Wednesday, 31 August 2011

John Key: life cycles examined

The Prime Minister doodles over a new career direction

He is standing for re-election in November 2011, at the age of 50, having first become an MP in 2002.
His prior career highlights occurred in the sharemarket and currency exchange fields.

Using a method called progressed declinations, it is possible to see all of  John Key's career highlights to date as well as the seeding or building phases, since his almost textbook career development has reflected clearly the planetary cycles driven by the progressed lunar declinations.

The moon, at his birth was at 19 degrees North declination. Like a typical sine wave pattern, the moon travels north relative to the earth's equator, then descends past the equator to its maximum south position, in a regular continuum
John Key's career highlights have consistently corresponded to the equatorial phase of the progressed lunar declination, the crossing point from north-south or south-north.
His last equatorial phase coincided with becoming Prime Minister of New Zealand in 2008
His next equatorial phase begins in 2022

John Key is now in a seeding and rising phase which will peak in 2014-2015, with a return to themes present at the last North maximum, which he had in 1987, holding top positions in foreign exchange. (The true peak in finance trading came in the mid 90's equatorial phase)

He has already met his two childhood ambitions "to make a million dollars and become Prime Minister"

The question now is whether he will go on to win the 2011 election. To read more on that question, with graphics - plus for comparison Barack Obama's life Cycles -  go to:
John Key: Life Cycles in Google docs.


"... it seems that 2008 was the true peak of John Key’s career because he will never again experience the lunar path being crossed simultaneously by the Sun & MC

Between the ages of 59-60 (from Aug 2020-2021) Key has another career activation which may resemble his former sharemarket career and he is likely to have a highlight at age 62 when he goes through the next equatorial phase, plus more career prominence for another year -age 63.

So in 2011, at age 50, Key is heading for a max. north point in 2014-2015, so, going by the past cycle, he could be in the early stages of another seeding phase, building to another career peak in around 12 years.
If he does remain Prime Minister of New Zealand after the 2011 election, it will not have the energy of a career highlight, because it appears he has his sights set on another challenge"

The inference from this is that John Key will not win the 2014 election as this would be the achievement of a 3 term run and arguably would constitute something of a career highlight - something NOT indicated for 2014

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Quakes M6+ from August 2011

Latest: October 29
M6.9    October 28     Peru central region coastal seafloor ( damage reported)
M6       October 27     Fiji seafloor

October 23
Of all the large quakes in recent months, this is the most damaging, being land-based, with mass fatalities
Followed by M6 the same day, Eastern Turkey

October 22 2011
M7.6 Kermadecs near Raoul Island
M7.6 emerging on seismogram  -source Geonet NZ
Other recent quakes listed by USGS

October 14
Is there a link between the October 13 plane crash occurring amidst a violent storm on a flight from Lae to Medang PNG -and a M6.7 quake near Lae on Friday October 14? Significant pre-cursor activity in the electron field is a definite possibility, as researched by various scientists. The TEC electron map is currently reading high over this equatorial zone:

Original post begins:
Map of  the Continent of  Zealandia - source Wikimedia Commons
 Includes New Zealand land mass, seafloor topography and main seismic aspects.

Latest: USGS data October 6-8 2011

Original entries from August-Sept 2011
To extend a recent post on Pacific quakes - posted when the emphasis was there in 2011, up to early August 2011, this post gives a list of global quakes M6 and over as noted by USGS, occuring from August 19, when a resumption of significant activity occurred.
A lull period in significant quakes M6 and over, occurred in the first part of August, until activity stepped up again, as follows. Most events are seafloor, so land based events are identified (L). Date (in Universal Time) and place only are supplied to capture frequency of locations. Search USGS for full data
August 2011
18th Japan
19th Fiji
20th Vanuatu (2)
22nd Sumatra
24th  Peru (L)
24th Vanuatu (+ noting that Vanuatu has had 7 M5+ events on August 25)
27th (Vanuatu & Fiji remain active with M5+ events)
30th  Banda Sea Indonesia
31st (Vanuatu has had 15 events M5+ since 20th)

September 2011
Sept 2-3 = a string of events over M6 recorded by USGS All times are Universal Time, not local

Vanuatu seafloor continues to be pummeled and smaller events are resonating southwards in NZ's Kermadec Islands -also known for M7+ events, plus NZ's middle North Island is having an unusual sequence of quakes since Aug 30 2011.
Sept 6 update on large events - the Sumatra quake was not seafloor 100 kilometers southwest of the city of Medan
Sept 9
Sept 11
 M6 Vanuatu
Sept 12
M6.2 PNG
Sept 14-15
Note that in this period the south Pacific Ring of Fire including the regions of Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga are very prominent.

