high profile eruption occurred in concert with an extra large large solar flare measuring X6.9.

In March 2012 there was a swarm of low, medium and strong flares, two being in the highest category -X1.1 and X5.4. coinciding with protests across the globe (locally in NZ relating to the Ports of Auckland staff dismissal).

Reference to the mega flares of recent decades shows that 

  • mass protest demonstrations are consistently coincident with elevated geomagnetic energy from solar activity impacting earth. These periods are noteworthy in that respect: November 2003, April 2001, September 2005, December 2006, 1989 (March-November due to 4 X flares), 1991 (January to July due to 8 X flares). 
In addition
  •  many high profile accident events involving shipping, planes, trains, road transport and personal vehicles may be observed to cluster in these periods - eg Exxon Valdez March 1989 - this accident proneness is likely due either to system or human malfunction -or both.
[update March 14 2012 Swiss tunnel bus accident mass deaths of children, their teachers and 2 bus drivers]
  • Aggressive and military activity appear to be accentuated along with explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies -bombs, fires, volcanoes - which mirror or resonate with the solar flare heat, power and highly charged particles. 
  • [March 13 2012 -massive conflagration in Adelaide Australia]
  • Individuals and groups 'losing the plot' /extreme behaviour
( March 11 2012 hi-profile example from Afghanistan: a US soldier kills civilians en masse, execution style & a massacre in Homs, Syria. March 15 a Somali man arrested in Christchurch NZ, for a violent rampage, stabbing locals.

March 24 2015 - 150 people die in Germanwings plane crash. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz is suspected of deliberate mass killing. This event was subsequent to the largest geomagnetic disturbance seen on Earth for 10 years, beginning March 17 2015) 
A New York gas explosion, building collapse and fire on March 27 2015 is the type of explosive event commonly seen after significant solar events affecting earth. Google searches tend to show clusters of similar events in a short time frame in diverse locations

Since mass behaviour and possibly the group mind is stimulated under disturbed energetic conditions, potential impact on global sharemarkets is also under watch - they certainly dipped in concert with the August 2011 event.

At the very least volatility could be expected.

[March 11 2015 saw an X 2.1 flare- coinciding with a big US stocks tumble  
China's shift in trading balance from exports to imports may have ripple effects.
This new research is an ongoing investigation and may be referred to further in this post in due course.

Solar flares were only first observed as recently as 1859 - though their history obviously predates human recording, but we do not have extensive data. 
The 1859 severe "Carrington Event" is possibly a once in 500 years event and therefore exceeds known flare intensities of modern times.

The November 4 event of 2003 is the strongest flare in the current era with a possible full reading well beyond the initial X28 - possibly up to X45.
Space science is still however in its infancy with flare prediction, like earthquake prediction, unestablished. Even lower intensity X flares have proven to have major disruptive effects on earth, but knowing which factors combine to create this is remains in the category of research. 
So little is truly known of the solar and earth mechanisms.  

OTHER UPDATES since original post

March 24 2012:
NASA says:
...the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years... This was the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005...It was a big event, and shows how solar activity can directly affect our planet-   full report

Protests erupt in the US over the slaying of 17yr old Trayvon Martin -see timeline

March 2 2013
NASA concludes 'something unexpected in happening on the sun', in respect of Cycle 24

March 4 2013
A geostorm event termed 'minor' occurred on March 1 2013 [ the result of a high speed solar wind input] and since then several incidents in the news have the hallmarks of impact on susceptible biological systems and featuring explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies:
Teenagers arson attack causes over $2 million in real estate destroyed [ March 2]
Teenage girls crash an out of control stolen car, all 4 critically injured Auckland NZ [March 3]
Car bomb Karachi Pakistan kills dozens [March 3]


The first X-flare of 2014 and the first of that class since November 2013, in this weak cycle occurred on February 25. 
It was an X4.9 & may be the 3rd strongest in the cycle.

Events clustering in the wake of the major flare are consistent with prior observations: 
  • Sudden explosive, eruptive events and behaviours typically with a mass ingredient.
  • Sudden violent, terrorist and military activity are examples noted in the past.
  • The Earth is also subject to the same forces impacting biological systems so earthquakes & atmospheric turbulence are expected.

Early March 2014: In the news: 
Russia warned by Obama over intervention in troubled Ukraine

Political protest in Thailand

Mass attack in China -multiple deaths & injuries by stabbing - Xinjiang separatist forces blamed
M6.4 earthquake in Nicaragua
M6.7 quake Japan
Destructive gales hit Canterbury New Zealand, March 4 -this weather pattern is typical of the outcome of highly disturbed atmospheric conditions which are produced by major flare activity & develop in the week after the flare event.

My energy analysis of major storms [search Extreme Weather on this site] shows contributing atmospheric factors begin their development clearly even weeks before the terrestrial destruction occurs.

Watch video re research by Alexander Chizhevsky -see link below
Of course the present time 2014 is solar maximum in cycle 24 so the uprisings in diverse global locations, not only the Ukraine situation are of much significance.
MARCH 2 2014

June 22-23 strong magnetic storm on earth

followed by minor magnetic storm on June 25
"Explosion" is one searchable keyword obviously activated at this time. Often involving gas appliances, but also methamphetamine labs, also "bomb" related events, bomb threats.
"Protest" will also come up noticeably in searches for the period June 22-29
"Attack" and "mass killing" incidents occurred in seeming coordination on June 27 2015. Tunisia at least 39 fatalities from suspected Jihadist attack at tourist location.
Kuwait mosque attack kills at least 25 ; Beheading at site of gas facility in France


Further reading and Data
This list of strongest solar events -most being earth impacting - since 2010.   Note: there was a four year period of no X flares, prior to 2011
This summary of sunspot cycle 24 shows peak geomagnetic storm periods on earth: September 2011 stands out having 6 storms in one calendar month.  March 2012 so far has had 2.


Referencing past strong flares[this list is online]: strong flares since the late 1970's

Further Reading
 Earthquake uptick & solar storms   For correlations between solar storms and earthquakes -
Carrington Event 1859
Solar Flares
Cosmic Radiation effects on human tissue

Also read:

How the Sun Affects Our Minds -based on early [1920's] research by Alexander Chizhevsky

Geomagnetic variations of solar origin correlate with appearance of physiological problems, enhanced anxiety, sleep disturbances, altered moods,and greater incidences of psychiatric admissions.
We have studied the influence of changes in geomagnetic activity (GMA) on human physiological, psycho-physiological parameters and behaviour reactions. In this article we looked for influence of changes in geomagnetic activity on the systolic, diastolic blood pressure, pulse-rate and subjective complaints and we examined 54 working volunteers...

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Sun Flares Earth Storms

This original post from 2012
 is followed by a special addition
 covering solar events in 2017

Scroll down for 2020s Cycles 25 & 24 
after the 2017 material

Observations during Solar Cycles 24 and 25 continue to be supported re the human and terrestrial aftermath of significant and sustained solar events.

O R I G I N A L  P O S T

March 8 2012

Indicators are already apparent regarding the beginning of major geomagnetic effects due to persistent flaring on the sun in recent days. Power systems, GPS, satellites, biological systems, human behaviour,weather & earth's plate structure are all vulnerable to disruption / disturbance. Watch from March 7 (UT Universal Time) as the first wave of effects impact earth.

space flooded with charged particles [hi-speed solar protons] 
from solar activity March 7 2012.
Sun = white ring behind occlusion disk

The immediate impact March 7 2012 particle radiation storm

The density of protons rises dramatically in the solar wind very soon after flaring.
For earth to experience a further intensity of charged material from the solar wind, in days after flaring, Coronal Mass ejections [CME] or through high speed wind emissions from coronal holes, the IMF [Interplanetary Magnetic Field] created by the sun has to be in negative polarity (it fluctuates N-S +/- ) On March 7 the negative polarity dominated allowing full connection with the solar particles, enabling a supercharging of earth's ionosphere.

