Saturday, 6 January 2018

Extreme Environmental Events: how The Profiler predicts

Seven years ago the first post 
of several was loaded here 
to explore a connection made by
 The Profiler regarding indicators able to forecast extreme weather & other extreme events.

Observations since that first posting have resulted in several other articles published only on this blog exploring continual validation of the activation of a particular range of degree positions being in effect as precursor indicators of extreme weather and extreme environmental events which are not in the category of weather.

for relevant news updates -  scroll to end

Weather as referenced is observable in the form of storm condition extremes of wind, rain, flood. Environmental events may arise in the form of earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, nuclear events.
Mass evacuations of people are a consistent theme in synchrony with a high percentage of the extreme events.

As repeatedly stated the combination of planetary positions in the range 25-29 degrees is highly relevant and this relevance refers back to the current slow-moving position of the centre of our galaxy being at 27 Sagittarius
The significant activating points are shown at the four mutable signs at 27 and their midpoints which fall in the four fixed signs.

Initially this combination seemed the most relevant -the mutable-fixed mixture where several transiting factors joined forces within the wider effective range of 25-29 and 10-14 degrees.

Further observations reveal that there is not a sign limitation, instead -aside from the 25-29 degree mutables arguably having the strongest capacity to funnel the mutable 27 SAG galactic centre [GC] - the dominant factor could generally be purely mathematical.

This means that it is relevant to look for periods when the 25-29 and 10-14 ranges in any signs are bundled together and to anticipate that in those time frames that extreme forces are funnelled into earth's atmosphere  - possibly in the manner of tidal forces which permeate the different strata:  air sea land.

Considering different eras -current and historic it is evident that lunations and eclipses love this range of degrees and can repeatedly occur in this range over several months.
Though eclipses carry a much longer energetic effect of at least 6 months compared to the standard lunar month of a full or new moon, all of these solar-lunar positions can be seen to feature in significant environmental events - but the lunation sets themselves -New Moon-Full Moon and Lunar-Solar Eclipses are not the full story -so it is simply mental laziness when critics say full moons or eclipses  or solar-lunar events in general have no statistical connection to major environmental and weather events. They are failing to use holistic analysis, failing to look at the larger array connected to the solar-lunar event. Only astrologers use this type of bigger picture methodology when examining natural forces.

It is when  - as often found - the lunations/eclipses occur in this specific range along with factors such as any of the slower moving [big effect] outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto; the lunar nodes; Chiron.
When 2 or 3 of these factors add to the lunation there is a strong picture.
Chiron being very slow-moving has hovered in the last 5 degrees of Pisces since June 2016, progressing almost to the end of Pisces but with frequent retrogrades, then passes 29 degrees right at the end of January 2019.
In effective terms in recent years Chiron in Pisces activates the GC continually in the period June 2016-Feb 2019.
Saturn covered the same range of degrees in Sagittarius in  the period Feb 2017-June 2017, Nov 2017-mid Dec 2017
Neptune in Pisces came into the frame in March-Oct 2016 - occupying 10-12 degrees -progressing then retrograding over this narrow range. Then covering 10-14 degrees in 2017 -back & forth.
In the period Jan 2018 to Jan 2019 Neptune will again just cover 11-14 degrees, maintaining a card in play for whenever the lunations or fellow travellers converge in the 10-14 or 25-29 degree range.

A collection of data showing New, Full and Eclipses in the degree ranges 10-14 and 25-29.
A case can also be made for including the positions in a tight orb to the target range eg 15 degrees, 0 degrees - especially if at eclipses - as these have the strong energy of the cardinal/seasonal points and energy shifts and they are within orb of the target degrees 14 and 29.  24 degree eclipses are also included

2018 has a string of events starting from the Jan 2 Supermoon
Degrees are rounded.  11 = 11 degrees   E = eclipse
Jan = 11,27,11E
Feb = 27E
March = 11, 27,11
April = 26

