Monday, 30 December 2019

2020 astrological calendar

A calendar view of 2020 will be posted month by month. Though not a typical day by day account of our solar system in transit, this view aims to highlight standout periods of significant energy giving a visual guide to the time frames when focus can be applied to the meaning and opportunity behind the event.
2020 is an important year in reinforcing Cardinal sign values: accountability responsibility care protection and how we relate to the world through Aries Libra Cancer & Capricorn.
In 2020 3 outer planets will be in the last degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn go the full 30°. Pluto just to 25°. When Jupiter Saturn and Pluto are in the 20-30° range in Capricorn the earth energy of the Virgo decanate influences Capricorn expression. Keywords and activities related to Virgo include the work ethic, health hygiene diet nutrition, sorting organising cleaning tidying categories and classifications, critiques and criticism, analysis and research, comparison and difference, separateness simplicity plainness modesty... the Amish way. Virgo energy needs management when hypercritical of self and others and when perfectionist or seeking extreme purification. Eugenics and racial superiority are expressions of this. The extreme side of sorting or cleansing is often seen in obsessive rituals and autism spectrum behaviours.
Moon declination is noted as an amplifying force when at extreme North South and over the equator.

Stations of outer planets are noted with an orb of expanded energy surrounding the date of exact station.
Solar-lunar events full new moons and eclipses are noted
Outer planet aspects and sign changes noted.
Periods of multiple outer planet retrogrades and when all 5 outers are direct are noted.

 Emphasis occurs in the period 7th-13th.
Multiple factors clustering around  eclipse date Jan 10 (Universal Time) show this is a period of highly activated forces. Landscape shifting - literally metaphorically politically. Major restructuring in hierarchies of power.  A critical and historic period in laying the groundwork and foundations for transformative approaches in politics business corporates and banking. - and in the expression of patriarchal power.

Click to enlarge

Month by month calendar pages will be posted on Twitter



Also adding here the April 2020 calendar page with notes from Twitter

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

2020 themes in the human collective

The flavour of Virgo the third earth decanate as an expression of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto within the final 10 degrees of Capricorn is considered in the 3 minute audio link sited in Google Drive Audio file

In some places a much greater shift towards authoritarian and dictatorial governments and corporate power but where possible there will be resistance and reformation demanded
Purification and perfectionist agendas have returned as in the 1930s across Europe but now in diverse nations East and West including within major world powers
Polarised politics reflect the ongoing intense struggle for humanitarian conditions of life across the planet.
The themes of 2020 have already been forewarned during the past 2 years.
2020 is where the buck stops and things get serious
The reining in proceeds with full intent

Monday, 16 December 2019

Venus Saturn Pluto Synergy 2019 2020

The Venus Saturn Pluto synergy - a virtual conjunction - occurred mid December 2019 in the period 11th-14th between 19-22 Capricorn. Events during these 4 days have powerful and enduring consequences in all of the corresponding aspects of life that relate to these 3 planets when operating through the energy of Capricorn. The energy imprint of the 3 planets was amplified due to being part of the signature of the prevailing full moon on Dec 12. Nothing modified or obstructed the Capricorn energy of this grouping - though Jupiter in Capricorn had its own role to play being in close separating range of a square to Chiron in Aries.
Multiple aspects between faster moving Venus and the slow deep Saturn and Pluto close together still in Capricorn will unfold during 2020 evoking so much of what took place during mid December 2019.
The best of Saturn Pluto and Venus in Capricorn is not the stuff of news headlines because it is the private personal successes and achievements on an inner rather than an outer level occurring unwitnessed but experienced by the receiver as a growing up a developmental shift a maturity phase. But something major and deeply affecting lies behind that achievement when Saturn and Pluto are involved and relating is the arena in which those battles have been fought and many defeats experienced. This is pinnacle energy for those ready to reach a summit in their relationship management and how they function as a human relating to other humans.
In the outer realm business politics governments all being very Capricornian are visited by Venus but Venus in Capricorn wears a sober face as seen in New Zealand mid December as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern once again had to deal with another mass fatality event in 2019. Jacinda Ardern has 6 factors in the range 19-23 degrees including Venus Saturn and Pluto placing her full front and centre of the personal transformational restructuring forces in her personal and public political world which have been evoked in March and December 2019 and will be sustained for her in election year 2020.
In the UK PM Boris Johnson got swept back into power aided by his high relatability factor - born with Venus almost bang on top of his Gemini Sun. People like what he says and Venus delivered for him in mid December 2019
But not all of us are so blessed personally or professionally by Capricornian achievements as a result of the December synergy: those at odds with Capricorn - endowed with Aries Libra & Cancer placements in range of the synergy midpoint of around 20 degrees - have some degree of challenge to face and at worst a very tough time. The family and friends of the New Zealand volcanic eruption victims  - many deceased instantly or within days many fighting for life or left with life and body transformed - the living face a demand to relate very differently to their loved one.
Other events in the week which define this synergy in Capricorn include the failed UN Climate Summit the Trump impeachment the naming of Greta Thunberg as Time magazine Person of the Year - and Trump's childish reaction - sustained Australian bushfires annihilating huge landscapes structures and lives and a M6.9 earthquake in the Philippines with similarly destructive consequences. The extreme drought in Zimbabwe is now life threatening and fatal for humans and other species.