The first signs of geomagnetic storming
due to magnetic connection with the IMF

storm warnings on the solarham.com site for the two different types of event

 A concise video summary video from SolarWatch 

Unlike the majority of others watching astronomical space to earth events, I am keen to see the consequences beyond what mainstream science predicts. Adding the astronomical onto the astrological layer is an exciting new area for study and... since we are in the tail end phase of the sun's Cycle 24 sunspot cycle, when lots of activity is anticipated, there is a lot of data to research. Observation and intuition combined with data provide a blend of information processing and theorising. 
The London & UK riots of 2011 started as a community protest and developed into anarchy. This high profile eruption occurred in concert with a large solar flare measuring X6.9.
Within the past week there has been a swarm of low, medium and strong flares, two being in the highest category -X1.1 and X5.4. coinciding with protests across the globe (locally in NZ relating to the Ports of Auckland staff dismissal). 
Reference to the mega flares of recent decades shows that mass protest demonstrations are consistently coincident with elevated geomagnetic energy from solar activity impacting earth. These periods are noteworthy in that respect: November 2003, April 2001, September 2005, December 2006, 1989 (March-November due to 4 X flares), 1991 (January to July due to 8 X flares). In addition many high profile accident events involving shipping, planes, trains, road transport and personal vehicles may be observed to cluster in these periods - eg Exxon Valdez March 1989 - this accident proneness is likely due either to system or human malfunction.[update March 14 Swiss tunnel bus accident mass deaths of children]
Aggressive and military activity appear to be accentuated along with explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies -bombs, fires, volcanoes - which mirror or resonate with the solar flare heat, power and highly charged particles. [March 13 -massive conflagration in Adelaide Australia]

Individuals and goups 'losing the plot' /extreme behaviour

March 11 2012 hi-profile example from Afghanistan: a US soldier kills civilians en masse, execution style & a massacre in Homs, Syria. March 15 a Somali man arrested in Christchurch NZ, for a violent rampage, stabbing locals  
Since mass behaviour and possibly the group mind is stimulated under these conditions, potential impact on global sharemarkets is also under watch - they certainly dipped in concert with the August 2011 event. At the very least volatility could be expected. China's shift in trading balance from exports to imports may have ripple effects.
This new research is an ongoing investigation and may be referred to further in this post in due course.
Further Reading:
NASA graphic on space weather effects 

The first significant news explanation [prior to earth effects] has come through for the general public - Wall St Journal 
Solar-based forecaster Piers Corbyn gives his outlook for earth based environmental effects from the flare activity - report
Brit Geo Society report on these events 


In 2017 significant solar events prompted a further expansion of the original post:

Sept 2017X flares erupt on the Sun..now watch earth

Power systems, GPS, satellites, biological systems,
 human & animal behaviour,
weather & earth's plate structure
 are all vulnerable to disruption/disturbance
 as a result of interactive effects from solar activity.
The official space weather position
 from the US govt NOAA is:

Geomagnetic activity can affect communications, navigation systems, satellite health, power grids, and space travel. Kp is one of the most common indices used to indicate the severity of the global magnetic disturbances in near-Earth space.

 Prior examples of news reports in the wake of a disturbed electromagnetic phase show consistently a clustering including explosions, bombs, fires, transport crashes, violent attacks/murder with weapons, animal attacks, protest marches, civil disobediance, storms, tornadoes, strong winds, system failure eg power outage, telecommunications outages. 
In addition, mass behaviour, panic can impact global markets causing sudden dips -refer on this site to Solar Activity Effect on Markets
The disturbed atmospherics can be accompanied by major effects on the earth crust if enough other planetary factors are aligned with a Sun-Moon event such as New or Full Moon or eclipse. 
The planetary factors Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter are very potent in combination.

September 28
The full force of terrestrial disturbance in the wake of X flares and geomagnetic storms early September, continues to reveal itself
The big trio Harvey, Irma and Maria within a short time frame unleashed devastating hurricane effects in many  Caribbean nations as well as in some mainland US locations including-massive structural damage and numerous fatalities
Earthquake activity has been high with Mexico experiencing major impacts -mass fatalities and major structural damage

Volcanic activity has also been very high around the Pacific Ring of Fire

This extremely intense period of environmental disturbance -structural and atmospheric reflects the amount of earth stress delivered in the wake of powerful solar activity
Galactic Centre position 27 Sagittarius has been repeatedly activated since the August 21 2017 total solar eclipse at 29 degrees -and strengthened by Uranus at 28 degrees. September has seen Jupiter joining retrograde Uranus at 27 degrees and Mercury also tagging along at 27 on the 28th -no wonder stuff is happening bigtime.

And further adding to the mix is the volatile human element often observed under these same off-planet [solar plus GC plus other planets ] activations  -with Donald Trump and Kim Jong -un both calling each other mad & threatening nuclear annihilation
And these events are just some of what is happening around planet earth in September 2017

September 6 2017
Hurricane Irma [strongest ever Atlantic storm], hot on the heels of Hurricane Harvey..both set to impact mainland USA...after a total solar eclipse passed over the continent in late August...and are these events unrelated to the sudden explosive activity delivering M and X flares on the sun in early September -including the biggest solar flare in 20 years..X9.3 ?

proton readings at sustained high level = radiation effect in earth's atmosphere

With turbulent atmospheric forces already in play in the Caribbean and within reach of Florida USA due to Hurricane Irma, the Earth is set to experience an anticipated strong solar storm from this event within days of the flare...adding to a coronal mass ejection launched from the same sunspot 2673 when magnetic activity ramped up to M5.5 level on Monday Sept 5.

The consequences of such sudden enhanced solar and consequential terrestrial magnetic intensity are likely to see the usual consequences arise: noticeably disturbed environmental conditions = extreme weather effects; technological failures, explosive and combustive events in physical material and biological systems. People and animals more prone to act out, react, act aggressively or emotionally. Gases and fires more volatile...a broad range of disturbance is activated as expanded upon in the introductory paragraphs of this post

August 2017 

A terror attack in Barcelona Spain is mounted within the 8am-5pm peak storm period on August 17 2017 [ local time is GMT+2hrs ]

March 2017 showed many examples  of extreme weather in the first 2 weeks of the month including Cyclone Enawo affecting Madagascar and Cyclone Blanche in Northern Australia
New Zealand suffered multiple extreme deluges over several days likely as a consequence of the turbulence over Australia.
At this time there was no flare activity and no geomagnetic disturbance. The sun was in a sustained spot-less stretch since March 7-March 12

But the activation of the Galactic Centre position 27 SAG was involved
Repeated observations have shown that when the range 25-29 Sagittarius-Gemini-Virgo-Pisces are occupied by outer planets [Jupiter to Pluto] then extreme forces are stepped down into the earth environment. 
Intermediary positions at 12 degrees - occupied in Taurus-Scorpio-Leo-Aquarius are also activators.

March 2017 shows Saturn at 26'43 on March 1 and travelling just one degree during March 2017.
Multiple factors are always involved but the 27 degree wheel illustrated above has significance to signpost extreme weather - read more in a dedicated post on the GC


   in ascending order with latest on top
 & earliest being 2012 

16 May 2024

As at May 15 a total of 12 X-flares in an unusually sustained output since May 2 thanks to the mega 3664 sunspot i in addition to lesser flares. Not all have been earth-facing enough -but the globally viewed aurorae of  around 10-12 May showed big amounts of charged particles had entered earth's field -& therefore us.
Readers of this post will know my interest embraces solar physics earth responses to solar dynamics and human and animal impacts.
I began documenting in 2012 then 2017 repeat patterns in the wake of such impactful events that look like this- or even not as extreme

compared to standard low level as I write...

From these comparisons you may understand that the red plots mean something - and aside from power surges there are examples of repeatedly clustering signifiers of heat/inflammation surges fires outbursts outrage attacks & lethal force -some being human some involving animals some environmental producing combustion fire & explosion -as well as featuring weaponry that symbolically mimics the projectile force of`solar dynamics and strong electromagnetic fields.
Recent tweets capture some of the events & related observations

12 May 2024
A barrage of hi level X flares as well as M flares -the strongest an X5.8 on early on May 11 UT  this intensity extending over several days revealed the potency of a mega-formation sunspot [3664] in anearth-facing position. Aurorae with intense reds sometimes purple as well as greens were viewed at unusually low northern and high southern latitudes giving many their first opportunity to see the phenomenon. More activity is anticipated over coming days.

From an astro-analysis perspective the prevailing transits are relevant and indicative. The sun reached enough proximity to Jupiter for the positioning of Uranus to sit exactly at midpoint between these 2 super players in our solar system - and Mars reaches a 45 degree angle -semisquare from Uranus. Such a profile when applied to terrestrial environment indicates powerful storm conditions. This is what the solar dynamics delivered to Earth's magnetic field  - and past evidence proposes the likelihood of turbulent atmospheric activity around our planet in the aftermath - with volatile weather and potentially seismic responses not too far away.

Two plots from Potsdam -most recent on top show 30 min intervals. This only happens under very intense solar & geomagnetic conditions

Comparisons have been made to Carrington Sept 1 1859 when the largest recorded solar impact fried technologies on earth due to the electromagnetic surge. Current context concerns relate to the vulnerability of far advanced dependency on electronic devices.
The readings in 1859 looked like this:

source British Geological Survey 

Of interest are planetary indicators then -that may be extrapolated into the contemporary world - including Solar Cycle 26.

What is known is the eclipse season of August 1859

Check the fixed accumulation at the TL Lunar eclipse engaging nodes & Chiron exactly. Venus Mars and Saturn all bolstered the Leo emphasis in the approach to Carrington Sept 1st. Pluto after the Sun-Pluto square Aug 1 was strong in Taurus at the lunar eclipse -being stationed  still after the lunar eclipse- & its closest angle is semisextile Uranus. Saturn reached the eclipse degree 20'20 Aquarius in mid September 1859.