Sept 17 
Japan is showing a lot of increased seafloor activity - see USGS data

It seems that time is ticking for a more destructive event in the west or south Pacific Ring of Fire
Sept 23 noting:
October 13-14

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Astrology Notes on Virginia Quake - August 23 2011

                                                Related info on the IRIS website

For astrologers and quake watchers, a chart drawing and brief notes have been uploaded to Google docs to provide some study material on this event.
Go to full size chart plus notes
Globally there has definitely been an uptick in significant quake events, since a lull in early August ( when instead the sharemarkets and human rioting & protest seem to have absorbed the energy - aggravated it seems by significant solar wind pulses, interacting with earth's magnetic field -see prior posts on this blog)
This late August batch of global quakes is not surprising in terms of planetary interactions, but may have been  given a surge as a result of the geomagnetic disturbances in the first two weeks of August.
Meanwhile, Mars is activating strong FIRE energy and will continue to be a risk factor August 23-25 - for people places most resonating with that energy signature. People born on or close to January 5, April 5, July 7, October 8, are more vulnerable to fire, anger, conflict, risk, danger at this time.

Fun facts: the Sun has just entered Virgo and this quake occurred in Viginia.
The geology of the area shows the quake occurred squarely in the middle of the Piedmont province, a zone of mashed-up and recrystallized oceanic rocks that got scraped off a subducted slab of oceanic lithosphere and added to North America in a “Pacific Northwest” style event hundreds of millions of years ago. - according to Prof Bentley a geology teacher in Virginia, in his on the spot blog post
The oceanic factor links to Neptune and the lithosphere links to Saturn. See how these played a role when you read the chart notes in Google Docs ( link above, under chart)

Sunday, 21 August 2011

August 2011 Saturn-Mars-Sun-Neptune

As noted in my prior posts on August 2011 ( here and here ) this has been a dramatic month, as befits the solar force, personified through LEO.
Next up after the full moon and before the Virgo New Moon on the 29th, Saturn and Mars both interact with Sun opposing Neptune at the tail end of Leo-Aquarius.
Looking at the 23rd-24th when Sun 29.30 Leo opposes Neptune 29.30 Aquarius, Saturn at 14.20 Libra  will closely aspect both (semisquare/sequiquadrate) These often overlooked and sometimes designated "minor" aspects can have a lot more of a power punch than expected, so with Saturn involved, forget about any "semi" considerations and give the aspect a challenging role to play.
Then look at Mars in Cancer - building to an exact square to Saturn on the 25th and so capable of energising the potentials of the Saturn-Sun-Neptune combo, since Mars itself will reach also an exact semisquare/sequiquadrate to the Sun-Neptune pairing.

Interpretative possibilities range from collective humanitarian impulses, people yearning for a better world of social justice (Neptune in Aquarius) facing off against despotic, authoritarian people/systems (Leo Sun-Saturn Libra mix). An angry public (Mars in Libra) facing repressive or controlling(Saturn in Libra) dictates. 
On a private level -relationship and domestic strife where one participant seeks to escape one-to-one partnership issues in favour of friendship and group fun and support.

We are already seeing pockets of this globally within the context of the widespread pro-democracy movements and these new surges of energy will manifest in people and places that most closely correspond vibrationally to the particular energy mix.

In economic terms - more strain on the global sharemarket could arise due to Neptune aggravating Saturn's tendency to worry, into a state of panic (Neptune causes the imagination to run wild). This is the sort of scenario that leads to contagion in the markets, as the energy ripples out like a stone tossed into a pond. ( update Aug 26 -US markets have instead surged in a mood of "wishful thinking"   with the hope that Bernanke can "wave a magic wand". Neptune is the indicator of magic so it looks like the collective choice has been to flip from dominant Saturn (worry) to dominant Neptune (fantasy) as often happens when the truth is too hard to bear.) 