Jan = 15E, 0/1E
May = 14,27
June = 12,26
July = 10E ,24E

June = 15E, 0E
July = 13E,28
Aug = 12,26
Sept = 10,25

Sept = 14,28
Oct = 13, 27
Nov = 13,27E
Dec = 12E,27

Jan = 12,28
Feb = 12,28
Mar = 12,28
Apr = 11,27,10E
May = 25E

May = 15E,28
June = 13,27
July = 11,25

July = 14,29
Aug = 12,27
Sept = 11,26E
Oct = 10E,24

Sept = 15E 29E
Oct = 14,28
Nov = 13,28
Dec = 13,28

Jan =13,29
Feb = 13,29E
Mar = 13E,28
April = 12,27
May= 11,26

May =29
June =14,27
July =12,26E
Aug = 10E,24E 

July = 15E, 29/0E
Aug = 13,28
Sept = 12,26
Oct = 11,25
Nov = 10,25
Dec = 10,24,10E

Jan = 25E,10
Feb = 25,10
Mar = 25,10
Sept = 29/0
Oct= 15,29
Nov = 14,29
Dec = 14E, 29E

Jan = 14,29
Feb = 14,29
Mar = 14,29
Apr = 13,28
May = 12,26
June = 11E 25E

Observers of the data will notice the frequency of eclipses - often as an early event in the set or at the end. So an irregular connection to the eclipse cycle could be involved in these recurrent degree pairings.
Generally 4 paired sets within the target range occur within a year but this increases in 2028, 2029, 2030

Cardinal eclipses in the range 24-29 seem to have dominated in the C20.
The C21 is trending [2007-2030] towards more dominance of Mutable eclipses in that same range and in the total of 9-15, 24-29 degree positions.
[data has been tallied manually so a computer analysis -not my field - would sharpen up the analysis]

2018 is selected for a contemporary example due to the year beginning with a very relevant Supermoon.
The moon at closest perigee to earth for the year provides conditions that many observe to play a role in disturbing earth's air, land and sea tides.

Critical degrees are emphasised in this chart using exact full moon on January 2 at London.
Sun, Moon, Neptune all at 11 degrees
lunar nodes at 15 exact on MC/IC axis
Mars at 15 conjoined with Jupiter
Venus approaching 10 degrees
Chiron and Uranus at 24
Analysis including the usually overlooked and incorrectly designated "minor" angles semisquare [45 degrees of separation and sesquiquadrate -135 degrees ] is fundamental but again not enough.
Extending this system and demolishing the artificial boundaries of traditional thought - any factors 15 degrees apart are seen as connected and mutually activated and these points play a major role equal to that accorded to conjunctions,squares, oppositions:
0 degrees activates 15
10 activates 25
12 activates 27 - exact GC position

Midpoints add to the picture:

14 midpoints in the range 24-29
27 midpoints in the range 9-15

A Supermoon +Neptune at 11 degrees drags in 25-26-27 degrees - 4 of those appear in the midpoint grid
Uranus+Chiron at 24 work on the 23-24-25 degree midpoints -there are 5 in the grid.
Extreme events tend to indicate a gathering up of as many big players as possible in the range Saturn to Pluto and Chiron often puts in a showing.
Pluto -Sun midpoint  = 15 =lunar nodes
Pluto-Moon midpoint = 15 = lunar nodes
Pluto-Neptune midpoint = 15 = lunar nodes
Neptune has multiple midpoints 10-14;28
Uranus-ASC midpoint =29/0 = 15 =lunar nodes
Saturn -3 midpoints at 23 & 25 link to Uranus-Chiron
and for an extra helping:
Jupiter-Mars at 16 joins all positions points at 15.

This intensity of complex entanglement delivers the typical picture of severe environmental disturbance.
The surface layer visible - the individual locations of planets and points is not always the standout indicator.
This event does not -as often found - have multiple elements bunched in the late degrees 24-29 - but deeper analysis using fine angles and midpoints reveals the amount of related forces capable of delivering an equally potent outcome.

