Sunday, 29 October 2017

Your Name Says you're a leader - or not

Your name is a string of numbers when the occult art
 of numerology is applied. 
Each number has a particular meaning and the numbers most often associated with leadership
 and political roles are commonly found in those sectors of life.
High profile figures in New Zealand politics are used as an example of people with power and leadership indicators.
The number grid is supplied for personal use. 

This post is reprinted from ratherdullstuff

Humming away in the background of our lives are the energies related to your name - with each letter having a particular meaning. 
Changing or abbreviating your name will alter the path of your life. In adversarial careers like politics certain letters give an advantage.
Applying this approach to the list of 40 Prime Ministers of New Zealand gives some strong indicators of those successful in the power and leadership areas.First letters of first and last name are the leading energy. It pays to have strength there if you're in an adversarial career.
Helen Clark lasted 3 terms as PM due to combining several strong skills and abilities.
But success in a power role can also be achieved by less typical strengths:
John Key succeeded for 8 years as Prime Minister on the basis of one leadership indicator and 4 indicators of projecting Mr Nice Guy.
Jacinda Ardern is arguably the most determined of these 3 and can back up her drive with a very pragmatic approach

The list of NZ Prime Ministers has been referenced

This number-letter conversion chart can be used to check your own power and leadership letters.
Check the MPs lists and see how many reveal the J A S  D V M energies
This grid box is easiest for memorising.
Insert the letters in relevant box
Donald Trump scores with
Leadership [1]
Power Seeking [3]
Mental capacity [4]
Organisational skills [4]
Determination [3]
Iron will [5]
Empathy [2]

In recent NZ politics two figures score highly on the iron will/sheer bloody-mindedness factor:
Steven Joyce [6] and Rob Muldoon [6]

[Part 2 of this post will be updated soon & will focus on other numbers and their meanings]

Friday, 20 October 2017

Profiling: The Radical Shift in NZ Politics

A radical shift in New Zealand politics is underway
 under the influence of the
 October 2017 New Moon
Under the MMP political system the minor party NZ First reached the position after the September 23 election, to negotiate a coalition deal with either the Right or Left party.
On October 19 NZ First leader Winston Peters announced that he had chosen to partner with the left bloc led by Labour.
With Labour already married to the Green Party, this then became a union of 3 political entities.
Labour Leader Jacinda Ardern takes the role of Prime Minister and other roles will be announced in due course.
The astrological factors bringing about this combination have been profiled in prior posts 
The indicators assessed by the author in late August-early September 2017 pointed to both a much more workable relationship between Ardern and Peters and that Ardern had the right stuff to pull off another meteoric leap in her political career.
Those conclusions were verified on October 19.
Of course Labour and its partners will not use the word "radical" but the consequences of this era of change are likely to be very distinctive.



October 19
An historic day in New Zealand politics, the implications of which become evident looking at the astrological picture at the time Winston Peters delivered the decision made by NZ First.
The chart below at 7pm indicates the energy at that time [carrying through the energy of the recent past - the gestation phase -and the significant themes embedded in that time and therefore unfolding ahead - and so functions just like a personal birth chart which captures the prebirth, birth moment and lifetime.
The next birth moment will of course be captured in the time of the formal formation of the government.

  • At the top of the chart is the political sign Capricorn. The highest planet -which is an indicator of transformation, regeneration, renewal -is Pluto
  • the luminaries and two planets sit in the sector indicating relationships/partnerships/marriage
  • The sun and moon [yang and yin] are moving towards conjunction = a New Moon
  • a New Moon is literally a new beginning, a new cycle
  • Uranus opposes the Sun = the need to balance out the need for both shared and separate self expressions = the give and take of negotiation
  • Neptune links to Uranus and the Sun = compassionate, humanitarian themes are significant
  • Mars in Virgo = a strong work ethic with humanitarian goals [link to Chiron in Pisces]
  • Venus in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius in close connection to the lunar nodes show a philosophically driven approach involving a sense of responsibility and a heart-driven response to the concerns of the community
  • Mercury and Jupiter together in Scorpio indicate the intense and endless discussions that this menage `a  trois has & will continue to involve
  • Pluto the great force for transformation provides the most significant themes: that this government has the opportunity to bring in reforms of our political system, how politics and politicians work, how politicians connect to the public at large, the political impacts on families and women in particular. The banking and financial sectors are also set for reforms under the effects of this indicator 
  • The radical shift encapsulated was reflected back by Winston Peters in his coalition speech: this government rejects the devastation faced by many citizens and many communities wrought by the free-market neoliberal economic model: policies agreed on will rebuild a more caring society for New Zealand
added content:
Jan 23 2018 Mike Williams writes
Labour arrives in government with the most ambitious programme of reform since its much-maligned “Rogernomics” era - see full text

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Stormy Ireland: the links between Ophelia & Debbie

Hurricanes Ophelia and Debbie -lashed Ireland decades apart but had specific and easily identifiable energy patterns in common

Both events share commonly found indicators of very volatile atmospheric conditions brought about by specific planetary combinations and positions.

