Monday, 17 December 2018

Astrology of 2019 global forecast

The astrology of 2019 in global terms is dominated by the cardinal energy led by Capricorn and expressed through the resonant signs Cancer, Libra and Aries.
We are all affected by these four signs as shown in their impact upon a person's full birth chart. People born under Capricorn Cancer Libra and Aries and especially those born in the range from the 5th-13th of their month will experience effects that will be growthful, testing and challenging -hard work, hard times, character-building stressful and potentially, ultimately very rewarding.
2019 will be a huge year in politics, business, banking, infrastructure. All the bedrock infrastructure -the physical material built and natural, as well as the societal structures that manage our life conditions are all up for major transformations.
In addition it is clear that increasingly severe weather conditions will play a significant role in the restructuring of environments and will affect human-made constructions.

Responsible management is the mantra for 2019 across all potential aspects of our existence -ignoring this in our natural environment is indeed perilous -echoing the warning recently delivered by Sir David Attenborough. But also in our societal and personal environments the warning signs are clear that many behaviours are unsustainable and are overdue for self-management.

There will be significant impacts upon homes, families, housing, homelessness in terms of addressing the necessity for responsible management. Governments globally are required to rise to the challenge of governing humanely not driven by the misguided culture of business agendas.

Some conditions will improve immensely, others deteriorate majorly - extremes of thriving or being annihilated are on the table depending upon how closely the zeitgeist or spirit of the times is being adhered to or resisted by individuals, societies or collectively as a species.

Some businesses will reach a pinnacle of success while others that are not on the requisite page will fail.
Career peaks are also on offer for those most positively affected.

Relating is a key issue - relating in general to other humans, other beings in general as well as personal relationships, marriages and partnerships - also in the context of business or work dynamics/partnerships. We have to learn how to get on better and if efforts fail, how to terminate what's not working.

Families, kinship, heredity and ultimately the human family being under focus is intended to bind us not separate us. A lot needs to be resolved.

The Aries factor involves the challenge for all of us to manage personal egos, selfishness and seek out balanced mature role models to emulate instead of wanting to remain ever juvenile. The Aries part in all of us needs to learn how to mature willingly and to discover the benefits of experience and being unashamedly the supportive, mentoring senior. Most cultures still revere the wisdom of their elders but this is declining in many Western nations and is not to be encouraged.

Key stress points in the year are around the early January eclipse [which has a minimum 6 month influence period] ; mid April, July - 2 significant eclipses [also with 6 month effect period], mid October and late December.
The first and last quarters or 3 month periods of 2019 have the strongest overt expression of potentials

further content is added here to the initial 
quick summary
also read more detail in The Biggest Challenges in 2019

update January 4 2019
The Oxford Astrologer Christina mentions in the podcast for January 2019 another important expression of the Capricorn energy in 2019, coupled with this starter eclipse for the year being a Capricorn New Moon joined by Saturn and Pluto: the patriarchy will continue to be in the throes of transformation [my words] - this now long-institutionalised male system of privilege and power will undergo sustained challenges which will demand a sharing of our world.

update December 31 2018 The New Year period
  • 2019 opens with the building energies of the first eclipse [January 6] in Capricorn. As typical, extreme energies are whipped up in the window period of an eclipse and for at least half a year ahead. The window opens then closes within 3 days of exactitude = allow 3 days either side of January 6.
  • A Capricorn New Moon eclipse highlights the need to increase your level of self management -not expecting parents, partners or society to be the only moderating forces. The responsibility is yours. Stepping up, showing leadership, mentoring are further ways to go with this flow which is relevant to all of us. This type of growth will be assisted if your beliefs expand to recognise that we are all connected, all in this together, all have to play our part.
  • 2019 opens ominously due to the influence of Uranus in Aries in a strengthened state as it turns direct once again. The capturing of Venus in Scorpio and the lunar nodes on the Capricorn-Cancer axis will be a period to watch = Jan 4-6. Relationships suddenly altered -some starting with great passion and intensity some ending with the same fervour. This extends from family, personal to local national and international relations. Some people's lives are at risk in the intensity of influences affecting masses of people. For others it will be just the risk of one person. [ New Zealand boy racer gatherings at the end of 2018 have lots of the January eclipse themes already emerging - antisocial behaviour posing a dilemma for Police in terms of when & how to step in ]
  • The Capricorn elements of the eclipse are strong and will express in some contexts as authoritarian responses to mass anarchy, random violence, aggressive assaults. This is not the time to risk being caught up in out of control group bravado or antisocial behaviour: the System is poised for tough crackdowns though some reticence initially may spring from Neptune's voice of light-handed = soft tolerance. [these two planets are closely linked in this period] But firm responses will be better than letting Neptune and Jupiter get fully loose expression.
  • Adding in Jupiter and Neptune means there is huge scope for faith based conflicts, acts based on religious extremism, clashes of beliefs, differences of opinion. These planets combined can also promote excess alcohol, excess drug use and general lack of boundaries. Some will break all their limits and rules others will be ready to face the necessity for self-management, lines in the sand, boundaries, temperance and restraint.
  • Issues impacting homes, housing, families will be significant through all the themes associated with this eclipse
  • With Venus connected tightly to Uranus during this last segment of Uranus in Aries this eclipse also foreshadows the material/financial/economic changes already poised to have global impact during the years of Uranus in Taurus and so some further signposts are likely to emerge in the early period of 2019 confirming the mood of change.
Financial astrology specialist Ray Merriman considers 2019 will put all the ducks in line to create the classic bursting of the Jupiter-Neptune bubbles [illusions, blind optimism etc] with a hard awakening courtesy of all the Capricorn energy in play - which he sees then unfolding in 2020.
Astrologers of all kinds know that huge change is on the horizon regarding our material/financial/economic behaviour, infrastructure and models due to the background layer of Uranus in Taurus and it is clear that major change just like a single "accident" is never down to one single factor - or in this context one astrological influence. Many ingredients synergise as in a chemical process and eventually the trigger energy unleashes the whole shebang. The question is which trigger effects this and when is that trigger because it is clear as day that the necessary ingredients are very much converging as 2018 closes.

