Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A Kardashian Jenner astrological tree

Astrological family trees
 are more likely than not
 to show patterns of energy
When full birth data is known a much more confirmational array of repeat energies or energy themes is clearly visible.
Kim Kardashian 
The Kardashian and Jenner extended families have achieved a globally high profile on account of their extended reality TV self-exposure.
When such a successful dynasty exists, astrological analysis, even at it's most basic, gives an insight into the family themes.
Looking at key family members -as well as their significant others - interesting themes are evident

Scorpio is "survival at all costs" energy, making Scorpios tough, determined battlers and sometimes lethal in pursuing their instincts -whether that is through money, power, people, possessions
Courtesy of family matriarch Kris, her "out-in-the-world" energy did not surface in her Kardashian children's Sun signs, but in 1991 she chose to match up with fellow Scorpio Bruce* [original name of Caitlyn] Jenner.
From this union of 2 Scorpios came 2 daughters -and one - Kendall - is also a Scorpio
Scorpio also emerged in the entrance of Lamar Odom into the family - as husband of Khloe Kardashian

Pisces is the least "out-in-the-world' is the energy of seclusion and retreat -privacy is the preferred style of life
Robert Kardashian Senior brought the soft, sensitive Pisces energy into the family.
It expressed directly through his son Rob's Sun sign.
Pisces is one of the most difficult energies for men to needs to be expressed through faith or spirituality, through sensitivity and compassion - but usually it is too hard for men to be this soft, so it is channeled into drug or alcohol abuse.
Robert's daughter Kourtney got Pisces as her Ascendant or sign that was rising at her birth time [modifying factors though make her tougher than Kim]
From Robert, daughter Kim got a Pisces Moon - for a woman, Pisces is much more traditionally acceptable. Kim has very sensitive emotional disposition.
Khloe was born with no astrological factors in Pisces but her potential to become more sensitive has been triggered since 2010 and even more so since 2011 with Pisces planet - Neptune - softening her in a very personal way.

The group of 4 signs Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn are described as Cardinal - they actively express energy through ways of relating.
Aries energy demands a strong relationship with the Self, more independence
Libra energy is primed for partnership but has to guard against to much dependence = the scales can become unbalanced
Cancer energy is the homely family style of relating, including nurturing and parenting others in a female style
Capricorn is the way of relating to society in roles as a senior manager, mentor = in loco parentis - in the style of a supportive or guiding fatherly figure
Cardinal Signs feature strongly in the Kardashian energy through the union of Robert and Kris.
Robert had Capricorn rising at his birth and Libra in the highest position of the sky overhead = midheaven
Kris has her emotions [Moon] expressed through Cancer -extending her role as mother into a management business. She also has 3 planets in Libra
Kim is Sun Sign Libra
Khloe has Sun sign Cancer plus Mercury and Venus in that sign.
Kourtney has 3 planets in Aries including Mercury, Mars and Sun. Moon is in Capricorn. Pluto in Libra
Rob's most relevant cardinal sign element is Moon in Libra
Kendall -has multiple significant factors in cardinal signs
Kylie - has multiple significant factors in cardinal signs
Caitlyn - has a significant life path indicator axis in Aries-Libra - with the direction in this life pointing to self-development, not partnership

All this relating energy signifies that as a result of parental energies and shared lessons in this life, the original Kardashian family - and the offspring of the Jenner union - will all spend a huge amount of their learning time on this planet trying to get to grips with who they are as an individual, and how to operate in all types of relating. This is a strong and undeniable family theme -genetically carried, astrologically visible and karmically entangled.

Fixed Signs
The fixed signs have a significant role for these conjoined families.
Taurus Scorpio Leo and Aquarius are in this group of survivalist signs - each choosing their own distinctive style of survival.
3 signs stand out as relevant in this extended family tree:
Scorpio Leo Aquarius
Scorpio has been dealt with earlier.
The Leo style of survival is through receiving love, attention, adoration and by acts of creation = a symbolic immortality - through offspring - or creative works - which also gain attention or fame
Aquarius style survival is by creating networks -like-minded people all connected - whether remotely or anonymously is not important - but the focus usually begins with everyday world friendships, group involvements - building a sense of humanity and social structure through shared interests, common goals
Robert had Moon in Aquarius
Kris - multiple planets in Scorpio and Leo
Rob -  Aquarius as rising sign
Bruce/Caitlyn - Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo as the midheaven sign
Kim -Mercury [type of thoughts] in Scorpio
Khloe - Mars and Saturn in Scorpio [affects attractions to men]
Kourtney - no significant factors in fixed signs
Kendall - Scorpio Sun
Kylie - Sun Leo, Moon Scorpio.

Energy Shifts
The bloodlines, energies karma all undergo change with children born from partners outside of the original Robert-Kris union
Through Kim:
Kim's love, partner and attraction energies run from Taurus through Gemini and Cancer - so men with those signs will appeal to her. She has Mars in Sagittarius = making sportsmen and people of other cultures/ethnicities also attractive.
[Kanye West is a Gemini Sun sign]

Through Kourtney:
Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio are her love, partner and attraction indicators. She has Mars in Aries - which more accurately reflects the man in her life Scott Disick  a Gemini Sun sign who is known mostly for his anger-management issues = classic Mars in Aries

Through Khloe:
Khloe has Mars and Saturn in Scorpio = older males with this energy will appeal. Cancer, Virgo and Libra are her love, partner and attraction indicators.
Lamar Odom is a Scorpio [an energy linking Khloe more to her early association with Bruce [Scorpio], than with her biological father Robert [Pisces].

