Friday, 17 June 2011

The Nature of Reality in a Transforming World

...there is a significant probability that you are living in computer simulation. I mean this literally: if the simulation hypothesis is true, you exist in a virtual reality simulated in a computer built by some advanced civilization
Prof Nick Bostrom in response to the 1999 movie The Matrix

Oxford University Professor of Philosophy, Nick Bostrom wrote an academic paper several years ago titled       The Simulation Argument: Why the Probability that You Are Living in a Matrix is Quite High

These are not the thoughts of a wacky computer gamer, but those of an academic philosopher - and Bostrom is not the only deep thinker to propose wildly alternate visions of reality. Buddhist philosophy has propositions which match the nonsensical world of quantum mechanics and Lewis Carroll, the mathematically minded writer, constructed a Wonderland which people find entertaining, even if they fail to get the quantum reality references.

Anyway, back to the present - and you'd be forgiven if you started to wonder how to explain the world under present conditions. It's as if the paradigm has changed on many levels, because even though there is much, if not most things, happening in the world that has precedent, the increasing use of the descriptor unprecedented is also noted. So the metaphor of a computer programme, or even the serious consideration of it, as Prof Bostrom has done, as a means of comprehending reality, is highly intriguing.

Carl Jung had an interesting take on explaining seemingly unconnected events, with the notion of synchronicity
It was a principle that Jung felt gave conclusive evidence for his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlies the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. source Wikipedia

What Jung may have omitted in this definition is the inclusion of the natural world and all sentient beings -animal, vegetable, mineral - as being part of the collective unconscious. Perhaps that broadened notion was too radical in the 1920's.

When you get seemingly richochet events which occur in a particular time frame, the temptation exists to wonder about underlying links.

Iceland Volcano Ash 2010 and 2011. Chile volcano ash 2011 -repeats in June 2011. Eritrea volcano ash 2011
February 22, 2011 Christchurch Quake attended by Japanese Recovery Teams followed by Japan Quake & Tsunami on March 11 2011

The repetitive events in Christchurch which some call Groundhog Day have seen major quake events on 3 days which resolve to the number 4: Sept 4, Feb 22, June 13. People now have faced three times the task of clearing deep piles of grey silt from their homes and gardens, caused by soil liquefaction. It's like a buggy programme which keeps defaulting to a particularly offensive setting.

The collective consciousness is equally capable of creating situations that resemble faulty software applications or computer systems which keep crashing  so whether it is Us on earth or Them out there, things are in transition, in a very insistent manner.

Update July 4 2011
This post also links to the recently posted item about the holographic mind
Update August 2 2011


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