Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Quantum Dynamo - Steven Frayne

Dynamo on Twitter

update January 2025

Rewatching episodes from Dynamo's Magician Impossible series it was intriguing to take another look at uncovering his secret energy.
His fundamental astrological signatures were examined in the main body of this post but there still lingered some questions about how he went from being a kid doing mainly card tricks to the magician of international fame that he can still claim.

It soon emerged when thinking of his mid teen years that young Steven in his 14th year experienced powerful activation of his natal Mars 5 Aquarius and Uranus 6 Sagittarius.
Four planets connected early in 1997: all in the range 5º to 6º
Jupiter  Saturn Uranus and Pluto.These planets involved the fire signs Aries Sagittarius and Air sign Aquarius.

The fascinating thing is not only do they explain the extent of and advanced dimensional physics of the abilities he achieved -but also that this collection of influences will link strongly to the 3 and 4 planet alignments in early fire and air signs coming in 2025 2026 2027 2028  - and that Aries and Aquarius both feature significantly again. 

This mean people with planets under 10 degrees -  will receive very powerful downloads of ability insight or awareness in whatever area relevant to them - as happened to young Steven Frayne.

Young children and newborns will be affected as well as people of any age whose astr0-profile contains these early degrees sensitive to the incoming energies

For details on this development 2025-2028 go to  Dairy Post on the Profiler Home Page


What an extremely exciting experience it was in June 2013 to encounter Steven Frayne, known as Dynamo - Magician Impossible. Through watching episode one of his first TV series and then reading reports and commentary on his supposed methodology it is possible to conclude that this man is a quantum genius and that his critics and sceptics are totally barking up the wrong tree.

Being a big fan of alternative and especially quantum reality - the secrets of which were only partially uncovered by Western science at the beginning of the 20th century [ compare this to shamanistic practitioners and highly enlightened adherents of faiths such as Buddhism who have manipulated physical reality since ancient times] it is extremely rare to encounter a being in human form on this earth who can display the ability to transcend 3 dimensional space and perform actions that most of us have only seen in movies such as The Matrix trilogy. Dynamo could well be one of those rarest of specimens.

Having his birthdate of December 17 1982 gives some weight to the argument that in Steven Frayne a cosmic blueprint was uploaded offering some super-natural abilities within our everyday context - but talents which are fully consistent when considered in what physicists term 'higher dimensions'

latest update: health crisis analysed
Dynamo's full astrology chart added
 -scroll to end

The pattern of most significance on Dec 17 1982 - and therefore affecting all beings born on that day - involves 3 planets plus the Sun and the asteroid Chiron all in tight alignment and forming a powerful indicator of an ability to transcend everyday reality through manipulation of physical and meta-physical forces.
The mathematics being so tight are the key. Degree positions are rounded for convenience.

Jupiter at 28 Scorpio is opposite Chiron at 24 Taurus
Pluto sits at 29 Libra tightly linked to Jupiter
Sun at 25 Sagittarius is in close conjunction to Neptune at 27 Sagittarius

Due to the domino effect of energetic synergy from Pluto through to Jupiter then Sun and Neptune - whose positions range from 25-29 degrees - a midpoint energy of 27 degrees becomes very sensitized. Jupiter at 28 degrees activates the collective energy of these four factors - and with Jupiter [28] in close opposition to Chiron [24] the five elements are capable of working in unison.

This is extremely powerful when the conditions of ongoing planetary factors support the flow from the embedded group in an individual such as Steven Frayne.
The problem is that when ongoing planetary factors are angularly positioned to place strain or stress in relationship to the birth positions, then periods of intense crisis occur.
This situation is important for Steven Frayne to manage - his health issues come as no surprise because of the intensity of what is in his energy template.

Terms like psychic and paranormal are often used when considering abilities beyond the limits of the 5 basic senses and it is likely that Steven Frayne has the mental capacity to access information in a way few can. Pluto, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Neptune are all indicators of such talents and he has all four in his special pattern. Of course without benefit of his birth time the full picture of his abilities is unavailable - and everyone born on the same birthdate will have this pattern. His time and place could be the locational elements which add extra strength to the standout features. 
At the time of birth the prevailing cosmic backdrop involving the whole solar system is said to be programmed into the neurons or cells of the brain. Thereafter, that seeding of energy receives input from the cosmic flow which determines the timeline of a person's life.
We are not the same. I am a MARTIAN - says Dynamo's Twitter profile. He could be telling it like it is.

updates July 17
The more I watch Dynamo, the more convinced I am of his [within everyday contexts] super-natural abilities.
The shape of his cranium particularly interests me - when viewed in profile

the region called os occipitale seems to be extended outward further than normally seen. The brain sector called the cerebellum sits under that part of the skull. Co-ordination, precision and accurate timing are some of the functions of the cerebellum.

