Sunday, 26 June 2011

The July 2011 Solar Eclipse in Cancer

             Please read all updates at the end as most posts get further links or information added after posting

This is a partial eclipse occuring 1st of July 2011 - chart link

To go back in time, we had solar eclipses around this point in the following years in recent decades: 2000, 1992, 1973 -so some of the themes you may recall in your personal life or can research historically around mid to late year are likely to arise again in 2011.

On each occasion the sun and moon are in a similar position. In 2011 it is 9 degrees 12 minutes of Cancer, but otherwise, the remaining planetary positions interacting with the eclipse are unlikely to be replicated.

The central themes around Cancer stem from the parenting impulse to guide, nurture and protect. Primarily this is the female mothering principle, so women, mothers and their parenting behaviours are all involved.
A primary nurturing task is to find shelter for your young, so dwellings of all kinds are a Cancer concept. ( Capricorn is the male parenting principle)

The standout issue in the 2011 chart is the position of Saturn in Libra, being at right angles, a 90 degree stress to the sun and moon, literally obstructing, blocking, stressing, delaying and causing all manner of potential difficulties around any or many of the issues listed in the paragraph above.
In addition, since this is not a full and final list, it can be said that literally the planet Saturn is having an interfering effect on the earth's Moon and our solar system star, the Sun. ( reports: QUIET SUN: June is going to end on a quiet note. Solar activity is very low with only a few small scattered sunspots posing no threat for strong flares. 
All energies are complex and hold the potential for multiple expressions, based on the themes that cluster around, or resonate with that energy. For example you could probably compose a page full of keywords for the energies that correspond with Saturn. Here is a sample of a few Saturn keywords.

On a personal level, for everyone, the area of the body connected to the sign Cancer is the stomach, our primary digestive system as well as the breasts. ( for much more indepth refer to Eileen Nauman re Medical Astrology) Saturn is likely to create issues in these bodily areas for those with vulnerability there. Astrological Cancer relates to the word for Crab in Latin. Why this same word is used for the disease cancer is interesting - especially as the zodiac Cancer and its opposite sign Capricorn relate to  many of the key areas where the disease is found.

Christchurch NZ people have already begun to experience as of the Winter Solstice ingress into Cancer, further issues about their homes after a government decision to buy up around 5,000 quake damaged properties, ruined in one or more of the major quakes which began Sept 4 2010.
With several major planets in the Cardinal signs ( the seasonal marker signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer Capricorn) we are in a long-term phase of challenging issues related to all 4 of these signs, but for the moment Cancer is particularly under the spotlight aggravated by the changes to Capricorn structures, both of the physical earth and man-made)

For further detail relating to longer term implications please refer to recent blog on problems related to Saturn, which has an impact on all 3 mid-year eclipses in 2011.
For some the issues will be emotional - sadness, grief, sense of loss and separation. Others will feel frustration, being blocked, trapped or delayed by the "system" or process. All these issues relate to Saturn, bringing about through challenging circumstances, a re-structuring of people's lives, particularly their relationships and connections to others as well as their relationship to money, possessions and material things. What is true, real and important is likely to emerge after what seems like unsurmountable difficulty.

An eclipse is not a momentary event. It builds before exactitude and spreads long afterwards till the next cycle, some 6 months later, just as a wave crashing on a shore and spreading up the beach has built long before the wave forms its arching peak.


Also of interest are the 2 big issues related to women which have arisen in NZ in the past week: women's productivity criticised and said to relate to menstrual & mothering issues leading to time off work. These keywords are all related to the lunar energies of Cancer. Secondly, the "Slutwalk" movement aims to defend women's right to dress according to personal choice, in the face of criticism that their appearance provokes rape. This is another female issue where gender related behaviour is taken to be a deficit, a problem for the (male preferential) system or the prevailing (male dominated) power base. Expect more to come along these sorts of themes.