The recent report on wild forces expected for October 2017 anticipated the sheer intensity of effects from natural forces because such patterns have been seen before and can be anticipated again in the future

The recurrent patterns 
  • Eclipses precede and create the intense atmospheric conditions required.
  • August 1961 had the precursor eclipses for Debbie
  • August 2017 had the precursor eclipses for Ophelia
  • 27 degree positions funnel Galactic Centre  forces through earth due to the current GC located at 27 degrees
  • 1961 = lunar nodes+Jupiter+Uranus all at 27 degrees in September 1961
  • 2017 = Jupiter+Uranus at 27 degrees exact opposition on Sept 28 extended the energy patterns of the August 21 total eclipse. Mercury +Mars+Uranus combined forces from October 14 -16 reaching a combined midpoint of 27 degrees.
  • The next period Oct 19-20-21-22 then involves Sun+Mars-Uranus combining at still potent 26-28 degrees
  • Jupiter and Uranus in close connection -conjunct, opposite and right angles are particularly frequent offenders in major environmental events. In 2017 this includes large scale wildfires and potent hurricanes. In early 2011 it was major quakes and the Japan tsunami. Different energies at different times give clues to the outcome. In 2011 it was Pisces water energy that brought water over land and liquefaction through soil. In 2017 it is fire-air imbalance needing correction. Imbalance is the keyword. Fire and wind out of control with this Aries-Libra positioning of Uranus and Jupiter in opposition.
  • Another linked storm event for Ireland was the Feb 12 2014 Storm Darwin. Again Jupiter and Uranus were involved. Again in the effective period of a prior eclipse [especially the Oct 2013 lunar eclipse at 26 Aries.] By Feb 2014 Mars was spot on 26 Libra and the Jupiter-Uranus forces were offset at a right angle in the 10-11 degree range [these positions are in a fixed angular relationship to 25-26 degrees and often planets at 10-12 degrees will be in the mix by their activation of anything at 25-27 degrees [semisquare & sesquiquadrate angles]
  • There remained a lot of energetic potency in the atmosphere in the period Feb 8-18 2014.
  • Where an energy is earthed is another specialist field but generally nowhere on the planet escapes the disturbed forces when they are very intensified..severity of effects expressed depends on degrees of separation from the focal location so if Ireland is having a hurricane, the other side of the world is likely to get increased wind.
The Galactic Centre factor 
This is referenced in many blog posts on this site particularly in Extreme Weather from the Galactic Centre - a hypothesis conceived by the author in 2011 in observing the frequency of the 27 degree position being highly activated during severe environmental events including weather, seismic shifts - and human generated disturbances such as the bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki during WW2 - examined in this 2011 post re 27 degree activation

Friday, 13 October 2017

Harvey Weinstein astrology profile

A 2013 post profiling sex offenders using astro analysis is worth referencing given the current circumstances faced by Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein

The global focus on Weinstein arose early in October 2017 when reports arose stating that the high profile movie producer had been fired from his own company on the grounds of claims of sexual harassment

His apology
“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologise for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.” was followed by some dispute over details in a NYT report 

What clues arise in the energy imprint that was in effect on the day Weinstein was born?
Does that energy match the indicators already uncovered in the energy of known offenders  relating to power, predatory behaviour and sexual abuse?

Born March 19 1952 the energy on this day shows key elements which have significant alignment with the profiling guide published in the sex offender post.
  • Pluto-Jupiter-Mars in a tightly connected mix. Pluto in Leo brings a dominating ego, blending with Mars in the most overt sexually expressive sign Scorpio. Add in Jupiter in Aries and excessive selfish lust is the biggest challenge in the life of a person given this combination. Pluto often introduces an obsessive element and power-seeking at all costs.
  • Neptune very closely opposite Jupiter brings in the loss of boundaries, the capacity to include lot of imagination, fantasy into the realm of sexual expression. Other Neptunian devices include substances like drugs, medications, alcohol which also tend to be part of the Neptunian toolkit. Neptune is also the indicator of addictive behaviour. 
  • Sun Pisces, Venus in Pisces give a strong emphasis on the Neptunian aspects
Why is this historic alleged behaviour in the public arena now in 2017?
The short answer is always: karma
The astrological markers just show when karma arises and what themes it contains
On March 19 1952, the day of Weinstein's birth Mercury was at 16.43 Aries at 0 hrs UT.
In late September 2017 the transit of Pluto resumed its direct phase at 16.51 Capricorn.
Within days the landscape shifted for Weinstein
Under the influence of Pluto in Capricorn many men in positions of authority or fame [Capricorn] have fallen from grace [Pluto =offer of regeneration]