Dynamo says he learnt magic from his grandfather.  Grandad was born July 17 1927 when Mars and Neptune were exact conjunct at 25 Leo - entertaining by doing tricky things -i.e. magic was in his birth energy but no other extra special capacities are evident.
This leads me to believe that for Dynamo magic serves as a socially acceptable method or medium enabling him to use his advanced abilities as a form of entertainment as well as opening up people's minds

If you found this interesting - read Bradley Manning -astro-analysis of a galactic force
Manning shares the same birth date as Dynamo - December 17 - but not the same year - which gives them a fascinating connection.
They are both physically unusual and of tiny proportions but there is something beyond-human about both of them...
In the 21st century it may well be that aliens no longer look like this - but walk amongst us in undiscernible human form.

update February 2014
Dynamo's popularity continues to grow and is occurring in the context of a new breed of young magicians reinvigorating the territory.
I continue to maintain that Dynamo is in a category of his own
He is the top ranked individual in my site statistics
In terms of the current climate and appetite for magic -the planet of all things illusory and magical- Neptune - is travelling through the Pisces sector of the zodiac [2011-2025] which signifies a golden age for magic as well as all other-wordly experiences -the risk is some will gravitate to the end of the spectrum where detrimental use of drugs, alcohol and criminal deceit prevail over the positive uses of the energy: to delight, mystify, enchant in the context of freely given talent

update November 2014
Dynamo visited India to film episodes for his TV series
After showing his abilities to a group of Sadhu holy men, one commented:
"He has a different way of seeing things"
This comment is highly relevant to understanding Dynamo's abilities 
The everyday human's visual processing is fundamental to our beliefs about physical reality.
Someone who sees things differently is not limited to restrictive concepts about the physical world.
Dynamo is displaying an advanced potential.

update April 2018
Dynamo - March 2018 showing the balloooning effect of steroid hormone medication

A shocking occurrence occurred in 2017 for Dynamo. He suffered a major health event leaving him with severe issues requiring large amounts of medication - full report
His full birth chart is now published at and is very revealing

click to enlarge
The clarity of the picture is there for all to see: how compressed or concentrated the energies are -ranging from Pluto on the left to Mars on the right what this unusual grouping delivers is not only amazing focus, complexity and intensity but also extreme vulnerability -when adverse forces are in range Dynamo faces extreme challenges.
Now we can see that Virgo is his rising or ascendant sign at the left horizontal axis. Virgo is associated with the digestive system and nutrition. Virgo belongs to the zodiac group called Mutables =changeable adaptable flowing energies including Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius. 
Pisces is known for strong sensitivity issues, allergies, poisoning and therefore food issues. Gemini relates to the hands. Sagittarius is the pelvic region and the liver. All these body regions will be weak spots for Dynamo at certain times.

Being born with Pisces planet Neptune right close to the Sun makes Dynamo very vulnerable to poisoning and all types of hypersensitivity reactions to food, medicine, toxins in general. Standard medical approaches fail to cater for such people -whereas professionals working in natural medicine with herbs, homeopathics and nutritional support would be a far safer option for him.
The photo above shows how mainstream medical options cause significant and potentially damaging side-effects. For example synthetic steroid hormone medication can leave the adrenal glands permanently weakened. 
Dynamo announced late March 2018 that his health crisis occurred 8 months ago, last summer.
The first standout factor then in terms of transiting planets was Neptune.
In August 2017 Neptune was at 17 Pisces [yes while Neptune is in its own sign Pisces [2012-2026] hypersensitivity issues, drug and alcohol issues and poisoning will be more common.]
With Neptune in the cosmos at 13 degrees this connected strongly with Dynamo's chart -it is clear that the Gemini-Sagittarius axis from the top of the chart to the base is at 13 Gemini  -and with his other mutable signs Virgo -Pisces running horizontally at close to 18 degrees these 2 main axes [energy fields] in his chart running between 13-18 degrees are highly relevant to his initial health scare and ongoing symptoms.
Using midpoint analysis with that mutable range 13-18 the mid position of 15'30 has to also be considered a strongly activating point.
Neptune moves slowly and like many planets it has retrograde loops meaning it lingers over certain degrees for some time.
Looking ahead it is clear that Neptune could cause ongoing issues beyond 2018 for Dynamo - in 2019 and 2020. 
This suggests he needs to be extremely protective of his health for some time.

