Wednesday, 10 January 2018

President Oprah Winfrey - social justice warrior

Oprah Winfrey stole the show at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards in her acceptance speech for the Cecil B DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award and what she said hit a resounding note  given the recent addition of the TimesUp movement to the list of causes a social warrior can espouse -and make no mistake -Oprah is essentially a social warrior intent on justice for all.
But what about President Winfrey?
The notion is way beyond whimsy or dreamland when you look at what Oprah has on board.

Time and place are the intersections of destiny. In some contexts it's simply called karma. And the future can be written. Can be viewed. Can be anticipated.

A black woman President would be a phenomenal shift in the landscape of American politics..and this is where things are at in the reckonings of astrologers who see the accumulation of energies building in the political sign Capricorn..with the associated planet Saturn now in the picture since Dec 22 2017, joining Pluto and soon to converge with Jupiter.
But it has been the Uranus in Aries era since 2011 that has worked alongside Pluto in Capricorn as a demolition team at work around the globe sweeping away old power bases old regimes old networks -installing Wild Cards, preferencing the unlikely the unexpected. 

Uranus has the credentials to do all this & at a very fundamental, far reaching level when in collusion with Pluto. So the process has been underway, often out of sight for several years before it's fruits have become increasingly in view.

Oprah Winfrey is one of the fruits. So too is Donald Trump, Macron, Trudeau, Ardern. It's a mixed bunch..the resolution is still awaited regarding the creation of a world which works for people not for money.

Looking at the birth chart for Oprah her Aquarian Sun-Venus is really tight with Saturn in Scorpio. All at effectively 9 degrees. This degree is very activated by anything at 23-24-25 degrees.
The disempowerment experiences delivered by Saturn in Scorpio drive her Aquarian passion for social justice.
Her chart has Pluto at 24, Mars at 23, lunar nodal axis and Chiron at 23 - these factors amplify and reinforce the fundamental essence of her personality as stated above. She understands pain, abuse, unfairness. She has had to transform, remake, rebuild herself to overcome the wounds of abuse. 
This is the mountain she had to climb in this lifetime and she has reached that inner goal while also manifesting incredible achievements on the world stage through her media company - which gives back and delivers highly on the scale of empathy and compassion.
All this and more is readable just from the chart graphic below -but it is the future that beckons now with the accumulation of energy mounting in Capricorn -and given a solid framework with the entry of Saturn over Oprah's ascendant [at the end of Sagittarius] and into 0 degrees Capricorn from December 22 2017.

The Capricorn zone is the first house in Oprah's personal chart wheel and this is the Self, the identity - so now a strengthening of Oprah's sense of mission, of responsibility becomes increasingly heightened. Not something to ignore with Pluto there..something that feels like a strong unavoidable commitment -and the highest commitment in a democracy is to lead the nation.
November 3 2020, voting day in the US sees a gathering of the significant energies in Capricorn:
Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn at 21-23-26 degrees - with 23 as an effective midpoint. All promise mastery, ultimate achievement -and in combination an incredible peak for anyone blessed with this activation by conjunction

Referencing Oprah's birth chart above to focus on the standout energies of the day - she has the following highly significant activations on Nov 3 2020 due to the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction:
  • Mars & lunar nodal axis at 23 are activated
  • Pluto at 24 is activated
  • 23/24 activate her Sun-Venus-Saturn all at 9
  • Uranus at 8 Taurus activates her Sun-Venus-Saturn
  • these factors alone constitute huge and hugely relevant successful achievement energy that is capable of taking the Presidency and initiating another great evolution in Oprah's life.
Inauguration day Jan 20 2021 has
  • Sun just enters Aquarius [her birthday approaches]
  • Mars-Jupiter-Uranus now all connect at 6-7 degrees -still in range of Oprah's Sun-Venus-Saturn
  • Pluto at nearly 25 degrees still activating her Sun-Venus-Saturn
  • A collection at 18-19 degrees activates Oprah's Jupiter and Mercury - [Mercury conjunct at 18, Neptune 19, Nodes at 19] A helluva lot of talking, inspirational speech-making, destiny !
The potential for this outcome is so high that it will be pure joy to see it unfold for the benefit of America, for the benefit of the world.

Updates as relevant 
By July 2018: Oprah still holding a No position - but possibly still with an "If God sends me a sign" option
The astrology is so strong that it will be important to watch for any shift in 2019 when transit Pluto at 23 Capricorn for several months is absolutely latched onto her 23 Capricorn life purpose indicator -the lunar north node. If it's still NO by Feb 2020 then Oprah must have another major plan up her sleeve.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...