As Pluto continues its transit beyond the current position putting pressure on Weinstein to replace his acknowledged selfish perspective [Mercury in Aries] with one that has adult boundaries [Pluto in Capricorn]
During 2018 and 2019 when Pluto at 20 Capricorn is 90 degrees to both his Jupiter and Neptune the pressure will continue to be sustained to replace self-centred relating with co-operative dynamics.
This is a huge 180 degree flip which is only achievable if he commits to very intensive therapy which highlights the issues identified here

In the days since this story broke in the NYT, an avalanche of claims against Weinstein have been published - including those from Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow . Then came the condemnation from men.

Extensive material has surfaced daily since the NYT story relating to conduct that multiple women say they experienced in dealing with Harvey Weinstein
Hi profile female figures within the entertainment industry continue to comment or disclose personal experiences

Yes it does mean that anyone born on this day has this pattern to a greater or lesser degree - and more particularly expressed by men.
Energy can be owned or attracted -so for women born on March 19 1952 they may be more likely to experience this energy through encounters or relationships with men.


This extract in its original form is appended to the original Sex Offender post

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Mass Evacuations 2017 - profiling the indicators

Multiple Mass Evacuations

Mass evacuations of people have been particularly noticeable in the period under the influence of the August 21st 29 degree total solar eclipse [effective period August 2017-February 2018]
The mass departure of Rohingya muslims from Burma to Bangladesh
Mass evacuation from Florida USA to flee Hurricane Irma
Evacuations in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria
Caribbean evacuations
Mass evacuation in Bali due to Mt Agung volcano erupting

Mass evacuations in California due to wildfires

This phenomenon of masses of people in movement due to forced abandonment of their home/lifestyle due to a severe environmental or societal threat has been observed before in the effective period of a major solar-lunar event which is positioned in the range of 25-29 degrees

The US coast to coast total eclipse of August 2017 has been one of the triggers of many major events in the effective 6 month period -till the next solar eclipse.

Eclipses and full or new moons in the range 25-29 degrees become strengthened when other planets with vigorous effects pass through those degree positions.
September and October 2017 have seen Jupiter and Uranus in this degree range -and most noticeably in exact opposition to each other at 27 degrees.
The effect on the global atmosphere and natural elements has been highly visible.
Uranus is still at 26 degrees by the end of October - and still in the fire indicator sign -Aries.
It retrogrades back below 25 degrees at the start of December -resuming direct movement at New Year then reaching the critical range 25-26-27-28-29 degrees up till May 2018 -sustaining the fire risks in general, along with accidents and crashes.
Saturn is at 25-29 degrees in November-December.

Fatally dangerous energies arise around Dec 3-4 with the full moon and every commonly referenced planet from Mercury to Pluto in a very tight entanglement of difficult forces.
This combination requires a high level of self care -whether due to environmental or human-induced sources

Prior examples posted on this site [search evacuation] involved earthquake/tsunami events occurred in Japan and New Zealand in February-March 2011 after the December 2010 total lunar eclipse at 29 degrees.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Profiling October 2017: Wild Forces

Wild Forces in the natural atmosphere and in human conduct from early October 2017

Apocalyptic scenes have accompanied the sheer quantity of fires fuelled by wind in the California wildfires which arose from October 8.
The documented status of the situation is reflective of the severity of the forces involved

Extremes in weather, extremes in the force of natural elements have been expressed in this same
time frame as fire, wind, water or rain, lightning, seismic and volcanic unrest.

Disturbed natural elements and forces are inescapably connected to the human condition -and express as agitation, anger, aggression, violence, anxiety, distress, irritation, impatience.

Human and non-human energies struggle to find balance under particular conditions.
The mutual feedback makes this even more intensified: natural extreme forces disturb humans and the disturbed energies expressed by humans alter the balance of natural elements and forces.

In New Zealand in the time frame October 6-10 there were multiple motor vehicle crashes leaving 14 dead and at least 19 injured. This highly unusual spike in road deaths in such a short time frame is reflective of the impact of the prevailing disturbances upon human decision making and behaviour

All of these events -human and elemental are connected and occurring under the same influences

What's Going On?
The off-planet forces affecting us.