A double whammy hit Dynamo in August 2017: the second significant event in August 2017 was Uranus in transit opposite Dynamo's birth Pluto. Uranus affects his birth Pluto in 2017, 2018, 2019 - and Uranus also opposes his birth position for Saturn in 2018, 2019.
This is life changing in an extreme way when the planet of sudden change -Uranus -activates the planet of major transformation -Pluto -and then soon after the planet of significant learning - Saturn.
This shows that since summer 2017 Dynamo has been at a crossroads, a crisis point where he has to fully examine his life, his priorities and get in touch with whatever deep inside him needs to come out, whatever true impulses, thoughts, feelings, needs he has - independent of the will or wishes of others, pressures or professional commitments.
The outcome is likely to be very significant either way: if he resists change and just tries to push through the health issues and stay focussed on the same course in his life he may struggle to recover.
If he puts a huge pause on his professional life and gives himself space to just be and listen to his own inner needs he may find a very different approach to life emerges.
Processes such as these require significant time out.  

Dynamo Profile

Fields: what space is made of

The video below from Scientific American gives some explanation of the unseen forces that permeate everything. This model allows for the proposition that energy fields from the interconnected solar system are the means by which planetary effects are distributed
Beyond the best known electric, magnetic and gravitational fields there is even more complexity: every type of elementary particle [ those lacking any further underlying structure] has its own field. This is the level of quanta and quantum mechanics
Holography as a universal description adds even further intrique to the structure of our known universe and everyday reality. From a holistic perspective, this theory has much to commend it.
Diverse types of holograms have been created -mainly based on light, including laser and visible light -but also possible using electron waves, sound and atoms. This array of options is likely to underscore futuristic technologies.
The fundamental aspect of electromagnetic radiation travelling in a straight line provides an important link to the dynamics of our solar system.
When planets are positioned in a straight line such a sun-moon-earth at New Moon and sun-earth -moon at Full Moon we know there are observable effects even at the very least in terms of effects on earth's tides. How other alignments involving the full solar system operate is likely to involve the same network using a central hub as the junction box through which all radiation on the spectrum passes and may bend at any angle at the very least within a 360 degree field. The hub could be the galactic centre and the potential dimensional space likely to be vast.
the electromagnetic radiation wave spectrum of light & sound frequencies

Holography - how a hologram is created
Holographic principle -the physics in brief
Holographic Universe -Michael Talbot's book offering intriguing conclusions

James Gandolfini - the planets & his death

James Gandolfini was a big guy on many levels.
 1.85 metres tall and with a brawler's physique,
 widely known for his role as mobster boss Tony Soprano.
 He was clearly more personable off-screen
 than seen in his serious acting roles.
 In 2013 he died on June 19. His planetary blueprint at birth
 gives big clues as to why that was a fateful day

Born on September 18 1961 a cluster of planetary positions can be found occupying a narrow range of degree positions. This situation is apparent in people with very strong charisma and powerful personalities. Effectively they have a lot of power at their disposal due to multiple planetary energies being at their disposal - but this situation also has problems: when the larger solar system energy field is flowing with their planetary profile things go very well. When the forces are against them, monumental crises and major challenges occur.
On June 19 the challenge was so strong, that death was the outcome.

First look at the array of factors on the day JG was born: [rounded degree positions]
Venus 23 Leo, lunar nodes 27 Leo-Aquarius, Uranus 28 Leo
Sun 25 Virgo
Mars 21 Libra
Saturn 23 Capricorn, Jupiter 27 Capricorn
All of these factors are connected and a cascading effect is generated once the process is activated. 
The sequence is numerical starting with Mars at 21 which links closely to Venus and Saturn. These in turn link to the Sun at 25 degrees. The Sun in turn links to the lunar nodes and Jupiter at 27 degrees and the flow on then reaches Uranus in Leo at 28 degrees.

Pictured here are the planets at noon on September 18 1961 relative to New Jersey USA.
The pattern is referenced, not the orientation, nor the Moon's position due to its rapid movement calculation
JG is reported to have died of a heart attack while on vacation in Italy
Leo is the astrological sign corresponding to the heart energy
Uranus is the electrical force and so describes the electrical functioning of the heart in anyone born with Uranus in Leo

On June 19 the Sun reached the position of 28 Gemini, joined by Jupiter aligned exactly at that position 28 Gemini - creating a rare total eclipse of Jupiter.