Headed by Kris Jenner, the Kardashian-Jenner clans are clearly a matriarchal dynasty - her husband Robert died and her subsequent husband Bruce crossed over to the female side.  The 3 Kardashian sisters find their path towards stable partnership is studded with issues.

Excellent astrological data in the form of birth charts is available for the Kardashian-Jenner family through
Here are 3 examples referred to in the text:

Thursday, 15 December 2016

December 2016 & Christmas Astrology

December 2016 sees a complex clustering of planets which will have significant effects on significant numbers of people
The Full moon on December 14 starts to gather in the clustering energies, though they will grow in their synergistic force towards December 25th

  • The most beneficial shift for some people will be a growing spiritual awareness about their relationship to others - whether that is identified formally within a belief system, or simply as an attitudinal change. 
  • An opening up of social consciousness and responsibility towards others is fundamental to the spirit of this significant energy cluster
  • A feeling of wanting to support, assist, be generous - but with moderation, restraint or conditions.
At its best this is an opportunity for some people to recognise their position of comfort and good fortune and to see that they can reach out to others not receiving such benefits in this life

For those not feeling the positives of this energy -as giver or receiver - there is still significant change on offer - but more as a result of making shifts under duress - the pressure of some stressful situation demanding that personal changes are made in attitude or behaviour.
In essence this is Maturing energy - feeling able to be a nurturer or supporter of others requires this level of personal growth. The Wounded Child within is pacified enough to allow the emergence of a parental, guiding energy within the personality.

Some people will achieve this growth in non-traumatic increments - others will be very strongly confronted with their need to change -effectively grow up - and chronological age is no indicator of when this process will occur - for some it happens in their final decades of life. 
Those who cannot at this point rise to the maturing challenge will experience significant consequences.

December 25th and the days surrounding it intensifies the maturing energies, offering the ideal outcome of healed relationships, new perspectives born of understanding the bigger picture of relating, family, society and ultimately our humanity, our spiritual essence.   

This growth opportunity, no matter what aspect of life is involved, will be primarily offered to people born on or in days surrounding
January 7th, April 7th, July 9th, October 10th - and
February 22, May 24, August 26, November 25

Within the context of global events these energies also take on a significant meaning. Politics that affect humanity are needing to be re-assessed. 
The Earth itself bears these energies directly, being subject to all cosmic forces and the weather and crust of the earth are strongly affected by strong clusters of energy. Any intensity of forces is capable of expressing as extreme weather events and shifts in the tectonic balance - as balance/imbalance is fundamental to the themes of the cluster. Seismic unrest and large scale geophysical events must also be considered to be elevated potentials under these influences.
[update Dec 29 - significant spots around the Pacific Ring of Fire are seismically active in the past 24 hours]
The Astrology Explained
The Full Moon in Sagittarius-Gemini is enhanced by Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus all in close mathematical connectivity. The individual geometries are less relevant than the close mathematical matching.
Venus links in by an exact semi-square to the Sun.
Pluto stays in range due to its activation - from 16 Capricorn - of the others in Cardinal signs -Jupiter at 19 Libra and Uranus at 19 Aries

As Xmas approaches Venus begins to join Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus = all at 20 degrees - and with Pluto at 17 degrees it is definitely close enough to be effective in its transformational role - all together creating a synergistic effect involving relationship growth/change/development. The best outcomes are very positive for those wanting to commit to or formalise, deepen or strengthen bonds.
This is not just about the quality of our relating, but also the spiritual meaning of our connections to particular people as well as humanity in general -a multi-layered shift in consciousness is on offer for those ready for it.

In the simplest of terms the essences of these energies are: 
Saturn = maturing
Uranus = changing
Jupiter = growth
Venus = relating
Pluto = transformational shift

All lunar events begin their influence in the days before exactitude and extend effects until the next lunar event of the same type - eg Full Moon to Full Moon
Eclipses last at least 6 months ahead and are also pre-activated by any outer planet trigger at the eclipse degree

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

From Me to We: Nov-Dec 2016 New Moon

New Moon November 29/30 2016 carries a complex array of extra energies
Being a Sagittarian sun-moon conjunction means Jupiter is very important - but this time the Jupiter energy is not able to escape from reality checks

  • Saturn -the great confronter is in tight connection.
  • Saturn energy will arise in the form of checks and balances needing to be in place to ensure that the expansive, optimistic, carefree, indulgent urges associated with Jupiter are held up to scrutiny to see where they need to be modified.
  • Saturn will express in the body -aches pains, blockages, failures - with the back, neck, knees, skin, teeth all particularly typical of Saturn restrictions or problems
  • In Sagittarius Saturn also reduces functions of the liver
  • Saturn restrains free-ranging [Jupiter] energy while in Sagittarius - enforces a focus -usually involving demanding work, hard work, difficult work
  • The benefit of the current Saturn in SAG-Jupiter in Libra pairing is happy unions
  • Jupiter attracts positive connections/relationships/partnerships while in Libra
  • Saturn assists Jupiter's good omens by saying focus on this opportunity, grow it, nurture it - rein in your free ranging style and make a commitment to this
  • Uranus in Aries opposite Jupiter says time to make significant personal changes and go from me to we
  • Pluto in Capricorn linking to Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus says this is serious, this is a major turning point in your life: you will be forever changed by this if you open to what is offered
  • All combined this power-package of personal growth is saying: time to grow up, accept the discipline, commitment and growth that you need -through the dynamic of partnership