August 22
Clearly events in Libya are most closely representing the pro democracy surge
August 24
USA East coast regions are facing two powerful acts of nature: the unusual M5.8 quake (rare in that region) and shallow -meaning more widespread shaking. See the astrology of this event
Hurricane Irene is also causing concern

Thursday, 11 August 2011

August 2011: understanding the turbulence

Pluto, Uranus and the Sun are all acting up in August 2011. Way beyond earth there's a whole lot of energy in motion that most people have absolutely no concept of: they are trying to live, day to day in their microcosm, unaware of how connected their lives are to the bigger picture.

Astrologers and astronomers are used to looking at the big picture, the macrocosm, but in different ways - probably as differently as an artist and a non-artist view an abstract painting. The points of reference are different, the conclusions are different. Much can be gained however from blending both perspectives. This is where we may collectively be heading: blending, mixing, creating new forms, new outcomes and new understandings.

Global turbulence in August 2011 has been widely reported in terms of anarchic behaviour which started from a spark in one London community, then erupted like wildfire across multiple London townships, extending then to northern cities (interactive map of reported incidents)

"I mean a couple of months ago Britain was Harry Potter and the Royal Wedding. Now it is phone-hacking and riots in the street." says a New York reporter
The BBC reports on global reactions

The second global news event has been the stockmarket shudder, leading to roller coaster dips and some ups, but overall a state of nervous panic, again rippling or contagion-like across a large territory - global stock exchanges. BBC summary

Just about any other news is being avalanched by these two high impact issues.

From the perspective of astrology, looking at long and short term cycles, we know the typical monthly pattern features a new and full moon, and we know that a solar or lunar eclipse will happen at certain times of the year. But far more than that goes on of course, because none of these events is isolated or unconnected. The earth sits within the alignment of solar-lunar events in space and is directly linked to the energy emitted during the cycles of those larger spheres. When you view the spread of our solar system diagrammatically, it is evident that the planets are arrayed as in a radiating magnetic field. This field is what disperses unseen charged material across space and astrologers for centuries have worked out what types of events occur when particular planets orbit into alignment with each other, activating their individual and synergistic potentials wherever and in whoever resonates closely to the vibrational signatures of that energy, liking a tuning fork call and response.
So right now, London and other UK cities are responding in vibrational similarity. The global sharemarkets are also resonating. Both show evidence of turmoil, loss of control, panic.

Astrologers following the long cycles know that Pluto and Uranus have reached in August 2011 the closest angle (91 degrees) in their current movement towards an exact 90 degree right angle (called a "square") during this current phase.
What is also known, is that in 2011 we have seen the face of many unfolding events, still to emerge, as the cycle moves to even closer contact between Pluto and Uranus during 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

So how might Pluto and Uranus be related to turmoil, loss of control, panic ?

The movement of Pluto through Capricorn (2008-2024) is a major phase of change for human civilization and the evolution of our planet. Old structures, both within the earth itself and those created by humans, are being adjusted, altered, broken down for reconstruction, transformed and in some cases destroyed. (Earthquakes are a prime example of how this happens on the level of earth physics). In people this can express as the urge to destroy - self or others. So structural and systemic(human organisations) change is being met by another force - Uranus in Aries (2011-2019) = the energy of radical, even revolutionary upheaval, adding cracks and lightning rods of electrical charge into the ether ( another force adding to significant seismic shifts). In people this is the urge to change, overthrow, break free, seek justice, take collective action. Aries is a fiery force linked to the war-like Mars archetype - military, warrior modes are activated, with use of weaponry, like guns and knives. Fire also literally means the fire element. Fire also accentuates anger, aggression and irritability in most people, due to stimulating the adrenal hormonal output. Those able to transcend the base level of these powerful elemental earth & fire forces can be truly inspirational in terms of courageous, progressive and transformational acts which can be of great humanitarian benefit. These people are scarce but will be increasingly of maximum importance.
So periods of extreme turmoil are on the agenda in this difficult rebirthing period for humanity. Each of us needs to choose which path to follow because the two extremes will stand within the same small spaces -the angry, fearful survivalist and the compassionate humanitarian.