Venus has two faces. In earth the Taurean association with money assets material things sensory pleasures and the products of the natural world. In Cardinal its territory is relating and relationships so Venus in Capricorn embraces both dimensions, a big basket of everyday experience where the full weight of Capricorn comes into the frame courtesy of the two taskmasters messaging in stereo - Saturn and Pluto putting people on the rack demanding at the very least a big challenge and heavy responsibility and at worst blood and pain, separation and loss, damage, the deepest of grief, the coldness of estrangement the finality of divorce - relationships broken down or destroyed lost changed irrevocably or on a new footing.
Those blessed by this synergy can benefit from a public declaration of commitment a structural societal bond called marriage for the purpose of childrearing.
The inner marriage is equally valid under this synergy: a restructured relationship with the self based on much greater self management self care and personal responsibility.
Environmentally the Venus energy related to soil and plant life and to the state of planet earth in general as a bountiful habitat is subjected to transformational restructuring involving dryness and restricted or slowed growth depletion deformity affecting production in critically important food sources. Sustained drought in vulnerable zones is alerted for 2020 (and beyond due to Saturn-Neptune).

In politics though Capricorn has worn a Venusian mask in the UK election the demands of Pluto and Saturn will soon overshadow that honeymoon face. The cold pragmatism of conservative politics will prevail.

Key dates in 2020 to observe for inner personal and outer event activations of the synergy energy that unfolded in mid December 2019 being evoked in some way cluster around the activation points noted:

January 7-8
February 2,3,28
March 1-3
August 30
Sept 1-2, 26-28
Oct 21-24
Nov 15-18
Dec 10-15

Profiler astrology content continues to mainly be provided in short doses via @astroprofiles on Twitter

Thursday, 24 October 2019


2019 has been a big year personally - under the pressure of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn.
My focus has had to shift away from externals & towards the very personal.
With a much reduced output a decision has been made to just continue to deliverw new content for some time ahead in an abbreviated format via @astroprofiles on Twitter - so dedicated readers can still have a connection with this site's creator

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Cancer Capricorn and The Cardinal Crucible

A crisis of neglect has characterised the current cardinal era where Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn have been assisted by Jupiter Saturn Uranus Chiron the lunar nodes and a series of eclipses transiting cardinal signs. Capricorn alone is not the solution to resolving our collective dysfunctions: Aries Libra and Cancer along with Capricorn form the cardinal crucible within which our world and our individual lives of necessity must be regenerated.
The cardinal sign energies when positively expressed by the human collective form the bedrock of societal functionality and wellbeing. All of us in every life context need to use the best potentials of Aries assuredness Libra's co-operative spirit Cancer's awareness of nurturing and Capricorn's careful management skills. Without these dispositions guiding society we have collectively fallen into major imbalance where selfish competitive neglectful and individual ambitious drives are the overriding threads in global society. This cannot succeed for humanity and cannot benefit our life on this planet but first we are confronted with our worst behaviours in the Pluto period in Capricorn since 2008. Then with Saturn in Capricorn 2018-2020 we will encounter the responsibilities we're avoiding and will be pressured to act upon them. The Moon's nodes in Cancer-Capricorn have added further emphasis since November 2018-May 2020. The pressure to change is sustained and essential - which means to mature and evolve and update our individual and collective operating systems and choose growth over degeneration and regression into overwhelming dystopia.

All energies have potential negative expressions and when the bedrock signs of our planet ( Think about the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn on the earth map which mark the sun's passage in summer and winter and that Aries and Libra mark the onset of Spring and Autumn. These signs are consistent with life on our planet)
The dysfunctions arising under negative cardinal energies traverse a wide spectrum along which sit matters such as the functions and powers of government, the fundamental needs of humans for health and wellbeing, our interaction with our planet and other species. Fundamental to these and related issues are the elements of responsibility and relationship. These are the bottom lines for creating functionality: when responsibility is denied ignored rejected avoided then neglect is left to spread.
Failure to support failure to nurture failure to protect are all signs of the Cancer Capricorn archetypes being in retreat when they ought to be primary
These two signs are the intended parental energies that structure societies both through families, communities and through government's role in loco parentis.
Business models and pressure to consume have infected both government and families with social wellbeing and human values being sacrificed in the process.

Cancer and Capricorn cannot function at their best without sound fundamentals learnt in the Aries and Libra stages of development. When supported by solid parenting (where parents have internalised the Cancer & Capricorn archetypes) a child develops a strong core self (the Aries stage). This strength enables the child to form successful relationships in general as well as life partnerships (the Libra stage) When these 2 stages are not produced in a family environment the consequences are societal: the children of those families repeat the weakness and dysfunctions through their relationships and their attempts to parent the next generation: their children cannot parent in the way intended through the Cancer Capricorn archetypes and so all of society at every level in every context suffers dysfunctions in how we treat and relate to others - which includes how we relate to other species, other races, to the planet in general, to our local other words it becomes a global crisis..which is where in this new millennium we are now.
The cycle has to be broken and amidst the extremes being witnessed in homelessness or housing crises, in environmental threats, in human nastiness....this is the best era of opportunity to turn things around
Since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn an extreme era began to unfold. Pluto will be on the job of transforming society from the bottom upwards over a 16 year period, joined more briefly by Saturn Jupiter Uranus, the nodal points of the Moon, and a series of eclipses. Jupiter will transit all 4 cardinals in the 15 gear focal period. Uranus will focus on Aries during 2010-2017.The nodes cover all Cardinals.
 Capricorn and Cancer in everyone and every context will be very strongly under renovation during the period till 2024 but Aries and Libra energies in all of us are also being automatically pressured to keep in step and undergo an upgrade.
People born under those signs will undeniably face strong pressures to grow and improve all relating roles and accept all responsibilities associated with their life roles...but none of us escape this process as our full astrological makeup incorporates each of the zodiac signs having an area of expression in some life context.