All this takes us quickly to the 2030s transit of Pluto in the 18º-21º Aquarius range to watch what potentials are building then in Cycle 26 for significant solar disturbances impacting Earth. 11 years being a typical sunspot cycle spacing for the Sun while variable -a possible 2025-2036 timing gives some guidance to view the 2030s in this context. Pluto first hits 18 AQU May 2034 at point of retrograde.
Next at 18º Feb 2035 proceeding to 19'49  May 2035 before retrograding but by August Jupiter in Taurus squares Pluto at 18'47. Some days later Sun in Leo engages with the Taurus and Aquarius factors creating a fixed energy concoction. All this happening in the wake of Saturn in Leo conjuncting the Sun on the last day of July. Venus also shows up in the 18-20 Leo range and eclipse season begins August 19 : lunar eclipse 25'55 Aquarius.
Saturn and Pluto are in opposition in October 2035 at 17.5º while Jupiter is square both at 18.5º. Whatever is in this mix of potentials and set to manifest will be undeniably strong forceful and has scope for both destructive and lethal consequences
Saturn opposite Pluto does not have a pleasant track record -the best known modern era date is 9/11 2001 - less than a month after the exact alignment.

Pluto evokes the Carrington 20'20 eclipse in March 2036 but not till late July 2036 do Saturn and Pluto in exact opposition both evoke 20'28 in Leo Aquarius and will connect with the Sun 2 weeks later in August - making this July - August period in 2036 my current pick for biggest solar impacts in cycle 26. Jupiter has moved away from Taurus. Pluto remains around 20-22 AQU up to January 2028

What looms large over major terrestrial impacts from solar activity is the impact on the human mind and human behaviour - aside from physical health stresses whiloe still warrant much research.

The late 1859 Carrington event is aligned with much turbulence in the flow-on period: the 1860s

Major conflicts including the discord breaking out as the American Civil War.
Mexico South America Europe Asia New Zealand are some of the locations on record for significant conflict political upheaval or outright war.

Aside from large scale organised conflict the impacts of elevated magnetism can be seen to coincide with mass organised revolts and protests as well as disordered human and animal behaviour

Scientific progress is one example of positive alignment with the solar seeding of humanity: Scottish physicist James Maxwell was very appropriately inspired and it could be said anyone born under the energy of Carrington may have been led down a similar path to Maxwell: 

Late February 2024
Vigorous activity continues on the Sun -emphasising X flares Feb22 : X1.9 X1.7 + M4.8 then a much stronger X6.37 from sunspot 3590 at UT 22.34hrs -the third from that sunspot within 24hrs

First posted around 2014 in the updates below am here repeating these health and behaviour-related links re solar activity & any related geomagnetic responses:

Middle Week of February 2024
The Sun has been extra vigorous over several days with CMEs -many far-side plus another X flare - X2.5 on Feb 16

February 12 2024
A huge fire outbreak at the under construction amusement park Oceana in Gothenburg Sweden arising within 3 days of the X3.38 flare is notable.
With Mars approaching exact conjunction with Pluto [13 Feb] in fixed sign Aquarius all fixed signs -and therefore all elements [Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus air fire water earth are fully potentialised and all fully active in a fire event.

This example is very revealing of Sun-Earth-Planets
 Whole System dynamics

The high latitude of Sweden likely adds the factor of being in close range of the northern polar field's intake of incoming particles - the sun's "spaceweather" - the radiation storm associated soon looked like this on Feb 9

The Oceana water-themed park seems also to have fallen prey to the transiting Saturn-Neptune synergy in Pisces

February 9 2024 

X-3.38 flare at 13.14 Universal Time Feb 9
An S2 solar radiation storm - elevated charged protons entering our atmosphere. A central Atlantic imprint for HF radio transmission
Turbulence in the atmosphere human animal & other natural systems a likely flow on - including days after the event

January 2024
Entries related to recent solar activity 
- flares in the X and M range December 31 2023 at 21.55 UT 
the largest solar flare so far of Cycle 25 - an X5 -  has occurred in synchrony with the type of extreme events already found to be consistent with powerful solar flare activity - 
enhanced violence 
strong themes of death and disturbance
fiery and explosive events including bombings

Russia began increasing attacks on Ukraine in days approaching the flare. 
The solar processes leading to a flare being unleashed are proposed as relevant to the accumulation of energy fields that promote violence and aggression
Jan 1 2024 A major earthquake M7.6 in Japan -major fires broke out

Jan 2 2024 - a fiery crash between a jet airliner and smaller plane on Haneda airport runway Tokyo Japan

Jan 3 2024 Mass deaths in  due to two bombs ignited at the tomb of assassinated Iranian General Soleimani during a 4th anniversary gathering


also see Solar Activity High Markets Slump - observations from Solar Cycle 24

Wall Street down -first 2-day dip since 2015 Effect on markets - This is a noted effect of strong solar episodes -

Human behaviour [and animal] is the issue in the wake of powerful solar emissions - the intensity tends to trigger rash behaviour of many types under a general classification of unsettled or disturbed.
This can express as humans attacking other humans animal aggression as well as a spectrum of disordered behaviour - poor decision-making in the human context and unpredictable aggression in animals

Jan 3 Nevada Judge Mary Kay Holthus was leapt upon suddenly and unpredictably by a court defendant who moments earlier had seemed resigned to receiving a jail sentence

After M3.8 flare on Jan 4 UT 2024


Prior updates

September 21 2023
I observed the G3 level geomagnetic storm on Sept 18 UT in reference to my bodily response - having started to suspect a relationship between strong geomagnetic impacts and physical weakening.
Interesting that a mild dose of Iodine drops provided some relief.
While trying to look for more information re how to mitigate geomagnetic effects in those who experience enhanced sensitivity -eg does an earthing mat help or does it carry the greater magnetic impact through the earth and worsen the effects? - 
I came across a 2005 published study titled Geomagnetic Storms and their Influence on the Human Brain Functional State
which reinforces observations I made over a decade ago when posts like this were published on this blog: that mood behaviour and bodily state have been found in studies to be impacted by solar activity and subsequent geomagnetic responses [even if the USGeological Service doesn't agree] The study looks indepth at brain areas impacted.
While looking in depth at physical conditions that are aggravated one quote worth contemplating relates to state of mind or mood as created by impacts upon the brain:

During strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions, the negative emotional background of the person is amplified. Strengthening cortical connections in the right cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on temporal sections during geomagnetically disturbed days were observed, while, in geomagnetically quiet days, a profile of correlation interrelations reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections.

This example speaks to me in terms of the volatile states of mind that have been evident - such as anger aggression frustration expressed in group activity -such as riots and protests -  when earth's magnetic readings are heightened - but also covers those people who are primed to respond in emotionally sad unhappy or depressed states.

August 11 2023

Observations spanning from the 2012 period during Solar Cycle 24 to the present continue to confirm terrestrial and biological consequences of powerful and sustained solar activity.
  • Atmospheric turbulence generating storm events is a typical outcome
  • Human and animal behavioural agitation is commonly reported
  • Fires and explosions - appear to mimic the state of the Sun
While other consequences including human health events including an uptick in coronary/heart disturbances are being indicated this sort of event is rarely reported. Researchers are focussing on this category of responses.

The standout solar activity in early August 2023 has been 2 X flares [1.5 and 1.6 ] after a sustained period of M flares - altogether marking a more dynamic period in Cycle 25

In the same period Earth has been challenged by major extreme flooding in several nations - including UK Slovenia Austria China

X flares always warrant attention due to their potency. 
The event itself is impactful for Earth with fast moving consequences
August 5 2023 X1.6 10.20pm Universal Time
August 7 2023 X1.5 8.46pm Universal Time
These events sit at positions 4 and 5 so far in 2023 strong flare events and were preceded in July-August 2023 by 7 M-flares ranging from M4.6-M6.97 and 1 other X flare [X1 early July]
It is clearly feasible that sustained flaring has cumulatively generated considerable turbulence in Earth's atmospheric conditions in the July-August time frame

By August 8 the fast-moving consequences hit Hawaii with wind and fire in the mix.
The top level story for Hawaii since August 8 has been the extensive catastrophic wildfires with mass fatalities and considerable loss of infrastructure

Human and natural causes - lightning and volcanoes sparks from machinery are typically regarded as the generators of fire in addition to dry and drought conditions. 
Hawaii has a known vulnerability to wildfires and the volcanic hotbed environment must be a resonance-generating factor - but the Big Boss of Earth and our solar system is The Sun - which functions in feedback with the planetary and other major bodies that orbit the Sun - a true system containing a major player.
It is a tunnel-vision perspective to ignore the Sun's capacity to alter the Earth environment in powerful transformative ways.
The Hawaii tragedy ongoing in August 2023 is a casebook example of solar system-generated turbulence in the Earth environment -the aggravations generated by extra-terrestrial processes include major storm fire and explosive expressions.