A significant number of people will be on this personal growth wavelength in December 2016
In fact many will make the full commitment by late November and deepen it further even to the point of legalising it in December.
This is primarily but not exclusively private relationship energy -it also can involve any partnership related to a focus - business, therapeutic - anywhere a team approach is beneficial and commitment is essential.

Neptune also cannot be ignored in the effective time period of this New Moon. [26 November-29 Dec]
The effects of Neptune strengthened from its direct movement in the third week of November and then this 8 degree New moon captures Neptune at 9 degrees and the lunar nodes at 8 degrees.
  • Any energy expressions of Neptune increase their potency - e.g.
  • All forms of water gain in their elemental force
  • risks associated with water increase -eg capsize
  • drugs, alcohol, addictive chemicals or substances all create higher risk factors
  • problems involving poisons, gases, chemicals
  • sensitive people more sensitive
  • sleep more of an issue and dreams more significant; too sleepy or sleepless, foggy mind
  • potential for faith/religion or deluded beliefs, extreme views, causing destructive behaviour

Negative outcomes arise when particular people's personal energy is aggravated by prevailing energies
The same planets that offer positive potentials for many will be aggravating to others.
With four powerful planets combining the potential for destructive outcomes fuelled by unhealthy beliefs remains high.
This means that with strong forces in effect, December must also be considered, within a global context, to be a time frame requiring vigilance and self care regarding not only environmental threats - forces of nature - but also risks arising from volatile people.

Whenever here are multiple planets in the mutable signs - Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces - because mutables are about flow and movement  - there are likely to be transport accidents, breakdowns, general travel issues. This period late Nov 2016 coincides with Saturn, Neptune, Sun, Moon, lunar nodes all in mutables.

More to follow in the Full Moon report in mid December

updates: news items reflective of a range of outcomes from a complex mix of energies associated with this New Moon
Nov 29 gas explosion Sydney reflects Neptune's expression as a gas. Pluto and Uranus are associated with explosions
Nov 29 Plane Crash Colombia - Saturn in Sagittarius is a generally difficult, demanding energy for Sagittarians in general. Saturn in SAG also causes problems for many during travel or in risk-taking adventurous activities. Sagittarius is also the energy most connected to sports. The bundle of planets Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus creates a potent energy mix capable of either very positive or very negative outcomes in terms of transformational experiences..the most extreme of which is death. [Saturn leave Sagittarius at the end of 2017]
Nov 28 geothermal eruption -reflecting the combination of potent natural forces generated by Pluto-Uranus-Neptune
Nov 26 boat capsize with multiple fatalities -reflective of Neptune energy in strong expression
The aftermath of the major earthquake sequence in New Zealand's South Island beginning Nov 14 continues to restrict and burden those affected [Saturn effect] Roads blocked and closed, damaged infrastructure, hard work to restore, clean up, repair personal property, loss of lifestyles and businesses are all part of this picture.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Train Crash Kanpur India - astrology

Kanpur crash via Indian Express
Train Crash Kanpur India - 
astrology of a chain reaction

A major derailment, possibly the result of a track fracture, occurred near Kanpur India just after 3am on Sunday November 20.
A significant prevailing energy pattern activated in the Supermoon full moon of November 14 is shown to have been potent at the time and location of the crash.
Cosmic energy clusters, like lightning, seek an energy path in a process that is electromagnetic - the meeting of resonant positive-negative charges.
This is what determines where energy patterns are compelled to seek a terrestrial end point

As a thundercloud moves over the surface of the Earth, an equal electric charge, but of opposite polarity, is induced on the Earth's surface underneath the cloud... 

The induced positive surface charge, when measured against a fixed point, will be small as the thundercloud approaches, increasing as the center of the storm arrives and dropping as the thundercloud passes. 
The oppositely charged regions create an electric field within the air between them. This electric field varies in relation to the strength of the surface charge on the base of the thundercloud – the greater the accumulated charge, the higher the electrical field.  [Wikipedia]

No human brain or computing capacity can determine or calculate precisely where the energy fields will seek earth [although people with extra-sensory visionary abilities have the strongest advance knowledge]

This is the energy pattern for the Kanpur crash
The signs Libra, Aries, Cancer,Capricorn are of central significance because of the role played by Uranus as an accident signifier - sudden eruptions of energy in any form.
Uranus was strongly activated at the Supermoon and so has a lunar month of potential related to this moon phase - but in addition it has a long-term cycle with Pluto remaining in effect [ a combinination bringing destructive accident or violent aggressive forces ]
At the time of the crash the 4 signs that bring action, the cardinal season markers - Libra, Aries, Cancer,Capricorn dominate the 2 axes of the chart -the horizontal and the vertical.