update December 29 2018
Other than individual profiles of public figures, this site also covers globally relevant forecasts. One style of interpretation used for mass readings where individual birth times are not the focus - these group forecasts are based on the Sun or Zodiac Signs and though not a first choice method for many astrologers and not a focus of this website, the method has its uses.
For some very useful content visit Sally Kirkman's astrology site - some paid and some free material which includes the use of sun sign predictions and forecasts for the year ahead. This approach uses the birth zodiac sign as the rising sign to create a chart wheel from that starting point.

This sample with Aries at the left side would be a Sun sign wheel for that sign. Just rotate this image to place your sun sign in that left side "rising" position. Now this is the Sun Sign wheel for a person who is Libra

Using this method all the current planets are placed in the relevant areas of life [houses of the chart] and this alternate system [ie a birth time is not needed] is capable of providing another layer of information if you also have the more precise option of a chart based on your time of birth. For those lacking a known birth time this "Sun Sign" method provides meaningful indicators.

update Dec 18 2018
The Justice minister for the NZ government has been in talks with Google over the disclosure of a defendant's name in a recent high profile murder case -despite name suppression being in effect in NZ. This example reflects the emerging responsible management theme which will gain much greater ground in 2019
The other news regarding NZ govt agencies using private investigators to investigate citizens in ways that posed "an affront to democracy" represents another alarming feature of the current era where over-use of power by state agencies is a significant threat -and is clearly seen to have elements that revisit the 1930's in Europe - a dedicated post on this site examines the repeating cycles that generate this match

update Dec 17: in 2019 New Zealand is set to explore integrating "wellbeing" into the government budget.

the UK, Korea, Mexico, Israel and Austria... have all been
 exploring the wellbeing frameworks within their economies

This development clearly represents a transformational potential unfolding at the level of national politics within a democratic system and is in tune with the highest capacity of government: to nurture citizens in pursuit of the best possible quality of life.

Astrological notes:
Saturn and Pluto remain in close conjunction for most of 2019.
Saturn will range from 11-21 degrees and Pluto from 20-23 degrees over the course of the year.
Their midpoints need to be given attention -ranging from 16-21.5 degrees as much of the action is likely to occur when these two power players are closely merged.
The closest conjunction of the two is under 2 degrees at New Years Eve December 31.
Both Saturn and Jupiter are both in direct movement for 6 months of 2019 - Jan, Feb, March and Oct, Nov, Dec.
Their potency is most overt in those months.

Jupiter and Neptune in the mutable indicators Sagittarius and Pisces are major indicators of water related weather and climate effects in 2019.
Uranus in Aries until early March ramps up the heat, fire, combustibility aspects.
Uranus in Taurus expresses as changes in land and soil as a consequence of the workings of Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus already in process. Changes in land stability with subsequent landslides and earthquakes will continue to be notable.
Saturn and Neptune in close contact for most of 2019 offer a perfect opportunity to combine compassion with pragmatism = a benevolent government. It's about balancing out so the practicalities of Saturn are not so rigid and the looseness of Neptune is kept within clear boundaries. The same principles will apply to people in 2019 -the relevance depends upon your inherent nature: -some need to loosen up, some need to be more constrained.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Let Your Ego Die so You Can Live

The myth of the healthy ego was created by an unhealthy ego and has been sustained by unhealthy egos –unavoidably -  because Ego is an unhealthy mental disposition derived from a competitive survival instinct.

In our human existence we feel a compulsion to survive –to breathe, eat, sleep in order to pursue the life that we have emerged into but something else happens when we become alive in human form in a physical construction in a material world - we are faced with having to function in an environment that is unreal, merely a surface layer and in a form that is not who we truly are – and this has mental and emotional consequences in varying degrees from minimal to extreme in each of us.

Our truth is that we are not separate beings, we simply manifest as such in this world in order to discover that truth and we have been trying to learn this for thousands of years. Our origin is simply consciousness without form and that awareness is a collective energy field that operates in a different domain, a different dimension with a higher frequency. Our truth is where there is no labelling because there is no differentiation, it is oneness.

Being manifested out of that origin and into the world we know creates a different level of consciousness that is termed ignorance and unconsciousness and the challenge for each of us is to return to greater consciousness while still living in the everyday world.

This is where Ego needs to be recognised and understood because when Ego is in control of your thoughts and emotions you cannot achieve a higher consciousness. Fortunately it is easy to start this process: just begin to watch your own mind and your own behaviour and quickly you will also see Ego displayed in others.

The Ego is a survivalist strategy born out of the immense shock that arises to be manifested out of oneness and into a physically separate body during worldly existence. The transition period – gestation in the womb – involves being attached just to your mother. Once the cord is cut you face life as a physically separated being whose mission is to transcend through your consciousness that appearance of aloneness and separation – since in the bigger picture you are not separate or alone at all.