Update June 28

With insurance and re-insurance in the news in NZ re Christchurch quake, this issue is very connected to the Cancer and Saturn energies of this eclipse. With Saturn in Libra, financial protection comes to the fore. Read my recent post on Insurance issues.
Libra also is concerned with partnerships, relationships, marriage and Saturn's influence brings responsibilities and commitments to the fore. This will  bring strain to those not ready for the burdens and will solidify those who are ready. Both men and women will be subject to this influence

Update June 29
Equal pay - in terms of gender equality -surprise, surprise - is back on the agenda in NZ

In addition there was a Global Women conference in Auckland on June 28 and news of doctors in India practicing gender re-assignment on girls

Update 30 June
Here's a useful interpretation on this eclipse cycle written by Bernadette Brady. It will appeal to those studying eclipses, as well as those wanting some analysis in simple terms.

Updates July 2
Pay equity for women is set to be a big issue in NZ following on from the Alasdair Thompson story. ( NZ Herald front page story today)
Astrological analysis is based on interpretation of patterns. This then amounts to rather subjective opinions regarding the important features and how they synthesise into observable effects. Each interpretor picks up things in their own way based on their own prior experience and the aspects of life eg personal, political, economic, environmental, etc, which interest them the most, so it pays to read a range of analyses to see who is picking up on things in the way you experience them. Here are more examples re events in July,
 the Cancer eclipse and the New Moon Report

If you prefer video analysis of the mid-year eclipse events watch these recent interpretations compiled in today's post.

Update July 4 

See how Richard Nolle sums up the July 1 eclipse

TVNZ showed on its Sunday programme July 3, two sides of suffering experienced by youth in our current world - the growing practice of carrying and using knives, for "self protection" and in low level altercations, leading in some instances to serious and fatal injury. This is not just a NZ problem. The other story showed emotionally damaged youths from violent, abusive or deprived family situations, where love and hugs were virtually unknown.
Both examples highlight the breakdown of the family unit which must be restored if we are to avoid a massive social breakdown involving increasing numbers of angry, violent youths, fulled by drugs and alcohol. The problem is already beyond bad in places in NZ, Australia, UK. We are witnessing the cumulative effects of 2 generations of unloved, unparented children, left to fend for themselves while parents do their own thing. Driven by materialistic desires, people have overlooked what matters most: the simple act of being a proper parent. These issues are Cancer-Capricorn and are highlighted not only by the July eclipse, but also by other planetary influence over the longer term ahead. We have to go back to basics to sort out our world and the home environment is one of those bottom lines.

Some people may wonder whether all the predicted global effects affect everyone equally and the answer is clearly NO.
Each person has their own vibrational imprint -we call it your birth chart or horoscope, meaning the template of the universal energy as it was, at the time and location of your birth. The co-ordinates in time and place are like a marker point on a grid and through astrology we can determine what your resonance patterns are ( how energy expresses through you, what it's characteristics are - your personality, preferences, behaviours, even your appearance and much more)
So when an energy pattern exists in the universe it will correspond most strongly with the people, places, things, animals which share the same or very similar characteristics - so it is a vibrational matching. Musicians will understand the tuning fork analogy.

So yes even your own country, city, suburb and personal dwelling have a vibrational resonance and in mass events like the Christchurch earthquakes ALL people in the location share a degree of shared vibrational similarity with the actual quake events. Those who live their but had miraculous good fortune in terms of limited impact, damage, upheaval or loss, would have an offsetting energy that significantly mitigates or over-rides the impact of the destructive force.

A recent tragic example in Auckland involved a woman, mother of a family (Cancer) tragically killed by rock-fall (Saturn). This event on July 2 clearly reflects the potentials in the July eclipse chart. The victim's energy clearly resonated powerfully with the difficult eclipse.

The discovery of a premature newborn in a rural stream, south Auckland involves problematic (Saturn) mother-child (Moon/Cancer) issues.

To further understand the workings of Saturn, both positive and negative as well as more neutrally see this keywords document


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...