Monday, 13 June 2011

Problems Problems -the Saturn factor in 2011

Scroll to the end for important updates

The 3 mid year eclipses from June 1-July 1 2011 involve 3 main signs - Gemini, Sagittarius and Cancer.

Gemini is about movement and communication. It encompasses the transfer of information  - so verbal, written and telecommunications are in the mix. Movement also involves covering distance and Gemini's territory is local -the places you can walk, cycle or drive to. On the other hand it's related sign, by polarity resonance, is Sagittarius -and this sign corresponds to an expanded territory both in information and movement  -so it covers broadcasting, publishing and in current terms global mass communications. Because of the larger territory involved, SAG relates to movement over large distances, international travel.

Conversely Cancer is connected to all things domestic, both on a collective, national level, things that affect the general public and on a personal level the individual homes and families that populate a nation. Women and mothers, being historically closely linked to all things domestic, carry a strong connection to the Cancer themes, due to the over-riding resonance with the influence of the Moon and lunar cycles. (see Update June 25)

The interesting link between all 3 midyear eclipses ( noting also that the norm is only 2 eclipses in a set but there is an irregular cycle of triples midyear - solar pairs occurred every 18 years last century but the current pattern is 2000, 2011, 2018 - and lunar eclipse midyear pairs which can have a 7 year pattern are currently 2002, 2009, 2016, 2020) is the role played by Saturn, impacting significantly on the areas and their related objects/activities/functions, listed in the two paragraphs above.

Saturn is in close connection to the sun and moon of the June 1 eclipse chart, but it is the position opposite Uranus and both being square to Pluto, all in Cardinal signs. No chart factor operates in complete isolation because even a simple location has a link to a further energy. This destructive power trio ( read later entry, in italics, in the last section for likely effects)  links back to the eclipse sun-moon via Pluto having a midpoint to Mars at 11 Mutable -an exact square to the eclipse. Earth, water and movement all combine in a pattern that indicates flood events shifting the land and causing evacuation. ( Note that significant flooding & landslip events in China were reported in past days ) The added role of Neptune linked to Chiron is reinforcing the likelihood of ongoing flood events globally.
(update Mindaneo, Phillipinnes has been in major flood this month and an online search for "flood" in June 2011 so far, will add others in China, USA etc)

This chart drawn for Auckland NZ time eclipse event occurring June 2 2011

In the June 15 chart drawn for Universal Time  Lunar Eclipse  seen here small view:

The UK chart has the eclipse running right across the central zone with the Moon in the prominent exact ascendant position and the north node combined make this a very powerful chart for public, domestic, home, women's and family issues connected to Sagittarian areas of overseas travel, publishing, broadcasting, universities and legal issues.
The Saturn-Uranus-Pluto pattern is still in effect - Saturn and Uranus both sitting in the travel zones - local and international and Pluto in the house of birth ( indicating rebirth/transformational experiences) and Saturn takes top spot placed in the highest position in the chart. Disruption of travel is a high probability.

Jupiter is very important to all the factors in SAG and it's 4th house location affects lunar/ Cancerian issues in a Neptune-Chiron way: globally:expect homes to flood in many locations & seismic/volcanic forces evoked by Uranus in Aries are indicated by this being the midpoint of the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron energies. 

The hidden kicker is the semisquare from Saturn to Mars = a restrictive, restraining force on behaviour, particularly financial/ecomomic. Pressure to cut back from excess, indulgence, risky spending will have an impact on national and household budgets. AND see how Mars then ricochets over to the ascending complex involving Moon-Node -so Saturn will flow down via Mars to the Sagittarian themed issues.

In layperson's terms this means that overseas travel is likely to be restricted, delayed, interfered with, blocked, become troublesome and frustrating due to the slowing down influence of Saturn. ( in addition, Mars in Taurus is restricted by Saturn, while Jupiter in Taurus is linked to Neptune: this amounts to restraints placed on indulgent materialistic or financial dreams - in other words, cold hard reality says NO and caution says don't fall for scams) Read this blog too about Jupiter in 2011

So this eclipse continues the themes of difficulties re movement, travel and domestic issues as well as the other activations, the main ones having been noted.

Example 3 is the July 1 eclipse, drawn again for universal time UK  a snapshot view below

Saturn in the accountancy sign of Libra is in the money and possessions house.
It is within range of a close link to the money and possessions energy at the MC -another indicator of financial and spending restraint and the same disruptive, destructive and radically transforming energy of the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto pattern remains in progress like a freight train shunting one carriage onto the next - or the highly visual domino effect, ensuring that this template holds strongly through 2011. The basics of global human endeavour: politics, economies, business, homes and families are all caught up in this vortex and replicated by natural forces.

What give Saturn a shot of cosmic caffeine is its close 90 degrees to the eclipse pair, indicating a big (negative) financial-material impact on people's homes, families, budgets. This is a global influence extending through 2011, the personal impact varying dependant on individual vulnerability in material and personal energetic terms

Neptune and Chiron continue the flood theme in vulnerable locations. ( more localised charts needed to assess how relevant this is in any particular place)

This assessment of standout points confirms that financial & environmental events will be of widespread prominence through the remainder of 2011 and that this eclipse trio has an emphasis in the first two events that includes issues related to local and international travel being impacted 
due to problematic issues

                                       This assessment may be updated in coming days

Update June 13
Due to the quake events in Christchurch NZ today this link is to the Thursday morning lunar eclipse chart for that location. The eclipse sits right across the ascendant, virtually in a flipped, mirror image of the UK chart This chart is for 8.15 am. An hour later when Cancer is on the Ascendant, Saturn will square it from 10 Libra. This ongoing saga may have more to unfold.

Update June 16
Added clarification has been inserted in the main text for clarification of some points, to enable those with limited astrological knowledge to pick through main points of interpretation. Main points are in bold.
The ongoing Chile eruption referred to in a prior blog post has clearly manifested the impact of Saturn on travel as outlined above. Eclipse cycles extend to the next sequence, so activations for this mid-year trio can occur up till at least late November. The end of July-start of August sees a release factor for travel, both local and international.

The Christchurch chart for July 1 solar eclipse - full view
Snapshot view:

Apologies that prior links to full chart were on a quick expiry. Have removed these in favour of Google Docs version for this last example.
The chart shows ongoing difficulties besetting Christchurch with Saturn, the eclipse Sun-Moon pair at odds with each other and the AC ascendant point.
 In this pattern: impacts on relationships, homes, families and communities are extremely challenging

Update June 25
Fascinating that  Employers group chief, Alasdair Thompson is being roundly criticised for justifying unequal pay for women  in NZ due to their inherent lunar  biology and  mothering responsibilities ( all related to the Cancer eclipse building to peak on July 12 (NZ)

Also the Slutwalk movement had its public debut in NZ today -being a further example of issues related to women ( Cancer-Moon) being controlled or repressed (Saturn) by the system (Saturn), represented by older male (Saturn) authority (Saturn) figures.

Expect, globally, more issues of female oppression or discrimination by authority figures to arise during the eclipse phase period which has started and extends to late 2011.

Saturn's interruptive, delaying, blocking and frustrating capacity is clearly at work in the southern hemisphere due to the volcanic ash cloud  impacting upon international travel.  A second phase is in progress now  reported in NZ and in Argentina. Search SERNAGEOMIN and select a translated report for updates on the Puyehue volcanic situation.
The complex of planets locked in a pattern of Cardinal signs during 2011, carries the signature for pronounced seismic, volcanic and environmental events

Update July 4

Saturn keywords -access this table of keywords to assist you to have a fuller understanding of how Saturn is operating for you.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...