This is a global report since Earth is in its entirety
subject to solar system forces.
Particular locations and people will show the highlighted effects
due to the resonance or vibrational match between the person/place and the prevailing energy input from the solar system
July 8 2013 has the New Moon and Mercury closely joined
in Cancer; Uranus square Pluto; Saturn trine Neptune
as standout factors
In this period there is a continuation of the global context of ongoing social/political/envionmental turmoil.subject to solar system forces.
Particular locations and people will show the highlighted effects
due to the resonance or vibrational match between the person/place and the prevailing energy input from the solar system
The 3rd Supermoon of 2013 is due on July 22
The birth of a new British Royal is awaited
New Zealand experiences a quake swarm
July 8 2013 has the New Moon and Mercury closely joined
in Cancer; Uranus square Pluto; Saturn trine Neptune
as standout factors
[update - start of July 2013: noting extreme weather, destructive natural events, instability in Brazil, Egypt, Syria - as evidenced in news reports are all relevant to the prevailing energies for the month]
Planetary factors [Uranus square Pluto] provide a turbulent backdrop to the group of water signs [Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer] increasingly in July generating strong emotional responses across significant numbers of the human population.
This scenario suggests major political/societal/environmental events during the lunar month which will serve up significant
Astro-analysis reveals the planetary energetic factors as Mars conjunct Moon at 25 Gemini, both forming an exact 135 degrees angle [sesquiquadrate] to the 10 degree Scorpio midpoint of Saturn-North Node = death, difficult times re transport failure/crash
- doses of major change in the lives of ordinary people and which rightly warrant
- a supportive response from those in better positions of safety, security and welfare.
Astro-analysis reveals the planetary energetic factors as Mars conjunct Moon at 25 Gemini, both forming an exact 135 degrees angle [sesquiquadrate] to the 10 degree Scorpio midpoint of Saturn-North Node = death, difficult times re transport failure/crash
June 28 saw a strong geomagnetic storm impact earth, as a result of a high stream solar wind in full connection due to south polarity of the Bz component.
There were 15 hours in succession of storm level readings from over K4 up to K7 in the period June 28 21:00 hrs UT to June 29 12:00hrs UT
was a long duration geomagnetic event bringing northern lights as far
south as Kansas and in New Zealand up to Wellington, latitude 41 South.
on effects are anticipated in earth systems - natural, biological and
electronic. Watch for relevant news of related turbulence in weather,
human/animal behaviour, system malfunctions, sharemarket panic [not extreme but causing instability] especially July 1-2. The planetary picture means for many the month is dominated by the energies of homes, houses, families, lunar, female, motherly, nurturing. Sensitivities are heightened, with compassion and caring to the fore.
This suggests continuance and even greater emphasis upon the ongoing trend seen in vulnerable locations across the world whereby families and their places of refuge – their homes – are under real threat of destruction:
- if environmental factors [effects of fire/wind/water] reach extreme levels
- or loss of dwellings/family disintegration as a result of political-societal upheaval if human generated disaster zones derived from war, conflict or misuse of power, spread into residential areas.
Further social rebalancing effects are equally possible in known global conflict zones as well as in western democracies – in other words, wherever the use of power has become severely dysfunctional, abusive, corrupt. Such circumstances are the evidence of systemic failure on the part of governing regimes and elected decision-makers to fulfil their essential purpose – to effectively manage their nation’s resources in order that citizens may enjoy productive and collectively beneficial lives. This ethic has for the most part, across the planet, been buried in the mists of antiquity, but a redressing of the power imbalances is unavoidably on the global agenda under full spotlights during the period 2012-2016
[update July 17 Royal Baby Awaited
An exact date has not been disclosed prior to the birth of the British Royal Family's latest addition. She/he is expected to arrive in the period approaching -i.e. the powerful building phase of exact full moon - the Supermoon detailed below -the lunar energy is likely to promote childbirth in anyone hanging on or overdue
What makes this period especially relevant to the Royals is:
[update July 17 Royal Baby Awaited
An exact date has not been disclosed prior to the birth of the British Royal Family's latest addition. She/he is expected to arrive in the period approaching -i.e. the powerful building phase of exact full moon - the Supermoon detailed below -the lunar energy is likely to promote childbirth in anyone hanging on or overdue
What makes this period especially relevant to the Royals is:
- the 0 degree Leo-Aquarius Supermoon is exactly square the Queen's 0 Taurus Sun and exactly square Prince Charles' [grandad] 0 Taurus Moon.
- the Supermoon is exactly square Prince William's Jupiter at 0 Scorpio and exactly square Prince Harry's Pluto at 0 Scorpio
- Mars and Jupiter, both in Cancer go into close conjunction on July 20 2013
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Queen Elizabeth when a three year old Princess |
- Mars and Jupiter are exact conjunct at 5'50 Cancer on July 22. This highly energetic link between Mars and Jupiter is a Royal family tree signature passed down from the Queen
- The Queen has Mars and Jupiter in tight conjunction in Aquarius -being 20'52 and 22'30 respectively
- Prince Charles has Mars and Jupiter in conjunction in Sagittarius -being 20'57 and 29'53 respectively
- Princess Anne has Mars and Jupiter trined in Pisces and Scorpio -2'53 and 3'53 respectively
- Lower profile Princes Andrew and Edward do not have this trait.
- Prince William does not share this pattern. Nor did his mother Princess Diana and nor does Prince Harry
- Both William and Diana share the Sun sign Cancer
- The Royal sign Leo and or corresponding symbol the Sun tend to be prominent in those born into Royalty [William, Charles, Queen, Anne, Queen Mother, King George VI, Princess Margaret]
- The Sun moves from Cancer to Leo in July every year and in 2013 will do so on the day of the Supermoon, the 22nd.
- Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, formerly Kate Middleton - is likely to have Moon in Cancer [no verified birth-time located]
- A child born before July 23 will have a Cancer-Leo mix giving much sensitivity and strong family ties as well as the love of public profile and the very relevant highly energetic Mars-Jupiter trait - fitting in very nicely into the Royal personality -more to come once the arrival is specifically timed.
- If born even within day or two of the Supermoon - the personality factors outlined will reflect in the personality of the new Royal
- update July 22 right on the Supermoon, Duchess of Cambridge goes into labour -reported by BBC and has gone to St Mary's Hospital London. Supermoon is exact at 18.17 UT July 22 - see Royal Baby analysis
July 22 Supermoon - Full Moon: Leo-Aquarius with Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune water sign Grand Trine; Uranus square Pluto
The Full Moon pairing of Leo-Aquarius generates issues around love, love affairs, friendship, group activities. What links these is that they are all ways or levels of relating and questions may arise as to which is most appropriate.
- The Human Collective continues to be emphasised, in terms of the Big Family – our connection and attachment to the larger pool of humanity is likely to arise in many situations.
- Events are likely to bring this consciousness to the forefront at a time when human - as well as other biological and energetic forces of nature are in major adjustment – shifts, changes, realignments, alterations in balances and emphases – as part of the journey of humanity towards greater realisation of our potential.
- The long-term process is however fraught with challenges - including shock and bewilderment - since most major shifts appear to be initiated by outside forces. But there is no difference. The outside is a mirror of the inside. Everything is in mutual feedback, each to each other and us with the environment.
Further factors [Mars,Jupiter] add to the effects generally experienced on earth from the lunar gravitational dynamic co-created with the Sun at Full Moon and the Supermoon situation due to close perigee.
These factors combined place a much greater than normal strain on the earth’s crust due to stronger tidal bulges around the planet.
In addition, fluid and atmospheric pressures are capable of large increases in the period around this full moon.
In addition, fluid and atmospheric pressures are capable of large increases in the period around this full moon.
These effects may be evident from July 21 and continuing into August as several triggers come into effect engaging Mars & Jupiter with Uranus and Pluto.
Geophysical stresses will increase but may not yet be evident in terms of significant surface seismic rupturing - further strains could erupt as the weeks progress into August
Wellington, capital city of New Zealand experiences significant quake -seen here just registering on the national seismic drum network. Preliminary magnitude 5.7. Epicentre is south of the city, 8kms deep in seafloor.
Environmental atmospheric turbulence is likely to be widespread globally –storms, severe deluge, flooding, landslips –anything in the category of extreme weather cannot be excluded - as relevant to local conditions and their trademark vulnerabilities.
Stormy conditions affect human interactions as well.
update July19Wellington, capital city of New Zealand experiences significant quake -seen here just registering on the national seismic drum network. Preliminary magnitude 5.7. Epicentre is south of the city, 8kms deep in seafloor.
This faultline map section with epicentre [orange dot] shows the involvement of the major faults associated with the plate boundary zone crossing New Zealand.
update July 21 2013
News report on NZ quake swarm
Instead of reducing, the Cook Strait quakes affecting Wellington are increasing - on July 21
What is interesting in the animation is the wide spread of seismic activity beyond the focal Cook Strait area - and even further beyond the map coverage
Monday July 22 also saw two destructive & fatal quakes -M5.6, M6.6 in China
July 29 sees a M5.4 in Cook Strait and a M4.7 in North Canterbury - adding to the possibility that added strain on the major Alpine Fault running through the South Island could be the process to watch as we head into high risk August - report
As forecast in the May report on the lunar eclipse:
Neptune will retrograde back to 4 degrees in August, probably increasing transport accident risks
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Geonet quake drum July 21 Wellington NZ records quake activity generated below seafloor, Cook Strait with magnitudes up to M5.8 -exceeding the initial M5.7 event of Friday 19th |
Instead of reducing, the Cook Strait quakes affecting Wellington are increasing - on July 21
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Quakes of this magnitude vibrate through the whole of New Zealand. This one upgraded to M6.5 |
Monday July 22 also saw two destructive & fatal quakes -M5.6, M6.6 in China
July 29 sees a M5.4 in Cook Strait and a M4.7 in North Canterbury - adding to the possibility that added strain on the major Alpine Fault running through the South Island could be the process to watch as we head into high risk August - report
As forecast in the May report on the lunar eclipse:
The involvement of the transport signs [GEM-SAG] along with
Saturn-Neptune in Scorpio-Pisces gives grounds to expect fatalities
associated with any transit mode – walking, jogging, bus, car, truck,
train, plane, ship are the main methods of transport – and all are at
risk of failure, involving death. Neptune brings issues around these
events: a detrimental force of water, drugs, alcohol,
the inattention of an unfocussed mind -
are all potential adverse ingredients
An eclipse has a period of influence until the next eclipse event period some 6 months later. In July a succession of transport accidents have occurred with Neptune lingering around the 5 degree position - linked tightly to the eclipse at 4 degrees.Neptune will retrograde back to 4 degrees in August, probably increasing transport accident risks
Further updates may be added as news reports confirm expected outcomes
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click on Fourmilab graphic for Moon to Earth perigee data |
June 2013 -with Supermoon report
August 2013 Astroblog World Forecast
BBC report: turmoil in Egypt