Thursday, 20 June 2013

James Gandolfini - the planets & his death

James Gandolfini was a big guy on many levels.
 1.85 metres tall and with a brawler's physique,
 widely known for his role as mobster boss Tony Soprano.
 He was clearly more personable off-screen
 than seen in his serious acting roles.
 In 2013 he died on June 19. His planetary blueprint at birth
 gives big clues as to why that was a fateful day

Born on September 18 1961 a cluster of planetary positions can be found occupying a narrow range of degree positions. This situation is apparent in people with very strong charisma and powerful personalities. Effectively they have a lot of power at their disposal due to multiple planetary energies being at their disposal - but this situation also has problems: when the larger solar system energy field is flowing with their planetary profile things go very well. When the forces are against them, monumental crises and major challenges occur.
On June 19 the challenge was so strong, that death was the outcome.

First look at the array of factors on the day JG was born: [rounded degree positions]
Venus 23 Leo, lunar nodes 27 Leo-Aquarius, Uranus 28 Leo
Sun 25 Virgo
Mars 21 Libra
Saturn 23 Capricorn, Jupiter 27 Capricorn
All of these factors are connected and a cascading effect is generated once the process is activated. 
The sequence is numerical starting with Mars at 21 which links closely to Venus and Saturn. These in turn link to the Sun at 25 degrees. The Sun in turn links to the lunar nodes and Jupiter at 27 degrees and the flow on then reaches Uranus in Leo at 28 degrees.

Pictured here are the planets at noon on September 18 1961 relative to New Jersey USA.
The pattern is referenced, not the orientation, nor the Moon's position due to its rapid movement calculation
JG is reported to have died of a heart attack while on vacation in Italy
Leo is the astrological sign corresponding to the heart energy
Uranus is the electrical force and so describes the electrical functioning of the heart in anyone born with Uranus in Leo

On June 19 the Sun reached the position of 28 Gemini, joined by Jupiter aligned exactly at that position 28 Gemini - creating a rare total eclipse of Jupiter.

It is highly likely that JG's health has been under added strain - even if that was subtle or unreported - from early June as soon as Jupiter reached 25 degrees - which is in a stressing angle -90 degrees to JG's Sun at 25 Virgo. By June 16 the Sun reached 25 Gemini as well and the two planets kept up the pressure until June 19 when Uranus in Leo at 28 degrees was activated. Because of the tight interconnectivity of so many factors in JG's birth blueprint it was a struggle he was destined to find extremely challenging.
The Moon's north lunar node being at 27 degrees is immediately activated along with Uranus at 28 degrees. The nodal positions are regarded as major turning points in the life. For James Gandolfini it was a journey beyond earthly life.

Powerful planetary influences are in effect in June 2013 due to the closest Supermoon for the year building to exact full moon status on the more

No exact time of birth is known for this report, but strong points relevant to the analysis are evident 

News Report:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...