Tuesday, 2 August 2011

August 2011 New & Full Moons -Astro Events -

August has a reputation for being a power-packed month and that may be down to the prominence of the solar force during it's passage through Leo. Be assured, the fundamental loving, creative and dramatic force of the sun has been shown to have a deep shadow as well, during many past recorded events of global significance that have occurred during the month of Leo. What's particularly important, is to see what other influences impact on the solar output to see what themes arise.

The New Moon heralding in August occurred in Leo on July 30 (Universal Time UTC)  with Jupiter in Taurus in a tight square to sun and moon plus both these are in semisquare-sesquiquadrate aspect to the SAG-GEM lunar nodes.
This looks like some will start to question personal self interest, greed and excess (versus collective, humanitarian issues) and we may see use of social media to spread this message both on local and global levels -an example would be hi-profile entertainers/stars/warm-hearted people (Leo) who feel challenged by their wealth/abundance (Jupiter in Taurus) and wish to help others. (Hello, there is a growing famine in the Horn of Africa)

Space News - via NASA confirms we are currently seeing the biggest sunspot display during this quiet Cycle24. First an M-class flare from sunspot 1261, approaching New Moon in Leo, plus  "Sunspot 1261 has a "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares".  
Jupiter enlarges and increases whatever it merges with so in current 90 degrees to the Sun, it's not surprising the sun is very active.

The Full Moon (August 13 UTC) brings Pluto into the picture ( by semisquare-sesquiquadrate) which is fiery, volcanic & destructive, both in personal manifestations and energetically in earth and elemental activity -so expect eruptive, destructive, hot, outpourings. Several volcanoes(Hawaii, Iceland, Chile, Indonesia) have been on the radar recently, so any of these could  be the site of more overt action. People whose planets link to 20Leo in particular will be similarly volatile /vulnerable (coronary risk in some, aggro in others or can attract violent people)

Mars begins to ramp up this Full Moon from Aug 10th & 11th when Mars opposes Pluto and both these are at 90 degree right angles (square) to Uranus. With Mars in Cancer interacting with powerful Uranus and Pluto the risks of domestic violence and houses consumed in fire is elevated locations and people corresponding closely to 5 degrees in Cardinal Signs ( born on or near to March 27, June 27, Sept 29, Dec 28 - any year.

Venus at 20Leo contributes around Aug 13-14th - though not a heavyweight, Venus, (like Mercury ) can be seen to be in close contact during the timing of significant events.

Right at the tail end of Leo this August (23rd) we will see Neptune in Aquarius aligned in exact opposition to the Sun and Saturn semiquare-sequiquadrate this combo.

Firstly: the whole time Saturn is in Libra the big wake-up call is IMBALANCE -a theme we see currently played out in the enduring global financial crisis and weather extremes for example.
When Saturn makes a significant link to another energy, expect considerations of TOO MUCH/TOO LITTLE to be part of the issue at hand.
Sun opposite Neptune is fire versus water and with Saturn in the picture the balance is towards reduced output.
An imbalance related to the Sun/solar activity - the sun's activity may go very quiet (re flares etc)
An imbalance related to Water energy = a drought indicator on our planet
are both implicated around Aug 23.

August 4
Note the Cleveland volcano in Alaska is in active building mode

August 6
The global financial markets have suffered a significant lurch, continuing, as Liam Dann observes, the unresolved global crisis of 2008.
When focussing particularly on this event, the interpretation of the July 30 New Moon would include: the Jupiter in Taurus factor (excess money.greed/possessions, primal survivalism) in conflict with Sun-Moon Leo (warm hearted benevolence); Mercury opposite Neptune (confused, deceived, fuzzy thinking, not at all practical, strongly spiritual/humanitarian, very subconsciously driven) This mix of competing/conflicting energies is likely to underpin the panic aspect, especially when the thinking mode (Mercury) is so non-rational in contact with Neptune: wild imaginings can take hold.
It is evident too that this event has strongly spiritual/humanitarian drivers. We need to move on from basic survivalism, greed and excessively materialistic values towards a more loving, sharing and caring global, national and local environments.
With Mars(28GEM) active in respect of the Galactic Centre (27SAG) an event of global significance is reinforced.
All this of course is within the context of the longer term (for 5 years to come) game-changer combo: Pluto square Uranus -the revolutionary destroyer force which is amassing momentum in the coming week for the first very close contact in this cycle (Aug 11) Other factors will align with a power punch from the 10th as Moon and Mars join the picture, leading into the powerful Aug 13 Full Moon as detailed above.

August 9
A worsening of global economic stability as turmoil infests the markets. Along with the powerful planetary mix we have to add in the massive output from the sun last week, which resulted in a high level geomagnetic storm on earth. This disturbs both people and places. The planets alone have been enough to upset the markets, but add in the sun's intensifying effect and we have a hi-profile period featuring riots in several London towns
Starting with collective anger (Uranus in Aries) over Police conduct (Pluto in Capricorn) it is not surprising that fire (Aries, Leo), destruction (Pluto) anarchy (Uranus) have featured prominently. London in particular is resonating strongly with the big stress pattern generated by Pluto in it's closest, near 90 degree link to Uranus in this cycle. There will be other people/places, but this is headlining the global news - and the pattern still has building momentum -exact on Weds Aug 10
It is fascinating to come across the ways in which the manifold keywords of the planetary energies get expressed in different people/places which share that resonance/vibration.
In NZ in the past week of Aug 2011 there have been two tragic deaths, both involving men testing powerful air generating (Uranus) engines. One was killed by the propellor of a hovercraft, the other by being sucked into a jet engine. The Uranus-Pluto force led to their very violent deaths.
In addition in Afghanistan a US Chinook helicopter was shot down, (Uranus in Aries) losing (Pluto) all 38 military (Aries) on board.

August 10
Surprisingly, so far, in this cycle period, seismic and volcanic activity, though grinding and bubbling away, has yet to have a noticeable breakthrough, showing how hard these things are to consistently accurately predict ahead of time. Many observers will be surprised, within the context of various precipitating factors, that there hasn't been a significant quake over M7.0 somewhere in the world this week. Still this is a building phase for the next event - the Full Moon weekend - which has an after affect momentum period of a few days - so let's watch this week ahead from today to see if earth activations join with the big human activations of the past week.

August 12
The main seismic focus is coastal Japan, with a recent build up of events M5+

August 27
The coming New Moon in Virgo (Aug 29 UT) is surrounded by turbulent energy related to the declination of the Moon crossing the path of several powerful planets in a short time frame. This is because so many are positioned from the equator southwards.
On  the 29th the Moon will join forces with Uranus on the equator; next Moon will be in a parallel position to Saturn on the 30th. Into September, on the 1st Moon joins with Neptune; on the 2nd Moon joins with Pluto. Moon then, alone, reaches maximum south declination on Sept 5. Next Moon heads north again, reaching Pluto on Sept 7-8, on a path of reverse order, passing Neptune (9th), Saturn (11th) as it climbs again to cross Uranus on the equator on Sept 12.

This combo is likely to correspond not only with Hurricane Irene, which we all know the tracking for  (this link will expire) but also extreme weather, increased seismicity & aggravated human behaviour in places/people resonating to those vibrational signatures.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...