Jupiter in Libra at the Ascendant in opposition to Uranus in Aries -then both at right angles to the Venus-Pluto conjunction at the base of the chart.

Planets at 8-9-10-11-12-15-16
Degree positions from 8-16 literally functioning like a chain reaction -the midpoint is 12 degrees - the 2 chart axes: the sequence is activated by the fastest moving force = the Moon which means that by the time it reached 10'14 it had already activated Mars, the moons nodes, Venus and Neptune.
The full sequence:
Mars-lunar nodes-Venus-Neptune-Moon-Mercury-2 chart axes-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn
Where do Sun [28 Scorpio] Uranus and Chiron [ both at 21 degrees - fit it?
28 Scorpio is semisquare 13 Capricorn
Chiron-Uranus midpoint is 6 Aries

All 3 of these positions therefore get triggered -6 Aries now becomes the earliest trigger - 
Chiron-Uranus = a very wounding accident
Sun in Scorpio = the death/transformer force activated at 13 degrees -all add to the large scale [Jupiter] destructive effect [Pluto] with major issues of loss [Saturn, Pluto-Venus]

So effectively this is an interesting and highly unusual example of full-energy activation in a single event - every planetary or energy factor in this chart has become part of the signature of this tragic event

update November 22 2016
Less than 48 hours later -another chain reaction pattern emerged off the coast of Japan, in a similar zone to the 2011 Sendai major quake-tsunami events
A seafloor quake later rated at M6.9 generated a small tsunami. Neither event any where near as catastrophic as in 2011 -but the chart pattern is full of links to the train crash energy in India due to again a total involvement of all the chart factors shown.
Common trigger, the Moon is near exact on the upright axis and closely contacting one end of the lunar nodal axis. - both oppose Neptune [the water signifier]which is exact with the Pisces lunar node in the southern position.
Effectively the first group of degree positions involve
Moon at 0 degrees 12 hours earlier than the quake triggered the Sun at effectively 0 Sagittarius
0 triggers everything at 14-16 = Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn
At time of quake, The horizontal axis [ 22 degrees] picks up Chiron-Uranus -both around 21 degrees

Uranus at 21 is captured by Jupiter and Pluto both at 15 - first by the opposition of Uranus to Jupiter - setting up a midpoint of 18 degrees -then Pluto is further pulled in - positioned effectively at 16 degrees

The energy is chasing all over the place like the branches formed by forked lightning

Monday, 14 November 2016

Quake Swarm in New Zealand at November Supermoon

Significant seismic unrest has returned to New Zealand on November 14 2016, coinciding with the closest lunar transit of Earth in 2016 -the November 14 Supermoon [Full Moon in Scorpio-Taurus]
the energy of the building full moon - this was when the first quakes emerged at 2 minutes after midnight
  • This lunar event at 22 degrees [exact sun-moon opposition in NZ on Nov 15] was under the strain of transiting Uranus at 21 Aries.
  • Uranus is exact in its interaction with the sun on Nov 14. This planetary force is commonly associated with out of the blue events - earthquakes, accidents, sudden eruptions of energy - which can emerge in the form of natural forces in the environment or associated with forces expressed through biological species such as humans, animals.
[update Nov 21: apart from the multitude of cracks in the NZ landscape and structures due to the extended quake swarm, significant accident energy far from the quake zone has occurred in NZ in addition to significant quake energy. Tree crashing onto cars, child killed on play equipment, major impact accidents in Dubai and the derailment of a train near Kanpur India with large numbers of fatalities and injuries, on Nov 20 ]

  •  Scorpio-Taurus energies involve not only the physical human body and the Earth's physical forms but also their transformation ....
  • The potential for negative outcomes or at least major change is increased greatly when a planet capable of triggering the solar-lunar axis is mathematically in range of the positions of the sun and moon.
  • The Moon - the commonest timing trigger has dominant influence at the top, aligned with the meridian axis
  • multiple factors at 1-3-5-7 degrees synergise
  • Neptune is exact on the lunar nodal axis at 9 degrees and 9 degrees [Virgo] was the preceding solar eclipse point in September. Water  = sea - was effected but Neptune's location away from the main chart axes is likely to have lessened the scope for a tsunami event
  • highly destructive and large scale plutonic forces enter the picture with the combination of Pluto and Jupiter meeting at 14 degrees -a position which also triggers the full Cancer-Capricorn-Aries-Libra group of planets [Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto] plus the horizontal axis ranging from 7-21 degrees = 14 midpoint.
  • Being in close proximity to a strong solar-lunar event and with Neptune so closely aligned with the lunar nodal axis, WATER must be considered as an ongoing threat potential in the ensuing days after the seismic swarm began to unfold [already water sources on land from dams to swimming pools have collapsed] but the known threat still relates to a landslide event along the steep coastal environment around Kaikoura generating a tsunami
  • [update Nov 17 2016 - WATER threats have included flooding and torrential rain in various parts of NZ in recent days including the zones of seismic unrest but in respect of quake related issues, landslip debris has created river dams that are collecting water and at risk of sudden breaches]

and a small sample -some of Nov 15 quakes in the triangle from Hamner Springs to Kaikoura - mainly on land, a few on the seabed. The animation shows an effect like being scatter-bombed from beneath. [a perfect representation of the prevailing Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter synergy]

