Monday, 10 June 2013

Miro, Picasso: inside the mind, an astro energy-analysis

Spanish creatives Joan Miro and Pablo Picasso
born in the late 19th century left a powerful legacy
with global cultural impact spanning the 20th century and beyond.
Detailed analysis of their energetic blueprints
reveals their personal similarities
as well as the artist who had most historical significance
This analysis looks at the planetary factors related
to Miro and Picasso & future trends
Miro happened to be born in a most auspicious period
 when a rare conjunction of planets occurred.

It is the combined imprints in particular of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter –said to be captured by the neural networks at birth – that manifest so strongly in Miro’s work

Pluto and Neptune formed exact conjunctions in Gemini in 1891 and 1892 – for the first meeting in almost 500 years –which is a significant enough collective energy shift – but for Miro the added connections of Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn linked very closely to Pluto-Neptune enhanced his particular ability to be a conduit for the universal energies prevailing.
April 1893 was a very potent period for that grouping of 5 planets to find sources of expression – in particular, people whose lives might serve as examples. Miro is readily apparent as a rightful heir to the available energies with his day and time of birth adding further reinforcement to the outcomes that defined his life

Pluto conjunct Neptune combines two levels of energy expression that are far removed from everyday experience – the metaphysical and the immaterial – fundamentally the terrain of quantum physics –which most have little sense of or experience with or even intellectual appreciation of.
Thankfully there are artists, musicians, spiritually and scientifically minded people who all have a perspective on the nature of this non-ordinary reality –and therein lies the capacity for cross-over -  where the spiritual or the scientific is expressed through art or music.
Both Pluto and Neptune, via the particular high frequency of electromagnetic radiation they discharge, are associated with abilities beyond the normal, including pre-cognition, extra sensory or clair-sentient ability. They provide a resonance with the physics of the depths of space as well as the minutiae of sub-atomic quantum reality

When Pluto and Neptune aligned exactly in the early 1890’s their position in the Gemini sector made this type of consciousness of the unconscious and hidden realms available to the everyday mind.  The Gemini level of mental functioning is concerned with symbols, signs, language, codes, letters, graphics –along with fragments of information, ephemera – and on another level with writing, reading, talking, communicating ideas, thoughts and general information.

Pluto in Gemini creates a fascination, even obsession with the above aspects of human mind and activities – with a desire to penetrate the mind itself as well for hidden information [ psychoanalysis and hypnosis]

People born with Pluto in Gemini have much more deeply insightful minds than delivered just by Gemini in an unadulterated state. Pluto seeks out the meaning, secrets and essence of things and provides the mind of such people with far more information about things, people, life in general, than most who operate at an everyday level of functional thinking.

Neptune in Gemini infuses the mind with fantasy, daydreaming, escapist, meditative and spiritualized states that are closer to the brainwave conditions of sleep than the alert working mode of  the mind

Effectively, Pluto and Neptune together in Gemini create a shift of the mind away from the terrestrial and mundane and into the altered reality of cosmic space-time and the revelation of unconscious material 
There was only one significant factor allowing Miro to keep himself anchored or earthed enough to avoid extreme dysfunctionality: Saturn in the balancing sign Libra provided enough of an antidote to the extremely intense forces he had to work with – four planets in Gemini –being Moon and Mars adding to the Pluto-Neptune mix means he had an awful lot going on in his head; Jupiter and Uranus add in excesses and chaos to the mix and Mercury linking to all the forementioned planets means his planetary channel of mental functioning is receiving a huge amount of information. Is the complexity of his artwork any surprise? Work done in different periods shows different prevailing influences but all his stylistic elements show correspondences with the dominance of one or more of Miro’s driving forces – from the most intense and complex to the minimalist symbolic works infused with motifs of surrealism, cosmic symbology, dreams, the unconscious, dematerialised space.
Miro book cover graphic
That Miro expressed his highly energised mind through art comes as no surprise when the combination of Venus, north lunar node, Sun and Jupiter all in the elevated high noon position. These ingredients bring together Venus and planets in the connected sign Taurus [Sun, Jupiter] all in association with the destiny indicator the north lunar node. 
Libra and Leo are the two signs most associated with fine art and creativity and Taurus with sensory perception. Miro has Saturn in Libra which is a good structural or compositional sense; Leo is the sign rising at his birth and the Venus-Node combination in Aries has a polarity link with Libra [opposite signs are in feedback as in any dipolar magnetic system] In other words his Aries elements were equally capable of operating like Libra.
 In combination Miro possessed not only a medley of exceptionally creative traits evidenced by the factors just noted, but also a mid capable of transporting those talents somewhere no one had gone before.