Graphics below include the layout of the 4 cardinal signs in their related energies creating core self and relationships based on parenting input.
Plus a timeline of strong cardinal sign emphasis and clearly reveal how significant 2019 and 2020 are in turning things around. High pressure high drama failures defeats and eventually redemptions resolutions and successes will be clear during 2019-2020 once people reach their point of change through crisis and are heavily pressured to live life differently.

Some related summary tweets via @astroprofiles and @Sub_Strata are also included.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Potent New Moon August 2019

August 2019 opens with the New Moon where Leo energy & the Sun itself are in charge but not in a peaceful mood.
Environmentally the fire element is aggravated by Uranus and the consequences affect us physically - effects upon the body from literal heat temperature sun exposure and from excess yang stimulants consumed (food) which cause too much internal heat with resulting anger irritation impatience.
The way through with Leo is always through the heart: so love is trying to rise up over "things" under this New Moon. This is a huge issue in relationships and families where there is a poverty of time and the subsequent impact upon quality. Children given things instead of attention suffer significant anxiety.

The risk of the fire element destoying physical things is elevated from late July and at the start of August.

The fire signs under stress activate issues for Leo Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio. Leo is the Royal sign as well as society's "nobility" - the celebrity class" and so some issues in those realms could arise: related to money spending or assets and a sudden change
Gold is the Leo metal and its value is slowly rising. This month could signify a noticeable increase.

The latest status pet is a big cat: lions are the popular choice but this is not good news for lions.
The Aquarian activation is strong in 2019 in terms of protest and collective activism for change - especially re human environmental impacts but also against the power brokers.
Scorpio is power sex and death themes so we will continue to see all of these very prominent.
Taurus is the Earth the soil and it's products and these are under stress from other elements.

The long-term theme of major issues in politics (power abuse) and domestic life (parenting & housing) remain very significant and are very highlighted under this New Moon period.
Transformational change has to occur in every context illuminated by the August New Moon.  The old thinking old tactics and old power hierarchy has to adjust to the new era. Governments globally need to embrace their role of societal management in terms of social benefit or wellbeing instead of operating primarily from balance sheets and running countries as a profit making business. This change in perspective would enable struggling citizens to live less desperate lives.

The Profiler blog contains over 300 posts for general readership as an introduction to the application of astrology to everyday life as well
as in individual and behavioral profiling.

UPDATE August 15

Tweet updates below show how Uranus in Taurus square Sun-Moon-Venus in Leo at the early August New Moon quickly manifested multiple intense events: protests wild weather geomagnetic storm and a sharp jolt that lowered sharemarkets. The effect of both Uranus and Jupiter stationing on the same day affected Aug 10-13 extra strongly as both energies are prone to loss of control. Saturn played some role in restraining the wild horse Jupiter energies and if it were not in range in the period the indicators of anarchy rebellion and extreme behaviour in people and natural elements would have been more exaggerated..
August 2019 remains a volatile month with the Full Moon coming quickly after the station period of Jupiter and Uranus. The normally beaming combination of Venus in Leo joining the mid-month Full Moon is complicated by Pluto and Uranus. This clearly reflects shifting power dynamics both in personal relationships and in the larger political context. Now the situation in Hong Kong looks even more intense as freedom and control are in a titanic struggle. Global attention focussed on the Hong Kong situation is to some degree a restraint on mainland China due to the impact upon trade relationships in an already threatening situation with the US and where any further sanctions would be unwanted- especially if other global partners adopted a retaliatory response to any human rights abuses by China against protestors in Hong Kong.
The world is watching and there are red alerts at mid month warning against totalitarian behaviour. This conflict had a lot to say about how we resist the clearly documented rise in anti-democratic regimes since the start of this millennium - being a clear reversal of the rise in democracies that arose from the 1970s until the end of that century.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Climate & Human Crisis

As an astrologer the future is always of interest. Consideration of the changes and consequences related to global climate is high on our collective agenda with daily reminders that significant forces are in process. All life on this planet is being impacted and as humans it is natural to look for meaning when an existential crisis arises.
I have a special interest in researching the galactic forces that deliver severe weather. I feel very attuned to the state of the planet and it's recurrent responses to the sun the moon the eclipses. This all makes perfect sense to those who think on a large scale. We occupy a tiny place in a huge system which in itself is minuscule within the larger universe. We know so little...but over millenia we have some knowledge of repeated themes occurring related to the prominence of particular planets.

The watchers amongst us know that the world changes significantly when certain planets occupy certain signs.
The three signs at the end of the zodiac are Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. These represent the last sector of development of consciousness on a collective level.
After ideas beliefs philosophies and faiths have been explored (the Sagittarius stage) practical action is required consistent with those mental positions (Capricorn stage). Then comes the realisation that we do best when we are friendly towards life and all beings. We see can we work well in groups for the common good (Aquarius stage). After this a growing appreciation of our commonality our sameness our interconnected lives and existence our link to all other life. Ultimately this extends to the cosmos the whole of existence. From these awarenesses compassion is born and harm is no longer an option. (Pisces stage)

These are the ideals indicated as an aspirational pathway for humanity. At present in general we fall well short and the destructive consequences of that are clear.

