Sunday, 5 June 2011

Watching Chile eruption & seismicity: 1960 was M9.5 plus Pacific tsunami

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Recent quake data from USGS from June 1-June 4 2011

June 3 2011
An explosion in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex sent plumes of smoke more than six miles into the air, the state emergency office said. The location (40° 35′ 25″ S72° 7′ 2″ W) is a well known volcanic hot spot and is now on maximum, level 4 alert. This area erupted in 1960 following the massive M9.5 Valdivia earthquake.

The M9.5 is the largest in recorded quake history on our planet, (though prior events in past millennia are likely to have been greater). This means the local area was majorly disturbed on every level, but so too in terms of tsunami records, affecting an extensive ocean zone, westwards, north and south in the Pacific. Details of this in the prior link. From this massive 1960 quake event we can conclude that the whole of planet earth was affected. Tsunami map plus pix

Here is the astro chart. Note that references day 19.11 UTC on May 22 1960, which should convert to a 4 hour reduction for local time = 15.11 (3.11pm) but Wikipedia and others give 14.11 (2.11pm locally which could be a conversion error. The chart is done for 3.11pm with notable tight angles ( exact being within a degree in most cases) Mars in Aries hugging the descendant and Jupiter on the IC, Sun exact square Chiron in Pisces; Jupiter exact sextile to Chiron; Pluto tight in opposition to Chiron; Neptune exact semisextile ASC, Venus, ruler of ASC exact sequiqudrate ASC, Mars exact semisquare Venus)

So all the big players you would expect are there: Pluto for the transformational change; Uranus for earthquake events; Saturn for the deformed land; Chiron the afflicted psyche's woundedness; Neptune and the Chiron links all reflecting the tsunami; Mars in Aries the intense heat (earth anger); Venus in earth sign Taurus, tightly linked to the nodes and the Moon (mid-heaven ruler and timing factor) slotting into place to link several factors together. In fact the whole chart is tightly knit, with all energies on deck to play a part in this massive event. You will not find one element in the chart shown that is left out of the pattern and more could be found looking at midpoints or other chart elements beyond the basics.

Using the pre-eclipse method discussed in prior posts about prediction, this event shows the forewarning partial solar eclipse of March 27 1960 was spot on, being 6Aries39. Mars reached that degree on May 20 1960 and began the build-up to the main quake ( which was preceded by huge foreshocks on May 21) The March 13 total lunar eclipse degree 22Virgo47 was mirrored in the early weeks of May as the subterranean quake development was in progress. Massive events do not spring from a single instantaneous activity and the planetary build up shows the connections that unleash energy which cascades into chaos.

Update June 6

Here's a site devoted to global Volcano News since we are looking to be in an enhanced volcanic activity phase (Aries and dominant Cardinal activity being precursor energies) The Iceland events, Java, Hawaii and now Chile are all occurring in quick succession. This bigger picture is what the mainstream news fails to present, but the isolationist view is no longer an adequate model for viewing the world and our place in the universe. You will discover traditionally trained geoscientists who are prepared to discuss connections between distant events, but the conservative view is that the earth is made up of isolated bits and pieces that bear no relationship to each other. Which is like a medic telling you that the gout in your big toe is not a sign of a systemic problem.

Update June 7
More eruption headlines for Chile but no further seismic events on USGS
Update June 8
Airline disruption kicks in as ash spreads

Update June 11
Ash cloud may affect air flights in NZ and Australia

Update June 13
A status report of the volcanic eruption in Chile: Puyehue Cordon Caulle update

NOTE that this event has emerged in the period between 2 of the 3 mid-year eclipses in 2011. ( partial solar eclipse June 1st, total lunar eclipse June 15th UTC). With the emphasis on the energies of Gemini-Sagittarius impacts on movement and travel are emphasised. The planet Saturn's role in the eclipse charts indicates a significant disruptive effect.

Update June 24
A second cycle of ash from Chile has been impacting Australia-NZ airspace and further interruption is anticipated. Read my other post on Problems re Saturn to understand this in greater depth


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