The fact is we are a very small planet subject to the extreme forces in our solar system and when there is a violent force generated out there Earth gets the consequences.

The exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus occurred on September 28 at a very significant position - 27 degrees. This is the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy in 2017 and past research into extreme forces on this blog indicates that planets transiting in the range 25-29 degrees serve as funnels for the extreme forces of that galactic centre location 

But not only 27 degrees is a connection point - the 12 degree position is also involved - and when a bunch of 27 and 12 are observed - like September 28 2017 when Neptune sat at 12.15 degrees - then the forces of 3 planets are funnelling the extremes.
By October 11 Jupiter left the sign of Libra -being 3 degrees away from exact opposition with Uranus at 27 Aries - but the forces tapped into 13 days prior remain potent and still in an interacting mode with the planet's atmosphere, elements and people.
The midpoint of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition shifting to 28-29 degrees remains in force in the period Oct 11-18 and therefore would continue to show the sorts of imbalances outlined.
What intensifies the outcomes could be indicated by Jupiter now entering Scorpio [ the full period being October 10 2017 to November 8 2018 ]
One of the indicators of Jupiter in Scorpio in the human realm is mass fatalities -due to those people in the population who have the capacity to inflict such an outcome -or due to natural forces.
Pluto - the planetary indicator of all things connected to Scorpio is likely to be an aggravating force when in negative connection with another planetary force.
In October this is 9-10-11 when Pluto links to the Sun and Mercury and 27-28-29th when Pluto links to Venus.

Though Uranus has more to deliver, Pluto and Jupiter are also ones to watch now and in the months ahead and into 2018 due to the extreme forces that arise when they are unleashed environmentally and through particular people.

During enhanced threat periods such as this, individual welfare will be improved by careful self management and well-reasoned decision-making.

This site has several entries on the galactic centre locatable through the search bar [click magnifier icon to right on title page]
An article located after today's posting has some interesting findings from another astro-researcher Paul Hewit who describes the GC:
It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.
If you have been born with any planet or axis [AC-DC, MC-IC or nodes] at 25 to 29 degrees in any sign -but especially if in Sagittarius - then that factor in your energy will be able to funnel the power of the GC
Paul Hewit noted that such people can feel "other-wordly", like they can sense their extra-terrestrial origin. They may have very unusual abilities

Further posts on this blog will update the advisories.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Profile: Stephen Paddock - Las Vegas mass murderer

Elements indicating psychological distress, repressed aggression and extremism are immediately evident when profiling mass murderer Stephen Paddock
The Aries-Libra polarity involving Sun, Venus, Neptune, Saturn shows a double-sided personality struggling to find balance: where Libra is compliant, co-operative, friendly and peaceful, Aries is angry, aggressive, selfish.
Paddock would have swung between these two character types.

No known birth-time for Stephen Paddock just allows a view into the pattern on his birthday 

In addition the combination of Saturn and Neptune represents an internal conflict between empathy and compassion versus cold-hearted ruthlessness. Again he would have been capable of both, possibly reserving different modes for different contexts.

The Sun-Chiron connection indicates that Paddock's father and potentially older men in general served as a major psychologically wounding source, leaving him with the angry, violent residue he carried but may have largely controlled [Saturn opposite Sun] until shortly before his death.

Pluto opposite the Moon didn't do him any favours either -mother , family in general and potentially women in general were equally a source of empowerment when he could gain control..and disempowerment - due to childhood damage.

Paddock being born with Venus retrograde means the relating function is primarily internalised -lived out within the mind as opposed to in real world interactions

The extremism potential involves the mix of Mars-Jupiter-Pluto -and with Pluto and the Moon providing the emotional rage - Paddock kept acquiring the practical support he needed to extract revenge on life itself.
[Mars and Jupiter in Taurus provided the drive to accumulate money, property, possessions -and fatally a huge collection of weapons]

Pluto also linked to Saturn and Neptune shows both the highs and lows of his gambling addiction - heroic when winning [Pluto-Neptune] and a failure [Pluto-Saturn] when losing. 
The mental health impact of compulsive gambling over a lengthy period must be factored in when considering elements which propelled his major meltdown.
Paddock was destined to succumb to emotional disarray with the Pluto-Moon-Saturn-Neptune combo and any addictive choice whether involving substances or compulsive behaviour would have served to crash his mental operating system.

From perspective of his journey in this lifetime Paddock was under immense internal pressure to change, to overcome his flaws and find some healthy form of self empowerment.

Fundamentally he had nowhere to turn with such a load of psychological dysfunction acquired from early dynamics with both male and female sources - parents and possibly other key figures.