It is highly likely that JG's health has been under added strain - even if that was subtle or unreported - from early June as soon as Jupiter reached 25 degrees - which is in a stressing angle -90 degrees to JG's Sun at 25 Virgo. By June 16 the Sun reached 25 Gemini as well and the two planets kept up the pressure until June 19 when Uranus in Leo at 28 degrees was activated. Because of the tight interconnectivity of so many factors in JG's birth blueprint it was a struggle he was destined to find extremely challenging.
The Moon's north lunar node being at 27 degrees is immediately activated along with Uranus at 28 degrees. The nodal positions are regarded as major turning points in the life. For James Gandolfini it was a journey beyond earthly life.

Powerful planetary influences are in effect in June 2013 due to the closest Supermoon for the year building to exact full moon status on the more

No exact time of birth is known for this report, but strong points relevant to the analysis are evident 

News Report:

Monday, 17 June 2013

AUGUST 2013 astro-analysis = High-Risk Period

This is a global report - since Earth is in its entirety
 subject to solar system forces.

Particular locations and people will show the highlighted effects
due to the resonance or vibrational match between the person/place
and the prevailing energy input from the solar system
Astro-analysis of the energetic forces in effect for August 2013 points to powerful upheavals for many.
The month begins with elevated levels of atmospheric chaos and therefore severe weather conditions developing in diverse global locations –extending the themes highlighted in the July 2013 World Report

                                         scroll down for updates

 These conditions feed into the rising energies of the August 6 New Moon in Leo.
Historically August has shown quite potent globally relevant events and this corresponds energetically with the factors affecting the Sun being more important than in other months.
The solar system is viewed in this context as a holistic feedback system so the dynamics of the planets orbiting the Sun in August [and in fact the whole Leo period from July 22-August 22] are of particular interest in this report.
Leo emphasises matters of the heart both literally and romantically, love, love affairs, the energy of children, the creative drive, the desire to shine, to rule, to be entertaining, to show off.
In August the 14 degree New Moon is at odds with the 12 degree lunar nodes -Leo versus Scorpio-Taurus. Love versus sex, romance versus physical definitions of love. Take care of children under this pattern as there are some adverse influences
Moon events - new and full as well as eclipses - have a building phase noticed even up to three days prior to the exact position and have an extended period of energetic influence - typically until the next month's event - new or full moon - but with eclipses - lasting over the 6 months until the next solar or lunar eclipse.  

In addition, in August - ongoing themes involving Uranus-Pluto and Saturn-Neptune remain in effect as stated in July report:[ The ongoing background context of social, political & environmental turmoil [activated by Uranus square Pluto] provides a backdrop to the group of water signs [Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer] 
  • generating strong emotional responses across significant numbers of the human population.
  • this scenario suggests political/societal/environmental events which serve up significant doses of major change in the lives of ordinary people -  and which rightly warrant a supportive response from those in better positions of safety, security and welfare
  [-updates -July 2013 saw various natural [flood] and accidental events [train & transport] involving fatalities.
As August begins, The NZ capital city Wellington is further shaken by seismic activity - offshore, seafloor, 16 kms deep magnitude 4.9
 [update August 3 -US warns of Al Qaeda threat ] 
[update August 7 - a crisis erupted in NZ involving bacteria-tainted baby formula -report 
This situation reflects the likelihood of nurturing/family issues in the news & this month's indicator of adverse factors re children]
update August 13 - an extended flooding crisis arose in the Sudan in the first week of August - pictures
[update August 14 -Sate of Emergency declared in Egypt with extensive violence related to political turmoil]
August 2013 however has more in store with Jupiter intensifying all the above high risk effects, and thereby serving as a tipping point for processes that have been building in tension over time.
Some consequences are likely to include sudden, rapidly changing developments, new circumstances requiring quick adjustment.
What is involved is a significant power surge which will manifest through certain people who resonate with the need to take decisive action or control.

The natural elements similarly are empowered with much greater force than usual.

[Mars and Jupiter are in parallel declination through August as well -adding extra fuel to an already very intense collection of energies affecting people and places in diverse locations]

For some: Loss of wealth. Loss of everything
  • Material and financial losses with the likelihood of destructive and damaging ingredients relate both to environmental threats in vulnerable zones and societal-political arenas including sudden trading market and investment losses being more significant than usual.
  • Social unrest and power struggles related to conflicts with authority, government forces
  • All of the above conditions are likely to occur in situations where rebalancing is required – that may be an environmental location, an organization, a nation’s system of government, and so on right down to an individual’s personal use of power and resources. 
As in all changing states of energy, your degree of personal resonance with the energetic effects occurring determines whether you personally get the strongest or the least effects.
Being on the receiving end of a life changing shift in circumstances will not automatically reveal the reasons why such an event occurs so it is important to take time for deep self-reflection to mitigate against further repeats.

