Sunday, 8 January 2012

Astrology of 2012 & 2013 Hot Air Balloon Tragedies

scroll down for latest 2016: balloon crash Texas

Three hot air balloon crashes examined:
 2012 Carterton New Zealand, 2013 Luxor, Egypt, 2013 Turkey
Astro-analysis shows powerful energetic forces involved.

 2012 Carterton New Zealand

Astro-analysis of the powerful pattern in play on January 7 2012 at 7.28 am local time New Zealand.
A Cameron A-210 hot air balloon operating in the Wairarapa township of Carterton, suffered a tragic calamity, resulting in the loss of all 11 aboard.
Explanation of Methodology:
For those unacquainted with the methods of astro-analysis, charts are calculated based on positions of the sun, moon, planets and important points including the lunar nodes on the ecliptic. 
The consistency of the mathematics alone is a feature of high impact events - evidenced by clear meeting points where an effect like a chain reaction is triggered. By looking at the chart data you will see for yourself how an event such as this bears the hallmark of multiple forces colliding or being simultaneously activated, thus synergising their effects into a chaotic and destructive outcome.
The first chart is the energy diagram, represented symbolically by the planetary glyphs. The geometry of space time has the capacity to connect energy points - represented by the planets - and the connections regarded as energised by their geometric position, at the time of an event - are shown by the coloured connecting lines.
The second chart is the energy grid showing the mathematical position of each factor in the diagonal lineup from top left, starting with the Sun. This grid then gives the midway point between any two factors. e.g. Sun Cap 15 and Moon Gem 16 =  0 AR 59. So the Sun is at 15 degrees Capricorn and the Moon at 16 degrees Gemini with the midpoint being 0 degrees 59 of Aries.
This  understanding of midpoints is critical in getting a fuller picture of how energy points collide, collude and synergise in creating a hi impact outcome.
                                              Click on any graphic to enlarge it

The Sun was at 15CAP50 - a tight 150 degree angle to the Moon 16GEM08
CAP = Capricorn - linked to Saturn, planet of difficulties and disasters, is most elevated, 28 LIBRA with the Libra MC at 20. Libra = partners, people in partnership
GEM = Gemini the sign involving methods of transport & communications 
Mercury the messenger planet relates to Gemini
MERC in SAG 27 links to Saturn 28 Libra
The midpoint of Sun and Mercury is where Pluto sits at 6CAP50
Pluto relates to death and transformation. The phoenix is a common symbol (fire & ashes)
The balloon is described by the planet Uranus in the 3rd sector of the wheel chart = aviation transport
Uranus in Aries is the thrilling aspect of the balloon ride
Uranus at 0Aries56 is linked tightly to Jupiter at 0Taurus36
Jupiter in Taurus describes both the large dimension of the balloon - plus
Taurus can relate to the earthy, rural location as well as the large physical structure of the balloon
The midpoint of Uranus and Jupiter is 15Aries47.  The Sun at 15Capricorn50 is at extreme stress to this point. A destructive accident involving heat/fire is given considerable potential by this combination.
The midpoint of the sun and moon is 0.59 Aries = heat/fire. Uranus at 0.57 Aries is exact on this point.
Uranus relates to sudden events like accidents. It also relates to electrical energy. Initial reports say flames arose in the basket following contact with a power cable.  This alignment was perfect for such an event.
Mars, planet of bold, brave action is in the 9th sector = adventure
Mars at 21 Virgo is at an extreme, exact stressful angle to Mercury and the lunar nodes at 21 Sagittarius.
The considerable massing of energy in a pinpoint focal force is displayed very clearly by these factors involving Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces: (rounded for clarity)
Venus-Saturn midpoint 25 Sagittarius
Pluto-lunar nodes midpoint 26 Sagittarius-Gemini
Mercury position  27 Sagittarius
Mars-Uranus midpoint 26 Gemini
Venus-Jupiter midpoint 26 Pisces
Moon-Pluto midpoint 27 Pisces
Mars 21 Virgo - though not in tight contact is otherwise in strong relationship as detailed earlier

This collection of interconnected factors between 25-27 degrees, alone describes the adventure, the enjoyment, the accident involving fire and the tragic deaths.
When other factors are added in, the main themes are found repeatedly.
In terms of destiny this group who shared a common fateful death, had a significant backstory which in this lifetime we are not privy to. All mass destiny events, such as Erebus as well, have origins in some far distant place and time. Death always confronts us with our beliefs about non-physical existence and the meaning of life and much comfort can be gained from having a far broader perspective on the enduring continuity of life. Sincere condolences to all affected by this tragedy.
update October 31 2013