Paddock's father who died in 1998 was a high profile bank robber and general criminal described by authorities as "psychopathic"
Family history unfolding since the mass murder reflects significant aspects evident in Paddocks astrological profile It would seem that this son carried a significant dose of his father's genes.

Pluto is always about power and the need for self transformation.
Some people consciously take the positive route of addressing their wounds and finding means of healing.
Others like Paddock are battling against the barrier of self protective repression. [Saturn] Not thinking. Not feeling. Not addressing how they got where they are.
This is a dangerous load to keep stored deep within the psyche. A lot can go wrong. A lot of damage left along the roadside of your life.
Paddock kept the lid on for so long that this was exactly like a pressure cooker exploding - but with his Moon in Aquarius and a self controlling Saturn - a cold, detached mindset and disengaged emotions - he was able to plan long in advance the destructive acts he subconsciously felt would settle old scores

Pluto is also the planet of death, the ultimate transformation from one state to another. 
This planet effectively dominates the energy mix Paddock was born with. [Pluto connects tightly with a massive convoy of Sun-Moon-Venus-Mars-Jupiter, Mercury-Saturn-Neptune -a phenomenal intensity of potentially destructive force]

Paddock was truly a ticking time bomb with the clear intent to kill on a large scale
[Saturn is the clock. Pluto is the bomb]
His car at the Mandalay hotel contained ingredients for bomb-making.
His hotel room contained a high powered artillery.
He is likely to have scoped out another mass audience music venue in the week prior to the shooting.
His home address had a well-stocked gun room

The transit of Saturn reached 22 degrees SAG in late September 2017. This position was capable of activating  7 of Paddock's key planets already explored.
This truly was the timer activating an array of disordered psychological functioning.

Energy on the night of Oct 1 2017 at 10.05 when Paddock started shooting shows his timer had gone off

Saturn sits exactly to the right at 22 SAG in a position giving prominence to the theme of relating in a cold or distant manner. This energy also expressed as those relationships lost amongst the victims.

Pluto at nearly 17 CAP is in its natural location - the energy of death and transformation associated with  the 8th house.

The Moon was in Aquarius, just like when Paddock was born -and right near the lunar nodes at 23 Leo-Aquarius - activated Paddock's birth Pluto 21 Leo

Jupiter in near exact opposition to Uranus in the signs Aries and Libra link back to Paddock's Venus in Aries -26 degrees.
Libra is connected to relating and to music.
Jupiter in Libra describes a big and happy music event 
Uranus in Aries describes the sudden eruptive violence.
Together Jupiter and Uranus at this time and place describe the masses of people affected by an unexpected act of carnage.

Had Paddock continued to live he would have experienced even more psychological pressure and probably ever more dangerous disintegration.

The transit of Pluto had been near square to his Sun position 19 Aries since early 2016 but only coming to within 2 degrees of exact until early 2017.
February-March-April and June 2017 would have been times of intense stress for him with Pluto being at tight to exact 90 degree angle. It is likely this was the key period when his murderous intentions were deeply resolved.

Despite the fact that Paddock is no longer a living being, researchable findings indicate that physical death itself is not an escape from the pressures or benefits applied to the enduring psyche of a person. 
For example when a dead rock star has a revival of public interest due to an album reissue it is seen to coincide with significant planetary activation of the prior life birth chart.
In this respect death in general and contrary to commonplace perception, death by suicide is also no escape.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Fatally Entangled energies: Kim Wall & Peter Madsen

An intense entanglement of energies collided when Kim Wall and Peter Madsen sailed off in his Nautilus submarine

Danish inventor Peter Madsen is held in custody related to the discovery of the dismembered body of Swedish born journalist Kim Wall in circumstances that seem more like an episode of The Bridge TV series set in  Scandinavia.

      Madsen recently after the events aboard Nautilus

2022 - latest
Documentary Undercurrent covers the case in detail

2018 latest:  Madsen sentenced to life without parole
scroll to end

In Copenhagen Denmark Wall went of her own volition aboard Madsen's mini-submarine on Thursday evening August 10 2017 in order to write a profile of him. He evacuated from the sinking sub the next day saying first he had dropped her off at the port..then saying she had died on board in an accident and her body was disposed of into the sea.
Her dismembered headless corpse was found on August 21 washed up on a local beach despite clear efforts to weigh down and reduce the body's buoyancy.
The sub was reclaimed from the seabed and DNA from blood found on board was matched with Kim Wall.
Madsen was initially held on a preliminary charge of involuntary manslaughter.