An astronomer looking at August 2011 would be talking about the Sun: suddenly lots of activity in an otherwise quiet 11 year sunspot cycle. The cycle is heading to maximum and that phase is known to coincide with more solar flares and their often subsequent coronal mass ejections (CME). Activity increased from August 3. Smaller flares plus on August 4 a powerful M-class flare sent a combined CME to earth. Astronomers are happy to talk about the geomagnetic impact of a CME: how the charged particles stream out in the solar wind and then mix & minlge with earth’s magnetic field creating a geomagnetic storm, visible to the naked eye via the awe-inspiring polar aurora. If the storm is strong enough, all sorts of electrical systems can be negatively impacted, ranging from power shutdowns to GPS aberrations. What the astronomers will not typically discuss is the extra electrical charge that everyone and everything on earth will experience during such a storm. This month these solar and geo-effective events happened in sequence with the outbreaks in the UK and on the global sharemarkets.

We have just passed a powerful eclipse sequence (from June1-July 1 2011) which I have written of extensively in my archives and the energy unleashed can be factored in as contributing to current events. In addition the end of July New Moon and mid August Full Moon have also had a part to play, as detailed in a prior post (also in the archive) on August moons.

Shock, fear, grief and confusion are certainly being felt across the UK and indeed the world, in a similar way that people respond to the death of an individual, because this too, in Pluto style, is a death, the death of old institutions, old systems, old ways of life, as the process of major change unfolds. Those losing money on the sharemarket may feel similar emotions, but in effect they are still trying to ride the old wave.

Violence, looting and burning has also erupted in Chile (August 9) - Santiago & other cities, with students protesting public education issues. Again as in London, the protest began peacefully -but one sector broke away to challenge the police barricades

August 12
Here's another astro analysis on the UK riots by Lynn Hayes
Here's a  longer view of the Pluto-Uranus cycle and what might be achieved in the collective rebirth

Rioting has broken out in China
as residents react to repressive practices by local enforcement officers. The public backlash has been growing significantly in recent years. Pluto and Uranus will continue to fuel the discontent.

August 13
Workers who were in the process of installing a metal flagpole in Auckand ended up charred with burning clothes, when the pole slipped onto power lines, sending a power surge through their vehicle. The energy force of Uranus is typically related to all things electric/electronic (the power lines). The men suffered burns, their bodies smoking and clothes on fire (all energy of Aries) This event on Aug 12 was also in the buildup phase of the Full Mon (Aug 13) -full article

August 15
For similar views from another astrologer, AstroYiaYia

August 17
Johnny Rotten of the UK punk band, the Sex Pistols recalls:
Early Seventies Britain was a very depressing place. It was completely run-down, there was trash on the streets, total unemployment—just about everybody was on strike. Everybody was brought up with an education system that told you point blank that if you came from the wrong side of the tracks...then you had no hope in hell and no career prospects at all. Out of that came pretentious moi and the Sex Pistols and then a whole bunch of copycat wankers after us. -source
The band is known for it's anti-establishment ethic and the word Anarchy.
Clear energy links exist between  that era and the present.
                       April 1974       Pluto 5 LIB    NNode 22 SAG

                       August 2011  Pluto 5 CAP  NNode 22 SAG
Two cycles linked: the Pluto cycle coinciding with the Moon's nodal return.

Not only was there anarchy in the air in the UK but the sharemarket was in a global slump, particularly in the UK.

August 25
Better late than never, but have to recommend one of my favourite astrology authors Alan Oken. Just found his website and he gives a great run-down for August

August 28
Hurricane Irene remains in alert level force up the eastern seaboard, USA as we approach New Moon, whipping up sea levels = flooding on top of wind damage. Mercury is in hard aspect to Uranus which may be the Hurricane signature. For more on specialist info on how planets link to weather

Friday, 5 August 2011

Solar Activity High, Markets Slump

Observing any synchronous connections between global markets and other mass behaviour, in concert with strong solar output impacting earth. (conversely when solar activity impacting earth is low, less disturbance may stabilize markets, on account of human behaviour.
Updates will continue to be added to this page, but a  cached copy of the original post has now been lost
July 2014:  from July no further updates here

April 13 [UT] 2013
With a smaller M3.3 flare on April 12 20:38 UT adding to recent higher than recent average solar activity markets have been shown declines: April 13 BBC listings:

April 12 2013
Watch April 13-14  for geostorm potentials in the wake of the M6.5 flare & CME on the sun at 07.16 UT on April 11 -the most significant earth-directed flare in several months. Dow Jones has been breaking records and a switch may be in the wings
March 18 2013

