Monday, 15 January 2018

Structural Collapse & Political Coups - January 2018

January 17 2018 is the exact New Moon in Capricorn which comes entangled with lots of power plays and extreme conditions resulting in structural collapse
Already a major quake in Peru speaks to themes of massive power and structural collapse but significant company or business failures are equally consistent as an outcome of influences in the January-February 2018 period - noted January 15 -

see news confirmations/updates section
scroll to end - 
Latest: political coup in South Africa

but the natural environment is only one of the theatres of activity where standout themes will unfold in the form of continued examples of extreme weather produced by powerful and greater frequency of violent natural forces acting upon all things material -  dissolving, eroding, disassembling, or violently deconstructing the earth and things it supports.

The other main scenario takes place in the realm of all contexts of a political nature -and the forces here are equally strong - annihilating force, sudden terminal action...power politics dominating the news..the high energy environment propelling enough corticosteroids to initiate an aggressive coup.
With global eyes almost continually glued on America thanks to the exceptionally bizarre conduct of President Donald Trump who continues to exceed our worst expectations with his no-holds-barred style of political rhetoric - the spotlight will surely fall brightest on him in the lunar month from 14 January and the formal process of impeachment, long discussed could at last be the outcome.

Latest news is that another vote on impeachment of the President is to be called [date not disclosed] -despite reticence from within the Democrats

Aside from America, any political environment that is ready to blow gets a huge dose of magma from beneath so this is likely to be a newsy month to gladden the hearts of political junkies.
the wheel of fortune

Personal lives are not exempt - power abuse is being called to account in waves of activity in recent years [since Pluto & Uranus began their square-off in 2012] and the current #MeToo and #TimesUp movements are reaching a level of momentum not seen for decades in the contexts of how women collectively are treated by men collectively. 
Saturn entering Capricorn has solidified the restructuring element in the power base - bringing the issues further into the mainstream, normalising the issues, to be no longer seen as the gripes of a few fringe-dwellers. And this is not a blip on a screen, this uprising by women is set to strengthen not be subdued by backlash or non-engagement. Thunderbirds are Go.

The patriarchy operating through male-dominated gender politics is a hierarchical system which is under pressure to change, adjust, to restructure, to be reborn

A separate post on extreme weather and extreme environmental conditions [quakes, eruptions, landslides, avalanches, sinkholes] details further the issues that apply strongly in the first half of 2018 as the themes were locked in when Saturn-nodes-Mars-Jupiter all synergised on New Year's Day and will be sustained by the first eclipse - Jan 31/Feb 1 by Saturn-Jupiter - and eclipse themes typically endure over a 6 month period.

The hazards are very pronounced for those living with known extreme indicators and the benefit of history shows that the coming first eclipses of 2018 match closely the energy of those at the same time in 1999 -when case studies show structural collapse was repetitive in the Alps of Switzerland, Austria, Italy when extreme weather delivered a rain/snow combination that delivered a series of fatal avalanches.

In the US
update: the brief shutdown was followed by a 2nd brief shutdown
A continual stream of photos provided via Severe Weather EU already before mid-January 2018 reveal awesome amounts of snow and ice across much of the higher latitudes
2000metres high Tignes France early January

Snow and ice of course apply - almost entirely - in the winter hemisphere. Rain, flood, wind, electrical storms can apply across the globe during periods when the originating galactic forces are highly potentised : multiple occurrences January-June inclusive in the first half of 2018 is just part of the unfolding picture. [check back for the next outlook]

Whether it is in high political office or minor company management the energy for a coup is in the air and will express itself with considerable force under prevailing influences.
The restructuring theme in human affairs and in our physical environments has multiple potential contexts in which to be played out and if not directly in your life then it is just a matter of how many degrees of separation exist between you and the events set to occur.
The luckiest amongst us will merely watch or read the relevant news.

Lunar events have at least a lunar month for potential effects to be activated. In exceptional times -such as now - themes in a lunar cycle can be continually sustained through several cycles.

updates from news events within the effective period of this forecast [New Moon January to New Moon February 2018]
will be appended in this section

Feb 15 2018
Political Coup
Right at the end of the lunar month and under prevailing influences, South African President Jacob Zuma was forced to resign, announcing this on this day.
"The ANC had told him to step down or face a vote
 of no confidence in parliament."
FEB 14 2018
Structural collapse is reflected in the business environment just as in the natural world so it comes as no surprise under prevailing influences:
Construction giant Fletchers NZ facing massive losses
Chairman resigns amid the reversal of fortune

and a similar scenario reported on this day
Myer department store has problems

Feb 13 2018
Opposition Party Leader of NZ Bill English announces resignation from Parliament less than 6 months after the General Election of 2017.
Word is this is more of a coup than a "spend more time with the family" decision. Cartoonist Hubbard tweeted by political analyst Bryce Edwards

Feb 13 roundup of some "Coup" news

Jan 23 structural collapse

M7.9 quake in Gulf of Alaska

Eruption & avalanche at ski resort Japan. Injuries noted.

Mayon volcano active in Philippines

Jan 22 avalanches being noted in Swiss-Italian-Austrian Alps of Europe -such as

Jan 19 big political power play
US government in shutdown as parties reach impasse by midnight

Power abuse & misogyny:
gang rapists jailed in Australia -teenage victim was piece of meat for wolves

Jan 18
UK UKIP leader alleges organised coup

A potential structural collapse within the US government arises yet again:
US hovers close to Shutdown as end of week approaches
Opponents of Trump calling this the #TrumpShutdown. Republicans use #SchumerShutdown

January 17
Power abuse called to account:

Gymnastics coach brought to account in 2018 for decades of sex abuse 
Wiki entry on Larry Nassar pornography addiction & offending against gymnasts
Daily Mail on the first Larry Nassar trial in 2017

Parents David and Louise Turpin of Los Angeles arrested after one of their 13 children escapes from conditions of imprisonment, deprivation and abuse  in family home

Details of Turpin family life

January 15 2018 collapse of Carillion Construction Co UK -an example of collapse within the world of business
January 15 2018 -structural collapse at Jakarta stock exchange


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...