Public interest in such a case is highly activated due to the strange, offensive and mysterious details.
Many will immediately see murder with sexual or gruesome elements. Others say they know Madsen had a combative personality with a reactive temper...but they never saw violence.
This case is likely to involve the fundamental ingredients of gender politics and so if testimonials regarding Madsen's personality were overwhelmingly from male associates they were unlikely to be the triggers for the worst potentials he may have been capable of.
Madsen was reportedly raised from the age of 6 by his allegedly abusive father [parents separated] along with four brothers.
Madsen's father was reportedly 36 years older than his wife.
After his damaging childhood Madsen as a teenager found a source of empowerment -through building rockets - which led to high ambitions in the space industry. The psychological elements related to creating massive power and leaving the planet are evident. But outer space was not enough - operating in the undersea environment in a huge machine -a self built submarine - became another obsession
So now the fundamental elements of Peter Madsen have been detailed: a childhood experienced as abusive, separation from his mother, a desire for empowerment, an unpleasant temper, obsessive dedication to extend his powers into other worlds.


Then in August 2017 a female journalist 16 years younger than him arrives in the early evening to carry out a profile interview while aboard the submarine.
Kim Wall had already at age 30 accumulated a stellar CV as an investigative freelance journalist. This was her home territory though her career came to involve constant travel and living overseas. She was a bright, bold and good humoured personality with a humanitarian heart, a strong sense of social justice, including feminist principles.

The last remaining images of Wall shows her standing with Madsen in the tower of the submarine Wall clearly smiling. Most likely anticipating yet another in her long succession of adventures - but this one had none of the overtly threatening hallmarks like the danger zones she had already passed through and survived.
This one was a fatal entanglement where two people's energies locked together in a highly volatile mixture -and the indicators are readily identifiable showing how intense this encounter was and how if Kim Wall sleep-walked to her death.

The Astrological Factors
Part 1
Astrology is a language and the planets provide the words that identify different kinds of energy.
When lacking full birth data [especially time of birth undetermined] a complete birth chart is not immediately possible - but a lot of information is visible on the day a person is born - and when two people experience a very intense encounter the indicators are numerous.

If the encounter is going to be difficult - or in the extreme - dangerous - there will be many conflicting energies.
The sheer amount of entangled energies creates the intensity of the response each person has to the other - it is very close in energy to the results of combining  two volatile chemicals - like mixing hydrogen peroxide with sulfuric acid.

Peter Madsen has the sort of volatility that cannot be hidden. His anger management issues continually spilled over into his personal interactions. It is highly likely he could be classified as having an antisocial personality disorder. Such people are determined to have control and threats to that position raise hi-level alarms.

Kim Wall was a confident professional, accustomed to getting information. She felt psychologically secure enough and competent enough in her role to embark on the interview with Madsen unaccompanied.

Planetary positions [degrees rounded]
Kim Wall
Born 23-3-87
Sun 2 Aries
Moon likely Capricorn
Mercury 4 Pisces
Venus 23 Aquarius
Mars 21 Taurus
Jupiter 5 Aries
Saturn 21 Sagittarius
Uranus 27 Sagittarius
Neptune 8 Capricorn
Pluto 9 Scorpio
Nodes 11 Aries-Libra
Chiron 16 Gemini

Peter Madsen
Born 12-1-71
Sun 21 Capricorn
Moon likely Leo
Mercury 29 Sagittarius
Venus 4 Sagittarius
Mars 23 Scorpio
Jupiter 29 Scorpio
Saturn 16 Taurus
Uranus 13 Libra
Neptune 2 Sagittarius
Pluto 30 Virgo
Nodes 24 Aquarius-Leo
Chiron 6 Aries

The geometric angles of connection are examined to see which energies are strongly entangled.
Along with the usual geometric factors: conjunctions, squares, trines quincunx and oppositions - the very potent semi-squares and sesquiquadrates are always considered in my analysis.
It is also clear that it is the mathematics that rule -meaning that in simple terms if there are 6 elements in a chart at 14-16 degrees they are all interacting - no matter what zodiac sign/geometric angle connects them. This level of connectedness [as demonstrated to exist at the quantum level of energy] is also visible when all 15 degree distances are added either side of the main angles making it important note if any 15,45,75,105,135,165 degrees of separation between 2 elements [planets/luminaries/nodes/angles ] are adding to the standout themes - sitting covertly within the overt 0,30,60,90,120,150,180 traditional relationships considered important.