From an astrological perspective
 the highly impactful Cardinal Cross pattern arose in July 2023
 when Pluto opposed the Sun while at right angles to the lunar nodal axis
The cardinal points are seasonal markers 
for the solstices and equinoxes
and have an identified association
with the ecliptic path of the Sun and Moon
within the bounds of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
which mark the solstice points of Summer and Winter.
The equinoxes mark the Aries Libra points
of Autumn/Fall and Spring

The involvement of Pluto in the seasonal markers Cardinal array was a signifier of imbalance needing correction - and the evidence of imbalance being set to unfold even more significantly. This pattern also tapped into the April 2023 Cardinal Solar Eclipse in Aries - giving the Cardinal Cross even greater impact.

After the exact Pluto-Sun opposition at the end of Sun in Cancer late July Pluto maintained its tight 90 degree angle to the lunar nodes - with a one degree separation into August and set to reduce to 2 degrees separation through most of August.

Additional system factors are also in the mix as expected -  in August 2023 it is a fixed sign conflict:
Jupiter and Uranus -both significant factors in turbulence are both transiting Taurus with synergistic effects in the terrestrial environment. 
Being in Taurus means both reach an exact right angle to the Leo Sun in August 2023 - 
Jupiter square sun on August 7 
Jupiter-Uranus synergy square Sun on August 11
Uranus square Sun on August 16

This sustained combination of major factors in August 2023 indicates various expressions of turbulence in the Earth environment are activated -with human impacts and consequences

In the larger oceanic environment surrounding Hawaii a perfect storm environment was also at play due to Cat 4 Major Hurricane Dora seen here on August 8 beneath the islands of Hawaii creating extreme low pressure while a high pressure system was in the northwest edge of the frame:   source

The Aug 8 atmospheric pressure difference with Hawaii in the hot seat.
Fast moving air masses are generated by contrasting air pressure zones
In a similar time-frame: further to the West across the Pacific -Typhoon Khanun struck Korea

Imagery source:


March 28 2023:

This important research
is highly relevant to conclusions presented in this extensive post which covers not only effects of flares but in general the incoming spaceweather effects on earth - conclusions here that have been detailed based on observation intuition and pattern recognition using a planetary analysis template.
A very disordered event arising in New Zealand [13hrs ahead of UT on March 25 around 11am ] is consistent with the aftermath of strong geomagnetic field disturbance manifesting in biological systems in days after the peak readings

graphic posted on solarham.net

January 2 2023:


10 stabbed to death and 15 injured in Mass violence event in Canada [Saskatchewan] sitting at 54N latitude very exposed to sustained elevated magnetic disturbance that unfolded since 0hrs UT/GMT on Sunday 4 Sept: 
BBC report :The first emergency call was made to police at 05:40 local time on Sunday (11:40 GMT) in the provincial capital Regina, about 280km (173 miles) south of Weldon.

This aurora tweet from central Saskatchewan Sunday reflects the strong field disturbance across Canada

The NOAA spaceweather index for Sept 4 showed higher levels of magnetic disturbance for 21 hours in total.
While not at extreme levels the sustained disturbance even at this level is capable of triggering some people. 

Planetary factors feeding into Sept 4 include:

Merc ♎️opp Jup♈️
Plu qnx Ven
Ura squ Sat
Sun sqq Plu
Social violence is a repeat theme: 
  • Jupiter in Aries - extreme violence offset against Mercury in Libra peace and balance
  • Pluto-Venus forceful assertion of control over others
  • Uranus in Taurus bodily force rebelling against Saturn in Aquarius social norms
With the Sun moving into position to be sesquiquadrate Pluto this adds even more potency to the Plutonic destructive/homicidal potential of anyone capable of such acts.
Mars in Gemini which can express as aggressive driving or angry drivers.
Offenders drove a vehicle model called Rogue [Uranus]

Violence is just one potential of a disturbed field - sudden impulsive and criminal behaviour is all prone to activation under such conditions.
Words like "rampage" "crime wave" "spree" describe the seemingly random and multiple acts that can unfold in response to the sudden change in magnetic intensity.

Auckland NZ saw an unusual collection of 5 retail store burglaries across the city during the evening of September 4 - seemingly unconnected -ranging across venues selling meat toys jewellery and Indian takeaways

October 1
US Atlantic coast will closely watch Cat 5 hurricane Matthew

Lots of seismic unrest in Pacific Ring of Fire as Sept ends and Oct begins

September 2016
massive solar coronal hole delivers geomagnetic disturbance Sept 27 2016
Sept 29

[update 2022: Fortune Cookie on Twitter now posting via Elemental ]
September 27 2016 and subsequent days saw sustained geomagnetic effects from an extremely large coronal hole. People, animals, natural forces are all stirred up under such conditions -this can be in some cases stimulating, in others too extreme.
A coronal hole unleashes very fast highly charged wind towards Earth and has the same potential for disturbance as an earth-facing flare.

May 2016
May 28 reports of deaths and injuries from severe lightning across Europe. This amount of electrical activity in theatmosphere may be a flow on effect from the sustained May 8 geomagnetic storm detailed below
The May 8 solar-generated geomagnetic storm [report with aurora images] involved 27 consecutive hours of enhanced disturbance of the field
Effects are commonly noted in following days in terms of weather and behaviour extremes -animal and human, any biological system is affected.
News reports of examples in the period include: 
May 11 multiple car bombings in Baghdad = worst violence in the area so far in 2016
May 11, May 12 - two strong earthquakes in New Zealand M4.7 and M5.2 - quakes are an extreme environmental event and can be triggered by enhanced geomagnetic disturbance

Lightning is an automatic consequence of enhanced geomagnetic conditions

May 2016
Reduced solar activity consistent with less sunspots in the latter stage of Cycle 24 -but big coronal holes are still on offer - like May 8
Watch now for human, biological and atmospheric disturbances = extreme natural forces, extreme weather, extreme behaviour in coming days as the effects from enhanced geomagnetism are expressed

Early July update:
After the late June strong magnetic storm:effects soon began to build into
extreme weather storms across the globe.
15,000 lightning strikes in 2 days
Plus all the outcomes expected in the June 22 forecast are notable in global news:
Update: June 22-23 has seen a barrage of solar effects resulting in a significant storming in earth's magnetic field.
Graphics show the field strength, the rising proton levels and the sequence of M flares which generated CMEs our way. Strong magnetic connection occurred between the IMF -solar interplanetary magnetic field and Earth allowing sustained earth magnetic disturbance. 
As usual over, a period of days, watch for extreme weather, extreme human/animal behaviour as all systems respond to the disruption.
Electronic communications equally vulnerable.

2014 LATEST:
October  2014
An increase in solar activity coinciding with eclipses of the moon & sun this month
Gargantuan sunspot promised much but despite a strong of flares up to X3 level [hi-ranking in the current cycle] surprising many with a lack of eruptive [CME] activity.
The flare event alone in its geoeffective position and intensity is likely to contribute to typical eclipse-driven disturbances.

Expect aberrant, antisocial activity and behaviours [already evident in October] and extreme weather events to be further sustained into November, especially if further significant solar activity is repeated.

Irrespective, the November New Moon period beginning from the 19th has a lot of intensity around it.
September 2014
awaiting earth effects from two flares in the sunspot region 2158. The largest flare was X1.6, but it is the central earth-facing position which adds effectivity
Recent x-ray readings via near-earth GOES satellite show the X and then an M flare. These were preceded by an M flare on Sept 9 -the starting point for this uprising.

July 8 2014
After an extended quiet period -the only flare of significance in recent weeks - M6.5 on this day -in hours prior to the surprise defeat of Brazil in the FIFA football quarter finals -and as the Full Moon builds to max opposition [July 12] -all contributing to volatility

June 19 2014
The sun discharged an impressive filament, seen here spiraling off the surface
This occurred on Thursday the 19th (Universal Time) 
Will be interesting to see if disturbed explosive energies on earth, follow quickly in its wake
June 11 news: Clusters of explosions -aside from military or terrorist activity - also are known to be triggered in close timing with X flare events

This is rather intense -for solar cycle 24 -which we all know has been one of the underperformers:
and yet rebellious bursts are still on offer at this max stage and in the early decline period during 2015
June 2014 has started off big on the sun -with consequences for our planet:
Recent solar events include:
An M1 flare on June 3
A massive filament eruption on June 4
Geostorm response on June 8
2 X flares in quick succession on June 10
2 M flares, 1 X flare on June 11
{one sunspot [2087] coming into geoffective position has been the source of the latest bundle of biggies}
June 11 2014
Extreme weather events including wind, rain, electrical storms are noted in the wake of the geomagnetic storm of June 8:
June 10-11 New Zealand
June 9 -West Germany
June 9-10 Several US states
June 9 severe thunder, large hailstones reported near Paris:

Also - violent human eruptions in the news:

Islamic militants take control in Iraq regions
stabbing murder in New Zealand
US school shooting in Oregon
More militant activity in Karachi
Such events have consistently clustered around enhanced solar effects impacting Earth
June 8 2014
Geomagnetic storming
coinciding with Karachi Airport siege, Pakistan, with fatalities on June 8 around 11.30pm.
This close temporal link has been observed before with sudden violent behaviours in quick succession following a strong solar based impact recorded in the planetary magnetic field

May 23 2014
The Global Coherence Initiative
Under the heading Solar Cycle News, DNA, Magnetic Fields and Biological Information Transfer -has released an important document regarding the effects of solar of geomagnetic activity on humans by Annette Deyhle, Ph.D., and the GCI Research Team in agreement with the premise of this post.
Some extracts:

According to Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, also known as A.L. Tchijevsky, most of a solar cycle’s effect on human health and behavior occurs within about five years of the cycle’s peak. His observation appears to be consistent with some current events in the world.
GCI hypothesizes that geomagnetic and solar activity not only affect human health and behavior, but also that Earth’s magnetic field is a carrier of biologically relevant information connecting all living systems. GCI also hypothesizes that every individual affects the global information field.