His serious side –describing himself as tragic and tormented and capable of being viewed as constrained – all showing the influence of  Saturn so closely opposed to the mentally functioning Mercury – whereas in terms of pure contradiction Miro himself recognised the humorous and playful aspects of his work and others would detect spontaneity in the man himself. These balancing qualities come from the close conjunction of Jupiter to the Sun and Uranus offsetting some of Saturn’s hardest traits.

Miro’s first solo show was in 1918. Fittingly he was drawn to the avant garde especially surrealist practitioners of the era. By 1922 he showed his capacity for astute deconstruction  of material reality – identifying the canvas as a magnetic field activated by an electric current and the opportunity for the laws of gravity to be challenged. 
Great strides in further subversion were made by 1924 with Miro’s stated intent to transform the ‘canvas into a neutral indeterminate surface where figures could float free as dream-like signs within a transfigured world’ [Candela p10-11]
Surrealism had given Miro licence to express his transcended vision, surpassing the limitations of even Cubism’s multi-perspective revolution – for Miro space was a much more dimensional domain and thus his alignment is clear with much later 20th century physicists who adhere to theories of physical space extending up to 26 dimensions

1973 Picasso portrait on Russian stamp
Picasso’s birth pre-dates Miro by over 11 years and so the planetary factors giving rise to his personal energetic blueprint are in a different category – so distinct in fact that Miro warrants more acclaim for his scientifically accurate perception of reality, long before such aspects of physics were determined or given theoretical credence
Picasso’s artistic credentials comply with the expected correspondences: he has creatively prominent Leo as his rising sign; Venus the indicator of aesthetic sensitivity in Libra –the sign most associated with fine art; a predominance of factors [6 in total] in Taurus-Scorpio adds to the picture via the strong attunement to sensory faculties endowed by those energies.
Were it not for further ingredients, Picasso could have been someone immersed in a very prolific creative occupation. Jupiter in Taurus created the abundance of his work and typically of Taurus a fondness for the tactile shown in his large body of three dimensional work, including ceramics, collage, costume, theatre sets  plus an often heavily gestural style. An enduring love of voluptuous forms is evident -  as well as the recurrent Bull motif. Life in all its earthly Taurean glory is offset with death and destruction elements [Scorpio] including skull imagery.
Pluto, Neptune and Uranus also have major roles to play in lifting Picasso beyond a merely successful career. Pluto enables an extremely penetrating insight and awareness. Placed in such connectivity to Mercury [mind] and in Taurus gave Picasso a metaphysical awareness – a capacity to understand the transcendance of material reality – its destruction and renewal.
Neptune in Taurus conceptualises the dissolution process, dematerialising the object. So much of Picasso’s work is about line, contour.
Uranus brings a strong influence to his Sun [by semisquare angle] and the Sun’s interaction with Jupiter-Neptune [the midpoint of these connects to Uranus] and this ingredient is the avant garde indicator –the rule-breaking, subversive and overall unconventional capacity which lights revolutionary fires.
Although Picasso clearly broke ground in the canon of Western art history and remains enduringly significant, that status may be more as a result of work that reflects his attachment to the earthly domains which make people secure and comfortable – even when rather oddly packaged - versus Miro’s desire to portray unrecognisable and bizarre symbolic and dreamlike realms where many fear to tread
In the longer stretch of global cultural history, Miro’s vision is likely to have renewed spike’s of relevance since the energetic pathway denoted by the spatial orbits of the signifiers Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are increasingly engaged in shared cycles emphasising the conceptual over the form, the idea over the object –a process emerging in fine art since the radical revisions of Dada, Cubism and Surrealism opened the doorway to alternative ways of perception.
Picasso. Three Musicians [1921]
Outer planetary transits through the Air signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius bring about more conceptual or ideas focussed consciousness in the collective of humanity. Positions in the water sign Pisces also add to a dissolving of material attachments in the mind.
Relevant  cultural aspects
In 2013 Neptune is in Pisces [until 2026] increasing dissolving of materiality
Uranus in Taurus will subvert materiality [2019-2026]
Uranus in Gemini -radical unusual ideas,  new com-tech [2026-2033]
Pluto in Aquarius - cultural renaissance [2024-2044]
Pluto in Pisces - non-ordinary realities, virtual, quantum  [2044-2068] 
Jupiter Saturn Cycle - from Dec 2020 is dominated by Air signs for almost 200 years
Jupiter-Neptune in Aquarius, Pisces - 2009-2035
Jupiter-Pluto in Aquarius, Pisces 2033-2070


Candela, Iria MIRO Tate 2011


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...