But who teaches us that? All the great spiritual masters over thousands of years have delivered this message but ignorance still clouds the interpretation and comprehension of their truth. The Ego particularly is not interested in the scenario of a connected oneness because it that is in complete contradiction of everything that feeds the Ego.

In our human discomfort due to thinking we are separate and thinking in categories and labels, races, classes, cultures, genders the mental constructs surrounding all these differences and distinctions are the breeding ground for competitive, diversive, conflicting and ultimately destructive and annihilating urges.
This process reveals the activity of the Ego at its most fundamental level –seeing others as competition, different, dangerous. In other words a threat, a source of anxiety.
To varying degrees living as a human is inherently a period of mental illness due to the fear and ultimately paranoia that builds in the mind when a person subconsciously believes they are disconnected. Most definitely there is unease, discontent, unhappiness, frustration at the conscious level in many humans but that can intensify if the disconnection is more severe, into murderous acts, mass killing and a range of antisocial criminal behaviours where there is no insight or awareness of what led to those acts.

Those humans who do feel more connected are easily more attuned to the natural world, more respectful of life and other beings. Others show strongly a greater propensity towards the sort of behaviour that snuffs out life. Through thousands of years it has been primarily those in male form who show greater disconnection but unless the present trajectory is altered, more humans in female form will follow this life-opposing disposition.

In the era of the Selfie we are not witnessing an upsurge in confident happy people. We are witnessing more Ego, more display of “look how beautiful/sexy/successful/rich/happy/influential I am – in general more “look at me” and the rise in body alterations from botox to butt lifts to extreme workouts says the same thing. More desire to be better than, to inflate an underlying deflated sense of self.
The pathways followed by Ego are mentally unhealthy because there is an inclination to become progressively more extreme when one fix after another –just like a drug –fails to satisfy that deep yearning for connection. You can never find what you are looking for if you are looking in the wrong place: most definitely the world of form with its experiences of loss and change is not where that search for connection is fulfilled. Only by accessing the sensation and the knowing that we are not inherently physical, that our body is just an outer layer, a vehicle that is inhabited by energy –not a personal energy but a shared collective energy we are all tapped into but mostly unknown, undetected – only by knowing this can we wake up from our sleep-life and remember we are connected to everyone, everything. 

Until then your Ego has full control of your mind but it will die gradually once you start watching it perform all the tactics and tricks used to get attention [which means pull energy from or control others ] –fame and notoriety are the same in Ego terms because both make you Somebody in your own mind. Even ill health, disease and disability can be hijacked by the Ego to command a lot of attention and control. Your sad life story can also be continually recited to try to inflate your significance.
It’s all pointless and best abandoned in view of the larger context of who you truly are. Each life is incredibly short and nothing more than consciousness is left when you disintegrate. You have the opportunity to tap into this consciousness before that occurs. This is not only of personal benefit but will spill over to benefit every person, animal, living plant you interact with while you are still in human form –  overall your higher consciousness has literally universal benefit – the whole of creation.

So choosing to disable your Ego is the kindest most compassionate act you can offer this world - and it simply begins with seeing it perform because that observer is your higher consciousness being brought to the surface.

It may shock you to record how many instances of Ego you enact every day when interacting with others. 
Social media is a popular device for self-inflation. Fishing for compliments re your clothing and appearance is a vintage tactic. Talking about your problems, moaning and complaining all fit the Ego’s needs. Even arguing in order to win people over is a weakness of the Ego in its attempts to feel empowered. None of these deliver any lasting benefits: they are as useful as a hit of sugar.

To extract yourself from this addictive mental pattern means to witness and observe yourself and others closely and requires alert focus or simply being fully present. The more we multitask or converse without listening or drive without focussing or walk into a room and ask “What did I come in here for?” we show that we have shifted away from the reality of the present and allowed our Ego dominated mind to operate us like some remote controlled device. Learning how to focus just on each task, each person with full attention pulls the mind back to the only real existing input – anything else is a mental distraction regarding what has already happened/been said or what might happen/be said in the future – neither exist and by distracting your mental attention with past and future you miss whatever life opportunity is being presented to you immediately in the moment. You may discover that each of those moments is a precious opportunity – or you can choose to keep missing them because you cannot see the reason, the actual significance.

Living life with your Ego disabled opens up much greater depth of calm and contentment. The discovery of paradoxes like this is a joyful experience: knowing that we have misled ourselves terribly in our fearful attempts to adapt to the physical world – and yet it can be undone, our illusions and delusions and ignorant ways can be abandoned. We can live in the world but be not of it – as recommended by one of the masters of wisdom. The question is when will you reach enough suffering to decide that there is that other way.
It has been said that the Meek will inherit the Earth. Who are the Meek? The Meek are those who function in the world without Ego, whose contributions are for the collective good not for personal acclaim.

From an astrological perspective the two main axes of the chart reflect this distinction between outer Ego-based personality -which is the Ascendant or rising sign being on the horizontal plane and the other dimensional aspect of being which is reflected in the Midheaven sign which is on the vertical plane. By examining your birth chart you may see how this expresses or is yet to express if you have not yet accessed fully the potential of your midheaven sign - which often is connected not simply to the worldly possibilities of career or public life, but also to vocation, which means "calling" - the deepest urge from within to express your true essence in this lifetime. This is where your Ego-less contribution can be described and pursued through paths which match that astrological energy.