The Sagittarius and Aquarius aspects strongly reflect his adventurous drive to explore [SAG] with inventing the domain of space being the Aquarian factors

Madsen's combination of warning signs:
Pluto sesquiquadrate Saturn - Pluto in any connection to Saturn is significant red alert due to the blend of energies seeking extreme control - using any ruthless, cruel and debilitating method.
Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto -all connected at 29-30 degrees show the extreme obsessive quality of his mind and his focus on total control
Chiron in Aries -trine Venus in Sagittarius - a wounded sense of self exposed in relating to others; a damaged personality that may overcompensate to mask his feelings of weakness
Saturn in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio - an underlying sense of insecurity regarding his manhood
Pluto square Mercury - an obsessive mind, over-thinking, over-analysing, plagued by disturbed thoughts
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio - excessive sexual energy either expressed as such or subjugated into an immense drive for attaining power. Poor impulse control.

All of the above factors are highly relevant and where any factors intersect or combine the potentials are further amplified.
The string of energies synergising Pluto-Saturn-Mars-Jupiter-Mercury provides the horrific outcome of the underlying Chiron-Venus damaged psyche

The timing
Mars square the lunar nodal axis - In August 2017 the transiting lunar nodal axis returned to Madsen's birth position 24 Leo-Aquarius.
At birth his highly impulsive Mars in Scorpio was at right angles to the nodal axis. August represents the turning point in his life where these extreme energies were activated bringing him into widespread public attention.

Previous research documented on this blog indicates that  Madsen has multiple indicators consistent with the profiles of offenders perpetrating sex offender violence

Kim Wall's mutilated corpse showed multiple stab wounds. 
Mars energy has a preference for weaponry-assisted violence -often sharp objects such as knives, swords as the urge is to stab or cut.
Guns are also favoured by those with excessive Mars energy.
Pluto is involved with acts involving disfigurement, cruelty, violation, degradation, dominance, confinement and control.
Saturn is particularly featured in crimes featuring restraining, disabling and confining.

Part 2
The entanglement of energies
Looking at Kim Wall and Peter Madsen combined

  • He would feel threatened and insecure in the face of her confidence and strength of personality

[Her Sun-Jupiter combination in Aries facing his Chiron in Aries; Her Aries Sun semisquare his Saturn in Taurus]

  • Whether conscious or unconscious a sexual chemistry is activated [His Mars is stimulated by her Venus and Mars and probably vice-versa -all 3 planets cluster around 21-23 degrees]

  • Her Saturn-Uranus-Pluto energies which signify experiences of restraint, control, disempowerment when connected to a disempowering energy are all triggered at 24 degrees [Pluto by semisquare; Saturn-Uranus at midpoint] Madsen's Mars-Jupiter combination has a 26 degree midpoint. His Mars-Jupiter- Sun midpoint is 23.5 Sagittarius. 

Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio blending with a Capricorn Sun is a combination of intense motivation to have control and the prime target would be an energy perceived as either very free or too loose = typical Sagittarius in its open friendly unguarded style.
With both Saturn and Uranus combining in Sagittarius Kim Wall is likely in her personality to have polarised between being open, trusting and being guarded, self-restraining.

The karmic entanglement is likely to be a spill-over from a life before this one..a relationship with history that propelled them to meet again and perhaps settle a score..tragically in a most violent manner
[Her lunar nodes at 11Aries-Libra are a direct match for his Uranus at 11 Libra
In addition 11 degrees Libra is an exact semisquare to 26 Scorpio = Madsen's Mars-Jupiter in Scorpio.]

any relevant updates or further material
 will be added 

Refer also to
April 2018
Judge Burkoe said:
"We are talking about a cynical and planned sexual assault and brutal murder of a random woman, who in connection with her journalistic work had accepted an offer to go sailing in the defendant's submarine."
She said Madsen had "failed to give trustworthy explanations" and had "shown an interest for the killing and maiming of people and has shown an interest for impaling".

March 2018
The trial in this case is scheduled for March 8 amidst huge international media interest

October7 2017 -body parts, clothing recovered skull shows no sign of injury or fracture

October 3 2017 Chilling evidence uncovered in investigation

On this blog: Sex Offender profiling using astrological energy

Sudden eruptive violence & Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto extremes

Powerful forces in combination at the beginning of October 2017 manifested as sudden eruptive violence impacting masses of people

Two locations -Las Vegas, USA and Catalonia, Spain attained global attention after violent events on Sunday October 1st
Both situations involved masses of people with hundreds injured as a result of the abuse of power.

In Las Vegas one man used high power weaponry to launch a murderous assault against innocent citizens at a music festival. Dozens were outright killed. Over 500 injured.

The astrological hallmarks of the present outbreaks of violence, anger and power abuse significantly involve Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto

Jupiter-Uranus extremes
These two planets remain in tight to exact opposition in the period Sept 24-Oct 2. in this period extremes of aggressive behaviour have impacted masses of people.
Events in Las Vegas and Catalonia occurred on October 1st:

Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries in opposition reveal extreme imbalances in the way many people relate. From very passive to very aggressive. From moderation to aggression. A sudden flip.