Also Refer to

Case Study:
Partial data for one person involved in this balloon accident has been published through media and this information enables considerable insight into the forces acting upon one of the people involved in the event.
Born 7 January 1962 unknown time and place with natal positions and tight contacts.
Sun 16 Capricorn semisquare Uranus; semisquare Chiron
Moon Capricorn 
Mercury 29 Capricorn conjunct Saturn
Venus 11 Capricorn conjunct Mars; trine Pluto
Mars 10 Capricorn conjunct Venus; trine Pluto
Jupiter 12 Aquarius square Neptune
Saturn 0 Aquarius quincunx Uranus
Uranus 0 Virgo quincunx Saturn; semisquare Sun; Uranus on North Node-Pluto midpoint
Neptune 13 Scorpio square Jupiter
Pluto 10 Virgo trine Venus & Mars
Nodes 18 Leo-18 Aquarius
Chiron 3 Pisces semisquare Sun; opposite Uranus

The tight contacts in the birth positions - none over 2 degrees separation - show the predominant energies of Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. Though midpoints are extremely revealing, the one noted here is enough to provide a major theme as manifested by the transiting contacts made on Jan 7 2012: 
The natal stellium of 5 planets in Capricorn was activated in chain reaction by the transiting Sun conjunct the natal Sun.
With the Sun and Moon both at 16 degrees ( Capricorn, Gemini), the linked natal pair Saturn-Uranus were both triggered.
Jupiter also activated natal Saturn and Uranus
Saturn, Neptune and North Node all activated natal Mercury
The return of a Chiron cycle was very close to exact completion
The north & South nodes triggered Saturn

The event chart posted above confirms the following very tight transit activations of the natal positions :
Sun conjunct Sun
Sun semisquare Uranus
Moon semisquare Saturn
Mercury semisquare Jupiter; semisquare Neptune
Jupiter square Saturn; trine Uranus
Saturn square Mercury
Uranus semisextile Sun
Neptune semisextile Mercury
Chiron conjunct Chiron
North Node semisquare Mercury; semisquare Saturn

Relevant keywords in this context:
Uranus - flight, balloon, accident, electricity, suddeness
Saturn - tragedy, separation loss, stuck, entangled
Mercury - transport, movement
Neptune - magic, fantasy, dream, gas
Jupiter - big, adventure
Nodes - past and future karma
Chiron - spiritual advancement
Pluto - death, major transformation, annihilation, destruction

Ebertin the pioneering midpoint analyst describes the Pluto-North Node midpoint as 
                             "a common and tragic destiny shared with other persons"
With Uranus challenged by Saturn, on this midpoint:
        "Great upsets within a community; emotional suffering through separations" 
                                      "A violent termination of relationships
                                    Ref: The Combination of Stellar Influences p215

In other words, such an outcome, as occurred, was a potential in waiting for this person and on the day of the tragic event, it is very clear that the triggering of natal Uranus on that midpoint, was a major factor in the outcome. Pluto's link to death and transformational experiences along with the nodes' connection to the soul level of past and future lives, shows the intensity of this collective event.
A domino effect cascaded through numerous strong forces:
The Sun and Jupiter provided the extreme energy, as implicated in any explosive event.
Natal Uranus set off natal Saturn - aided by the transit Moon and transit nodes to Saturn. 

The Moon's role can be critical as a timing trigger, since it moves rapidly through its various daily contacts, and it's exact 16 degree position did link exactly to the subject's 16 degree Sun -but looking at the event chart above an additional element of timing has a strong link to the natal pattern of Capricorn planets arrayed from 10-29 degrees. Here the midpoint activation is 19.5 degrees. The event chart has a midheaven (MC) of 19.8 degrees Libra - a sufficiently exact stress point involved in timing the event.

Such a dramatic and intense death experience involving 5 people in partnership (Libra) and their host means this group has a significant collective future purpose and very relevant prior group learning experience on a spiritual level, before this lifetime. Though their deaths in a western context are horrific and shocking, the nature of the event involving the other worldly context of flight in a balloon far above the everyday world and being consumed by fire have universal themes of a spiritual nature. Such a powerful event may have indeed released them to return to very meaningful lives.

update May 10 2012

In astrology drugs of all types carry the energy of Neptune. The finding that the pilot had the drug cannabis in his system may be reflected in the accident chart Neptune (drug)-Mercury (mind) connection (sextile). Neptune sequiquadrate Sun; Neptune trine Saturn.

update February 27 2013
2013 Luxor, Egypt - fatal balloon crash Feb 26th

Exact local time of Luxor Egypt balloon crash provided via Wikipedia

click to enlarge chart of crash event

This chart shows a concentration of planets in a bunch, commonly found when high energy, high profile events occur.
This Feb 2013 full moon is a big factor here since Jupiter in Gemini was exactly at right angles at the exact full moon which occurred on Feb 25 - so one combination of the Pisces Sun, and Jupiter in Gemini has produced strong storm energy with lots of water in Australia, this situation has used another configuration [determined by local and personal karmic factors]
 Jupiter is big, extreme or excessive things. Gemini is modes of transport. The balloon is described here and in this location at this time a balloon ride was high risk. But other balloons were in the air - so now the personal karma of those aboard is factored in -something unlikely to be calculable in practical terms -  as all the exact birth charts of those involved would be needed.
All the red lines in the chart show stress energies. These are expected, but all connections, especially those mathematically very close to strong energy groupings, are very important.
Jupiter, bottom of the chart near centre and the Moon far right are both connecting field lines to the bundle running from Venus to Mercury and the rising or ascendant point in Pisces.
A fatal gas explosion:
 Pisces is gas as well as all fluids. Uranus is sudden accidents. Aries is fire. Uranus in Aries  in the sector called the first house is in tight connection to the Pisces sun and Jupiter.
Saturn and the karmic north node of the moon are both in the top right in the death & transformation sign, Scorpio -both linking to the Pisces bunch.