Occurring in North Canterbury just past midnight as the date November 14 ticked over, 2 earthquakes appear to have occurred so close in time in separate locations, tricking the computers into recording an amalgamated M7.5 trigger event, with over 50 aftershocks within the subsequent 11 hours.
The epicentre is sitting astride the major crustal plates of the Pacific-Australia region and is therefore at ongoing risk for some time

Canterbury became high risk after major seismic events of 2010-2012 in particular - with the people and city of Christchurch severely impacted. Now the energy has moved North as anticipated...
updated post first published Oct 1 2011

This is what a M8.2 looked like January 1855 Wairarapa lower North Island, New Zealand
  • The horizontal axis at 12 degrees is dominated by Neptune [water indicator]
  • The Moon [timing trigger] at 12 degrees linked to Uranus [earthquake indicator] and Venus [another timing factor - in support of the Moon]
  • Multiple factors hovering in a tight range provides a chain reaction of forces
  • In addition the chain reaction is amplified by a locomotive effect of Sun-Mercury-Jupiter synergising energies
  • Uranus was stationary direct -allowing full potency to its eruptive effects
  • critical degrees between 12-14 responded to the trigger eclipse of November 1854 
  • read more detail re signatures evident for this event which was NZ's biggest magnitude quake tsunami 

read extensive background material regarding the perceived long-term vulnerabilites
Some exacts from the blog post on Christchurch quakes since 2010:

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

This is a Death Chart - astrological indicators of a violent event

This is a Death Chart - astrological indicators of a violent event
Planetary positions at Universal Time 04.15 on 25 October 2016.
One high profile event [details withheld out of respect for the tragedy] is known to have occurred on this day at the indicated time, involving multiple fatalities.
An energy is earthed at a particular place and time
due to a synergy of the locational, prevailing and individual/personal energies being in resonance.
What is found commonly with events of significant impact is that planetary positions are very clearly potentized at the time of the event.
  • An astrological chart has two power axes - the vertical axis labelled MC-IC and the horizontal axis labelled AC-DC. 
  • One or both of theses axes are commonly found to be strongly activated - more accurately the planetary factors especially in close conjunction to either axis - are strengthened, made more significant -when high profile events occur.
  • Depending of the signatures of the planets involved -this can work positively or negatively in terms of outcomes.
  • This chart has Saturn and Venus in the most powerful position of all possible points around the chart circle -the most elevated point in the circle.
  • Saturn is a bond, Venus is a relationship
  • Next look to the left of the horizontal axis: 
  • Neptune in Pisces and the South Lunar node in Pisces are in close range of the ascendant energies in Pisces
  • Pisces is water
  • Saturn and Venus are the apex of energies radiating left and right -as shown by the red lines. The north and South lunar nodes are shown completing the triangle by their exact opposition. Multiple stress energies generated by this arrangement.
water surrounds an event involving loss of relationship, separation, confusion, anxiety, grief 

  • A tightly grouped collection of energies -all within the range 8-13 degrees intensifies the conflicting forces
  • The Sun and Mercury closely connected in early Scorpio  [0-2 degrees] link to the suspected trigger -the Moon at 0 degrees. 
  • Scorpio and the 8th house where they were positioned at the event time concern issues of transformation and death.
  • The Moon not only activated the Scorpio forces but also the Mercury energy of transport  - death in motion
  • The Moon also triggered the 15 degree position of Pluto [Scorpio's representative planet] [sesquiquadrate angle]

Pluto forces are commonly present in violent events.
Here Pluto sits in range of Mars [15 & 19 degrees].
  • Mars then responds to the sudden violent force coming from Uranus in Aries [22 degrees] 
  • Uranus is the usual suspect in accidents and it is part of the picture here but most significantly is the role of karmic interpersonal dynamics - signified by the outright prominence of Saturn-Venus at the time of the event and the very karmically* relevant lunar nodes sitting so noticeably across the horizontal axis -the energy point that is all about Self and Other -close relationships and relationship with the Self -and how forces related to past and future lives all came to fruition in a very sudden life-changing event.
No single cause is evident in disastrous events. There is always a trigger [usually the Moon, being the fastest moving factor] then like a series of co-ordinated explosions, the energies merge in a domino effect, cascading into chaotic outcomes.

*Karma is a complex Buddhist term that encompasses multiple inter-related factors that stem from past actions and that over time involve rebalancing

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Cyberwar and the transition to Jupiter-Saturn in Air

The historic transition of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle from the earth element into the element of air has significant implications not only for the human response to the physical world, the material object, but also regarding the increasing role and dominance of the extra-terrestrial domains - the sky, outer space - and the forms of energy employed in those domains - especially any in wave-form rather than as a physical vehicle.
Consistent with this transition is the increasing presence of not only geosynchronous satellites [GEO] but now also Middle and Low earth orbits [MEO and LEO ] orbiting Earth in recent decades....