These thoughts are distilled from the writings of  Eckhart Tolle in addition to Buddhist philosophy and personal cross-disciplinary enquiry over recent decades

Theresa May = True Grit

 We know that Saturn is exalted or operates with great nobility in Libra -so the challenge of Saturn in Capricorn in 2018 to anyone with a Libra Sun between 1-11 degrees during the course of this year - is to function with the utmost grace and measured management of self and others whilst facing enormous opposing forces.
Libra is typically an accommodating, mediating energy that prefers peace over war, keeping the calm over causing any disturbance - but in the cold harsh winds of politics which is represented by Saturn - and Saturn in Capricorn can deliver a great freeze, a lockdown, a showdown, a complete impasse.
Theresa May received all this and more in the context of the Battle of Brexit: great disaffection, being widely criticised and disliked. But she stood firm and has passed the point of the last Saturn square to her sun for another 30 years..which she is likely to avoid.
Saturn on Dec 12 2018 was at 9 degrees -just a degree away from her birth Sun at 8 Libra. But though moving comparatively slowly, it is moving away from her, giving some release from the intense adversity.
Mars will oppose her Sun in mid January - which is an oppositional force which demands further skillful manoeuvering - but overall the worst is over...for some time.

Her astrological string of pearls is Pluto-Mercury-Neptune-Saturn all hovering at or close to 29 degrees in the range from Leo to Scorpio. This means that all 4 forces get detonated at the same time -for better or worse. Pluto next to Mercury gives a laser-like mental insight. Neptune next to Mercury brings in the collective vision, the capacity to see the Big Picture; Neptune next to Saturn puts that vision up against cold harsh realities but when merged these forces are formidable in their sheer determination. Bundled energies like this will always deliver periods of crisis in a person's life. Since November 2018 and including up to May 2019 all the New Moons in the 15 and 14 degree positions activate all the 28-29 pearls so this sequence of solar-lunar positions has reinforced and amplified the intensity of the crisis she has faced.
It is hard to suggest that any post-war leader in Britain has had even a whiff of such a Herculean experience.

BBC reporting

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Back into the Fire & Renewal: Uranus in Aries 2018-2019

Four months of Uranus in Aries after a brief entry into Taurus will see several standout features resume
From November 6 2018 to March 6 2019 the heat, fire, anger, impatience, aggression and assertiveness  commonly associated with Aries - at its worst indicating an imbalanced condition of excess Yang will be evidenced in particular people, natural forces and environmental conditions that resonate with this potential.

The force supplied courtesy of Uranus is sudden, unpredictable, unusual and capable of generating pronounced change.
The Camp Fire and similar wildfire outbreaks in California arose in November as Uranus moved back into Aries  - and coinciding with the amplifying potential of Jupiter locked into the same pathway as Uranus -both at 29 degrees. Mass consequences for homes, families and structures in general were written in the stars as the 29 degree solar-lunar nodal points were equally captured at the very same time period in a monumental display of natural forces.

Nature has its own inherent deeply intelligent processes and fire plays a crucial role in the renewal and regeneration of forest ecology. People affected by such an event are being pressured to discover that same capacity to start a new cycle.

When in Aries Uranus is highly likely to manifest through particular people [with the inherent potential] as being too hot - overheated and or bad tempered, impatient, irritated, with subsequent aggression.

The Uranus connection to accidents - especially in Aries - is common-place: impatience, risk-taking and speed resulting in vehicle crashes.

Aries likes to assert the Self and can equally be accused of selfish behaviour or commended for bravery.  Being in the military or the boxing ring or Formula One racing are some of the environments that have Aries qualities.

Some people are born with an undeveloped capacity to assert themselves -or early life can literally knock that potential out of them. For some this can relate to being too Yin and not enough Yang -and typically women need more yang, men need more yin. Yang is the ability to know who you are, what you want and go for it -but generations of women have repressed those urges in favour of being the caregiver to everyone else at home and at work. Eventually frustration, tiredness, ill health are the consequence of longterm denial of the need to focus on balancing out the give and take.
When Uranus is paired with Aries during a period of transit [usually 7 years -this period began in 2011] a new level of confidence or a change in self expression can be on offer for those whose development has been held back.

This last chance Aries window for many decades [Uranus has a cycle of close to 84 years] is now - Nov 6 2018-March 6 2019 -for those who want to renew themselves through fearless, assertive, conscious Me time.
You've put it on hold for long enough. If the real you has been ignored now's your best chance to be who you want to be.

In the heat of a crucible alchemy can take place 

Monday, 12 November 2018

Uranus Aries & the North California wildfire November 2018

On November 7 2018 (Universal Time) the transit of Uranus moved back into Aries after a brief sojourn in Taurus. The Aries revisit will last 4 months then this significant period of Uranus in Taurus which began in May 2018 will have full reign for a full seven years -see dedicated posts.