From where we are now the most relevant planets can be tracked through this developmental sector from Capricorn to Pisces past the middle of this century.
Saturn in Capricorn until the end of 2020
Saturn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius end of 2020
Saturn through Aquarius and Pisces end of 2020-2026
Neptune in Pisces till 2026
Pluto in Capricorn till 2024
Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044
Pluto in Pisces 2044-2068

One current factor outside this scheme but playing a major role in the planet is Uranus in the earth sign Taurus. This planet is the great change-maker through sudden disruptions and unexpected events. In Taurus this is the state of Planet Earth and the soil and what it produces and feeds.
Uranus is in a 7 year cycle in Taurus till 2026.
By now you will see 2026 standing out as a gateway year.
Pluto will be left largely in charge as it transits the Aquarius and Pisces zones
Pluto is recognised symbolically as the Phoenix arising from the ashes ..but the meltdown is always stage one...and Pluto's long period in Capricorn from late 2008-2024 is the start.
The purpose and meaning of all of this is growth evolution development...but these all have a price - what you have to change give up and let die.

This introduction gives a timeline for these processes which are occurring in the context of globally significant processes - one being climate impacts - others are socioeconomic and political.

This post arise as a response to an interview between Daniel a Buddhist and Jem Bendell an academic who has committed to climate action and who wants to promote the notion of adaptation to whatever unfolds. He sees social collapse as inevitable and therefore promotes the contemplative and spiritual paths as well as the psychological and mental health support necessitated for many.
His focus is how we are going to help each other.
To me this reflects the Capricorn Aquarius Pisces trio - the structural changes necessitated the groups and networks engaged the commonality acknowledged all for collective benefit.

The spiritual imperative ranks highest for me in terms of adaptation and that source of guidance serves to inform practical decisions more soundly than any responses born out of panic fear or desperation.
By 2026 the picture will be undeniably clear as to choices and what needs to change.

This link takes you to the 1hr+ audio with Jem Bendell

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Cancer Capricorn Aries Libra

The Cardinal signs are strongly active in 2019 and this energises all four signs in the quartet comprising Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn.
The paired signs are Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn.

Key points:
1. All Cardinals have an issue to resolve around relating/relationships

2. Balance is achieved through integrating qualities of the opposite paired sign

3. Aries-Libra & Cancer-Capricorn in proper balance are fundamental to global stability and harmony

4. When outer planets eclipses and lunar nodes emphasise even 2 cardinal signs all four are activated

5. Eclipses strongly reinforce the cardinal themes when outer planets & nodes are in cardinal signs

6. 2019 stands out as a very significant cardinal year in the period 2009-2024 inclusive due to 4 cardinal eclipses, 4 planets in cardinal signs & the lunar nodes in cardinal.

7. The extended period of cardinal dominance began at the end of 2007 & runs until 2024. After that the fixed & mutable signs bring their messages.

8. If imbalances are perpetuated in respect of Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn energies operating in their most ego based & personal perspective the consequences for humanity & the effect of our ignorance upon the natural forces which surround us are of significant concern.

9. The 4 cardinals are the seasonal markers and the balance of the planet.

Expanded detail & data:

Monday, 1 July 2019

Cancer Capricorn Eclipses July 2019

The Pamela Colman Smith illustration of the Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot pack is highly relevant for the July eclipses at New Moon in Cancer and full Moon in Capricorn
Very instinctual with the July 2 July 3 Cancer Sun and Moon in the Scorpio decan and very subconscious with the aquatic symbol arising from the waters. Beasts are snarling at the moon. A lot of psychology is being aroused. And it's very gender based in terms of cultural norms: the matriarchy is ascending again, the patriarchy is on the defensive and in the early throes of decline.
Moon and Saturn have a lot to resolve as a consequence of these eclipses being potentized by Saturn and Pluto and these two positioned at the South of the nodal axis - where currently Capricorn sits and Cancer sits at the North.
Power is definitely an issue. How to rebalance and share authority management and control.
Women's issue feature strongly - including abortion (US)and maternity care (NZ).
Government management of family matters and housing are already in the mix due to the cardinal Pluto Saturn and Nodes so the eclipses of July add further emphasis to these any the range of possible Cancer or Capricorn issues.
The parental dynamic is also in the spotlight for the same reasons. Moon/Cancer is mother. Saturn/Capricorn is father.  Capricorn has been very energised and confronted this year. How to be a parent a father a partner a manager a boss a corporate head a politician a President .  People are watching seeing a lot of qualities being erased or contravened by the American leader. Though the past office holders were not saints the definition of Presidential has-been rewritten and seemingly  been a source of even greater emboldment to the rogue President. For the sake of humanity this cannot endure as a precedent setting role model for all roles Capricornian.  So Pluto is in the mix silently waiting to strike. Hints may be detected in July in anticipation of mid January 2020 when Saturn and Pluto truly conjoin when there is no mistake regarding what needs to change regarding the abuse or misuse of Capricornian and overall patriarchal energies .
All authorities managers and bosses have a Capricorn energy so this broad spectrum under predominantly male control is a testing ground for the use of longstanding patriarchal power - and the abuse of that is heavily under the microscope now like never before.
With Jupiter in close range of Saturn in July the emphasis now shifts from June's preoccupation of Jupiter with Neptune to the way Saturn is a great moderator of  Jupiter's excesses and the marker of limits or boundaries where Jupiter sees none.
Aspects to the Moon take on a bigger charge in the lunar month from the July New Moon eclipse. Considering the most problematic planets Saturn Uranus and Pluto it looks very much likely to be a very eventful and even stressful July for many when any of these three are square or opposing the moon. In fact from July 3 to August 1 this situation occurs on 16 out of 30 days. So adding to the cardinal mayhem from Saturn Pluto the nodes and eclipses add in the sudden upheavals engineered by Uranus from any of the fixed expressions courtesy of the Moon in Taurus Leo and their companions Scorpio and Aquarius. The energy can and will always find outlets through the full quartet of related signs when just one or two are under stress or emphasised.
Saturn is strong at the mid month full moon eclipse due to the Capricorn moon and Pluto is very strong then being even closer in proximity to the eclipse. This is a real slam dunk for Capricorn values. Behave accept responsibility recognise limits....all the grown up stuff the world has abandoned in favour of freedom and the delusion of unaccountable abandon.
There's always a reckoning.