In 2014 we are witnessing an unusually high double-peak 
 in the sun's maximum sunspot period -purple trace = cycle 24 -even though the cycle is weak - many cycles are double-peaked but NASA says this is the first with a higher peak following a lower one


May 17 2014 update
New Zealand researchers are reporting a link found between geomagnetic storms and health effects:
In a paper titled "Geomagnetic Storms can Trigger Stroke. the authors concede that:

 "research linking cardiovascular disorders to geomagnetic activity is accumulating"
“There is preliminary evidence suggesting effects of geomagnetic storms on blood pressure increase, variations of heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities, all of which are known risk factors for stroke”
"geomagnetic storms influence the whole magnetic field, and based on this review they seem to affect stroke risk in Europe and Australasia in the same way..."
"people at risk for stroke could take extra precautions in magnetically turbulent times, like avoiding stress, excessive alcohol and dehydration, those are measures people should be taking all the time anyway..."
-source  Geomagnetic Storms Can Trigger Stroke

April 27 update: 
Northern Bangladesh hit by major storm with fatalities. Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri,Arkansas USA and surrounds suffer devastating tornadoes on April 27 and a rising death toll - severe weather effects are indicative of April 25 solar X flare detailed below
April 25 saw an X1.3 flare [0hrs UT] after a lull period. Though a western edge event, so not positioned in direct line to Earth, effects may be evident in extreme environmental events occurring and developing in the subsequent 72 hours.

April 2 saw an M6 flare - making recent days a highly active solar activity period.
As noted in other posts, this extra energy blasted into space is seen to have earth consequences when coupled with strongly connected extra planetary alignments -even if a standard geostorm does not occur.
This period has seen the Sun-Moon-Uranus all conjunct and at right angles to a Pluto-Jupiter opposition
High intensity seismic activity has been reported in Chile [M8.2 + multiple aftershocks] and Panama [M6] in particular.

March 29 at 17.52 UT saw another X flare X1.0 with a subsequent immediate magnetic crochet reported by Spaceweather.com:
Radiation from the flare caused a surge in the ionization of Earth's upper atmosphere--and this led to a rare magnetic crochet, measuring 17 nT at the magnetometer in Boulder, Colorado.
A magnetic crochet is a ripple in Earth's magnetic field caused by electrical currents flowing in air 60 km to 100 km above our heads. Unlike geomagnetic disturbances that arrive with CMEs days after a flare, a magnetic crochet occurs while the flare is in progress. They tend to occur during fast impulsive flares like this one

These events -as seen before - were just prior to a seismic uptick -US -California and New Zealand Hawkes Bay notably but numerous global events over M4 in the period 30-31 March.

March 4 2014
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia since Feb 28 is a major signifier of flow-on behavioural effects from the Feb 25 X-flare. timeline

In the news:
March 1  The mass stabbing attack at the Kunming railway in China

March 3  dog pack savages 7yr old Japanese girl visiting New Zealand
This event is emphasised because a very similar event happened in New Zealand 11 years ago - which reflects the latter part of the prior solar maximum - when Carolina Anderson was attacked by a pitbull cross dog on January 31 2003 in an Auckland park

Researcher Chizhevsky saw the peak and the early decline period of sunspot activity as relevant to outbreaks of war & aggression as well as a madness of the mind.
Solar sunspot cycle 23 was in early decline in January 2003 when Carolina suffered a serious dog attack.
Current cycle 24 is projected to be in early decline at the start of 2014, and another horrific dog attack, again on a girl aged 7, has occurred in New Zealand

I recently came across 1920's research by Alexander Chizhevsky, backed up by modern era analysis confirming the effects I have detected

more news:

March 4  Gale-force storm in Canterbury NZ is typical of the disturbed atmospherics generated by a big flare

advancing cloud in Sydney
February 25 2014
The sun emitted an X4.9 flare off the eastern flank from returning sunspot 1967 [previously called 1944] & now numbered 1990. This spot has beaten expectations and is set for a third passage across the solar disc facing earth

Past indicators suggest terrestrial effects will be on offer even if no standard measure of geostorming is recorded
Already within hours Aleutian Islands have a M6.1 quake & events in the higher magnitudes are expected, the intensity depending on the degree of impact the flare & its CME have on the earth environment.
Note that within 3 hours the proton readings from the blast began climbing in the region of the GOES 13 satellite

The LASCO C2 telescope picked up the potency of this X flare, producing a large halo plasma cloud around the sun from the CME which enables highly charged material to be dispatched over a large sector of the heliosphere, with Earth expected to have some response to the plasma cloud

This modelling shows the blast angled away from earth but with the far edge interacting [sun yellow dot, earth green dot] and may show geomagnetic readings altered on Feb 27 UT if the interplanetary magnetic field [IMF] is tilted South

Irrespective of that subsequent flow on impact, earth related effects -affecting tectonics and atmospheric conditions are expected from the time of the initial flare+CME.

Spaceweather reported:
Radio emissions from shock waves at the leading edge of the CME suggest an expansion velocity near 2000 km/s or 4.4 million mph. If such a fast-moving cloud did strike Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storms could be severe

November 2013

Typhoon Haiyan is indicative of extreme weather in the context of sustained solar activity: 
weeks of M and X flares have been sustained through to Nov 11.
Look at the Haiyan storm system gallery

Flare activity on Nov 6,7,8 2013 - yet the geomagnetic indices only show some magnetic storm levels at College Alaska 

+ November 5 saw an X3.3 flare [3rd biggest in current solar cycle - and biggest for 2013]
Watch for intense earth weather effects - storms, extreme winds, torrential rainfall, seismic instability in diverse global locations in coming days.

October 2013

The end days of October 2013 have seen a continual flurry of M Flares as well as another just reaching X1 level

This sustained period of high solar activity is coinciding with the destructive storms affecting the North Atlantic, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France affected, with fatalities in several locations. This part of the globe is majorly affected by the turbulence forewarned in my post but many other locations will be experiencing lesser effects.
Earth itself has not as yet recorded geomagnetic storming as a result of CME-driven solar wind but there is potential for that in coming days when some of the solar output has more direct interaction potential with our field.
This is an exciting solar max period for researchers.

M7.1 quake off Japan  after sun pumps out a swarm of M and X flares

Time frame October 23, 24, 25,26 2013 shown above - though 3 M flares also occurred on Oct 22 -see flare calendar
This amount of sustained output has not been seen for some time & has a relationship to extreme weather and natural events on earth including large quakes.

August 2013
Solar activity remains in the doldrums aside from coronal holes sending geo-effective high speed solar wind.
A cyclic field reversal of the sun's magnetic poles is about to occur as imminently as end of 2013.
The transition phase correlates with stormier space weather
-or read the text version -
"The sun's north pole has already changed sign, while the south pole is racing to catch up," says Scherrer. "Soon, however, both poles will be reversed, and the second half of Solar Max will be underway."

July 31 2013
Lloyds, the major London insurance company produces a report on solar threats to US infrastructure
                          clickable extract from the full PDF report

July 29 2013
A large coronal hole noted by NASA mid July and videod here

This very recent video discusses the vulnerability of grids and networks to EMP [electro-magnetic pulse ] -whether solar generated or from adversaries


June 2013
June 28 saw a strong geomagnetic storm impact earth, as a result of a high stream solar wind in full connection due to south polarity of the Bz component.
There were 15 hours in succession of storm level readings from over K4 up to K7 in the period June 28 21:00 hrs UT to June 29 12:00hrs UT 
This was a long duration geomagnetic event bringing northern lights as far south as Kansas and in NewZealand up to Wellington, latitude 41 South.
Flow on effects are anticipated in earth systems - natural, biological and electronic. Watch for relevant news of related turbulence in weather, human/animal behaviour, system malfunctions, sharemarket panic. 