This graphic shoes how earth's geomagnetic field shot into the red zone on March 17 following the filament eruption-CME on the sun around 48 hrs prior. 
The spaceweather modelling animation sourced here shows a full envelopment of earth in the solar charged material.
In terms of extended analysis beyond the mainstream view of disturbances to GPS, satellite, electronics, in the wake of such an event, in simple terms, expect drama - since the earth itself, weather, biological systems - i.e. natural forces and living beings are all bathed in the highly charged electrical soup and therefore vulnerable to effects. Increased seismic-volcanic activity expected. Weather more disturbed. Prior events of energetic storming on earth show a spike in inflamed, explosive, combustible energies -reflected in fires, bombs, military responses, more news with crimes based on anger, aggression, violence; animals attacking humans; strongly collective or hive-mind activity such as in mass protests and market behaviour.
 [ updated graphs as above will be added when released]

March 17 2013
A geomagnetic sudden impulse was recorded in the earth environment on this day, recorded as a strong impact & occurring 2 days after a full halo coronal mass ejection left the sun following the extended eruption of a magnetic filament. Watch and see any flow on effects from this heightened activity.

March 5 2013

A leap in markets - with Dow jones at a new all-time high of 14,259 - report .
This may reflect in terms of solar activity factors, such an unusually long lull in perturbing factors. But interestingly, the sun on the same day, March 5 produced an M1 flare on the earth facing side but also a massive CME on the far side.
In terms of positioning, Earth is in the next orbital ring beyond Venus but it is currently on March 5 2013 in the region of the left horizonal arrow & out of view, more clearly shown in this March 5 Fourmilab graphic [ circle with inner cross = earth]

Let's see if there's a sudden reversal of fortunes in coming days as the solar wind hits earth as projected by this graphic [ full animation at source site - note: will expire ]
Click to enlarge & see how green earth dot is in the swirl on & around March 9
see animation

February 27 2013
Jittery markets ( Italy, Asia, US) but no massive slump as Italy fails to get a clear election result.
Solar activity remains low in past several months, in terms of flare activity but the question remains re other solar output -such as the Coronal Mass Ejection of February 25 2013 - seen in this video.CMESince it occurred on the sun's far side the traditional view is No Earth Impact but keeping an open mind may prove more useful..This broader space view -an animated model suggests earth is way off range, but science continues to discover prior unknown aspects of astrophysics - with the most subtle likely to be the last uncovered.
July 1 2012
By the end of June sunspot 1513 has delivered 3 M flares since June 28. In addition, a large coronal hole and significant prominence are indicating a sudden uptick in potentially geo-effective solar activity. Earth's magnetic readings have risen on June 30 UT:

June 24 2012
The unusually sluggish patterns of solar cycle 24 continue - with less happening rather than more - as we head to sunspot maximum in 2013, this cycle is looking like other historic lows -refer to solen graph.
Less spots, less, flares, are only part of the picture though, as the sun can produce filaments of magnetism with associated CMEs and large coronal holes emit powerful high speed wind which has geoeffective potential when earth facing and plugged in to our planet when a southward polarity of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field prevails for an extended period. It's a watch period from now until maximum around May 2013 to see just how much spark the sun will deliver to us in this phase of the cycle before the next decline.

June 16 2012 
Spaceweather sources report that only a weak interplanetary shock wave impacted earth at 09:00 UT with no geostorming.

June 15 2012
A second long duration CME out of sunspot 1504 reinforces the potency of this large, currently earth facing, magnetic crucible. A M1.9 flare occurred as the precursor to the CME, on June 14 at 14.36 UT.
The close proximity to the prior CME out of spot 1504 on June 13 ( M1.2 flare) means the high speed solar wind has combined. The 2nd CME sent wind at 1360km/sec according to
If the IMF tips persistently south when the combined wind arrives around June 16, then strong geostorming will result with subsequent potential disturbance to any natural & man-made systems.

