Sunday, 8 January 2012

January 9 2012 FULL MOON horoscope chart

Lunar phases last a lunar month and potentials may be triggered days before exactitude by other energising planetary factors, as well as at points during the lunar month ahead.
People and places vary in their susceptibility due to each person and location having their own energy pattern. Patterns which match the closest to the prevailing template are the most strongly activated.
All energies have a complex array of connected expressions, so selecting the most relevant keywords comes down to judgement based on such aspects as context, relevance and probability. In a brief presentation it is not possible to canvas a full range of potentials so stand-out points only are noted.
This is a Capricorn-Cancer full moon, operating in the time frame Jan 9-Feb 6 2012 - which emphasises political and professional career matters along with homes, families and domestic life. Both signs are to do with guiding and parenting -Capricorn in business and institutions, Cancer in the home. Mothers and women have strong links to Cancer and traditionally more men resonate with Capricorn. Expect issues of governance and parenting to arise as these fundamentals are both under global scrutiny.
[update Feb 7 2012 - in recent days a furore in a baby bottle has broken out in NZ after breastfeeding advocate La Leche asked for a segment featuring NZ All Black Piri Weepu to be cut from an anti-smoking ad, saying he was shown bottle feeding his baby -which compromises their breast-feeding promotion. Fair enough would be a resonable response, but kiwis in droves have reacted with great defensiveness (Cancer) over this parenting (Cancer-Capricorn) issue. Weepu took it as a personal attack on his parenting; men & women claimed that any image of a good dad is great. The point was missed in this overly emotive response typical of Cancerian energies. This activation of the January full moon came in the final days of the phase prior to the Feb full moon, showing how effective the full period can be
In London, Pluto in Capricorn is exact on the Ascendant intensifying political/government restructuring
Saturn rules Asc and in Libra opposite Jupiter in Taurus expect more austerity policies; Saturn sextile Mercury - sombre economic news; Saturn quincunx Uranus - radical, innovative economic solutions needed. Saturn trine Neptune = reality has to kick in - to over-ride denial, escapism over our collective economic condition.
Saturn in tight semi-square to nodes in the signs of travel and transport: more recreational misadventures; transport problems, failures and tragedies. Maritime accidents also indicated by Uranus-Neptune-Chiron -  as is wounding via electricity + water/gas/fire
(update Jan 11 - Korean fishing boat on fire -Southern Ocean )
update Jan 15 2012
The cruise ship Costa Concordia struck rocks in Italian waters, took on water and limped to port resting on her starboard. Deaths, casualties and missing persons reported - see separate analysis
update Jan 30 2012
Two yachts in collision on Auckland harbour  - vintage yacht sunk, 2 overboard one woman injured

click to enlarge

The same event cast for New Zealand using Auckland, where the pattern is strongest in New Zealand, where the Moon is highlighted on the ascendant - giving the Cancer-Capricorn themes extra prominence - homes, families, parents, parenting mothers. Economic factors reiterate what is stated in the first  paragraph as the same influences apply globally. In New Zealand the emphasis is serious discussions about assets. Not surprising since asset sales are on the agenda of the right wing government, but households will be similarly focussed and relationships strained.
Potential for a hi impact family death involving water and/or gas & fire = explosion
(Tragically the Ballooning disaster in Carterton, NZ on January 7 qualifies as an event occurring in the full moon buildup phase = up to 3 days prior - and has this deathly signature involving Uranus in Aries-Neptune in Aquarius-Chiron in Pisces - read full analysis)
update Jan 28 2012 Diana Bliss, wife of high profile Australian, Alan Bond commits suicide in home swimming pool
update: Jan 10-11 news:

PRESS reporter writes of the "ghostlands" suburbs of Christchurch, abandoned houses that once were homes before 16 months of earthquakes - FULL REPORT
Lots of fires in the news - Fiordland National Park,  spontaneous combustion barn fire Canterbury, Unusual large number of fires in Southland -where drought is unfolding (Driest Dec. on record)
Families Commission reports on poor housing status for many families in NZ
 News items reflecting this month's themes:
homes, dwellings housing, maritime and travel accidents, financial austerity

this last one from America but also a p lab explosion reported in NZ
UK fire deaths involving family at home
update Feb 2 2012
Auckland City New Zealand facing severe housing rental crisis as the city continues to be the focus of job-seekers, but an under developed housing sector leaves renters desperate

Review the analysis and later updates added re confirming events for the December 2011 lunar eclipse -as this sequence has a 6 month period of influence -or at least till the next lunar eclipse on June 4 2012. This lengthy window of activation enables eclipses to have significant consequences. Observers in the ancient world acknowledged the need for tracking methods and thus developed henges for astronomical calculations - further reading


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...