June 2
Coronal hole derived solar wind plus a shockwave have combined to elevate geomagnetic levels to storming 
Hi speed solar wind up to 800kms/sec has been a feature on June 2 after the shockwave recorded on May 31 at 16:18 UT. Speed began rising on May 31 and coupled with a recurrent south polarity, strong geomagnetic coupling has ensued
Signature events including rioting [prison, New Zealand], large scale protests [Turkey] & extreme weather [US tornadoes]are again in the news
This sort of sustained collection of red bars on the graph has not been seen since March 2013 so chaotic disturbances in weather, electronics, & biological systems may be evidenced June 2-4 especially, based on the above readings

Late May 2103
Solar flare activity has subsided but in their wake, the solar wind has remained well over 500kms/sec through May 28, dropping to 597.2 around 02.00 hrs UT May 29. 
Trans-equatorial solar coronal hole CH571 is entering an earth facing position with further solar wind en route
click to enlarge this composite graphic below of high energy electrons impacting earth over several days beginning May 25 2013.  This situation adds fuel to any other prevailing factors creating extreme weather. Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn uses a space-weather model for predicting earth weather effects and this electron factor is relevant in his highlighting of the May 26-29 period for notable quake-volcano-storm events

May 28 2013
NOAA spaceweather report re background events involved in much stormy weather with thunder, lightning, hail, heavy rain in diverse global locations -and the promise or more strong tornado event in Midwest USA.
The solar wind exceeded 800 kms/sec [809.8]early on May 28 bringing large quantities of hi energy electrons 'swarming around earth' since May 26. This situation persisted for 3 consecutive days, though solar wind speed fluctuated within the 600-700 kms/sec range
May 26 2013
Recent geomagnetic readings

These two sets of readings impacting earth, weather, biological and technological systems occurred in close succession in May. Though not at the high end of geomagnetic turbulence,  the sustained activity is likely to have had flow on effects and the situation is made more complex with the lunar eclipse of May 25 - see blog entry on this site. Many examples of dramatic events, extreme behaviour & extreme weather have been in global news

May 19
Solar activity has lessened after four X-flares May 13-15 and an M flare on May 17, then lowering to multiple C flares on May 18-19.
A solar-produced CME hit earth's magnetic field on May 19 at 22:50 UT or 3.50pm PDT .

23 tornadoes across 3 states - report with video & photos
These events in the US on Sunday May 19 are consistent with the premise that high activity on the sun has turbulent effects in vulnerable earth zones.

Proton levels streaming past earth after exiting the sun, remain above baseline
KP index above shows 3hr bands of heightened geomagnetic disturbance -yellow & red bars. Maximum connectivity of the IMF and geomagnetic field has not occurred due to the largely north polarity of the Bz component  [ South allows strong interconnection. -reference]

May 17 Christchurch NZ has largest quake in months M4.2 compared to M3.9 last Feb 22 
May 15 Tornado in Texas
May 15 Tropical Storm Alvin recorded over Eastern Pacific
These events  - and more - may be related to the solar disturbances
Proton levels are high in the satellite environment near earth but no geostorm

4 X flares in quick succession over May 13-15 makes this period the strongest solar activity for 2013. Sunspot 1748 on the solar eastern flank and moving into earth view is the source
According to spaceweather.com all of the flares have produced strong flashes of extreme ultra-violet radiation along with coronal mass ejections [CME] This collectively constitutes a strong surge in solar activity heading towards cycle 24 max.
Another flurry of activity on the sun featuring several C and M flares in the beginning days of May add to the activity noted in late April. Sunspot positioning and lack of IMF connection [not enough southward polarity at the critical interaction with earth's geomagnetic field] means that there has not been any sustained geostorming in the period from late March 2013 to early May - M5.7 Flare of May 3

April 22 2013
Sunspot 1726 has produced an M1 flare after an April 21st flurry of C flares. This spot has the capacity for much stronger activity. Farside CMEs from departing spot 1719 also lead to the conclusion that an active phase is in process.

April 20 2013
The rapid growth of 2 new sunspots may be strongly associated with the Sun-Mars alignment -no longer exact but still in close range. Predictions are being raised re the chance of M flares.
Significant earthquakes have added to mid April dramatic explosions in war zones and America. The sun has not produced any swarm of M to X class flares in the period after April 12's M 3.3 -  leaving other factors to be considered relevant.
The exact Mars-Sun-Earth alignment over recent prior days combined with the Saturn-Uranus 210 degree angle are likely suspects in stirring up turbulence but there remains so much unknown in terms of what sort of impact is happening when so little is showing using conventional data captures

April 15 2.50pm:
Bombing at the Boston Marathon adds to spate of recent similar events reported [Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan] in wake of M6.5 solar flare. As detailed above this is one of the key signatures found after strong solar events. The human -and biological -  mind goes into storm mode just as the environment and electronic systems all show effects of the disturbed and enhanced electromagnetic output from the sun via flares, CMEs.
As expected, sharemarket performance declines -Dow Jones drops
April 15 2013
Red trace [top] of IMF stays mainly north of the midline from period
 around 22:00 hrs April 13 when the sudden impulse is recorded near earth
Despite no geostorm event recorded [the interplanetary magnetic field from the sun did not flip to a southwards polarity whilst in the connection phase with earth's field] various news reports
can be located for the period April 12-14 showing events that consistently cluster around strong flare or significant solar events:
Bali jet plane crash
Bombings in Somalia
Nationwide protests in New Zealand over National government education policies
Mass gatherings in UK celebrating death of Margaret Thatcher
Global sharemarkets decline
M6 & M6.6 earthquakes Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea

This situation leads to more of a conclusion that the timing and magnitude of the event on the sun itself is more critical than any subsequent geostorm in affecting terrestrial & biological systems
In other words, planet earth has already been affected by the mega energy release of a significant event before any standard geo-effective period of measurement

NASA images & report on the M6.5 of April 11

April 14 2013
Against all spaceweather predictions, the CME cloud appears to have almost totally missed earth. Ground based magnetometers recorded a sudden impulse at 22:57 on April 13 UT but just a weak event with no geostorm. 
A valid question remains as to whether the energy of the initial event is more geoeffective than the CME's particle mass.
NASA focusses on the downstream effects generated by the coronal mass ejection, as hi speed charged particles interact some days afterwards with earth's magnetic field but a consideration of the activity occurring at the time of the flare itself may be primary:

Solar flares are the release, in a single burst, of energy in many forms - electro-magnetic (from radio waves through the visible spectrum to gamma rays and x-rays), energetic particles (protons and electrons), and matter that is so hot it is in the form of plasma. Flares are characterized by their brightness in x-rays.
The energy released during a flare is typically ten million times greater than the energy released from a volcanic explosion. 
CMEs expand away from the Sun at speeds as high as 4 million miles per hours! The light and x-rays accompanying a CME reach earth in a few minutes. The mass of particles may take three to five days to arrive.
source: USEPA

Two M flares with several C class in the middle

The Sun in mid -April 2013 has awakened from slumber and has produced a succession of C flares, followed by two M flares. Projections for imminent higher intensity flares have been raised.
Watch your news feeds for earth disturbances from April 13 -14 & possibly further as updated.
On April 12 2013 at  20.38 UT -  an M3.3 flare off of sunspot 1718  - showing that there's a sustained momentum of output currently. 
On April 11 2013
At 07.16 UT the sun finally produced a whammy [sunspot 1719] after an extended lull -a long duration M6.5 as designated by the red trace detected by the GOES 15 near-earth satellite. 
Refer to alert data -[will expire] 
The shielded solar disc outlined in white showing flare at right, 20 mins after event
and below flare site at sunspot 1719 upper centre
This position is earth-facing & likely geo-effective in coming days

March 2013
Geostorm conditions prevailed on Mar 29 (15:00  to 18:00 hrs Universal Time [UT] and from 00:00-06:00 hrs on March 30 so expect some flow on effects, due to geomagnetic disturbance, in subsequent days.
An M1.6 solar flare occurred March 21 @ 22:00 hrs UT adding to the recent intensity - though by orthodox interpretations the flare site means solar material was directed away from earth. This to me is a limited view & so the event is considered geoeffective, adding to trends already in play...read more from recent days
The geomagnetic index experienced a rise to level 4 [yellow] for 9 hours at the beginning of March 21 Universal Time and since then reverted to lower level green readings Please refer to March 2013 astro forecast for planetary events that coincide closely in earth time with the solar generated geomagnetic storm to appreciate the interconnectedness of solar system events -and how earthly linear time is only part of the picture.   
Check these visual models of ongoing solar activity impacting earth - link
Below is the geomagnetic index to the end of March 18 (Universal Time) clearly showing the sustained 18 hours of disturbance in the earth's magnetic environment.
Effects that relate to this can possibly be observed to occur ahead of the recorded time of onset [06:00 UT on 17th] as well as during and after - as this is consistent with energy forces in the building and declining phases - as commonly observed with lunar effects before, during & after New, Full & eclipse phases.
In other words expect to see consequences of an event that was recorded as starting around 06:00 on March 15 on the sun, and which was recorded as impacting earth around 06:00 on the 17th, in subsequent days - March 18-19-20 - even though the index reads green i.e. no longer geostorm conditions in the magnetic field - because the imprint, if you like, in the affected system [human, environmental, electronic, etc ] has been made & is set to unfold

March 19 2013 - 
Two reports of suicide car bombings in Africa - both on March 18 involving similar method
Bombing in Somalia - car bomb targetting a bus causes multiple fatalities in Mogadishu - report
Bombing in Nigeria - car bomb causes many fatalities in bus station - report
Series of bombs kill at least 22 people in Shia districts across Baghdad
Global markets, beginning with Asia, declined in the wake of the geostorm -as detailed in my post
Solar Activity and Markets. [based on the premise that when solar activity is high -and earth responds geomagnetically, markets slump]
Power outage at Fukishima Japan -Monday 18th report
Fresh volcanic eruption, Mt Etna, Sicily on March 16

Also: a solar activity graphic from NYT is worthwhile for general referencing

March 18 2013
For the vast majority of the period of the geostorm event on March 17 until 00:00 hrs UT [convert for your timezone] approx on March 18, the orientation of the IMF [interplanetary magnetic field] was southward, which is the prime position for enhanced geomagnetic interaction.