The very extreme North California wildfire -named Camp Fire erupted within hours of Uranus re-entering the hot fiery sign of Aries and pushed to fierce intensity by Uranus favourite medium -the wind.
the region affected initially by the North California wildfire
Red spots =Road closures 

The entry of Uranus back into Aries was amplified by an exact angle to Jupiter -both in the 29 degree range -and at the same time as the lunar nodal axis entered the Cancer-Capricorn polarity [also at 29 degrees]
Jupiter always magnifies/enlarges/increases any energy it contacts and this was the case in this event.
A lot of high profile residents affected have reported the fire threat -which has been given a collection of hashtags

With the nodal axis involved it is turning point energy affecting a mass of people.
Jupiter was in Scorpio -the sting at the end of the tail at 29 degrees -bringing a lot of potential for destruction, transformation and death
The nodes in Cancer-Capricorn show the en masse extent of effects on homes and families [Cancer] as well as the Capricorn-related social and physical structures, infrastructure.
This passage of the nodes in these 2 signs in a global context in the 18 months from Nov 2018-May 2020 will continue to deliver ongoing issues regarding homes, families, homelessness -with the themes locked in at the November 7 onset of this potent energy mix, being live for activation at multiple periods in that time frame till 2020.
Major fundamental restructuring, rebuilding and restoration of communities will be required -both on the level of physical/material necessities and in terms of the comprehension of what families , homes and parenting mean to society -their role and their psychological value - much of which has been lost, overlooked in favour of economic pressures and monetary greed.

The wildfire risk in the period Nov 2018 to early March 2019 will remain extreme in diverse global locations with related potential for such events as well as heat and drought conditions.
One related environmental aspect then takes hold under Uranus in Taurus - in already vulnerable places the energy of the soil and the earth itself undergoes widespread change - with resulting impacts on crops trees and vegetation in general - especially in areas where depletion is already evident. Next in line in the 7 year period is far more land-mass structural changes such as related to tectonic shifts.

In extreme contrast to the dry influence is the combined energies of Jupiter & Neptune - with the keywords excess and water indicating that the drought-deluge extremes continue to be in effect.
This manifests as extreme rain and flooding events.
In the coming year: mid January, week 3 of June, week 4 of September 2019 all have the Jupiter-Neptune effect and this will apply in diverse global locations where this potential is already apparent.

Awareness regarding where to live is a primary survival consideration in this era of powerful natural elements being very disturbed.

updates Nov 20 2018

Another post on the Aries-Uranus mix - with personal factors addressed

Monday, 29 October 2018

Revisiting the 1930's because of NOW

It is very timely that the archived in-depth report on the parallels between socio-political and material conditions of the 1930's and their revival in the period commencing 2018 is revisited.
With a clear trajectory of increased antisemitism and global examples of extreme nationalism an undercurrent of unease is having significant outbreaks including the October synagogue shootings in the US and the internment of mass numbers of people in dehumanising contained environments.

The original assessment is derived from the energy cycle of Uranus in transit through Taurus - in the last cycle from 1934-1942 - and comparing events arising in 2018 with projections made to 2026.

Significant parallels are already apparent though no two cycles of a single planet can be exactly identical as no energy is unimpinged by the field in which it operates. That larger field of energy involves the combined effects of solar lunar forces and the remaining planets in our known system.

It is anticipated that not only significant socio-economic events will mirror in this era the conditions from the mid-1930s but also the issue of our attachment to material form -money, possessions, outer appearances and how they link to widespread inequality and the depletion of global resources. The reluctance of humanity to change these ingrained patterns ultimately evokes events of major rebalancing - both through the remedial imperatives of natural forces and through human extremism pushing the whole system into dysfunctionality.
A major change in values is likely to be achieved by those who can recognise our essential nature is sustained and restored not by things but by recognition of our common source, our inner dimension.
In this transitional time with the pressures mounting, all the bubbles are bursting: we are creating major instability on all levels - with global consequences.

We have to wake up or be forcefully woken.

The original comparative report on Uranus in Taurus from April 2018 will open in a new window

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

August 2018 Earthy Nurturing Full Moon

An awakened, opened heart releases compassion
 to enable spiritual nurturing
 in earthy ways

The sun-moon combination at the August full moon merges harmoniously with the energies of Saturn and Uranus to promote very earthy energies to arise which form the foundation for greater spiritual alignment.

Engaging the senses is the key - using whatever sensory channel is most personally preferred -sight, sound, touch, taste or smell. This grounding or earthing is absolutely fundamental if spiritual energies are to be evoked. Focus on whatever sensory channel strengthens you the most and indulge yourself! The effect is most authentic when the sensory information is real world, physically based - eg viewing real life scenes in natures as opposed to watching travel documentaries. It is very critical to reduce electronic sources of sensory information and increase natural sources if this process is to be effective. 

Compassion for self and the overflow to all beings is the display of spiritual connection being recognised within the consciousness. The type of compassion being emphasised is sensory - recognising personal needs for this type of nurturing - and taking action to do this for yourself and others - including massaging the dog! 
[Mercury Neptune and Jupiter are all merging at full moon in a way that promotes open hearted compassion and the recognition of connectedness.]

The earthy-spiritual channels when aligned provide a transformed sense of true inner empowerment.

At this full moon the capacity to build a new power base has an impact on relationships - with great potential to strengthen the good ones and eliminate those that are destructive.
[Pluto is square Venus]

Energy is enhanced during these processes and becomes releases for the pursuit of plans, goals, ambitions that have been on hold for the past two months.
[Mars turns into direct motion in Capricorn]

The time frame covers August 23-Sept 22 2018 for the effective period of this full moon to demonstrate
 this collection of energies

Even astrologers with our specialised knowledge of what's ahead, have to deal with the planets. Lots of Saturn and Pluto pressures in 2018 are giving The Profiler reasons to adjust the amount of energy devoted to this blog. After around 7 years and over 300 posts through various incarnations it is clear that a reduced investment of time is necessary for personal reasons so briefer posts and less frequency is likely...but mutability is my the best!

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

July 2018: Friends or Lovers or How is this gonna work?

