Sunday, 31 July 2011

July 30 New Moon 2011 - astro analysis

It's a New Moon in Leo exact at 7LEO16 at 6.41 am NZ time on July 31st 2011.
The Auckland chart gives 24CAN12 ASC & 15TAU32 MC.

In Auckland NZ, its a first house Leo New Moon, with various interactions - emphasising self interest, self indulgence vs humanitarianism and generosity, survivalism vs compassion, cold heartedness versus warm fuzzies .

Many of these aspects wilbe global, giving people tests to see which direction they are chossing during the month of influence -August -when situations or issues will arise giving people opportunity to reflect upon what sort of relationship they have to others.

Pluto and Jupiter both in earth (material, money) signs means issues around finance, the economy, what you own or want to have, will be hi profile issues. not surprising the American debt crisis is right on the agenda as this New Moon has been developing.
Interesting too that this is hovering around Obama's birthday -August 4, embroiling his energies with the spirit of the times: conflict and challenges over money management

Jupiter in Taurus is an indulgent, hedonistic, pleasure principle type of energy, but of course it is not isolated and any connections it has to other energies, serve to modify that expression. Pluto links to Jupiter bringing the reform of institutions -since bedrock systemic change is really what is required, and what will unfold due to Pluto's continued link to revolutionary Uranus, extending over the next 5 years
Saturn in Libra -the indicator of the need for rebalancing the system does not figure in the NZ New Moon chart as a strong significator during August, but is likely to in nations more in the balance right now.
                             Image courtesy COSMOS  SOA Encyclopedia of Astronomy

Looking at the planets in a more astronomical perspective, a New Moon requires that the Moon is travelling in the space between the sun and earth. Hence a direct line, or alignment occurs while the earth views the seeding moon, dark, unilluminated on the earth-facing side.
This Moon being in Leo is geometrically close to 90 degrees from the current position of Jupiter in Taurus. A right angle(square) is a stressor angle, bringing strong activation. This time it is Earth energy at odds with Fire. Add in Pluto in Earth (Capricorn), also at odds with the fire New Moon and Uranus in fire (Aries) energising the whole mix and it seems likely that seismic/volcanic activity will be significant in vulnerable, resonating zones around the New Moon and during August, since these natural events are the consequence of fire/earth activity triggered by stressor forces. Many consider sun-moon gravitational forces to be very important, but they alone do not account for all major earth events.
Watch though the coming Moon on the equator, heading South on August 2, coinciding with its perigee position in respect of Earth. ( I had a dream premonition about a week ago re August 2 as a significant Pacific tsunami date)
These lunar positioning factors are also considered as triggers.

Other factors can contribute before as early precursors ( even months before) and event triggers.These "other factors" are numerous including several other planets, -hence the difficulty in consistent prediction. No one has yet perfectly cracked it. Refer to several of my prior blog posts. on these subjects and look at space weather -the powerful magnetically charged transmissions from the sun which can cause considerable earth turbulence.
On You Tube, thebarcaroller forecasts using space data and UK astrophysicist Piers Corbyn uses similar data in written forecasts
check back for updates:
Note: recent significant (M6+) seismic events clustering around this New Moon (26 July-August 4)
Fiji                   M6.7   July 29    Universal Time (UTC)
Japan              M6.4   July 30
Vanuatu          M6.2   July 31
North PNG      M6.8   July 31
Japan             M6.2    Aug 1

Visit the excellent interactive online solar system programme with user controls for full screen viewing in realtime - here
 Plus, a lot of solar monitoring data in one site 

Update August 2
See also prior post on the recent New Moon

Saturday, 30 July 2011

NASA Sunspot Predictions - from Maximum to Minimum

If the Sun had ramped up it's magnetic energy from 2007 and was on target to reach dizzying heights in sunspot numbers by 2012, we could expect to get nervous about the sorts of impacts forewarned in You Tube videos on Solar Storm Warnings, coinciding with 2012.
Instead the Sun confused NASA scientists and failed to kick into Cycle 24 until 2009. Since then, the results have been far from spectacular, leaving many to switch forecasts from Maximum to Minimum.
Many online reports say NASA issued a 2010 warning re flares and a huge space storm whilst also declaring a Deep Solar Minimum and the two conditions are not mutually exclusive. A recent NASA news release (June 2011) still talks of such a storm, which is possible even in a below-average sunspot cycle - since one happened before (1859 Carrington Event). As for confirming a date. No such luck in this uncertain area of science.
Also,if we do observe very low sunspot levels in 2012-2014, seen in the last similar era the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1715, very cold winters could be the result.
Read how NASA has made a series of predictions for Solar Cycle 24 - here
The following History Channel video discusses a coming solar storm and reiterates NASA's original forecast for a possible 2012 event ( which now seems too early)  It is shown here for educational purposes.