  • Cancer is an energy connected to mothering or nurturing in a more female way. The Moon being Cancer's representative in our local cosmos has general influence over a range of female specific issues which traditionally have been domestic household related. We could use the oriental concept of Yin to cover non-gender based orientations to the private home based world. Self protection is a big Cancer priority just as the crab has a tough outer shell and the home is meant to serve as a protective barrier. Any of these issues connected to the Cancer realm can arise under strong energies of an eclipse.

 Other points:
The July Full Moon eclipse mid month will make the Sun carry a Cancer plus Pisces emphasis and the Moon will have Capricorn plus Virgo effects. This is due to the 24° position of Sun and Moon being 3rd decan. Pisces will make Cancer more sensitive compassionate humanitarian and happy to have time in retreat from the world but best not spilling over into negative Neptune territory. Virgo adds more practical emphasis : tasks or jobs that have to be done - cleaning clearing and detailed work  - any of these will carry the burden of responsibility as indicated by the location and influences of Capricorn and Saturn in your personal astrology chart
  • Venus isn't comfortable at the full moon being opposite Saturn and so the cardinal sign emphasis has to be about relating and relationships. Venus in Cancer combines Moon and Venus so now both are confronting Saturn.  The cultural rebalancing is further emphasised. Expect more signs of the power shift and the challenges to the old order of gender based power as well as everyday relationship disillusionment leading to breakdown estrangement separation or divorce when resolution is unable to be achieved. The situation of carrying freeloading partners or to remain entangled with domineering or manipulative people is not working now.
  • Cancer energy on a personal level is immediate family ties, the unit of intended protection where future generations are raised. The family is the sub-group of the clan or tribe and these larger conglomerates are also concerned with support and protection but they also face the risk of  warfare when competing tribes disagree over assets resources and territory. Tribal battles continue to form the trajectory of humanity even in this new millennium. 
  • Nazism Fascism Communism and Nationalism are all tribal ideologies and it has to be said so are chauvinism and feminism. The Eurozone is a tribal  concept and Brexit is a dispute within the tribe. Aside from power struggles over resources tribes in the form of teams or groups can battle for ego credits to claim superiority. It is when ego gets heavily engaged that tribalism goes bad. Extreme tribalism is pathological and aggressively survivalist leading to atrocities and mass homicide. This can be understood in looking at the 3 faces of Cancer energy. The decans give full Cancer qualities to the first 10° of that sign. The second 10° is flavoured by Scorpio and the 3rd by Pisces . These reflect energetic resonances which are activated in individuals as well as in transiting planetary or luminary positions. This is why the July total eclipse at 10'38° Cancer is in the worrisome Scorpio zone and will activate the extreme end of tribalism in certain people and their group.
  • The situation boiling away in Hong Kong is a tribal war emerging against clashing cultures and other similar examples are expected within the range of potential extreme ego conflicts that morph into tribal disputes.
  • Mother Earth Gaia is clearly in the realm of concerns when the Moon and Cancer are emphasised. Collective action accountabiliy and responsibility regarding human disrespect of our home planet are emphasised by the Capricorn players in 2019 and especially under the July eclipses.
  • All sorts of groups become tribal in their ego and protectionist motives: governments media the citizenry are all capable of waging tribal war against each other when the planets deliver the relevant threats and challenges.
  • Ego is the source of tribal mayhem because it represents a huge disconnect from the ultimate reality of our shared commonalities: all human all sentient beings all with the same fundamental needs and that the sense of difference and separateness is a complete  delusion. As a species we are the only life force on the planet that is out of touch with our connection to the big the whole of existence. We are never disconnected but most of us have no framework for rediscovering the connection to the universe to nature to the other beings around us... known in our earliest incarnations. We will fail to thrive in real terms until that lost knowledge is rekindled and we understand truly the meaning of collective benefit and common good. 

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Astrology of June 2019 global influences

June 2019 global influences
June 3 Gemini New Moon themes
A lot of thoughts words communications about home/family/kin/clan/or tribe as well as housing house-keeping & keeping the nation's house in order using protectionist nuturing or defensive policies.
Progressive ideas re environmental issues....
Transformational restructuring re finances/money/economies...