 January-February 2018 mimics the eclipses of January-February 1999 - 11 Leo 27 Aquarius - though in 1999 the lunar was penumbral and the solar was Annular and 2018 has a total lunar and a partial solar.
Therefore similar environmental conditions are anticipated
What is intriguing at time of writing [Jan 6] is that heavy snow, fierce winds and rain have both featured under the Jan 2 Supermoon - in Ireland, UK, western Europe, the US

New Zealand. The northern nations named theirs Storm Eleanor and Storm Grayson Cyclone Bomb. Conditions happened so fast in NZ their was no time for a name.
mega-weather on US east coast 2018
With the conditions closely matching 1999 in terms of the heavy northern freeze and snowfall the risk of avalanche has to be on the table as a red alert for February 2018.
Two further lunar events lead into February:
the January 17 New Moon, [27 degrees]
the January 31/Feb1 full moon total lunar eclipse [11 degrees]
next the mid February
partial solar eclipse on the 15th at 27 degrees.

Even without detailing full fine analysis it is clear that the turbulent forces will barrel on, combining and amplifying through January 2018 and through February 2018 with severe weather storms and severe environmental structural collapse events including avalanches, landslides, tectonic plate movement all potentials particularly through February.

Historic case studies follow and related posts on this blog back to 2011 are listed by date at the end

more detailed may be inserted to expand this post as events unfold
Monday March 5 2018  detailed news update:

Case studies of relevant Major Environmental Events.
Ancash Peru May 31 1970 earthquake and avalanche
World's deadliest avalanche; tens of thousands of fatalities over a large geographic area. Whole townships were buried.
The prediction system is applied using the target degrees 25-29 and 10-14 and using tight orb allowance at the boundaries [anything very close to the outer side of 10,14,25 or 29 is captured if a link exists to a primary range factor.
Five factors located in the target range of degrees
Four factors have related links to target group
25-29 =Pluto 25-Jupiter 27-Mars 28-Neptune 29
10-14 = Venus 10
Saturn+Mercury 15/16 link to Mars-Neptune 28/29
Sun-Chiron at 9-10 link to Pluto at 25
Though a full chart view is not essential [often time is not available] the chart for an exact provided time does give extra indicators. A brief look here expands further on the multiple contributing factors: Jupiter at the ASC, Moon at 0 degrees Aries semisquare Saturn-Mercury at 15-16. 16 is the Pluto-node midpoint. Pluto position at 24 matches MC/IC

Avalanches in the northern Alps of Europe February 1999
Taconnaz event at Haute-Savoie France saw 62 residents killed on Feb 11.
A forewarning eclipse on January 31 1999 at 11 degrees also had Jupiter and Saturn both at 27 degrees; Uranus at 12, Pluto at 10. All these positions activate the GC and are themselves tightly entangled with resultant synergy of forces.
In early February Sun and Mercury reaching 12-13 degrees joined forces with Uranus.
Conditions were in place with the addition of Mercury reaching 27 degrees on Feb 11.

1999 Galtur Austria -a late January Atlantic storm resulted in heavy snow in the Alps. A time provided for this significant avalanche event - [30-40 fatalities, mostly tourists] - in Galtur Austria on 23 Feb 1999 allows a full chart view showing Saturn at the MC/IC axis and Uranus at the AC/DC axis -enough in themselves to portend a destructive event.
Saturn at 29 degrees is the single factor in the high target degrees but is amplified in power by its position and 29 is the activated position for Uranus at 14 degrees thereby opening the flow between these 2 equally strongly positioned on chart axes.
Mars-Pluto-Moon-Uranus sit at 9-10-11-14 degrees

Detailed midpoint analysis is also likely - as always - to add in further relevant links.

Further examples includes the extreme weather experienced in the periods 1911 and 1912.
Through this whole period Pluto was moving very slowly through the final degrees of Gemini -26-27-28 and would have been especially strengthened by any lunation in that range. 
Autumn 1911 saw the start of a 15/28, 14/27, 13/27, 13/27, 13/28, 13/28, 12/28,12,27 sequence, including 2 eclipse sets extending from Sept 1911 till the April 1912 solar eclipse.

Updates from related news
Feb3 with avalanche risk expected to be high through February: top Google results for avalanche as Feb begins  -Italy, Canada, India

Feb 2
Unusually warm weather breaks records in US winter

Jan 10 2018
High risk of avalanches in alpine France & Italy due to very heavy snowfall.

M7.6 earthquake Honduras
Jan 9 2018
After the wildfires in Santa Barbara California -deadly mudslides
January 8 2018
torrential rain & mudslides fatal in African Congo
Cyclone Ava Madagascar  

Extreme Weather Posts from


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