On June 18
the moon is in maximum north declination relative to thje earth. On June 20 there is a New Moon. These extra geophysical stress factors may synergistically combine with effects from the highly charged earth radiation belts once the solar wind reaches earth
June 14 2012
Mainly a quiet phase involving low level C flares and sporadic M flares with few geo-effective indicators on the usual indices. Only June 11-12 saw 6 hrs of level 5 readings on the Kp index -meaning May and June so far have been underwhelming. Even with recent large coronal holes and high speed solar wind there has rarely been much observed plug-in to earth in the past 6 weeks. Low level M flares occurred on June 6, June 9, June 13 & it is difficult to conclusively say what effect any of these could be having other than adding general turbulence. A significant X flare with geoeffective CME or large coronal hole with earth-facing high speed wind is awaited for comparison in terms of global flow on disturbance.
June 4 2012
 Solar activity wakes up as the Dow plunges

The earth based readings reflect recent prior solar activity
a 3.3 M-flare on June 3 UT will add to effects of a high speed solar wind stream heading for earth ETA June4-6.
       Coronal Hole CH520 is large and earth facing -  sending charged wind in earth's direction
This increased activity coincides with a lunar eclipse supermoon [ = close perigee] in maximum south declination, enhancing solar-lunar potentials in geoeffective events. (June 2012 eclipse)

May 31 2012
Ongoing very low solar activity is being noted.
May 17 2012
Sunspot 1476 underwhelmed solar watchers until a long duration M5.1 flare today - right at the edge of rotation
The sudden vertical spike at around 01.30 hrs UT  with subsequent CME, causing a radiation storm of solar protons around earth. Speeds exceeded 1500km/sec. There was also a far-side [ back of sun] CME also today, around 1600 hrs UT - see the red trace rise there.
This solar activity is coinciding with worsening economic news. For a full forecast see May 2012 lunar & eclipse post. It's important.

May 9 2012
Market declines have coincided not only with the election of Francois Hollande in France & the Greek crisis, but also with an uptick in solar activity related to a large coronal hole high speedstream and the magnetic fireworks related to massive sunspot 1476 this week. Things could get very interesting if the readings below shoot to the X category on the right hand scale in the next 7 or so days.  Watch the markets in the further 10-14 days ahead
The peaks in the red trace represent several higher intensity flares from earth-facing sunspots from May 7-10 2012.

solar disc late May 8 2012 - red coronal holes and spot 1476 very clear. - via SOLEN

April 26 2012
Recent readings compiled by NOAA SWPC from various northern hemisphere locations plus the estimated planetary readings compared:
                                     This phase could have more steam left in it if sunspot 1465 erupts
                                            Worth watching to see if any market effects ensue
April 24 [UT] 2012
The last significant geoeffective activated phase was on April 13.
Ten days later the sun has sent material in earth's direction, which has "plugged in" effectively in the time from 03:25 UT on April 23 to present 03:10 UT on April 24
News is in of a world share/stock market drop - report
Geomagnetic data up to end of day April 23 2012 shows the progression to red-bar storm level disturbance. The first 3 hours of April 24 UT have seen the level reach K6 -

April 15 2012
Watching solar activity in case of an upsurge in flares, CMEs, - this is an ongoing link so material relevant to April 2012 will soon expire, as daily updates on the solen site proceed

April 11 2012
Markets have been more down than up in the aftermath of March's sustained solar onslaught against planet earth.  Since the start of April, little geomagnetic interference from solar output.
BBC today:

March 30 2012
Nothing dramatic market wise but the Russian situation has been a bit shaky
March 23 2012
This has been an interesting solar flare-CME-High Speed Solar Stream combo period, with the last M flare on March 17.  The extended onslaught clearly churned up the geomagnetic field as evidenced by the strong spate of auroras.  In Norway by March 22, March had aurora on 18 nights. By March 23 global markets are down, though not a horror show.

NASA analysed geomagnetically disturbed days on earth over a 75 yr period and they now consider the spring and fall or autumn equinoxes (equal day-night points) of March & September to herald the greater frequency of disturbances and auroras, extending in to April-October: March tops the data, followed by October, April then September.
Feed these four months into a statistical calculation after you read the list of stock market crashes. As a group they feature very highly, with October being particularly prominent - eg 1907, 1929, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1997, 2002. This if course doesn't mean the next big crash will happen in October - a big momentum of solar activity coincided with the August 2011 slump.
Best policy is to keep watching the sun as we enter the maximum phase of Cycle 24

