Tuesday, 31 January 2012

NEW MADRID Seismic Zone - historic astrology aspects

Knowing that historically, the mid-continent New Madrid seismic zone (USA) has had recurrent powerful earthquakes - and that future seismic upheaval is generally regarded as likely this century, events there are of interest in terms of signature energy patterns.
During the period Dec 16 1811 to Feb 7 1812, four significant quakes in the M7-8 range occurred in four locations.
The following analysis looks at the combined effects of solar system forces as expressed in events on earth.
The method used is planetary analysis.

Dec 16 1811 0815 UTC & 1415UT North Arkansas
click to enlarge

Dec 16 1811 (Two quakes on that day, north Arkansas,  0815UT, 1415UT)
The planetary positions on that day are indicated above.
Noticeably Pluto in Pisces was in range of conjunction to the lunar south node during this time frame.
Using a calculation based on the midpoint of Pluto and South Node = 12PIS40 and the activating (semi-square) degree of 27AR40, it can be seen that Saturn and Mars (27-28 SAG) on Dec 16 activated the Pluto- South Node midpoint. 
January 23 1812
On Jan 23 1812, the quake event was at 1500 UTC in Missouri BootHeel.
Mars and Jupiter took the role of activators =  Mars 26PIS and Jupiter 27GEM aspecting the semisquare of the Pluto-South Node midpoint
February 7 1812
On Feb 7 1812,  at 0945UT New Madrid,  Neptune at 13SAG activated the Pluto-Node midpoint -a mix of mutable signs plus the planet Neptune and this event was significant for exceedingly high (Sagittarius) water spouts (Neptune, Pisces). Sun also activated Pluto
So consistently across this time frame, the Pluto-South Node in Pisces synergy was triggered - involving Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Neptune in the time frame of the four events.

Looking for somewhat unconventional triggers involving midpoints and semisquares and traditionally minor aspects such as semisextile proves significant in finding planetary energies which synergise to trigger powerfully manifesting events.

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  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...