The July 27 total lunar eclipse at the full moon will bring up for many people that age-old dilemma: are we friends or lovers?
 and how is this gonna work?

The Leo Aquarius eclipse brings the instinctual Lion energy in opposition to the conceptual human. In a sense they represent ancestral past and evolving future - after all the Age of Leo prevailed in the time of the Great Sphinx 4 or 5,000 years ago and the Age of Aquarius is where we are gradually transitioning to in the present century. So how is this going to work ? -for humanity in general, so accustomed to living through the romantic impulses of the heart of the Lion and less used to the detached and independent style of relating more as friends than mutally possessed objects with sometimes life or death consequences. Leo is all about drama remember whereas Aquarius say "chill".

This is a very fixed eclipse - all the zodiac signs related to stubborn patterns are featured - Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo-Aquarius lunar nodes, Mars in Aquarius, Jupiter in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus - and they all play a role in making this a turbulent time in trying to resolve the dilemmas around relating dynamics.

All the fixed signs are very intent on their survival - money, power, attention, independence are all in this mix -along with insecurity, jealousy, possessiveness, love, hate, shared assets - as well as the typical Aquarian cool, intellectual detachment, intent on the freedom to come and go and preferably not make any big commitments.

This issue of what are we? now strongly faces people in their attempts to connect.
Trying to find words to define something that may be experimental and against the norms or prior personal experience. This is the age of wide spectrums so in theory anything goes - until the primitive emotions try to get on top and control the situation
The shifting tide is towards Aquarius so there's opportunity on your side to try doing things differently to how you have done them in the past when it comes to the sequence of meet, like, feel attracted, lots in common, sex, living together and commitment. The recipe can be rewritten.

The costs and benefits of your relating dynamics are on the table during the 6 months of this eclipse period and for many this will come down to choosing friendship over sexual intimacy or intense friendship over being in a lovers arrangement.

Some relationships will be restored, healed, intensified through well reasoned mature arrangements under the effects of this eclipse.
The commitment or freedom argument is still likely to arise for many but the most successful responders to this eclipse can use compassion and empathy to resolve issues of insecurity, possessiveness and challenges to ego or self esteem in order to take a chance on relating in a way that blends freedom with commitment.
Some will crash and burn due to excessive unrealistic expectations and projections -not seeing the other clearly, as they really are - or where the mind-altering effects of drugs, alcohol or fantasy really create an out-of-touch, wishful thinking bubble in which relating is expected to succeed. It wont.

This eclipse is paired with one in early July which has strong themes of relating in a general way

Astrological factors considered:
The collection of synergised energies from 2-6 degrees : Uranus, Chiron, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Moon, lunar nodes. The fulcrum of these is the Saturn-Mars connection and these two link exactly to the Venus Pluto trine using 24th harmonic.
Jupiter trined with Neptune pick up Venus and therefore Pluto tags along.

Friday, 6 July 2018

Adverse conditions challenge Thailand Cave Rescue

In Chiang Rai Thailand a team of 12 local juvenile soccer players and their assistant coach entered a complex cave system on Saturday 23 June after football practice.

Due to a flooding event there were quickly forced further into the system and unable to make an exit.
A rescue operations base has been set up in the system's third chamber which is 1.7kms inside.
It is believed that none of the boys can swim which severely challenges a plan to teach them quickly enough to safely use scuba gear..

Detailed timeline of the cave entrapment & early rescue phase

Astrological factors in effect
A cave/mine or tunnel is an environment reflecting Pluto  energy
Saturn is an obstructive restrictive energy.
These two forces synergised give the potential for being trapped underground.
Water energy is Neptune
Flooding is Jupiter combining with Neptune.

The Entry Date: group enters cave complex
Saturday June 23 Saturn 6 Capricorn. Pluto 20 Capricorn. Synergy point is 13 Capricorn. Capricorn is the energy of rocks and walls. Saturn and Pluto combine to describe a difficult confining environment. Jupiter 13 Scorpio joins in as potentially a freeing energy but since March 9 2018 its retrograde status causes a holding pattern to prevail over action or movement.
Since June Jupiter has been combining with the water indicator Neptune bringing extreme water in diverse world locations. The cave complex is a prime venue for these forces due to regional monsoon factors which occur seasonally from early July.
Jupiter is close to resuming its active phase but progress in any related field [such as adventure, exploration, sport,] is likely to only pick up from the 9th or 10th of July.
The question is whether the big release of energy when Jupiter recharges at that point will coincide with extreme monsoon flooding and intensified life-threatening conditions.
The themes of the building solar eclipse which have already cast their shadow back into June due to the effects of Saturn and Pluto intensify exactly as Jupiter unleashes and build further in the 7 day window either side of the exact eclipse on July 13
With the prevailing forces posing elemental [water/Neptune] and environmental [cave confinement /Pluto-Saturn] challenges along with the inexperience of a young male group [reflected by Mars currently in Aquarius [attached with some significance to the lunar nodes] the high risk indicators surrounding the solar eclipse [the pairings of Pluto-Saturn  Neptune-Jupiter and Uranus-Chiron being all potentially hazardous this situation will cause great concern for the professionals tasked with extracting the group.
The wait it out or try to dodge the monsoon dilemmas will cause much indecision as both options pose problems and threats to life. A true Catch 22 situation.
For expanded detail on the overriding themes of the July 2018 solar eclipse -refer to Lessons in Relating

Astrology notes:
update July 11 The best possible outcome occurred on July 10 local time with all the team rescued. The energy of Jupiter going direct would have brought about immense supportive energies and due to the combined collective willpower of millions of global observers tuning into the combined energies of Jupiter Neptune and the Sun occurring in all of the feeling signs - Scorpio Pisces and Cancer the energy was transmuted from potential flooding disaster to beneficial supportive and compassionate assistance both in practical terms and in all the mind energy focussed on success. Compare this situation to the conditions present in severely flooded areas of Japan where in excess of 150 deaths so far have occurred due to big water flooding causing loss of homes and suffering for families. In Japan the worst possible outcomes of current energy were played out - compared to the global support directed to Thailand which would have undoubtedly played a huge role in raising the best energy.