Under this influence sudden eruptive violence is high risk but one other factor has been of much significance:
Pluto in an exaggerated phase from Sept 25-October 2 -being in a change of direction- virtually stationary direct - means that the issues typically associated with this energy are highly accentuated:
death, transformation, abuses of power, terror, disempowerment.

These issues are always Pluto-related but are given strong activation when Pluto is stationary [about to change to direct or retrograde] or when linked in to another planet.
In major, mass events there are always a string of energies combining.

In addition: - on October 1 Mars at 16 degrees joined forces with Pluto at 16 degrees adding to the aggression factor.

The Moon on Aquarius on October 1 generated a spirit of rebellion in some and lawlessness, recklessness, emotional detachment in others.

The lunar nodes at 23 Leo-Aquarius had a direct link to the sun at 8 degrees Libra [Sun semisquare north node]
In this combination the signature theme of A high profile mass event involving human relating applies equally to both tragic eruptions of energy on that day.

Stephen Paddock and the Las Vegas massacre

One lone gunman arguably caused more violence than scores of riot police in Spain - in comparing the outcomes.
Police are attempting to discern the shooter Stephen Paddock's motive.
Numerous sources including a Wiki page quote his birthdate as April 9 1953
This makes him an Aries, ruled by Mars' aggressive force.
Moon in Aquarius = emotional detachment
Significantly he has 8 planets connected in a juggernaut pattern ranging from Sun at 19 Aries to Venus at 26 Aries and with 6 other forces all chained together - Chiron, Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn - sitting at positions from 20-24 degrees inside the Sun-Venus combo.
Ultimately the zodiac signs themselves are irrelevant -it is the tight connection of multiple energies ready to be sequentially set alight once an initial fuse is lit. Effectively a time-bomb personality. And 2017 brought the factors that would unhinge his fragile sense of self and disconnection from reality.
The multiple elements visible from his birthdate show Paddock to be emotionally detached [Moon in Aquarius], with poor relating skills [Saturn opposite Venus retrograde] reckless/rebellious qualities [Uranus square sun and sextile Mars] mentally disposed to escapism, fantasy, gambling, delusions [Neptune opposite Sun; Mercury quincunx Neptune and Saturn] anxiety, insecurity [Saturn conjunct Mercury]  a sense of disempowerment in his relationships [Chiron in Capricorn; Saturn opposite Venus] found some sense of power through money [Jupiter square Pluto]

Society is populated with people just like Stephen Paddock who relate poorly and live in a fantasy world but the intensity of mental distress caused by the bunching of planets in his case gives a need to release the pressure.
The timing of his meltdown can be traced back to pressures building from early in 2017 and then also from August 2017.
The 15 degree eclipse in August activated his Mars-Uranus reckless energy combo

Jupiter and Saturn passing through 19-21 degrees in August began the activation of his juggernaut.
In September Jupiter went from 22-28 degrees -triggering 5 of his connected planets.
Jupiter is a big-time activator with excess and extreme being its signature energies.
Whatever Paddock had to unleash was under pressure to come out.
It seems he wanted so many people to pay for his suffering

Saturn at 21-22 degrees through September also activated 5 of his connected planets. He was under pressure to curb his excesses -and probably his gambling was getting out of control with the Saturn pressure now focussing on his gambling addiction [Saturn square Mercury]

Jupiter reached a powerful opposition with Uranus on Sept 28 at 27 degrees, close enough to his Venus in Aries at 26 degrees to activate extremely his violent capacity -something that may have been for the most part very suppressed in his life to date.

Pluto entering the picture in full brutal force at the same end of September period gave leash to a full volume abuse of power display.
One weak man with a ruthless artillery expressing his outrage against the innocent
Pluto at close to 17 degrees had been eating away at Paddock since February or March and had already reached the 19 degree position of his Aries Sun in early March before retrograding away back to just short of 17 degrees by late September. At this point the destructive capacity of Pluto resumed full conscious-command mode in Paddock's mind.

Everything had to be unleashed.
Given the extended build-up period of pressures on him since early in 2017 it is likely that his plan was hatched well in advance.
He may have recently scoped out other venues

Pluto offers a clear choice when it reaches the surface of your mind.
Change. Or die.
For some like Stephen Paddock the Die option also involved widespread catastrophic revenge.

added content & updates

Paddock arranged for partner to be overseas before Las Vegas attack and sent funds for a family home in Philippines

also read 
Detailed psychological profile astro report on Stephen Paddock
Sept-Oct astro forecast
Civil War in Spain


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...