Sunday, 22 January 2012

January 2012 Aquarius New Moon

click to enlarge
New Moon Effects
Effects tend to build up to three days before the event and have potential to be activated repeatedly during the lunar month ahead until the following New Moon. Jan 20 to Feb 20 is the focal period of effects for this event.

The standout themes in this chart are universal - but in terms of an example, being the outlook in New Zealand, this chart is drawn for Auckland Monday January 23 2012 8.40pm.

Difficult alignments involving Saturn, Jupiter & Uranus continue to be fuelled by this New Moon in early Aquarius.
Several indicators point to an aviation accident as a high probability manifestation of the stressed planetary pattern -the involvement of Aquarius, Uranus and the transport houses of 3 & 9.
(update Mon Jan 23 - A light plane crash in Feilding NZ, no survivors.    update Jan 27 NZ Defence Force suffers engine problem, lands safely though damaged.  update Jan 30 paraglider crashes near Taupo, NZ)

Uranus has links to aviation, electricity and accidents or sudden changes of circumstance.
(update Jan 28 2012 In NZ, a man electrocuted, dying from contact with live power cable today )
Uranus is in the sign of fire, Aries, which also links to sharp objects, blades, weapons
Jupiter so tightly linked to Uranus implicates a large physical object.
Saturn is the spanner in the works, system failure, breakdown, imbalance
The New Moon at 2Aquarius41 empowers energy to Jupiter 1Taurus44 being close to exact square / 90 degrees angle and to Saturn in opposition to Jupiter
With Neptune linked tightly to Saturn and Chiron linked strongly to the New Moon, issues primarily around the element of water/ maritime issues are connected to any breakdown or accident involving the Saturn-Jupiter-Uranus trio.
(update Jan 30 - Two yachts collide in the harbour, Auckland, one sinks, two people overboard; woman seriously injured -report)
Potential for a plane crash over water.

However due to the complexity of relevant keywords that cluster around any one planetary energy, many of the ingredients can apply to a maritime scenario and given the ongoing Rena container ship situation ( broken in two, stuck on a reefso far being NZ's worst maritime disaster in the period Oct 5 2011-present)
Jupiter in Taurus is the big vessel
Saturn in Libra is issues of balance on the reef - will one of the split sections slide off the reef into deeper sea?
Chiron & Neptune with Saturn involve the maritime environment being wounded, damaged - if the ship sections release more toxic oil (Neptune) or other dangerous cargo
Uranus is a sudden change in the situation
[Updates January 24-31 2012
 Rebecca May NZ fishing vessel issues midday mayday, Bay of Plenty, NZ;  crew rescued as ship sinks. report)
A large pod of pilot whales is suffering considerable deaths due to repeated strandings, Farewell Spit, NZ, Jan 23-24.Such an event is consistent with this New Moon + planetary mix -  news report
Controversy (Saturn) over plans to expand (Jupiter) the Port (Neptune) of Auckland ]
[ In terms of a hi-profile human example, German born Kim Dotcom, formerly Schmitz fits the bill perfectly in terms of the omens of this New Moon. Born Jan 21 1974, Dotcom was arrested the day before his birthday and spent his 38th birthday in custody on charges related to his company Megaupload. Dotcom is a giant of a man in height and girth and the mega descriptor he favours all describe keywords of Jupiter.
As stated earlier:
Difficult alignments involving Saturn, Jupiter & Uranus continue to be fuelled by this New Moon in early Aquarius. 
The New Moon triggered Dotcom's Sun in Aquarius and with Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius being involvd big-time in electronics/the internet is totally natural for someone so influenced by Uranus but the big karma wheel exceeded even his larger than life capacities. His important natal Uranus at 28 Libra, strongly linked to natal lunar nodes at 28 Sagittarius-Gemini ( the signs linked to Jupiter and Mercury - all forms of short & long-distance communications & travel) this international networker came face to face in January 2012 with that phrase "the perfect storm"  as the combination lock closed in on him with first Saturn (Libra) and Mercury (Sagittarius) aligning with his sensitive 28 degree point, then on the 19th the Sun closed in at 28 degrees Capricorn. The New Moon complex added the cascading synergy of  factors to promote the dramatic outcome: arrest & incarceration (Saturn).
Saturn (conjunct natal Uranus in Libra) and Pluto (square natal Pluto in Libra) will both continue to place pressure on Kim Dotcom in 2012, requiring that he basically grows up and takes responsibility. In the context of his circumstances, sorting out his business issues plus focussing on his marriage & parental responsibilities would be a really good start.
[update: Feb 3 2012. At a second hearing seeking bail, Kim Dotcom remains in custody, bail refused]
[update Feb 22 2012. Dotcom released on bail though the net around him remains tight] 
update Feb 24 2012: the Crown intends to appeal the bail decision 
update June29 2012 Court decree in NZ says arrest warrant illegal - this decision comes under the influence of the June 2012 New Moon at 28 Gemini - the karma wheel ringing in his favour. The next month for Kim Dotcom to watch is September 2012 as both Saturn & Pluto simultaneously return for another round - the legal symbol of the scales of justice are emphasised, as they have been all year : (the symbol of Libra operates as well upon the balance in relationships).
It must be said that Dotcom has attracted considerable public & media support in New Zealand.
 Without a full birthchart = time, place date for Dotcom the outcome cannot be clarified.

Of course in spookily similar circumstances to the Rena, the Costa Concordia capsize is also subject to the above influences. -see full report on this incident.

The virtually 3 degree New Moon is strongly connected to the December total eclipse 18 Gemini making it even more likely that forms of transport will be top news stories in terms of accidents. This can include all road transport, trains as well as air or sea transport when Uranus/Aquarius or Neptune/Pisces are involved - as both are in this month's pattern. In New Zealand the holiday period has already been marked abnormally strongly by almost daily transport deaths involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, a tractor even, plus a ballooning tragedy claiming 11 lives. In the lunar month ahead expect more.
Update Jan 23
Since Sunday 22 alone, to 2.06pm Mon 23, 9 quakes listed by Geonet NZ, in the range M2.4-M.6 being four in seismically unstable Christchurch, two in the Hastings plate boundary zone and three in Taupo volcanic zone. This now means four significant seismic zones are active currently in NZ.
Quakes are known to cluster around new and full moons, in the range of three days before and 3 days  afterwards as the gravitational pull effects build and then release as in sea waves. 
When a cluster of planets also have strong links to the sun-moon or retrigger a prior eclipse point, the potential is raised for noticeable seismic activity.

update Feb 2 2012


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...