From June 12 intensity builds for week 3 of June:
Significant events affecting masses of people..
Water destabilizes & weakens  --expect significant water events in diverse locations globally...
Transport movement & travel affected
Land roading & housing vulnerable in slip zones...
Frustration a keyword June 14-20 both within family dynamics & nation to nation..

Full moon begins influence from 14th. Exact on 17th =Sun Gemini Moon Sagittarius.
3 themes
Weather Government Travel
Weather extremes extend to 21st
Government & bureaucracy frustrate many re issues for homes families housing ...
Travel: difficult & chaotic energy in effect all of June make overseas travel tourism & adventure tourism/sport problematic in various ways ...

Further details in text boxes

Friday, 17 May 2019


There's no mistake that 2019 is a pivotal year - especially as we approach the midyear and enter the second half.
Read further commentary on this blog to get the collective or global overview.To start simply search these numbers: 2019.
To personalise that further requires a birth chart based on an accurate time of birth.
My own approach to 2019 is to have more emphasis on private and personal needs and comfort. I will not be publishing long form reports in 2019...preferring to refer back to highly relevant material that has already been posted here or from selected writers contained on my Twitter pages @astroprofiles & the twin account @Sub_Strata - both of which are used to continue to promote astrology & to provide ongoing pointers to the opportunities for personal growth that are continually indicated by the planetary energies in transit to our own.
Best wishes to all in your personal unfoldment.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

The Biggest Challenges in 2019

2019 is a year you'll always remember. Massive bedrock changes are on the cusp of unfolding globally as life and the world as we know it face powerful cosmic forces operating at a very fundamental level. 
Two of these - Saturn and Pluto - are covered in this post.
 They both produce conditions which can be the most demanding ever. As 2019 opens both continue to transit Capricorn. 
 By year's end these two powerhouses will come to near exact conjunction, just over a degree apart but every step towards early 2020 is one to use well as you climb your personal mountain.
Why is this significant?
Saturn and its relevant zodiac sign Capricorn are strongly connected to government, business, corporations, banking, structures, infrastructure, history, ancient things, senior citizens, rules, regulations, conservatism, cost-saving, austerity, walls, fences, borders, boundaries, limits, rules, regulations, controls...and the flow on effects have economic impacts..these are just some of the standout manifestations of Saturn energy in our daily lives

Pluto which expresses most authentically through Scorpio is not totally at home in Capricorn -but it does share the control-freak tendencies with Saturn and it likes structures in the context of restructuring - but by demolition. Both Saturn and Pluto have a connection to end of life, broken things, people who are wrecked or worn out - because both energies harnessed positively can work to rebuild, restore, regenerate.

Saturn energy often functions as the methodical fixer due to the application of well-defined boundaries, limits, a clear management plan that has rules and responsibilities acknowledged and factored in.

Pluto energy works more dramatically and extremely to break down a person or thing in body/mind or to the core - in order to transform the dross material into a superior version: Pluto's task is evolutionary and the same relentless approach is applied in aspects of life that come under this planet's gaze.
Since 2008 Pluto has been eyeballing governments, corporations, business, banking, infrastructure, democracy & the global economy and let's not forget -that very Capricornian institution - the Patriarchy. Does anyone believe that #TimesUp and #MeToo are finished?

Pluto and Saturn together are megaforces from the cosmos set to deliver changes at the bedrock that allow whole new structures to permeate global human institutions and people to make enormous growthful changes.

Saturn in Capricorn reinforces the energy of retaining ancient practices, institutional power and traditions -such as practised in fundamentalist faiths.
Pluto in Capricorn is the energy to annihilate these and or replace then with updated versions that meet current societal conditions.

All the talk about taxation [especially capital gains tax and mega corporates having to confront tax liabilities] is totally reflective of the Capricorn restructuring under the pressure of Saturn and Pluto energies converging and combining.
No amount of political whinging and whining will prevent both a massive restructuring of taxation and of banking sector practices - the beginnings already  underway and processes of change extending through the period up to 2022

18 year old Saudi woman Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun fled her family in January 2019 to seek a new life. By fleeing a life where she claims physical and psychological abuse from her father and brother she personifies the essence and zeitgeist of the deep global change that is clearly underway as a consequence of Saturn and Pluto converging in Capricorn. The timing is reflected by these combined forces being in conjunction with the early January 2019 Capricorn New Moon eclipse.

Frazey Ford's treatment of "Done" also spells end-times for the patriarchy.

Saturn came again into Capricorn at the tail end of December 2017.
These 2 planets combine forces strongly in 2019 and remain close in Capricorn for some parts of 2020.
There is definitely a power struggle aspect to these two forces being combined. Each one is most comfortable being boss and so in your resolution of these planets in the areas of relevance, you are likely to meet some opposing force that seeks to block or delay your process. This blocking force could come from within you or from an external source.

In the world of politics Brexit, The Wall and the Federal Shutdown are all classic examples of high stakes power struggles between opposing forces.

See links below for the global aspects of these two planets in Capricorn.

The following information is related to individual personal development in 2019

Not many people will call Saturn or Pluto their friend or favourite planets - but we are all best advised and clearly forewarned to cosy up to both of these forces and say Yes to the processes that will unfold for all of us and have significant impact on all of us. There is truly nowhere to hide when these two come to town - but they will work with you and for you if you commit to working with them.

Each of us has two areas of life that will resonate strongly like tuning forks to the profound need for rebuilding and regenerating. Capricorn is a slow-paced sign -treat this period as careful steady progress with periods of delay, blockage and frustration. 