And August continues to deliver even more.
Full Moon is August 21 at 28 degrees Leo-Aquarius –extending the same themes as the July Full Moon [ love, love affairs, friendship, group activities – activation of issues and questions around these variations in relating]
In addition:
  • The Uranus-Pluto social-political-environmental turmoil is intensified by Jupiter and this grouping, as well as Mars all feed back to the powerful full moon energies.
  •  Typically events can occur in the building phase of the moon coming to complete exact opposition to the sun. [the earth is positioned sandwiched between the two so all three are in one straight alignment]
In August 2013 it is worthwhile looking at the 17th to 18th as an initial significant triggering period in the days before the Full Moon due to the Sun’s activation of Pluto; the Moon’s activation of Pluto then Jupiter, then Uranus; plus Jupiter and Uranus linked to the lunar nodes.
update August 4 :   Rebellious, anarchic people are more likely to be triggered during the Full Moon period -feeling more aggrieved, angry, emotionally extreme - this could link in to the Al Qaeda risk scenario just notified by US authorities, covering the month of August]
[update August 18 -Gay couples can now marry in New Zealand - and this timing expresses the Aquarian unconventional nature of the Full Moon]
  • The strength of these influences related to the August Full Moon extends primarily from 17th-24th, though, as is standard, potentials remain during the full extent of the lunar month.
The background indicators during April to August could be interpreted as laying the precursor conditions for significant seismic unrest as well as major weather events.

  • The trio of eclipses from late April-late May represent 3 events capable of multiple effects over a six month period - to October and November 2013
  • Moon’s perigee positions [Supermoons] adding gravitational strain in May, June and July
  • Jupiter in Cancer adding atmospheric pressure
  • The Jupiter-Pluto a surge of powerful energy
  • The Jupiter-Uranus sudden release of tension 
In summary:
multiple factors look likely to have accumulated over time which place strain on geophysical structures and set in process the degree of powerful movement which accentuates strains.
Ultimately this situation must end in a significant release.

  • This scenario can be equally applied in other situations – human made structures and systems failingelectronic system breakdown; human meltdown after sustained pressure
  • Powerful storms and earthquakes are the sort of outcomes anticipated -but any involvement of the elements -expressed as wind, water, fire or earth events - can result in various scenarios
  • [update Friday August 16 - M6.6 quake in the Marlborough region of New Zealand sets off a string of strong aftershocks -news report. These events - [ Geonet quickly reports 60 aftershocks since the M6.6 quake around 2.30pm, with 6 being M 5 or greater] -  are highly relevant to the forecast in this report - written months previously - and stands in contrast to the official seismology forecast of an extremely low likelihood of a significant quake in this time frame news report
  • update August 25 -the mammoth Yosemite wildfire threatens San Francisco water supply
If the factors around the August Full Moon coincide with any significant turbulence in earth’s geomagnetic field as a result of powerful solar flares, high speed solar wind, or the effects of coronal mass ejections – to name some possibilities in the realm of space weather then even further complexities and intensities are added into the situation.
[update -this did not occur to any significant extent - more evidence that the sun is in a phase of its magnetic cycle regarded as the quietest -i.e. weakest -in 100 years -report ]
solar magnetism revealed -NASA SDO

Drama is the nature of our current condition and August is a strong candidate for the theatrics of life to unfold
As noted in the July report -the eclipse effects of May continue in July, August to pose much greater than usual risks involving all forms of transportation

updated advisory issued August 26
August 31-September 1st  there is an emphasis on extreme forces due to the opposition  midpoint of Jupiter to Pluto being at right angles to the position of Uranus.
Violent, coercive, dangerous, destructive energies can manifest as aggressive, homicidal acts as well as natural elements with annihilating force.
Under this influence there is heightened likelihood of terrorist and militaristic activity as well as criminal aggression involving the misuse of power. 
Natural elements are likely to reveal extreme weather events in various global locations as well as enhanced structural strain resulting in seismic events in vulnerable zones.