This satellite web encompassing Earth has no precedent and with the evidence of exponential growth recorded by the satellite industry due to a global dependency on this system for infrastructure support, we are definitely in bold uncharted territory given that Space is a hostile and unpredictable environment, under the local control of our massive sun-star  and vulnerable to all manner of fly-by attacks from wandering rocks.
The human capacity to subvert attack, destroy all manner of systems will increasingly become engaged in the detection and manipulation of vulnerabilities in all communications systems due to the potential of cyberwar to effect massive consequences.
The threat from Superpowers attacking each other's satellites is increasingly real ;
" the 1980s the Soviet Union developed parts of its Naryad antisatellite (ASAT) system to place "kill vehicles" in orbit that could attack GEO satellites..."
SIA graphic in their 2014 pdf
All communications systems
 correspond to the element of Air
In 2016 the world is in the transition period, approaching the full-blown dominance of Air based energies/technologies.
The antecedent and unfolding situation is as follows:
  • The elemental transition from earth to air dominance in technologies in the Jupiter-Saturn cycle has been preceded by repeated conjunctions in the earth element from 1842 until the end of 1980. 
  • From 1981 to May 28, 2000 there was a sequence of Air conjunctions
  • From May 28, 2000 to Dec 21, 2020 is the last gasp in Earth element dominance [focus on material objects & grossly physical technologies] for hundreds of years.
Due to adverse social-economic-political conditions hallmarked by aggressive and destructive human forces, this transition into Air technologies will see a global increase in cyber attacks affecting all communications systems from individual household and personal technologies to local, national and global networks affecting potentially the full range of infrastructure that has become dependent on this operational system.

[includes additional astrological references]

Refer to
Satellite database
source UCS

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Uranus aggravates Full Moon

October 2016 Full Moon -Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries -with Uranus opposite the Sun and Conjunct the Moon

News reports consistent with expected aggravations from Uranus in tight aspect to the October 2016 Full Moon:
Multiple events with the same signature in a short time frame of the day before full moon to 1-2 days after the 16th.
Many of the events resulted in at least one fatality

  • destructive combustion events
Explosion Explosion Explosion Explosion

Violent aggression with weapons -stabbing stabbing stabbing stabbing shooting

  • transport crashes/accidents
crash work accident boat capsize plane crash plane crash bus crash several vehicle crashes bus crash

These 3 categories are commonly observed with this combination of planet-sign energy......
Though fatalities are common, singular and multiple as seen in reports cited, the range of effects from the prevailing aggravating forces also include injury without death - and more widespread but of lesser severity in consequences, interpersonal dynamics that are heated, argumentative, aggressive, passionate.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Astrology of Life through Stages of Growth

The sequence of human development from conception through to subsequent life stages is clearly sequenced through astrological markers.

In addition certain signs and planets carry “young” or youthful” energy; others have qualities of age, wisdom or maturity. Young energy means a person is able to express youthful qualities throughout the life. Those born with signs that express in more serious or mature ways can seem old when young.

The most significant indicator of delayed growth or delayed development – whether physical, emotional or intellectual – is the planet Saturn, positioned or connected to other chart energies.

The Young Signs
These signs when strongly expressed in a person, retain throughout life the young qualities evident in childhood:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Aquarius
  • Aries, Leo and Sagittarius –the 3 vibrant, high-energy Fire signs –fresh, demanding, open, free-spirited. 
  • Aries is the energy of first experience of the world outside the womb. Perspective is very Me based, focus on the Self, I Want, can be selfish
  • Leo is the young heart in search of love, full of creative power and wanting to be the centre of their domain: look at me, applaud me, flatter me, watch me create
  • Sagittarius is the freedom seeker, exploring, roaming, wandering, ignoring tiresome tasks, dull jobs in favour of life as an adventure

Gemini and Pisces – Air [mind] and Water [feelings] – flexible, changeable energies
  • Gemini, the energy of first exposure to language, is the information collector, the book-lover, the writer, the nerdy kid, the perpetual student
  • Pisces, more of a spirit being - so is not fully formed as energetically human, and has to operate in multiple dimensions while in the everyday world. Too soft and sensitive for most of what life delivers, naïve, too trusting, has to escape regularly through one or more coping mechanisms.

Aquarius – mind energy here is fixed and stubborn – the determined rebel, eccentric and unconventional thinker, also very driven by freedom of self expression and fairness, equality. More comfortable with friendships and group activities than going it alone, but also staunchly individualistic 

A strong emphasis on young energy will be evident if :
  • one of the young signs was rising at dawn –the ascendant sign – when a person is born
  • if the Sun is in one of these signs and especially if in the first house of the chart
  • if a person has several of these signs in the personal planets [Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars]

This emphasis only remains strong if the zodiac sign is not modified by other energy/energies in close contact with the planet that bears the sign
 e.g. Saturn conjunct Sun in Sagittarius will express as restricted freedom

The Old signs
Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio
Capricorn tops the rankings for seriousness, restraint, self discipline
Cancer is also capable of showing maturity in younger stages of life
Virgo is much more disposed to a strong work ethic than other signs
Scorpio has such a strong capacity to read people and to assess power dynamics, that even when young can understand the payoffs achieved by control and manipulation

