Sunday, 21 August 2011

August 2011 Saturn-Mars-Sun-Neptune

As noted in my prior posts on August 2011 ( here and here ) this has been a dramatic month, as befits the solar force, personified through LEO.
Next up after the full moon and before the Virgo New Moon on the 29th, Saturn and Mars both interact with Sun opposing Neptune at the tail end of Leo-Aquarius.
Looking at the 23rd-24th when Sun 29.30 Leo opposes Neptune 29.30 Aquarius, Saturn at 14.20 Libra  will closely aspect both (semisquare/sequiquadrate) These often overlooked and sometimes designated "minor" aspects can have a lot more of a power punch than expected, so with Saturn involved, forget about any "semi" considerations and give the aspect a challenging role to play.
Then look at Mars in Cancer - building to an exact square to Saturn on the 25th and so capable of energising the potentials of the Saturn-Sun-Neptune combo, since Mars itself will reach also an exact semisquare/sequiquadrate to the Sun-Neptune pairing.

Interpretative possibilities range from collective humanitarian impulses, people yearning for a better world of social justice (Neptune in Aquarius) facing off against despotic, authoritarian people/systems (Leo Sun-Saturn Libra mix). An angry public (Mars in Libra) facing repressive or controlling(Saturn in Libra) dictates. 
On a private level -relationship and domestic strife where one participant seeks to escape one-to-one partnership issues in favour of friendship and group fun and support.

We are already seeing pockets of this globally within the context of the widespread pro-democracy movements and these new surges of energy will manifest in people and places that most closely correspond vibrationally to the particular energy mix.

In economic terms - more strain on the global sharemarket could arise due to Neptune aggravating Saturn's tendency to worry, into a state of panic (Neptune causes the imagination to run wild). This is the sort of scenario that leads to contagion in the markets, as the energy ripples out like a stone tossed into a pond. ( update Aug 26 -US markets have instead surged in a mood of "wishful thinking"   with the hope that Bernanke can "wave a magic wand". Neptune is the indicator of magic so it looks like the collective choice has been to flip from dominant Saturn (worry) to dominant Neptune (fantasy) as often happens when the truth is too hard to bear.) 

August 22
Clearly events in Libya are most closely representing the pro democracy surge
August 24
USA East coast regions are facing two powerful acts of nature: the unusual M5.8 quake (rare in that region) and shallow -meaning more widespread shaking. See the astrology of this event
Hurricane Irene is also causing concern


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...