This graphic shoes how earth's geomagnetic field shot into the red zone on March 17 following the filament eruption-CME on the sun around 48 hrs prior. 
The spaceweather modelling animation sourced here shows a full envelopment of earth in the solar charged material.
In terms of extended analysis beyond the mainstream view of disturbances to GPS, satellite, electronics, in the wake of such an event, in simple terms, expect drama - since the earth itself, weather, biological systems - i.e. natural forces and living beings are all bathed in the highly charged electrical soup and therefore vulnerable to effects. Increased seismic-volcanic activity expected. Weather more disturbed. Prior events of energetic storming on earth show a spike in inflamed, explosive, combustible energies -reflected in fires, bombs, military responses, more news with crimes based on anger, aggression, violence; animals attacking humans; bizarre, reckless & out-of-control behaviour, strongly collective or hive-mind activity such as in mass protests, market panic, .
 [ updated graphs as above will be added when released]
news items relevant to the geostorm:
Regional internet outage New Zealand - report
Car driven wrong way on motorway, crashes, NZ -report
Small plane crash, South Bend, USA -report
Car bombs, Iraq - report
Boys face injury riding outside of train -NZ - report
House fire, NZ -arson suspected -report
Feral bee swarm NZ - report
Watch for more related events in your location as the N. hemisphere awakes on March 18:
Asian Markets Fall in response to Cyprus Bailout - report
Global markets decline re Cyprus crisis
Late season major winter storm unfolds across the Northeast U.S. through Tuesday
Suicide car bombings in 2 north African nations -see March 19 entry

March 17 2013 
Spaceweather reported:
A magnetic filament snaking around sunspot AR1692 erupted on March 15th at about 0600 UT. The slow explosion, which took hours to unfold, produced an M1-class solar flare and a bright CME. SOHO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) photographed the expanding cloud, which is heading directly toward Earth
and that
"...a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at 0600 UT on March 17th. The impact was strong, lifting the solar wind speed from 300 km/s to greater than 600 km/s. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras."

March 4 2013
Solar activity has been unexpectedly low key for months despite the supposed approach of solar maximum for Cycle 24, once said to be May 2013. The current theory is that a double max is on offer as in other rogue cycles like #14 - this graphic shows the comparative traces of several cycles including 14 & 24 - click to enlarge

You could say 14 had 4 peaks - so who nows what 24 will do - see NASA's new theory;

But let's not forget about coronal holes and high stream wind perturbing earth's magnetic field. It is worth considering that disturbances in biological systems can also be triggered by these lower profile events - the wind factor has far more subtlety than the drama of flares & CME's which hog the limelight - and arguably those who specialize in these events are the louder, more bold and brash types who feel these events are all that matters. This macho dimension to astrophysics means that so much of the quieter, subtle stuff gets overlooked - thus hindering the whole field of study.
July 10 2012
High solar activity during July especially from sunspot group 1515 has not delivered significant geo-effective results, but group 1520 has potential to watch.
July 1 2012
By the end of June sunspot 1513 has delivered 3 M flares since June 28. In addition, a large coronal hole and significant prominence are indicating a sudden uptick in potentially geo-effective solar activity. Earth's magnetic readings have risen on June 30 UT:

        NASA explains aspects of space weather
June 18 2012
Geostorming has occurred -along with some strong quake activity -Greece, Japan, South Pacific.
Strong aurora noted - both from the northern and southern polar regions

June 17 2012
Global magnetic readings are expected to rise following a strong compression event, high readings for the IMF & then a south pointing field allowing strong influx of space weather.
The Rice Uni dials show ongoing ACE satelllite data

June 16 2012
Spaceweather sources report that only a weak interplanetary shock wave impacted earh at 09:00 UT with no geostorming.
[later update at Spaceweather.com contradicts this:


June 15 2012
Click to enlarge this summary of potentials occuring due to solar events starting June 13 2012:
Sunspot 1504 currently takes up more space than Jupiter
May 17 2012 UT
The earth has been showered with solar protons since the flare event noted below - refer to info page -current data will expire
             M5.1 flare -largest since May 10 2012

Unusually large sunspot 1476  basically failed to deliver much of note as it crossed the solar disc in the past week - though on exit stage right - an M5.1 starting between 0:00 to 01:00 hrs UT,  plus CME seems to have knocked out spaceweather satellites, with ACE & GOES amongst others, blinking off for up to 3 hrs. Piers Corbyn supports the view of Japanese researchers who feel the north & south  solar polar fields have become out of synch, creating what Corbyn calls a 'magnetic muddle'. Is this responsible for the current underwhelming solar output?
May 31 2012
Research shows the moon affects the solar wind -report
May 15 2012 UT
Watch for news releases re the June 5 2012 Spaceweather Forum in Washington DC:
As we approach the next peak of solar activity expected in 2013, our Nation faces multiplying uncertainties from increasing reliance on space weather-affected technologies for communications, navigation, security, and other activities, many of which underpin our national infrastructure and economy.  We also face increasing exposure to space weather-driven human health risks as trans-polar flights and space activities, including space tourism and space commercialization, increase. This quote from the relevant website

May 12  2012 UT
A blocking factor may be involved in the less than spectacular activity generated so far by sunspot 1476 and the plasma reabsorption which followed the strongest M flare (May 10, 04.18 UT, M5.7) thus eliminating any CME. Is a muddled magnetic state on the sun responsible?   The failed CME

May 9 2012 UT
Sunspot 1476 is now about a quarter distance across the solar disc moving from left to right in the image below - and pumping out M flares with the potential for an X flare now at 10%. A mixture of factors is contributing to enhanced levels of geoturbulent conditions extending over several days. Earth weather & electronic systems as well as human behaviour are all potentially vulnerable to disturbance/disruption/meltdown/failure under geomagnetic storm conditions.

May 7 2012 UT
 The solar disc features a mammoth coronal hole [ red zones] crossing the center and to magnetically volatile the far left sunspot group 1476. Both of these offer potentially strong geo-effective output in coming days. 1476 has been pumping out flares, the largest so far = M class. Spot 1471 is also active to M class output. Coronal holes discharge high speed solar wind & when earth-facing, as now, the wind can plug into earth's magnetic environment [ effective estimate May 9 UT]  These developments coincide with the closest perigee + Full Moon  on May 6 = Supermoon, so there are a bunch of factors capable of colluding in this energetic mix. What's the weather like in your location? I am noting a sharp increase in local wind + sea turbulence, plus a change from sunny calm to cool & cloudy in the past 12-24 hrs to 8pm May 7 UT
April 29 2012
Several stations plus the global index for magnetic readings, Apr 20-26 2012 show the emphasis on raised readings above storm level (red)
News reports in the wake of this phase show consistently noted earth events clustering around raised levels of magnetic disturbance include explosions, bombs, fires, transport crashes, violence/murder with weapons, protest marches,  civil disobediance, storms, tornadoes, strong winds, system failure eg power outage - typical news examples:

April 24 2012
Nothing like early March, but we are getting some sustained geomagnetic storming in recent days, from CME effects, fast solar wind and sustained magnetic coupling due to the IMF's predominantly negative polarity. The summarized global estimate of earth magnetic readings is below.
Data to end of April 24 (UT) - click to enlarge

April 20 2012
When auroras dance across the high northern and low southern latitudes we delight in their magical displays. Strong ionization of earth's atmosphere is involved, courtesy of the sun's solar wind entering our magnetic environment. This video reveals events in Norway, Finland, Sweden 2011-2012

