Sunday, 5 June 2011

Global Weather Anomalies - now the norm?

By now, mid year 2011, it is probably not possible to find a place on our planet where standard weather and climate models hold to their expected forecasting. The computer modelling now has to be rewritten.

For whatever reason, The Northern hemisphere appears to be more prone to the worst extremes, but the southern hemisphere definitely isn't spared. The anomalies are such that within one nation, one zone is warmer or wetter and another cooler or drier, or any other mix. Australia and New Zealand overall were cooler in April, this continued in Australia in May, but New Zealand May has been a record beater for temperatures. A new local private weather forecaster WeatherWatchNZ ( which specialises in Auckland forecasting) has twice told us in recent weeks that the warm is over and winter temps are about to begin. This tweet from today says otherwise:

WeatherWatchNZ is trying to outdo the performance of the government forecaster MetService, claiming to have more accuracy, yet a close watch actually shows that they do not necessarily have the market cornered. The situation requires a complete rethink and the nature of the unfolding complexities and anomalies means reliable weather prediction will be increasingly more difficult.

Whether you believe than human induced change is the cause, or whether we are witnessing the return of long cycle patterns from the distant past - terrestrial in origin, or connected to other solar system factors ( the role of the sun; the impact of other planetary behaviour within our solar system - the situation emerging clearly is one of rapidly escalating conditions, which differ markedly from what we know as "normal".

Even the non-professional citizen is capable of discerning different patterns in local conditions. For all our lives till now we have understood that markers of each of the 4 seasons. Now that clarity and distinction is blurred and confused for us, for the plants, for animals.

Here are a few links that indicate the anomalies that may be the building blocks of our new global norm:

Recent UK weather data -features map, data, anomalies in temp & rainfall, "blocking patterns", plus news page with update on record dry.

US Climate studies data

Climate change anomalies summary  A news item online from the Philippines

The NOAA Global Summary April 2011       maps & data, in depth
The warmest anomalies occurred over most of the southern United States and northern Mexico, much of central South America, Europe, northwestern Africa, and most of Russia. Cooler-than-average conditions prevailed across most of Alaska, western Canada, the northwestern United States, southwestern Greenland, and most of Australia.
The drought in China

Peat Bog Fires in Russia

American tornado season 2011

The continual flooding in Indonesia

Queensland-Victoria floods, Australia

update June 10

Snow decline in US 

UK Drought


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