Note that Full Moon is not just an exact event but also a period of influence beginning some 3 days before exact and having effect til the next full moon emerges. Its signature patterns as shown when exact, can be triggered at any time in the period of effect by other energies aligning. Fast moving Moon and Mars are often trigger planets and both can be seen to have reached strong activation levels in this tragic event.

update May 21 2013
At least 3 fatalities plus many injured following a hot air balloon crash incident on May 20 involving two balloons, near Nevsehir, Turkey. Reported local time is around 7am.

  • The May 20 chart for the Turkey crash has many similarities to the Egypt chart above
  • Both have multiple planets bunched in 12th house
  • both have Jupiter in Gemini at extreme close right angle to the Moon [90 degree square]
  • both charts implicate Pluto and Uranus
The Turkey chart falls in the volatile month of May 2013 when Pluto and Uranus reach exactitude in their 90 degree square pattern which is in a repeat contact as part of an extended period of relationship from 2012-2015 In May 2013 there has been an intense period of solar activity bringing disturbance in earth's geomagnetic field -all sorts of dysfunctions and mishaps cluster around such periods [see related posts]. In addition the weather goes crazy in vulnerable zones - The midwest USA has had dozens of tornadoes; extreme destructive rain in China. The likelihood is that Pluto-Uranus are triggering higher solar activity during this extreme point of contact in May and earth gets the flow on effects - which can extend to seismic unrest.
The accident has Sun-Mars linked at a 25.5 degree midpoint. This has an angular trigger at 10.5 degrees. The proximity of Pluto-Uranus -both at 11 degrees, to this position implicates their destructive forces conjoined with the potent energetic drive from Sun-Mars. An accident or collision was the outcome just as would be expected from two energies in a chaotic phase occupying a similar zone - in effect, they attract each other.
The red lines on the chart indicate many but not all of the stress angles [the format is set for a particular selection] but the picture as it stands shows the combination of factors which all collude or jump on board once the triggers [ Mars and the Moon commonly serve that role and both are prominent here] activate the spark.
The Carterton, Luxor and Turkey charts all show lots of mutable signs -Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo - all have prominent roles and it may be assumed that this collection of energies is not a good omen for balloon travel -particular when other ominous signs [outer planets in stress positions] are in the picture.
All 3 accidents occurred 7-7.30 am local time -again this timing emphasises placements in the 12th house which relates to Pisces energy - dreamy, escapist, confused, distracted, unfocussed -and most worryingly the potential for drugs to be a factor in operators.
The mind is not in a fully awakened, alert state under the influence of Pisces.
 To reduce the involvement of Pisces factors take flight times before 9am off the itinerary -the energy then shifts to Aquarius -the sign most connected to aviation and flight. Avoid the month of Pisces energy Feb 19-March 21 and don't fly in a balloon on a day with a mutable Moon - Virgo and Gemini featured in these 3 events.
Of couse this won't cover all possibilities but mutable energy seems to increase vulnerabilities when associated with balloon flights. To tip the balance, if the crew and passengers add in big doses of their own mutable energies you have a collective destiny scenario unfolding.

2016 July 30 Texas
The balloon was consumed in a fireball, with at least 16 deaths, a significant event in the global balloon crash record.
A very brief analysis shows:

In 2016 Uranus - aviation, accidents  -  is in the aggressive fire energy sign Aries
The July 19 full moon triggered the Uranus potentials for the lunar month -till the next full moon - in August.
On July 30 Mercury,Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter activated Uranus
The power of these combined activations of the aviation-fire-accident potentials can only be fully detected by examining the mid-point grid showing the points where any pair of energies combine
Serious events with mass impacts always show clustering of energy.
The mathematics are always the clue.
Mercury,Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Uranus were transiting in the range 22-29 degrees.
When their midpoints are considered, 23,24,25,26,27 also arise - and the midpoint of the total energy for these 6 energies comes out at 25 - which is where the Moon was 25 Gemini
Then all these disaster activators were in range
Mars-Chiron is at 27 - Mars = heat, fire
The two heavyweights Saturn & Pluto significant:
Saturn-Neptune is at 26
Saturn-Nodes is at 26
Saturn-MC is at 26
Pluto-Sun is at 27

It is never one or two indicators. It is a cascade of forces working in synergy.
An energy occupying a position pulls in surrounding energies and that new force ripples outward, capturing other surrounding forces, rapidly stepping up, escalating, amplifying and manifesting as an extreme energy.

The full chart for the quoted time of 7.40 am is used

Further reading:
Wikipedia Carterton 2012 balloon crash
Wikipedia Luxor, Egypt 2013 hot air balloon crash
News report Turkey crash


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...