Sunday, 28 January 2018

New Zealand January 1935 & January 2018 - why are they matched?

High temperatures in the New Zealand summer in January 2018 have been linked by meteorologists to the last such period of heatwave -January 1935

Since looking at environmental conditions is one of my special areas of research my interest was piqued - and even a quick look at the prevailing cycles brings up very clear connections between these 2 periods.

Unlike standard weather forecasting, the method that is used here takes into account that our tiny blue marble planet operates within a massive system - and a system in which Earth is not the driver.
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The drivers may be great distances away but there's enough evidence to show that they consistently play a role under specific conditions.

Multiple posts on this site explore this proposition in detail - and all are linked to a recent summary explaining the methodology

Some simple data for January 1935 and January 2018 provides the obvious standout factors -these are clickable enlargeable tables from an ephemeris

In simple terms with positions rounded Jan 1935

Jupiter  17-21 degrees Jan 1935
Jupiter  17-21 degrees Jan 2018
Both times in Scorpio

Uranus  27 degrees Jan 1935
Uranus  24 degrees Jan 2018
Both times in Aries

Neptune  14 degrees Jan 1935
Neptune  12 degrees Jan 2018
In opposition - Virgo-Pisces

Pluto 24-25 degrees Jan 1935
Pluto 18-19 degrees Jan 2018
In opposition -Cancer-Capricorn

January 1935 was an eclipse month [5th,19th] Partial solar and total lunar
Jan 5 solar eclipse was a supermoon

2018 began with a full supermoon on Jan 2 and ends with another supermoon on Jan 31 

With the moon cycles being in emphasised states [supermoons, eclipses] arguably Jan 1935 and Jan 2018 both show very strong potentials for extreme conditions -but not only due to the lunation cycle -but also on account of the standout planetary matches featuring the potent outer planets Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter which frequently feature in groups as effective agents when extreme conditions arise.

Effective refers to angular position -and this is given detailed explanation in the linked post.

The explanation will repeatedly argue that the degree position 27 [and its trigger angle 12] in particular [ with orbs of allowance allowing for 25-29 degrees -often coupled with 10-14 degrees ] commonly, consistently, repeatedly arise in times of extreme environmental conditions.

Looking at any possible activator amongst the standard planets the present dates again reveal this:
January 1935
Uranus at 27 degrees all January 1935
Pluto at or close to 25 degrees all January 1935
Neptune at 14 degrees all January 1935
Solar eclipse supermoon at 13'57 =effectively 14 degrees on Jan 5 1935
Lunar eclipse at 28 degrees on Jan 19 1935

January 2018 has
Full moon at 11 degrees
Uranus and Mars both at 24 degrees at the New Moon [17th]
New moon at 26'54 [effectively 27 degrees]
Jan 31 lunar eclipse at 11 degrees
Neptune at 12 degrees

Analysis of these energies to determine themes is what is undertaken after looking at the consistently recurring mathematics and the planetary indicators.This is achieved by understanding the type of conditions likely to arise under the prevailing forces - what those forces are and what type of energy they are expressing..
Again this is too detailed to repeat here and because this is a personally-developed skill based on decades of knowledge in my field of analysis - but the basics are covered in earlier posts.

Intense destructive heat in relevant zones - eg more typically southern hemisphere summer - as a pattern was locked in at New Year 2018 and posted on this site as a forecast for New Zealand - using just these methods - no meteorological modelling -  in a dedicated post of December 6

It is highly unlikely that standard forecasters will give an ounce of credence to this method but the truth remains that it works...consistently... for the past, the present or the future..if you know what to look for.

Another timely repeat of cycles is detailed in a separate post on the forecasting of severe/extreme weather/environmental events

The cycle in question is the multiple matches between Jan-Feb 1999 and Jan Feb 2018.
The conclusion reached:
Even without detailing full fine analysis it is clear that the turbulent forces will barrel on, combining and amplifying through January 2018 and through February 2018 with severe weather storms and severe environmental structural collapse events including avalanches, landslides, tectonic plate movement all potentials particularly through February.
All or any natural element is considered to be in the frame - wind, water, fire, earth - in forceful movement

Updates from news
Feb 3 avalanche news shows events in Italy, Canada, India, with fatalities.

Feb 2 update: 2000 hectare fire - Chatham Islands
along with other weather/environment events needing attention

New Zealand 1935 & 2018 summers
Australia 2018 summer heat
Drought conditions continue in South Africa

Above average temps in US reported Jan 28 2018:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...