Thursday, 11 August 2011

August 2011: understanding the turbulence

Pluto, Uranus and the Sun are all acting up in August 2011. Way beyond earth there's a whole lot of energy in motion that most people have absolutely no concept of: they are trying to live, day to day in their microcosm, unaware of how connected their lives are to the bigger picture.

Astrologers and astronomers are used to looking at the big picture, the macrocosm, but in different ways - probably as differently as an artist and a non-artist view an abstract painting. The points of reference are different, the conclusions are different. Much can be gained however from blending both perspectives. This is where we may collectively be heading: blending, mixing, creating new forms, new outcomes and new understandings.

Global turbulence in August 2011 has been widely reported in terms of anarchic behaviour which started from a spark in one London community, then erupted like wildfire across multiple London townships, extending then to northern cities (interactive map of reported incidents)

"I mean a couple of months ago Britain was Harry Potter and the Royal Wedding. Now it is phone-hacking and riots in the street." says a New York reporter
The BBC reports on global reactions

The second global news event has been the stockmarket shudder, leading to roller coaster dips and some ups, but overall a state of nervous panic, again rippling or contagion-like across a large territory - global stock exchanges. BBC summary

Just about any other news is being avalanched by these two high impact issues.

From the perspective of astrology, looking at long and short term cycles, we know the typical monthly pattern features a new and full moon, and we know that a solar or lunar eclipse will happen at certain times of the year. But far more than that goes on of course, because none of these events is isolated or unconnected. The earth sits within the alignment of solar-lunar events in space and is directly linked to the energy emitted during the cycles of those larger spheres. When you view the spread of our solar system diagrammatically, it is evident that the planets are arrayed as in a radiating magnetic field. This field is what disperses unseen charged material across space and astrologers for centuries have worked out what types of events occur when particular planets orbit into alignment with each other, activating their individual and synergistic potentials wherever and in whoever resonates closely to the vibrational signatures of that energy, liking a tuning fork call and response.
So right now, London and other UK cities are responding in vibrational similarity. The global sharemarkets are also resonating. Both show evidence of turmoil, loss of control, panic.

Astrologers following the long cycles know that Pluto and Uranus have reached in August 2011 the closest angle (91 degrees) in their current movement towards an exact 90 degree right angle (called a "square") during this current phase.
What is also known, is that in 2011 we have seen the face of many unfolding events, still to emerge, as the cycle moves to even closer contact between Pluto and Uranus during 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.

So how might Pluto and Uranus be related to turmoil, loss of control, panic ?

The movement of Pluto through Capricorn (2008-2024) is a major phase of change for human civilization and the evolution of our planet. Old structures, both within the earth itself and those created by humans, are being adjusted, altered, broken down for reconstruction, transformed and in some cases destroyed. (Earthquakes are a prime example of how this happens on the level of earth physics). In people this can express as the urge to destroy - self or others. So structural and systemic(human organisations) change is being met by another force - Uranus in Aries (2011-2019) = the energy of radical, even revolutionary upheaval, adding cracks and lightning rods of electrical charge into the ether ( another force adding to significant seismic shifts). In people this is the urge to change, overthrow, break free, seek justice, take collective action. Aries is a fiery force linked to the war-like Mars archetype - military, warrior modes are activated, with use of weaponry, like guns and knives. Fire also literally means the fire element. Fire also accentuates anger, aggression and irritability in most people, due to stimulating the adrenal hormonal output. Those able to transcend the base level of these powerful elemental earth & fire forces can be truly inspirational in terms of courageous, progressive and transformational acts which can be of great humanitarian benefit. These people are scarce but will be increasingly of maximum importance.
So periods of extreme turmoil are on the agenda in this difficult rebirthing period for humanity. Each of us needs to choose which path to follow because the two extremes will stand within the same small spaces -the angry, fearful survivalist and the compassionate humanitarian.

An astronomer looking at August 2011 would be talking about the Sun: suddenly lots of activity in an otherwise quiet 11 year sunspot cycle. The cycle is heading to maximum and that phase is known to coincide with more solar flares and their often subsequent coronal mass ejections (CME). Activity increased from August 3. Smaller flares plus on August 4 a powerful M-class flare sent a combined CME to earth. Astronomers are happy to talk about the geomagnetic impact of a CME: how the charged particles stream out in the solar wind and then mix & minlge with earth’s magnetic field creating a geomagnetic storm, visible to the naked eye via the awe-inspiring polar aurora. If the storm is strong enough, all sorts of electrical systems can be negatively impacted, ranging from power shutdowns to GPS aberrations. What the astronomers will not typically discuss is the extra electrical charge that everyone and everything on earth will experience during such a storm. This month these solar and geo-effective events happened in sequence with the outbreaks in the UK and on the global sharemarkets.

We have just passed a powerful eclipse sequence (from June1-July 1 2011) which I have written of extensively in my archives and the energy unleashed can be factored in as contributing to current events. In addition the end of July New Moon and mid August Full Moon have also had a part to play, as detailed in a prior post (also in the archive) on August moons.

Shock, fear, grief and confusion are certainly being felt across the UK and indeed the world, in a similar way that people respond to the death of an individual, because this too, in Pluto style, is a death, the death of old institutions, old systems, old ways of life, as the process of major change unfolds. Those losing money on the sharemarket may feel similar emotions, but in effect they are still trying to ride the old wave.

Violence, looting and burning has also erupted in Chile (August 9) - Santiago & other cities, with students protesting public education issues. Again as in London, the protest began peacefully -but one sector broke away to challenge the police barricades

August 12
Here's another astro analysis on the UK riots by Lynn Hayes
Here's a  longer view of the Pluto-Uranus cycle and what might be achieved in the collective rebirth

Rioting has broken out in China
as residents react to repressive practices by local enforcement officers. The public backlash has been growing significantly in recent years. Pluto and Uranus will continue to fuel the discontent.

August 13
Workers who were in the process of installing a metal flagpole in Auckand ended up charred with burning clothes, when the pole slipped onto power lines, sending a power surge through their vehicle. The energy force of Uranus is typically related to all things electric/electronic (the power lines). The men suffered burns, their bodies smoking and clothes on fire (all energy of Aries) This event on Aug 12 was also in the buildup phase of the Full Mon (Aug 13) -full article

August 15
For similar views from another astrologer, AstroYiaYia

August 17
Johnny Rotten of the UK punk band, the Sex Pistols recalls:
Early Seventies Britain was a very depressing place. It was completely run-down, there was trash on the streets, total unemployment—just about everybody was on strike. Everybody was brought up with an education system that told you point blank that if you came from the wrong side of the tracks...then you had no hope in hell and no career prospects at all. Out of that came pretentious moi and the Sex Pistols and then a whole bunch of copycat wankers after us. -source
The band is known for it's anti-establishment ethic and the word Anarchy.
Clear energy links exist between  that era and the present.
                       April 1974       Pluto 5 LIB    NNode 22 SAG

                       August 2011  Pluto 5 CAP  NNode 22 SAG
Two cycles linked: the Pluto cycle coinciding with the Moon's nodal return.

Not only was there anarchy in the air in the UK but the sharemarket was in a global slump, particularly in the UK.

August 25
Better late than never, but have to recommend one of my favourite astrology authors Alan Oken. Just found his website and he gives a great run-down for August

August 28
Hurricane Irene remains in alert level force up the eastern seaboard, USA as we approach New Moon, whipping up sea levels = flooding on top of wind damage. Mercury is in hard aspect to Uranus which may be the Hurricane signature. For more on specialist info on how planets link to weather


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...