A Twitter post sums up the gratitude for the global input:
Another tweet on July 11: recognition of "the power of love"

[update July 12 - Boys were given sedative to control any risk of anxiety during rescue In astrological terms  drugs in general, especially mind altering medications or recreational drugs are signified by Neptune. ]
One of the trapped boys called Night turned 16 on 23 June [the same date the cave was entered by the group] giving him a birthdate of 23-6-2002. On his date of birth the north node at 18 Gemini has Saturn conjunct at 20 degrees. The south node 18 Sagittarius has Pluto conjunct at 16 degrees. These factors alone describe entrapment in a cave on an excursion with a sports team.
His pre-natal eclipse [June 10 2002] at 20 Gemini reinforces this imprint.
Natal Jupiter at 21 Cancer opposed by transiting Pluto at 20 Capricorn on June 23 2018 may have profound effects on his family bonding & his future parenting.

Background news reports & relevant commentary with ongoing updates:
Entries in descending order

July 2 The locating of 12 young Thai boys and their team coach after 9 days within a 10kms long cave system - miles/kms -current position reported variously at several kilometres deep from the exit/entry point of rescuers raises the connection with prevailing forces -especially the Jupiter [big] Neptune [water] factor as their predicament was due to flooded channels in the caves.
Rescuers were told to think of the boys "as their own sons''

This event impacts many families and resulted in an international co-operative rescue effort - two themes that also reflect in advance the July solar eclipse themes noted.
Time is definitely critical in this situation given the forces of nature reflected by planetary factors in the mix . An efficient recovery of the trapped group in a life-threatening situation is urgent in advance of the potential issues indicated by the mid month eclipse
Thai army says boys could be in cave for months due to monsoon rains if they cannot be taught quickly to use scuba gear to enable their own exit. The rescue is regarded as highly complex and complicated.
With Jupiter's direct movement from mid July it will then quickly accelerate to reach much closer contact with Neptune [exact trine is August 19] as a weather indicator this is a sure sign of severe flood events in diverse global locations through August.

Children in foil blankets
US-Mexico immigration crisis and Thai cave rescue both involve children and confinement in the June to July period.
Saturn is the main signifier of confinement and restriction
Leo is the energy of children and Aquarius is group energy.
During June 2018 Saturn was aligned with the lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius, locking in place the challenges seen to unfold for both groups -including the long slow progress in resolving their plight -aggravated by the involvement of Saturn energy but worsened by Mars [action] being retrograde in Aquarius - late June to late August.
Fast resolutions are increasingly looking unlikely in both situations

plan of the cave system

July 6 A Thai Navy SEAL diver has died around 2am local time after running out of oxygen during transit of the cave complex. This reinforces the degree of adverse forces surrounding this event currently and in effect right from the initial evening when the cave was entered

July 8 after a clear decision was made 18 divers entered the cave system from 10 am local time for the purposes of phase one of a rescue plan. Water levels were regarded as at their lowest since the entrapment occurred on June 23 allowing some sections to be walked and providing a small window in which to act.
four boys were rescued.
July 9 with sustained pumping of water out of the cave system and despite some rainfall conditions allowed for a second rescue attempt: four more boys rescued

Monday, 2 July 2018

Lessons in Relating -Dissolving Fixed Patterns July 2018 eclipse

Humanity's biggest challenge lies in the territory of relating: all of the Cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn have this as their core essence and these signs being structural markers of the four seasons show how intrinsic in nature this balancing of forces is, of necessity
the four seasons corresponding to the 4 Cardinal signs

July 2018 at mid-month New Moon features firstly a potent cardinal sign solar eclipse with Sun Moon in Cancer directly opposite Pluto in Capricorn.
Saturn in Capricorn and Chiron in Aries lock in a strongly overriding theme of relating through the 6 month period of effect.

As typical with eclipses pre-triggers reveal the theme in advance

"significant events cast their shadow before them" 

US 2018: children separated from immigrant parents

In America the nation [echoed by the observing world] arose in mass protest over the hardline Trump policy of separating and placing children in cages & in internment camps as highly punitive method of dealing with illegal immigration.

The Cancer-Capricorn themes stand out immediately - families, parents, housing - as people outside of the US southern border seek to relocate for better opportunities to raise their families. The hardline energy arises under Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Chiron in Aries shows how wounded people feel by being treated inhumanely.

So with this theme highly profiled in America -and being played out wherever in the world that people are desperate to exit their dire circumstances for the promised land -it looks set to continue to be clear that major changes in how relating energy is used, how we treat other humans [as well as any other species] is high on the agenda.

Bearing in mind that energy is a highly mutable phenomenon and when multiple energies synergise the product of those combined forces can express anywhere along the spectrum of very positive to very negative - depending upon the response of the person or group or environment that the energy is affecting - under that same array of forces some of those affected will rise and progress toward greater goodness while others will regress, decline and become more debased.