An astrological sequence of life Development
[1954 work The Theory of Celestial Influence] and applied this to astrology in a unique and fascinating way in The Round Art published in 1979
Mann's scale applied to an archetypal chart -source
When applied astrologically the scale begins at conception [beginning cusp of 9th house] and then covers the period of gestation:
CONCEPTION [Sagittarius] follows from the death state [Scorpio] and is highly consistent with the philosophies that incorporate rebirth of an energy imprint into a new life in a variable time frame after death. 
GESTATION [9th,10th, 11th, 12 houses with the archetypal sign energies of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces] 
Planets in these 4 houses of Gestation show the mother’s experiences during pregnancy as well as the fetus’ impressions felt through the mother . 
Once born, these impressions linger through the life, and are re-enacted with matching responses. 
  •  In the Scorpio death state between physical life and rebirth, perceptions are intensified 
  • The Sagittarius period after conception equates to the time when the fertilised egg must travel the equivalent of long distance over days, through the fallopian tube and into the uterus. Rapid cell division has already occurred soon after conception and this multiplication process is reflective of Sagittarian/Jupiter induced expansion. The germinal-embryonic stage is the shortest but it is when the template of a complex and diverse life form is quickly established and expanded from an original fertilised egg.
  • The MC –midheaven - zodiac sign and any planetary interactions with the MC position - is an indicator of Ego expression in the outer world –whether achievement in publicly significant ways is strong, easy, difficult, restrained, or disinterested. 
  • The 10th house/Capricorn stage equates very clearly with the process of bones arising in replacement of cartilage, then limbs, hands feet develop and teeth are in early formation 
  • The 11th house/Aquarius stage equates to the establishment of a fully functioning nervous system
  • The 12th house/Pisces stage equates to a state of near constant sleep – the necessary structures and functioning are in place for consciousness, but the brain must further develop in the sedated [through natural mother-baby hormones and chemistry] and sleep state.
  • BIRTH The birth moment [Ascendant] directly influences the personality projected in the world
  • Then development through the life matches archetypal astrological phases beginning at Aries [the duration of each period varies in length from individual to individual]

According to Mann the following time scale applies for development after birth
  • Birth to 7 months = developing physical awareness of a separate self [Aries/first house phase ]
  • 7months-20months = sensory exploration & development [Taurus/2nd house ]
  • 20 months-3years 6 monthslanguage and speech [Gemini/3rd house ]
  • 3years 6 months-7 years = parental and family connections, emotional development [Cancer/4th house ]
  • 7years-13years = co-operative and creative play, me ego consciousness, role-playing extended, friendships important for relating skills. Early experiences of love. [Leo/5th house]
  • 13years-23years = the discriminating mind develops strongly, making choices, identifying differences and categories. Bodily awareness returns –appearance, functions, changes, self criticism.  Concept of work as a societal function. Career planning.[Virgo/6th house ]
  • 23years-42years = confrontation of the personality with the personality of others in the context of partnerships, marriage. Learning compromise and the necessity for We/Our consciousness instead of only Me/My. Finding balance through interaction with another. Experiencing the profound karmic nature of close relationships. [Libra/7th house ]
  • 42years till end of life = increasing detachment from physical/material reality is ideal as a pathway to relinquishing the body at death. Confronting the deaths of others, accepting mortality, opening to metaphysical reality – the existence beyond physical form. Sexual experiences as trauma/healing. Experiences of self transformation through deep insight elevating the consciousness.[Scorpio/8thhouse ]

Transcendent* Level – this is a level of consciousness attainable through personal growth over a lifetime. Indicators are evident in the same zone as the Gestation houses -dependent upon the planets situated in this sector  -the 9th-10th-11th-12th houses being triggered by natally positioned planets as well as planets in transit making strong close angles to them.
There is a simultaneity involved here because the transcendent* consciousness in the womb and the experiences of the mother recorded by the fetus are mutually inseparable.  Mother-baby karma is inescapable. Whatever pronounced emotion she feels during her pregnancy with you –pain, joy, shock, anger, love, fear, desire… becomes a part of you, activated repeatedly in your life, enacted with any suitable stand-in, when the exact timing resonates.

The logarithmic scale gives timing -through age activations - so a gestation experience impacting on the Sun at 25 degrees in the 10th house at 10 weeks of gestation can be simultaneously triggered as well as later triggered by a Neptune at 25 degrees in the 5th experience at 10 years 5 months, then again by the North lunar node-Chiron 25 degree midpoint at 62 years 6 months. All of these equivalent sensitive points are bound together in collective expression, none are isolated or separate, all at once they fire in a significant impacting, consciousness changing event with multiple resonances over a lifetime –and even beyond –anytime that 25 degrees is pressured .
Transcendent* consciousness related to triggered experiences is likely to involve and evolve as a result of often demanding or difficult transits of Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus or Neptune.
Eclipse degrees should be especially noted during any given year to see if there is an exact degree match for any cluster of planets [ e.g. if birth chart has multiple positions held in the range 23-27 degrees then a 25 degree eclipse will activate all simultaneously] 
Especially important if at least one is in the gestation sector because deep personal history/elevated awareness is triggered.

The triggers are identified further by tracking all major aspect lines beyond the conjunctions –including semisquares, quincunx, sesquiquadrates – and seeing when a planet in transit makes an exact hit on that initial degree. 

This of course applies to all planet positions not just those natally positioned in the gestation sector.
From an astrological perspective, the analysis of life events can be greatly enhanced by considering natal planets in the Gestation zone and where/when they are activated at later life stages.
*The definition of Transcendent as proposed by Mann is described as accessing Universal or Collective Consciousness, a state of realization, the awareness of the soul. 
These concepts can be highly variable in meaning to different people and hard if not impossible for some to grasp but the essential meaning is awareness beyond the everyday level of consciousness.
To paraphrase Mann: the gestation experiences serve as "prototypes' for the transcendent capacity - so experiences in the womb have a direct bearing, an "equivalence of meaning' in respect of the expanded level of consciousness he calls transcendent, which may occur in later life.