  • If you have a personal chart based on your birth-time you will look at where Capricorn is placed -specifically the range from 11-23 degrees for 2019.
  • If you know your zodiac/sun sign you can identify the other significant area for this process
  • The 2 planets together in Capricorn ask you to enter a new phase of adulthood or maturity -no matter what your chronological age. First you may need to find out what adult and mature actually mean. You will also be pushed to adopt practices of self-management -not relying on others or society at large to set the rules and limits for you. Capricorn is a sign very suited to solitude. This space in which to reflect will prove to be very beneficial as you tackle the challenges set for you. Great courage is being demanded as you face having to firstly dissemble, destroy, lose or abandon what you have built, acquired or a lifestyle you have clung to for a long time before the replacement can be put in place. What begins in 2019 will be extended into 2020
For Aries it is about career goals or ambitions. For those functioning more spiritually it is about vocation or calling 
For Taurus it is about expansion and exploration -mind/body/soul - and can involve travel, formal study,  professional sport
For Gemini it is about death and transformation which are both very related to Saturn and Pluto. Maturing, finding a deeper state of empowerment, developing advanced metaphysical abilities based on working with energies
For Cancer it involves powerful shifts in relating to others, being able to function in relationships.
For Leo the challenges involve routine work commitments as well as health conditions related to diet, nutrition, digestion as well as structural skeletal and bone. Skin and teeth are also related to Saturn.
For Virgo it involves the ability to love and to create. A mature phase is on offer in these areas as well as regarding children
For Libra the past has to be dealt with - family especially - roots, origins, ancestry - and how to deal with family challenges with a new level of maturity. The influence of Father will be very relevant for many. Home and its responsibilities and commitments are a major area of focus
For Scorpio the way your mind has functioned and your way of communicating are both up for a major makeover. You are pressured to go deeper, be more serious and insightful as well as recognising the need to have a more mature outlook, meeting your responsibilities or being a source of knowledge when it comes to communicating. This could involve becoming an educator or having a word-related career
For Sagittarius it really is time to face the responsibilities of income and assets. Either make plans to manage these better or abandon the material world as much as you practically can. Looking after your body is a big requirement -recognising limits - or the big defects will start to arise in the skeletal system in particular.
For Capricorn -you get potentially the best [or least aggravating] deal - you should know lots of ways in which you are already quite typical of your zodiac sign -but wait - there's more: clearly all the Capricorns in the world have to do more work -and this may not be defined so much as employment - but work on yourself -self management - since you are already a talented boss or manager you can now direct those skills at that face in the mirror. Maybe you have been too Capricorn - too restricted, repressed, too conservative or conventional, too stingy, too negative, too cautious: now's time to look at Capricorn at it's best - being a guiding, mentoring parental type person, happy to support and nurture others and to contribute to a benevolent society where government has those same ideals underlying policy. The basic guide for your sign is: whatever version of Capricorn you have been is set to be upgraded to an advanced version fully ready to become the sort of role model that all human societies need to function well. Teeth, skin and bones may all break down under the pressure.
For Aquarius the commitments and responsibilities you now have involve personal isolation. At best this involves self-selected retreat and solitude - a necessary retreat from the world in order to gain new insights and growthful qualities. The other common isolation environments are more challenging: hospitalisation, imprisonment or being kidnapped. It is far better you go willingly rather than attract an enforced period away from the everyday world. Look at whether your unconventional or rebellious ways have let you get into difficulties with authorities or the system 
For Pisces big things will be happening in friendship relationships. Longstanding connections may have to be annihilated in order for new qualities of friendship to be developed or current friendships restructured if they have started to crumble. Other arenas for this activity are in group/community/networks - including digital/social media housekeeping where friends may need to be let go off and some culling of alliances by unfollowing. Overall a transformed notion of friendship should evolve & you will know better how to function as a friend due to understanding the role, responsibilities and commitments.

The other very significant influences in 2019 include:

  • The shift of planet Uranus into Taurus for a 7 year period from week 2 of March 2019
  • The combination of Jupiter and Neptune which creates another set of blended forces - evident in extreme environmental effects [such as intensified rainfall and flooding] and excesses in human behaviour [substance addictions, lack of self control] 
Watch 2019 periods of strong Jupiter-Neptune activations: weeks 3 and 4 in January; the Full Moon period, end of March; around June 10th and the 3rd week of June; week 2 and week 4 of September; week 4 of November

Also on this blog:
for further major planetary influences in 2019 read Astrology of 2019 global forecast and 2019 Zodiac in a nutshell

Saturday, 5 January 2019

2019 Zodiac Astrology in a nutshell

The astrological signs are usefully sorted into groupings that have matching types of expression and this method helps to show what similar themes apply in 2019 for related signs
If you want a global perspective on 2019 a detailed forecast is posted on this site

In this forecast the zodiac Sun Signs are presented in their groups CARDINAL FIXED and MUTABLE
 and their shared group themes are revealed

The Cardinal group is Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn
In 2019 all these signs are unusual in that they are all dealing significantly with cardinal issues. Cardinal issues are those that involve:
  •  working on your personal style of self expression or personality
  • improving how you function in relating to others especially private relationships
  • dealing with career issues, matters of true calling or vocation
  • focussing on family, roots, the meaning and function of home
All of these are on the table for cardinal signs in 2019 -for many this is a continuation lasting several years. All that differs is the degree of emphasis of the cardinal themes and where additional influences - Jupiter, Uranus Neptune and Pluto - play out:

  • Aries is likely to be pulled towards living, studying or travelling overseas with an emphasis on seeking retreat. Money/income changes/unstable. A lot of personal change needed. Partnerships have less of a focus. Habits and expectations around survival needs undergo major change.
  • Libra has a home and family/parenting focus. Personal and partnership needs hard to cater for. Resources/assets undergo unexpected changes. Health is weakened. Digestion especially weak/sensitive. Service work or volunteering is a positive expression. Contact with foreign language - perhaps a new study. Habits and expectations around survival needs undergo major change.
  • Cancer has an emphasis on the challenges in partnerships & these can cause issues re home/location and career. Friendships affected by change -new beginning, some ending. Spiritual study or travel, better healthcare and nutrition are all beneficial. Habits and expectations around survival needs undergo major change.
  • Capricorn is required to do a lot of personal growth regarding self expression, self management -switching away from controlling others to controlling self. Less energy for home, family, career. Personal retreats/going within and reading spiritual self help are all beneficial. Relationships with children, lovers are changeable. Try to find a new creative outlet. Habits and expectations around survival needs undergo major change.

The Fixed group is Taurus Scorpio Leo Aquarius
In 2019 all these signs are dealing significantly with mutable issues. In addition points are made regarding  where other important influences - Jupiter, Uranus Neptune and Pluto - play out:

Mutable issues are change/adaptation/movement conditions that involve:
  • the mind - how it functions and grows, thought patterns, ideas, beliefs, mental patterns
With a strong mutable effect the fixed [stubborn, rigid, obsessive] signs are being pressured to become more easy going, tolerant, educated, lateral, laid-back, accepting, forgiving through making changes to their conscious and subconscious ways of thinking.

  • Taurus has a strong emphasis on mind expansion drawn from overseas experiences or with other nationalities at home or the energy can be used through higher education/spiritual studies. Demands of work and health may conflict with these goals. A change of personality is on offer to shift you from old attachments and values.  Habits, behaviours and expectations around relating in general undergo major change. Becoming a community volunteer and finding greater empowerment from esoteric explorations and sexual intimacy are all beneficial options.
  • Scorpio is mostly asked to transform through you  altering your everyday communication style -making sure any overbearing, domineering and controlling traits are corrected . If obsessive, vengeful and destructive thinking takes hold help should be sought as it truly is time to continue the process of making your mind more healthy. Try to channel mental energy into reading, writing and education. Work and health are areas of challenge during 2019. Relationships are set to be unconventional and or unstable. Financially a good year. Romantic energy may best be put on hold and be used in an imaginative creative outlet. A compassionate role with children is a beneficial option. Habits, behaviours and expectations around relating in general undergo major change
  • Leo has a strong continued emphasis on service types of employment and health matters. This issue could conflict with any travel plans and educational options. Changes are sustained in the career sector -new goals or discovery of a true calling. Involvement in charity or philanthropy is beneficial. Romance, creativity and children are focus areas all offering potential growth and positivity. Habits, behaviours and expectations around relating in general undergo major change.
  • Aquarius is best focussed on retreating from the world -whether by choice or through forced circumstances such as health. Changes in the home and or family circumstances are indicated. Travel with friends or to be in a group is very beneficial for learning and growth. Money and assets can be much less significant as part of this withdrawal towards a greater spiritual emphasis. Habits, behaviours and expectations around relating in general undergo major change.

The Mutable group is Gemini Sagittarius Virgo Pisces
In 2019 all these signs are dealing significantly with Fixed issues. In addition points are made regarding  where other important influences - Jupiter, Uranus Neptune and Pluto - play out.
Fixed issues are those that involve:
  • survival: this will be faced in the context of any or many of the following aspects of daily life - financial position, income, assets, resources, personal power/self empowerment, charisma/attractiveness, love and attention, feeling of being supported through networks of friends or contacts or community in general

  • Gemini - changes regarding resources previously shared with others or gained through others can become a factor propelling you towards the responsibility for accumulating greater personal resources. Personal empowerment or charisma needs to be developed now. Fixed ideas around love and attention need to be revised. You are on the path towards making meaningful spiritual contributions to the world at large. Changes in the subconscious clear away obstructions. Best growth area in 2019 is through partnerships and an overseas factor could be in that mix. Issues around love and friendship are being resolved in order to reap the relating benefits.
  • Virgo will develop most in areas involving areas of creative expression such as love affairs, children and the arts. A big emphasis on overseas is noted  -coming either through travel, study, home relocation. Beneficial energies also relate to expanding the home or family and through having a spiritual [not boozy or druggy] partnership -such as a teacher-student interchange. Fixed mental patterns involving control, power, jealousy, revenge need to be revised.
  • Sagittarius has a big focus on material and financial assets and how to manage and transform them. Living by water or in a spiritual environment is beneficial. A very positive year of freedom adventure, success and personal growth. Changes in health and health routines, nutrition/diet are all worth exploring. Routine work situations also subject to change. Fixed beliefs involving freedom  and independence need to be revised.
  • Pisces has a big focus on friendships, networks, communities, expanded contacts. Personal expression continues to move towards more spiritual compassionate responses to the world in general. Fixed mental patterns are subject to significant change. Career or true calling is very positively linked to overseas or people of other nationalities


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...