The relating factors reflect the cardinal sign prominence at this eclipse - but the key changes required involve the mutable sign dissolving energy [courtesy of Neptune & linked in factors] to overcome fixed patterns [Taurus, Scorpio Leo and Aquarius feature significantly and are being urged to be expressed differently due to Uranus, Jupiter, the lunar nodes]

This summarising interpretation of prominent forces 
being expressed at this eclipse applies to all of us.

When considering potentials of an event such as an eclipse [eclipses have collective significance] the most alarming aspects are importantly raised as an advisory against being pulled back further into degraded patterns of behaviour. At the same time as that risk occurs great opportunity arises to resist worsening the collective problem - in this context it is how we treat other people - this critical juncture is a point at which each of us can say I am no longer part of the problem I am part of the solution. 

July 2018 at the mid-month eclipse the balancing force in play in an effort to moderate the hardline approach of Trump comes courtesy of Neptune and the relevant contributions from Jupiter Uranus and Mercury 
These 4 factors occupy 13-17 degrees  -either directly [JUP MERC, NEP] or by semisquare - Uranus - and Chiron can be seen to tag along with a 17 degree semisquare -showing that the woundedness people feel in mirroring the separation trauma [SAT squ CHI] drives a passionate belief [Jupiter in Scorpio] in empathy, compassion, humanitarianism [Neptune in Pisces] 

The stress, confusion and insecurity generated [Uranus in Taurus semisquare Neptune] by witnessing or experiencing such a primal loss as the tearing apart of families, of parents from children [Pluto in Capricorn = the state as an abusive parent, acting as a destructive force, an overreach of power [Pluto-Saturn = Jupiter midpoint] ...the collective pain is a transformational opportunity. 
That is the level of consciousness needed to counter the destruction unleashed. People need to find their goodness through this type of calamity. The energy forces of Jupiter and Neptune are working to offset the disempowerment and terror.
Fundamentally this eclipse meaning is about relating in every context -from the Self to the Other to the familial , local  and global: valuing the self in a self nurturing way, valuing others as fellow humans, demonstrating true parenting and valuing that role as a provider and nurturer, showing collective leadership in mentoring fellow citizens towards emotionally healthier communities.

Families and homes are so intertwined -both in life and in astrology [Moon and Cancer] that this energy of force promoted in the eclipse period also places homes housing and shelter under threat [update: July 4 Israel plans to demolish a Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank. A land confiscation notice was left by military, bulldozers brought onsite in preparation ]
[update July 7 -allegations of historic sexual abuse in New Zealand involving pedophilia and a pedophile network show the push back against the excesses and control mechanisms of patriarchal power [Capricorn and Pluto energies]

All these levels need to be effectively functionally in place for the four cardinal energies to provide the structure in human life as they do in the cycle of the seasons. We are not distinct from nature. We are nature.

Having said that...the disturbed energies amongst the human collective are fed back into the natural environment, perpetrating sustained turbulence in the energy currents.
The level of effect of human consciousness has far more of a role to play than pollution does - though that behaviour reveals the impact of collective disturbances of mind.
Our current state of shared thought consciousness is unbalancing natural forces and resulting in extreme environmental events. The worse we become so too will the consequences escalate and this eclipse of July 2018 continues to indicate the effects of excess water and the consequences upon the land, structures, dwellings and shelter with consequences for people and lifestyles.
Whether extreme water prevails or hazardous fire dominates a local landscape is related to localised resonance with the elements in play.

[updates July 6 - the high northern hemisphere temperatures with associated fatalities correspond to the destructive power of Jupiter in Scorpio mass deaths theme. Canada stands out with 33 heatwave-induced deaths in Quebec.  Other locations on other northern land masses declaring record high temps. In this context Jupiter increases Neptune energy & is very weakening to the point of life-threatening. Mars [heat/fire] attached to the lunar lodes is a general indicator of the combustibility potential - and human anger in a rising tide as the month of July unfolds 
[update July 6 -Tourist boat sinks July 5 evening off Phuket Thailand - another big water event with mass fatalities ]

[update July 8 The New York times headline for July 7 is 
Japan Reels From Heavy Rains; Dozens Killed and Millions Evacuated -this being an expected outcome of prevailing forces particularly Jupiter in Scorpio joining with Neptune in Pisces - mass deaths from extreme water is a worst case scenario of this combination in whatever global locations have the relevant energies in place for this outcome ]

The meaning is clear in human affairs that have human as well as environmental consequences: the fundamentals have to be restored. 
further additions and updates from July 2 onwards

The Thai cave rescue story is highly relevant to the eclipse themes. The story has evolved to the extent that a dedicated post has been created including content shown below with further analysis & updates:

Detailed timeline of the cave entrapment & rescue phase

The boys entered the cave system with their coach on Saturday  23 June after football practice.
A rescue operations base has been set up in the system's third chamber which is 1.7kms inside.
It is believed that none of the boys can swim.


Children in foil blankets
US-Mexico immigration crisis and Thai cave rescue both involve children and confinement in the June to July period.
Saturn is the main signifier of confinement and restriction
Leo is the energy of children and Aquarius is group energy.
During June 2018 Saturn was aligned with the lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius, locking in place the challenges seen to unfold for both groups -including the long slow progress in resolving their plight -aggravated by the involvement of Saturn energy but worsened by Mars [action] being retrograde in Aquarius - late June to late August.
Fast resolutions are increasingly looking unlikely in both situations


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...