This link will take you to the full view chart for the time the Sun reaches the major winter marker in 2011, specifically for Christchurch New Zealand, the winter solstice when the sun is at its furtherest north position in relationship to the earth and appears to stand still before resuming its journey south, over the equator in September to reach its maximum south position in December, our summer solstice in southern lands.
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Christchurch Solstice Chart Weds June 22 2011 |
Homes, possessions, money and all earthly material things are highly emphasised for this Christchurch specific chart.
Taurus - money, possessions, and literally the earth we walk on, security - is the rising sign at the AC point.
The Sun and Mercury reinforce this by being in the sector related to Taurus -the second house on the chart wheel.
The Sun and Mercury are in the sign most connected to homes and families - Cancer
The Moon which is the planetary force related to Cancer, is in the significant, most elevated position, exactly at the MC point. The sign placement in Pisces reflects a dissolving, dematerializing influence since Pisces relates to water and more spiritual perspectives - in contrast to the materialistic perspective of Taurus.
So firstly the areas of focus are identified as well as the contradictory forces - material/non-material, mundane/spiritual, holding on/letting go.
As in a prior post on the influence of Saturn, this chart perpetuates the indications of difficulties, challenges, separation, loss, endings of connections and relationships which are shown in the eclipse charts for midyear 2011.
In this chart which lays out the road ahead for several months, Saturn is shown to be in exact aspect to the Taurus AC point. It is in exact aspect to Mercury - the indicator of thoughts, discussion, ideas and information related to (here in Cancer) homes and families. Serious, difficult, frustrating, negative even depressing themes are on the agenda. Saturn too is in exact aspect to the Moon-MC point - again homes families emphasised in respect of difficulties, worries and stresses facing people.
In addition, Saturn and Mercury join Pluto and Uranus in the year's major pattern indicating massive upheaval and change. In all four signs related to the seasonal markers this is called a Cardinal Square and as such indicates more significant environmental disturbance to come.
People will manifest the sort of implosions and explosions, subsidences and collapses seen on the eternal physical level of street and landscapes as the pending news from government sinks in.
(As the timing for the government release of information - believed to be incomplete still by June 23 - is in the energy field of this solstice pattern, the information released related to Christchurch will reflect the sobering themes outlined here.)
This is a brief analysis but the standout points are, to borrow a phrase "blindingly obvious" not only in the chart's depiction of energy interactions, but also that the government announcement by Key and Brownlee, on June 23 will reflect the heart-breaking news this chart indicates. It is unlikely that the full picture is already known due to the likelihood of more quake-induced damage unfolding this year. ( Brownlee got stuck in a lift today - a symbolic rendering of one of the myriad Saturn-Mercury effects: transport malfunction, a block in the flow of energy)
The forces this year are particularly strong in respect of challenging people's attachments to their physical reality. This will clearly stretch many to the maximum because of the threat to personal, home and family security. Other more adaptable people will be capable of letting go, valuing their peace of mind and quality of life in preference to the stuff they own. These events push people to work out their true values and that could lead them to a simpler existence based on owning less. Ultimately that position reflects the collective shift we are facing globally re financial meltdowns, forcing re-adjustments in people's materialistic ambitions. The new cycle has begun.
Update June 24 2011
Further Reading:
Also read recent post Problems: Saturn factor to understand the implications of the larger pattern in charge globally from mid-year to late 2011.
Any of the charts referred to that are created for Christchurch also contain significant elements that apply globally because we are effectively all in this together: we are all connected.
Reading the news reports out of Christchurch following the decision released re colour-coded suburbs, the turmoil continues for people, reflecting the over-riding influence of Saturn energies whose keywords are expressed by people who feel "trapped", "sad", "insecure", facing an uncertain future, dislocated from their familiar and well-loved environments.
Update June 25
The text has been edited to place major points in bold font, to assist casual readers with little background in astrological analysis.