[update Sept 1 2013]
Extensive seismic unrest in Alaska and a damaging quake in China featured in the hi-risk period forecast here for the end of August into September as USGS listing shows

[update Aug 31] - August 31 2013
Right on target - Canterbury, New Zealand has largest quake in recent weeks as anticipated in earlier forecast made in my August 2013 report.  Today's M4.3 in the Greendale fault region which started off the chain in Sept 2010
from Quakelive

Christchurch, New Zealand entered a period of enhanced seismic activity in September 2010.
At this time Jupiter and Uranus began a paired cycle, exact at 28'43 Pisces on September 19, they were just slightly off exactitude when the M7.1 quake occurred on the 4th.
Cycles are the bread and butter basis of orbital life in the solar system and their study reveals much of significance
The beginning of a cycle establishes a pattern. Other significant stages in the cycle include the initially paired planets reaching positions at 90 and 180 degrees to each other.
In August 2013, the Sun on the 20th begins a pattern of strain with Jupiter and Uranus.
The Moon when almost at full on the 21st adds to the tension applied by the Sun.  Also on the 21st, NZ time Jupiter at 12 Cancer is exactly 90 degrees square Uranus at 12 Aries.
This is the first significant marker point since September 2010 for this pair of planets.
Against the recent backdrop of a noticeable slowdown in seismicity in the Christchurch-Canterbury region, it remains to be seen whether that location will resonate again to the cycle of Jupiter-Uranus

July 26 2013:
This early forecast posted June 17 has been vindicated by a swarm of earthquakes developing since July 19 in the Cook Strait, with Wellington City experiencing both superficial and structural damage following the largest [M6.5] seafloor quake and effects experienced in the relatively low populated area of Marlborough.
as seen on Geonet -the M6.5 was strong across New Zealand

More than 1500 aftershocks recorded July 19-26
The now named Seddon Sequences - on account of their geographical proximity to the small South Island settlement have predated an increase in seismic activity across central NZ including a separate M4.2 July 26 off Kapiti coast -widely felt in Wellington
July 26 news report

July 29
At 1.07 am a M5.4 in the Cook Strait, 12kms deep, 20kms east of Seddon,Marlborough sustains and extends the ongoing sequences in the immediate and surrounding regions

It would be extremely sensible to take precautionary measures wherever possible including planning, supplies and avoidance of risk zones during this high risk period -especially in the period of August highlighted in this report.
It seems likely that the seismic unrest in the Cook Strait has significantly more to deliver.
The tectonic plate convergence zone has a huge significance for New Zealand since our main islands straddle two forces in motion -the potent drivers of earthquakes in both island zones and volcanic activity in the North
update July 31 2013
The plate convergence zone shown above reflected in quakes - below -  over prior 3 months - though almost entirely being from July 2013
                               Original zoomable map from Geonet

August 17 2013 update
Following the M6.6 earthquake near Lake Grassmere,  north-eastern Marlborough on August 16 at 2.31 pm, there were four events over M5 in quick succession within the following 80 minutes. 
Within 2 hours a M6 occurred, followed by further M5+ events in the following 90 minutes.
The quakes formed an epicentre between the townships of Seddon and Ward
Extensive damage in the local region though again more news focus was initially directed towards the capital city Wellington where lesser damage occurred.

The focal area of the quakes -though many aftershocks have occurred in the seafloor to the N/E
This Herald video shows the 48 hrs of activity before the M6.6 on Friday 16th

update August 22 2013 -

NZ's volcanic White Island erupted in an impressive steam display for 10 minutes, mid-morning on August 20. The island is located east off the central North Island and in the central volcanic zone which extends into the south Pacific. This activity adds further to the ongoing seismic unrest that has spiked since July 2013  - news report

TAMZIN KAY posts most regularly on Blogger, occasionally on Facebook and sometimes on Twitter

Prior Reading:
JULY 2013 world forecast
June 2013 Supermoon report

Refer to:
AstroPro Richard Nolle August forecast
Mathematics Link Christchurch Earthquakes

Supermoon JULY 2013 - world forecast

This is a global report since Earth is in its entirety
 subject to solar system forces.
Particular locations and people will show the highlighted effects
 due to the resonance or vibrational match between the person/place
 and the prevailing energy input from the solar system

The 3rd Supermoon of 2013 is due on July 22
The birth of a new British Royal is awaited
New Zealand experiences a quake swarm