March 12 2012
South pointing polarity has occurred quite consistently but the full strength of recent flare events is past.
This list of strongest flares since 2010 ( prior to that was a lengthy lull) gives clear indicators of why August-September 2011 was significant in terms of global markets
 August 3-Sept 24 2011 saw a swarm of strong flares ( along with many smaller) Most of these associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection and 6 of the eleven events produced a strong to severe geomagnetic storm (G3-4)
This sort of intensity is probably what is required to send the markets into a panic. 
A summary so far of geomagnetic storms in sunspot Cycle 24:
September 2011 stands out having 6 geomagnetic storms in one calendar month - see full data in prior list

March 9 2012
The full potentials of the current solar storm are yet to be realised as the solar field is not fully plugged in to earth. For full effects the solar magnetic field needs to be in negative [south] polarity. For the most part this has not happened. When negative, the field can strongly flow into earth's magnetic environment.
Follow the red trace to see when it dips - and stays persistently - south of the midline  - Solar Wind data
At 21.40 UT March 8 this is the screenshot:

March 8
 Indicators already apparent regarding the beginning of major geomagnetic effects due to persistent flaring on the sun. Power systems, GPS, satellites and biological systems all vulnerable to disruption / disturbance. Watch from March 7 (UT Universal Time) as the first wave of effects impact earth, what unfolds in global markets as well.
Data from solar.ham site

A major X flare unleashed March 7 0.24hrs UT

                BBC Horizon 2012 series promo on space weather

March 7 2012 (NZT)
A flurry of flares continues including now an X5.4 off of sunspot 1429 bringing the most consistent flare delivery for some considerable time & more expected.
As anticipated there has already been significant market dip news -this from the US
View the article from March 6 2012

March 5 2012 (NZ time)
Today 4.58 pm local time the first X flare for 2012 (X1.1) The most recent prior X flare was in Nov 2011 - X1.9 
Lets see if the geoeffective consequences are significant enough to disturb human behaviour - and the financial markets
Feb 24 2012 
Solar activity has been remarkably subdued with flatlining occurring on the X-Ray graphs from GOES.
Very little geoeffective activity and no significant global market news.
The largest flare in 2012 so far was on Jan 23 = M8.7 = almost an X
Feb 2 2012 
No significant news from the global sharemarkets and the sun has had moderate geoeffective output.
Recap: Jan 14 saw first M flare (M1.0) for 2012; Jan 23 saw largest flare (M8.7). We have not seen an X flare for months. Also refer to data provided by SolarHam 
Jan17 2012
Since last report, just two low level M class flares - latest Jan 17, M1.0
No geomagnetic storms for some time
Jan 4 2012
Since New Year 2012, geo-effective solar activity has declined back gradually to B class level. Stockmarkets generally & those in US, China have opened positively.
Dec 30
As anticipated, an M class flare from sunspot 1389 on Dec 29 UT amidst a flurry of C flares. then just in, a second M flare as pictured below. More expected. So far nothing has impacted the geomagnetic field. US market is up.
This pattern is a big change from recent flatlining of the orange band along the base,  and the red band equally dormant in the B class

Magnetic Readings on earth have yet to reach Red(Storm) level
Dec 29
Sustained C class flares on Dec 27, 28. Markets are now down but no significant slump is expected until flares return to sustained M class or especially X class, with resultant geoeffective turbulence. Charged solar wind from a large solar coronal hole is about to reach earth at year's end. The solar wind's magnetic field (Bz component) is currently in North polarity at 0hr UT - which is not the most geoeffective. Incoming solar material disturbs earth most when the Bz is South.
Sunspot group 1389 promises bigger flare /CME action.
Dec 27     Now three M class flares since Xmas Day 2011


Dec 26

Now two M flares -  may precede a bigger X flare.
A smaller M1.5 flare on Dec 26 hot on the heels of:
The largest flare for weeks: M4.0 at 18.16 Universal Time on Christmas Day, coinciding with a complex of solar-lunar-other planetary tensions. Has sent an earth directed CME, incoming around Dec 28 UTC.  May not be strong enough to scare the markets!

Dec 13
Watch Dec 18-19 to see if there's geo-effective space turbulence affecting the markets as there's certainly  "economic dampner" "financial drain" "money worries" planetary influences on those days.