April 16 2012
The US Midwest has been pounded by tornadoes after a wild cluster started on Saturday 14th local time - one report 
The string of twisters comes in the aftermath of earth receiving a burst of geomagnetic turbulence from a large solar coronal hole, which sent a high speed stream, reaching speeds up to 600kms/sec. Earth magnometers recorded the surge plugging in, late on April 12 [universal time, UT]                                                 CLICK TO ENLARGE ALL GRAPHICS
The buildup from 18:00hrs UT on April 12 to 03:00 April 14 UT sets the scene on earth

Tornado footage April 14

click to enlarge update

                                                      NASA video re events of March 2012

March 27 UT
Nebraska aurora at latitude 40-43N 

March 25 UT

            Last Measurement (at Sun-Earth L1 Point): Sun Mar 25 21:41:06 UTC 2012
click to enlarge screenshot from Rice USA  a site which allows you to visually track solar wind parameters and IMF conditions interacting with local earth atmosphere. Under extreme conditions the dials will primarily inhabit red sectors

March 24 UT
Spaceweather.com reports on the hi intensity March period:
Since March began, sunspot AR1429 has propelled CMEs into every corner of the solar system, stirring up stormy space weather around every planet and spacecraft. If the sunspot remains active for another week or so, it will turn back toward Earth for a new round of geoeffective eruptions

March 23 UT Geomagnetic readings March 16-23 have mainly been below level 4 on the index chart below, with pockets of K4 activity due to isolated M flares. Continued auroral activity has occurred with significantly elevated electron readings in earth's outer radiation belt - which indicate the amount of impact from incoming hi-speed solar wind and CME's. Electron readings rose from March 10, dramatically rising on March 20 and further rising on March 21 defore declining. 
NASA says 
the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years.
“This was the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley Research Center.  “It was a big event, and shows how solar activity can directly affect our planet.”- read more
When in the year are auroras most common? The equinoxes of spring and fall/autumn are recognised by NASA as being the primary geomagnetically energized times of the year, with activity rising in March-April as well as September-October
The peak periods correspond to the points in orbit when the earth most strongly magnetically aligns with the sun, so expect not only more aurora light shows as evidence of this super charging but other off-the-scale or at least dramatic examples in weather, human behaviour, geophysical activity, if the sun gets extra excited then as well.

March 15 (UT) 
A CME plus high speed solar wind effects impact earth. 12hrs in the green before a storm occurred giving 9 consecutive hours in the red zone so far. High speed wind streams have been adding to the solar input affecting earth.
March 13-14 (UT) had all readings in the green zone, under Kp4
March 12 (UT) saw about 12 hours of orange to red levels (level 4 upwards on the Kp index)
Wikipedia shows this scale rating giving equivalent in G rating:
Where things get really serious is G4-G5 though effects do result from lower levels.
March 12 2012
The geomagnetic readings have remained consistently in the green zone since most of March 10. 
This listing of the strongest solar events in recent years ( after a 4 year lull period prior to 2011) gives some idea of the timing of strong flaring, & how geoeffective they were.
 September 2011 stands out having 6 geomagnetic storms in one calendar month - see full data in list above

Solar Cycle 24 began on Jan 8 2008 and was slow to get underway.Geoeffective storming is rated on the G scale 1-5. March 2012 events so far have not exceeded G3. In comparison, between Aug 3-Sept 24 2011, there were 4 G4 events and 2 G3. This factor, which derives from all the right ingredients being in place, explains why so far, the string of strong flares since March 5 has failed to deliver a sustained and pronounced effect. A CME event is important -but considered geo-significant if the direction of the blast is earth directed. Further to that is the "plug-in" aspect - the blast of charged material in the CME becomes part of the incoming solar wind which varies from north-South + to - in polarity. The plug in to earth happens when the south negative phase occurs.
[also reference Solar Alerts site for flares of Cycle 24]
March 10 2012 (NZtime)

The predominant orange and red bars show the intensity of magnetic storming on earth since the X flare of March 7. In addition since 23:00hrs UT on Mar 9, the solar stream has connected almost continually with earth's magnetic environment. Late on March 9 the readings lowered but more is to come

In terms of effects generated on earth and in human society, enhanced geomagnetic activity is known to supercharge and blow out power networks, disrupt GPS and satellites. Eruptive events including fires and explosions may also be more likely, but more than that, biological systems are capable of experiencing disturbed effects. Look for clusters of news events involving spates of vehicle accidents or mishaps involving ships,planes or trains, due to either system or human malfunction.
Mass protest action including rioting, anarchy and fire-setting occurred in the UK extensively, coinciding with August 2011's big X6.9 flare. Protest activity seems to cluster around strong geomagnetic impulses from intensified solar output. If you google "protest november 2003" you will find a huge collection of references. Why November 2003? On the 4th of that month the sun produced a mega flare estimated at X28! ( March 6 2012 was only an X5.4 but a cluster of flares & associated Coronal Mass Ejections has created a strong flow of solar plasma. So are protests featuring in current news?
Locally, NZ-Australia port workers are engaged in protest, with growing public support. Also a sampling of current protest news on March 10 2012 - protest in Cambridge UK against Dominique Strauss-Kahn; Massive anti-govt protest in Bahrain; anti-Putin protests in Russia; Bangalore protest against police brutality; Egypt, US embassy protest, Cairo re pro-democracy issues; Benghazi, Libya, political protest)

 Recent Summary from solarham.net :

This screenshot relates only to Sat March 10 2.41 UT
Magnetic connectivity in red. Other data includes solar wind speed (yellow), wind temperature (green), proton density (orange)

March 9 2012
 The geomagnetic storm in progress now on earth so far has been subdued due to the north polarity of the incoming solar wind. The polarity irregularly changes from north to south positive to negative - and when south/negative has the most significant capacity to flow into earth's magnetic environment.
[update: the polarity briefly went south around 8.40pm UT March 8 but it is subject to random change -follow here watching the red trace]
The first earth impact (geomagnetic sudden impulse) was noted at 11.28UT on Thurs (In New Zealand 0h28 Friday morning)

BBC summary
The storm will intensify if the polarity goes negative today. Even under current conditions there will be disrupted and disturbed effects  which may become evident through personal experience or news reports.

magnetic field elevated -red bars - from geomagnetic effects

If you are into lots of data also look at the global array of SAM magnetograms for readings near you - check if the green trace is above (+ North) or below (- South) the midline- SAM
Sunspot 1429 is in a more subdued state as well though harbouring more geoeffective capacity before it orbits out of direct to earth position. nothing on the sun over C class flare level since 0h UT March 7

only B & C flares since the X on March 7 2012 - GOES

Further Reading:
NASA graphic on space weather effects

The first significant news explanation [prior to earth effects] has come through for the general public - Wall St Journal
Solar-based forecaster Piers Corbyn gives his outlook for earth based environmental effects from the flare activity - report
Brit Geo Society report on these events 

Solar Flares & Events on Earth  [on this site]
- extract:
Unlike the majority of others watching astronomical space to earth events, I am keen to see the consequences beyond what mainstream science predicts. Adding the astronomical onto the astrological layer is an exciting new area for study and... since we are in the tail end phase of the sun's Cycle 24 sunspot cycle, when lots of activity is anticipated, there is a lot of data to research. Observation and intuition combined with data provide a blend of information processing and theorising.
The London & UK riots of 2011 started as a community protest and developed into anarchy. This high profile eruption occurred in concert with a large solar flare measuring X6.9.
Within the past week there has been a swarm of low, medium and strong flares, two being in the highest category -X1.1 and X5.4. coinciding with protests across the globe (locally in NZ relating to the Ports of Auckland staff dismissal).
Reference to the mega flares of recent decades shows that mass protest demonstrations are consistently coincident with elevated geomagnetic energy from solar activity impacting earth. These periods are noteworthy in that respect: November 2003, April 2001, September 2005, December 2006, 1989 (March-November due to 4 X flares), 1991 (January to July due to 8 X flares). In addition many high profile accident events involving shipping, planes, trains, road transport and personal vehicles may be observed to cluster in these periods - eg Exxon Valdez March 1989 - this accident proneness is likely due either to system or human malfunction.[update March 14 Swiss tunnel bus accident mass deaths of children]
Aggressive and military activity appear to be accentuated along with explosive, eruptive and inflamed energies -bombs, fires, volcanoes - which mirror or resonate with the solar flare heat, power and highly charged particles. [March 13 -massive conflagration in Adelaide Australia]

Individuals and goups 'losing the plot' /extreme behaviour
( March 11 2012 hi-profile example from Afghanistan: a US soldier kills civilians en masse, execution style & a massacre in Homs, Syria. March 15 a Somali man arrested in Christchurch NZ, for a violent rampage, stabbing locals 
Since mass behaviour and possibly the group mind is stimulated under these conditions, potential impact on global sharemarkets is also under watch - they certainly dipped in concert with the August 2011 event. At the very least volatility could be expected. China's shift in trading balance from exports to imports may have ripple effects.
This new research is an ongoing investigation and may be referred to further in this post in due course.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...