Other references

Thursday, 15 September 2016

September 2016 Full Moon Eclipse

1. A week of tense, nit-picky, hair-splitting, impatient activity precedes the Sept 16/17 full moon lunar eclipse.

2.The eclipse itself is no less complicated - with high-energy activations amplifying eclipse potentials beyond the focal polarity of the Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon. These signs when strongly emphasised are often implicated in extreme weather events. The added forces tagging along also place strain on the earth's crust = more potential for seismic activity in vulnerable locations.

3. This eclipse perpetuates the purification aggression theme identified as being a persistent theme in recent months....
All people intent on promoting separatist beliefs and claiming greater purity than others [human or any species] are aggravated further by this eclipse to feel an entitlement to eliminate those they see as inferior, impure or pest species or people – and so an aggressive drive is activated to kill or attack physically or symbolically –with weapons or words, those believed to pose an impurity threat.
This manifests clearly in fundamentalist faith-based acts of murderous aggression but the compulsion is not limited to the most high profile sectors in this era. Inter-racial discord is another manifestation as well as faith vs faith, men vs women, humans vs animals – any sector where belief inspires a hatred of another category of life form.
In one-to-one conflicts, this theme of superior purity of ideas is easily channelled into   
a tendency to be too direct, too blunt, be too assertive or aggressive in pursuing an idealistic or overly correct/purist personal agenda, a risk of appearing too selfish, impatient – but of course there are consequences – being too driven by your own agenda could result in the other person being emotionally wounded and suffer significant loss of self esteem.
Purification aggression is clearly not limited to human interactions: our species is populated by many with a domination gene, a mindset of totally superiority over all beings. The desire to eradicate certain biological species or variants and create a perfect natural ecology is also part of this disease of imbalanced perspective. The domestic cat species is on the eradication list globally, especially feral variants on account of the purification agenda. The sense of human entitlement to order natural balances is a deeply flawed position.

People affected strongly by this eclipse will have planets positioned in the range 22-25 degrees –especially if in water or fire signs

Eclipses have wide ranging periods of influence - can be triggered in advance -[eg August 2016 for this eclipse] and during at least 6 months ahead by activating planets.

Sept 15

Questions continue to arise in NZ about an apparent racial bias both in charging and sentencing criminal offenders. This echoes claims by other indigenous cultures in Western democracies -the US, Australia, Canada - who say they experience the harder hand of justice compared to whites, especially when privileged white males seem so often to escape significant penalties for serious offending.
This issue is highlighted in current times as a purification issue

update Sept 16 -eclipse day was marked in Pakistan by a suicide bomber
updates Sept 17 - a bomb blast in Manhattan, New York injures many, but labelled unspecified terrorism
A separate blast in New Jersey was eventually linked to the Manhattan bomb and a suspect arrested
IS claims a soldier of their faith committed multiple stabbings in a Minnesota mall
update Sept 19 - a humanitarian convoy in Aleppo Syria is bombed, destroying 32 vehicles and with multiple deaths and injuries
updates Sept 30 recent events show activation of eclipse potentials. The extreme storm hitting eastern Australia beginning Sept 28 featured twin tornadoes in an"unprecedented event" resulting in damage and widespread power outages. People used "end of world" and "apocalyptic" references regarding the forces of nature -severe winds, torrential rain, sea surges and no electricity.
New York train crash with multiple injuries see note 4 for analysis 
A significant geomagnetic disturbance affecting earth since Sept 27 is a relevant triggering device for extreme events/behaviour
update Oct 1
big quakes in Pacific Ring of Fire show triggering effect of the geomagnetic disturbance:
and Matthew Cat 5  Caribbean Atlantic hurricane

Notes re analysis
1. [Sun conjuncted by Mercury both squared by Mars trined by Uranus] 

2. The eclipse itself is no less complicated - with high energy activations
[from Mars and Uranus] applying to the Sun-Moon-Chiron mix.

3. Most of the energy is mutable – meaning all energy expressions related to Virgo-Pisces and Sagittarius-Gemini are made prominent.

The mutables are, on one level, Mind signs –Virgo is the picky, analytical, critical, upholder of the faith of purity – but taken too far = purification-aggression - identified as a persistent theme in recent months
Pisces is the most tolerant, inclusive, compassionate mental perspective but is prone to blind faith
Sagittarius is the philosophical and belief-focussed mind – Mars in Sagittarius further energised by impatient, aggressive Uranus in Aries creates a force at odds with Pisces and Virgo – producing more negative outcomes
Gemini becomes activated automatically through being part of the dominant energy pattern of the eclipse

4. A reminder that all forms of transport -road, sea, air, rail are vulnerable under a mutable energy eclipse of potent moon event - mutable events feature any of the signs of that group - Pisces-Virgo-Gemini-Sagittarius  due to all having a correspondence to the flow or movement of forces. Our transport systems are simply an outer world re-creation of the flows of the four elements in the body 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...