Dec 7-Dec 13 2011 Still no significant geoeffective activity to report, during this unexpectedly lingering phase of relative quiet on the sun. The spots keep coming and they keep promising/threatening, but then they degrade. After this phase, the pattern breaker when it comes could be significant in terms of upsetting the current very fragile equilibrium in the global markets.
Meanwhile here's an easy to follow explanation of earth directed solar material 
There is an imminent eclipse in the wings - total lunar visible in the southern hemisphere coinciding with the moon at maximum north declination in respect of the earth. These factors can trigger turbulence. Exactitude is Dec 10 though the building phase & aftermath phase makes for a period of Dec 7-13 to watch. Also take note of the December  solstice  when the Sun is at zero degrees of the cardinal sign Capricorn and therefore one of the traditional four seasonal markers. This year the Moon is perigee  (closest orb for the month) on Dec 22. Solstice is also on Dec 22. Moon is maximum south on Dec 23 and the New Moon is on the 24th. So this is a whole bunch of factors all compressing into a brief time frame. One source I follow is suggesting there will be enough strain generated to have significant impact on the tectonic state of the planet with significant seismic consequences. Watch and see if the sun gets more active and human behaviour in general and market activity are perturbed by the highly charged atmosphere.

 Nov 28 Flares remain low level but the sun is not quiet. Geomagnetic storming is anticipated today: says:
A solar radiation storm is in progress around Earth. At the moment, the storm is classified as minor, which means it has little effect on our planet other than to disturb HF radio transmissions at high latitudes. Bigger effects, however, may be in the offing. The same explosion on Nov. 26th that caused the radiation storm also hurled a CME into space at about 930 km/s (2 million mph). According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME will reach Earth on Nov. 28th at 17:21 UT (+/- 7 hours).
In adddition after an extended period of no coronal holes, solar wind from a current hole is expected on Nov 29 which may be evidenced by geophysical turbulence.

Nov 24 - Only C class activity since the last update,  but on Tuesday 22 (Universal Time) three CME's were emitted from the far side of the sun. As not perceived as earth-directed, mainstream science says irrelevant to earth.  But last time I looked there was no wall or fences stopping perturbations spreading across space and having some earth impact. Between 23-26 Nov there is perigee moon, new moon partial solar eclipse and moon at max south declination = 3 strong gravational or tidal synergies in a brief time span, so space weather impacts on earth weather and human responses are anticipated. in this time frameup to next week in particular.

Nov 16 - Levels picking up hovering under/over M-class levels - NOAA graphic:

Nov 13 The geomagnetic response to the CME was low but solar watchers are focussed on a giant plasma filament - full report
Nov 12 C5 level flare spikes on the 11th but nothing breaching the M class range.  A CME is incoming and expected to produce a moderate geomagnetic storm

Nov 10
NOAA graphic may point to an imminent M flare

Nov 11 NOAA says An increase to quiet to unsettled levels is expected on day 2 (11 November) as the effects of a CME, from 08 November, are forecast. An increase to unsettled to active conditions on day 3 (12 November) is expected, as the CME, associated with today's M1 flare, is expected to become geoeffective.    (CME =coronal mass ejection of charged material from the sun)
Nov 10  Flare activity on Nov 9 up to M class level after a lull period, has coincided with the Dow dropping 388 points - MARKET REPORT
This NOAA proton graph shows the decline
and from Solar Ham A moderate Solar Flare reaching M1.1 took place at 13:35 UTC Wednesday morning around Sunspot 1342 which is located in the northeast quadrant. It now looks like a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) resulted and a portion of it may be Earth Directed.
Bear in mind that energetic protons can reach earth as quickly as 30 mins after the peak of a major flare.

Nov 8

The recent solar flare activity was not sufficiently earth-directed to create a geomagnetic storm and resulting energetic turbulence. X-ray flux has declined since the graph below and no further M flares have occurred up to late Monday Universal Time (UTC) but watchers expect more from sunspot group 1339. Markets too are in a holding pattern.

click to enlarge NOAA GOES X-Ray flux graph
After an X-flare in recent days, several M flares have occurred.
Sunspot 1339 is a large grouping & is under observation.

November 6
November 2011 has begun strongly in terms of reinvigorated solar output after a quiet October with no X flares. This week could offer a big burst of activity, so lets see how the global markets & mass behaviour are responding.

The premise outlined in my original, lost document,  was whether high solar output has an effect on global sharemarkets and other mass behaviour -since both involve, in effect, a group mind phenomenon, which could be "spooked" by strong electromagnetic impulses -as when the earth receives a strong feed of protons, electrons as a result of solar activity. 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...