July 8 2013 has the New Moon and Mercury closely joined
 in Cancer; Uranus square Pluto; Saturn trine Neptune
 as standout factors
In this period there is a continuation of the global context of ongoing social/political/envionmental turmoil.
[update - start of July 2013: noting extreme weather, destructive natural events, instability in Brazil, Egypt, Syria - as evidenced in news reports are all relevant to the prevailing energies for the month]
 Planetary factors [Uranus square Pluto] provide a turbulent backdrop to the group of water signs [Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer] increasingly in July generating strong emotional responses across significant numbers of the human population.
This scenario suggests major political/societal/environmental events during the lunar month which will serve up significant
  • doses of major change in the lives of ordinary people and which rightly warrant
  •  a supportive response from those in better positions of safety, security and welfare.
[update July 9 Egypt & Syria remain in a major state of internal political conflict. The period July 5-8 has seen a rash of accidents involving transport -bus crashes in Cuba and New Jersey, plane crash landed at San Francisco airport, train explosion in Quebec
Astro-analysis reveals the planetary energetic factors as Mars conjunct Moon at 25 Gemini, both forming an exact 135 degrees angle [sesquiquadrate] to the 10 degree Scorpio midpoint of Saturn-North Node = death, difficult times re transport failure/crash

update July 1 - recent solar activity impacting earth since June 28 2013 is also relevant:]

June 28 saw a strong geomagnetic storm impact earth, as a result of a high stream solar wind in full connection due to south polarity of the Bz component.
There were 15 hours in succession of storm level readings from over K4 up to K7 in the period June 28 21:00 hrs UT to June 29 12:00hrs UT 
This was a long duration geomagnetic event bringing northern lights as far south as Kansas and in New Zealand up to Wellington, latitude 41 South.
Flow on effects are anticipated in earth systems - natural, biological and electronic. Watch for relevant news of related turbulence in weather, human/animal behaviour, system malfunctions, sharemarket panic [not extreme but causing instability] especially July 1-2. 

The planetary picture means for many the month is dominated by the energies of homes, houses, families, lunar, female, motherly, nurturing. Sensitivities are heightened, with compassion and caring to the fore.
This suggests continuance and even greater emphasis upon the ongoing trend seen in vulnerable locations across the world whereby families and their places of refuge – their homes – are under real threat of destruction: 
  • if environmental factors [effects of fire/wind/water] reach extreme levels
  • or loss of dwellings/family disintegration as a result of political-societal upheaval if human generated disaster zones derived from war, conflict or misuse of power, spread into residential areas.
[update July 2 Arizona wildfires, flooding in Indian Assam region and M6.2 quake in Indonesia all bearing destructive forces affecting homes and families]

Further social rebalancing effects are equally possible in known global conflict zones as well as in western democracies – in other words, wherever the use of power has become severely dysfunctional, abusive, corrupt. Such circumstances are the evidence of systemic failure on the part of governing regimes and elected decision-makers to fulfil their essential purpose – to effectively manage their nation’s resources in order that citizens may enjoy productive and collectively beneficial lives. This ethic has for the most part, across the planet, been buried in the mists of antiquity, but a redressing of the power imbalances is unavoidably on the global agenda under full spotlights during the period 2012-2016 

[update July 17 Royal Baby Awaited
An exact date has not been disclosed prior to the birth of the British Royal Family's latest addition. She/he is expected to arrive in the period approaching -i.e. the powerful building phase of exact full moon - the Supermoon detailed below -the lunar energy is likely to promote childbirth in anyone hanging on or overdue
What makes this period especially relevant to the Royals is:

  • the 0 degree Leo-Aquarius Supermoon is exactly square the Queen's 0 Taurus Sun and exactly square Prince Charles' [grandad] 0 Taurus Moon.
  • the Supermoon is exactly square Prince William's Jupiter at 0 Scorpio and exactly square Prince Harry's Pluto at 0 Scorpio
  • Mars and Jupiter, both in Cancer go into close conjunction on July 20 2013
Queen Elizabeth when a three year old Princess
  • Mars and Jupiter are exact conjunct at 5'50 Cancer on July 22. This highly energetic link between Mars and Jupiter is a Royal family tree signature passed down from the Queen
  • The Queen has Mars and Jupiter in tight conjunction in Aquarius -being 20'52 and 22'30 respectively
  • Prince Charles has Mars and Jupiter in conjunction in Sagittarius -being 20'57 and 29'53 respectively
  • Princess Anne has Mars and Jupiter trined in Pisces and Scorpio -2'53 and 3'53 respectively
  • Lower profile Princes Andrew and Edward do not have this trait.
  • Prince William does not share this pattern. Nor did his mother Princess Diana and nor does Prince Harry
  • Both William and Diana share the Sun sign Cancer
  • The Royal sign Leo and or corresponding symbol the Sun tend to be prominent in those born into Royalty [William, Charles, Queen, Anne, Queen Mother, King George VI, Princess Margaret]
  • The Sun moves from Cancer to Leo in July every year and in 2013 will do so on the day of the Supermoon, the 22nd.
  • Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, formerly Kate Middleton - is likely to have Moon in Cancer [no verified birth-time located]
  • A child born before July 23 will have a Cancer-Leo mix giving much sensitivity and strong family ties as well as the love of public profile and the very relevant highly energetic Mars-Jupiter trait - fitting in very nicely into the Royal personality -more to come once the arrival is specifically timed.
  • If born even within day or two of the Supermoon - the personality factors outlined will reflect in the personality of the new Royal
  • update July 22  right on the Supermoon, Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour -reported by BBC and has gone to St Mary's Hospital London. Supermoon is exact at 18.17 UT July 22 -  see Royal Baby analysis

