Thursday, 25 August 2011

Quakes M6+ from August 2011

Latest: October 29
M6.9    October 28     Peru central region coastal seafloor ( damage reported)
M6       October 27     Fiji seafloor

October 23
Of all the large quakes in recent months, this is the most damaging, being land-based, with mass fatalities
Followed by M6 the same day, Eastern Turkey

October 22 2011
M7.6 Kermadecs near Raoul Island
M7.6 emerging on seismogram  -source Geonet NZ
Other recent quakes listed by USGS

October 14
Is there a link between the October 13 plane crash occurring amidst a violent storm on a flight from Lae to Medang PNG -and a M6.7 quake near Lae on Friday October 14? Significant pre-cursor activity in the electron field is a definite possibility, as researched by various scientists. The TEC electron map is currently reading high over this equatorial zone:

Original post begins:
Map of  the Continent of  Zealandia - source Wikimedia Commons
 Includes New Zealand land mass, seafloor topography and main seismic aspects.

Latest: USGS data October 6-8 2011

Original entries from August-Sept 2011
To extend a recent post on Pacific quakes - posted when the emphasis was there in 2011, up to early August 2011, this post gives a list of global quakes M6 and over as noted by USGS, occuring from August 19, when a resumption of significant activity occurred.
A lull period in significant quakes M6 and over, occurred in the first part of August, until activity stepped up again, as follows. Most events are seafloor, so land based events are identified (L). Date (in Universal Time) and place only are supplied to capture frequency of locations. Search USGS for full data
August 2011
18th Japan
19th Fiji
20th Vanuatu (2)
22nd Sumatra
24th  Peru (L)
24th Vanuatu (+ noting that Vanuatu has had 7 M5+ events on August 25)
27th (Vanuatu & Fiji remain active with M5+ events)
30th  Banda Sea Indonesia
31st (Vanuatu has had 15 events M5+ since 20th)

September 2011
Sept 2-3 = a string of events over M6 recorded by USGS All times are Universal Time, not local

Vanuatu seafloor continues to be pummeled and smaller events are resonating southwards in NZ's Kermadec Islands -also known for M7+ events, plus NZ's middle North Island is having an unusual sequence of quakes since Aug 30 2011.
Sept 6 update on large events - the Sumatra quake was not seafloor 100 kilometers southwest of the city of Medan
Sept 9
Sept 11
 M6 Vanuatu
Sept 12
M6.2 PNG
Sept 14-15
Note that in this period the south Pacific Ring of Fire including the regions of Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga are very prominent.

Sept 17 
Japan is showing a lot of increased seafloor activity - see USGS data

It seems that time is ticking for a more destructive event in the west or south Pacific Ring of Fire
Sept 23 noting:
October 13-14


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