July 22 Supermoon - Full Moon: Leo-Aquarius with Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune water sign Grand Trine; Uranus square Pluto
The Full Moon pairing of Leo-Aquarius generates issues around  love, love affairs, friendship, group activities. What links these is that they are all ways or levels of relating and questions may arise as to which is most appropriate.

  • The Human Collective continues to be emphasised, in terms of the Big Family – our connection and attachment to the larger pool of humanity is likely to arise in many situations. 
  • Events are likely to bring this consciousness to the forefront at a time when human - as well as other biological and energetic forces of nature are in major adjustment – shifts, changes, realignments, alterations in balances and emphases – as part of the journey of humanity towards greater realisation of our potential. 
  • The long-term process is however fraught with challenges - including shock and bewilderment -  since most major shifts appear to be initiated by outside forces. But there is no difference. The outside is a mirror of the inside. Everything is in mutual feedback, each to each other and us with the environment. 
Further factors [Mars,Jupiter] add to the effects generally experienced on earth from the lunar gravitational dynamic co-created with the Sun at Full Moon and the Supermoon situation due to close perigee. 
 These factors combined place a much greater than normal strain on the earth’s crust due to stronger tidal bulges around the planet.
In addition, fluid and atmospheric pressures are capable of large increases in the period around this full moon.
These effects may be evident from July 21 and continuing into August as several triggers come into effect engaging Mars & Jupiter with Uranus and Pluto. 
Geophysical stresses will increase but may not yet be evident in terms of significant surface seismic rupturing - further strains could erupt as the weeks progress into August
Environmental atmospheric turbulence is likely to be widespread globally –storms, severe deluge, flooding, landslips –anything in the category of extreme weather cannot be excluded - as relevant to local conditions and their trademark vulnerabilities.
Stormy conditions affect human interactions as well.
update July19
Wellington, capital city of New Zealand experiences significant quake -seen here just registering on the national seismic drum network. Preliminary magnitude 5.7. Epicentre is south of the city, 8kms deep in seafloor.
This faultline map section with epicentre [orange dot] shows the involvement of the major faults associated with the plate boundary zone crossing New Zealand.

update July 21 2013
Geonet quake drum July 21 Wellington NZ records quake activity generated below seafloor, Cook Strait with magnitudes up to M5.8 -exceeding the initial M5.7 event of Friday 19th
News report on NZ quake swarm
Instead of reducing, the Cook Strait quakes affecting Wellington are increasing - on July 21

Quakes of this magnitude vibrate through the whole of New Zealand.
This one upgraded to M6.5
What is interesting in the animation is the wide spread of seismic activity beyond the focal Cook Strait area - and even further beyond the map coverage

Monday July 22 also saw two destructive & fatal quakes -M5.6, M6.6 in China 

July 29 sees a M5.4 in Cook Strait and a M4.7 in North Canterbury - adding to the possibility that added strain on the major Alpine Fault running through the South Island could be the process to watch as we head into high risk August - report

As forecast in the May report on the lunar eclipse:
The involvement of the transport signs [GEM-SAG] along with Saturn-Neptune in Scorpio-Pisces gives grounds to expect fatalities associated with any transit mode – walking, jogging, bus, car, truck, train, plane, ship are the main methods of transport – and all are at risk of  failure, involving death. Neptune brings issues around these events: a detrimental force of water, drugs, alcohol,
 the inattention of an unfocussed mind -
 are all potential adverse ingredients
An eclipse has a period of influence until the next eclipse event period some 6 months later. In July a succession of transport accidents have occurred with Neptune lingering around the 5 degree position - linked tightly to the eclipse at 4 degrees.
Neptune will retrograde back to 4 degrees in August, probably increasing transport accident risks

Further updates may be added as news reports confirm expected outcomes

Further Reading:
click on Fourmilab graphic for Moon to Earth perigee data

Review the April & May 2013 eclipse reports as these have a 6 month period of effect until October-November -adding to the intensity of 2013
June 2013 -with Supermoon report
 August 2013 Astroblog World Forecast
BBC report: turmoil in Egypt


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...