Update August 2 2011
Solar data to die for the Solar Terrestrial Activity Report in depth with great graphics
Sunspots 1261 and 1263 are expected to harbour X-class flares
James Marusek Impact website -a nuclear physicist worth listening to re solar activity:
 "the sun has entered a changed state" he says.
At length he describes the systemic breakdown that will occur if a major geomagnetic storm knocked out power grids for an extended period

Update April 26 2012 
Read also post on Solar Cycle 24 is Odd

Friday, 29 July 2011

Picking up Dog Poop with Sigourney Weaver

                                                  Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

 Sigourney and I had engaged in an enjoyable conversation at the gathering we were both attending. It was a film industry event held in New Zealand, in a location away from the city.
We found ourselves on a sloping hillside amongst thick mounded rows of freshly cut green grass. Suddenly, Sigourney let out an anguished cry, as befits one with such impeccable skills. In her bare feet, she had stood on dog poop, as I discovered when I rushed over to her assistance. The droppings looked suspiciously like those of my own dog, Pablo - small, thin and moist, caramel-coloured, in a little heap. So many times I had collected up deposits like this.
Of course, I had plastic bags available, but the enormous heaps of grass served well to scoop up the poop and clear it away beyond a rocky border. Whew!
That drama over, we spoke of an associate's new project and that I was disappointed he  hadn't made a fuller reveal at the conference. Sigourney pointed out that there was a risk that GLEE would latch onto his ideas if he didn't keep the project under wraps. How true.
Sigourney looked at me with tenderness. Was she reading my innocent kiwi schmuck persona ? She reached out her hand to touch my face. I sensed more was to come. I woke up.

Research Notes:
Sigourney Weaver, born October 8 1949, Manhatten, New York City, is a Libran.
She wisely renamed herself Sigourney in 1963, after a character in F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gadby ( Born Susan, Alexandra)
I have enjoyed Sigourney in many movies, including the Alien series, Gorilla's in the Mist, Death and the Maiden, Ghostbusters, Avatar.
Though highly regarded in the sci-fi genre, Sigourney pulls off Oscar worthy performances in drama & her comic touch is evident in numerous lighter roles.
Her birth chart  for a 6.15pm birth gives Moon and ASC in Taurus, a very useful Jupiter in Capricorn on the midheaven ( fortunate career) and trine the ASC = more luck and protection -so more Earth energy than you'd imagine - but Neptune placed right conjunct to the Sun gives the ability to inhabit any role. Mars and Pluto together tightly in Leo gives the capacity for powerful performances - especially the tough persona roles as in the Aliens movies. Venus is an important indicator for Librans and with Venus in Scorpio, Sigourney has a big dose of charisma. Definitely an unconventional thinker, with Uranus square Mercury - and Mercury retrograde gives a highly imaginative mind. The 6th house emphasis will give her more of a Virgo persona at times.
( hard-working, analytical, self-critical, even a shy side)
Uranus aspecting the ASC gives more unconventional traits than a typical Taurean would display so that's why we are not seeing a shorter, rounder physique: Juptier and Uranus both incline to height and well-toned or at least leaner bodies.
Saturn provides a counter-point to any tendency to go too Jupiterian or Uranian -in other words Sigourney is able to achieve balance by using these opposing energies in measured amounts -reflected so clearly in her movie choices. Librans are all about learning balance and this chart is a classic in terms of the potentials given for going too far in either direction, only to face the need for correction. Truly symbolic of our age - a zeitgeist example for planet earth and its inhabitants. Thankyou Sigourney. Looking forward to your next movie release.

p.s. it turns out Sigourney LOVES dogs -see this special pic

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Celestial Geometry: The Mystery of Crop Circles

Whatever you believe about crop circles, the persistently graceful, highly symbolic celestial geometry is undeniable. This one was documented on July 26 2011 at Windmill Hill, near Avebury, an historic location in south-west England. Some people consider the symbols to be a communication regarding events and changes on a galactic scale, impacting on our planet. If so the question remains whether the message is being sent as a subconscious transmission, rather than a code to crack intellectually.

                                To explore more visit the Crop Circle Connector                

Monday, 25 July 2011

July 2011: Amy Winehouse & Oslo Events -astro-analysis

Recent News July 2011: Amy Winehouse Dead. Massacre in Oslo.

               AMY JADE WINEHOUSE  September 14 1983-23 July 2011
                                Born and died in London, UK. 
Here's a very useful link to start looking at the inner demons facing
Amy Winehouse
Viewing her chart it is immediately evident how Mutable (changeable) her energies are, bolstered by a big dose of Fire signs.
The intensity of the groupings and their interactions means she was an extreme version of all of the relevant mutable signs: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittariusand the fiery Aries, Leo. Not surprising that she is known for flamboyance, creativity & drama (Leo), drugs (Pisces), excess (Sag), assault charges (Aries) and the Virgo and Gemini qualities would have expressed through her writing and were likely to have been evident to those who knew her best. The big mix she was dealing with means she was certainly not a poster girl for the sun sign she was born under, Virgo.
Her mother Janice says“Amy was a beautiful child, always busy, always curious"(Gemini). “She was always very cheery (Sagittarius) but she was also shy."(Virgo)
Amy was also quoted in the UK Telegraph March 2011:
"I'm my own worst critic and if I don't pull off what I think I wanted to do in my head, then I won't be a happy girl,"  (self-criticism is very Virgo)
"I'm a natural singer, but I'm quite shy, really." (Virgo=shy)

Anyone with significant planets in the late degrees of mutable signs would have been strongly aware of Amy Winehouse as an artist, and likely to be very aware of her pain - and certainly with Neptune and Chiron now close in Pisces (July 2011) in the band 0-4 degrees, the transiting square to Amy's natal Chiron at 3 Gemini indicates how lost in her pain she was. Already overwhelmed by natal Neptune aspects, she succumbed under this extra flooding of her system. Other factors always apply in a major event like death, so the precursor eclipse at 24 SAG (June 15 2011) set off her natal mutable t-square with 5 factors including planets and nodes, all triggered in the 20-26 degree range of her mutable points. There will be more indicators but these 2 underlined indicators show the immense challenge she has faced in respect of mutable energies - the hardest challenge in our present-day world on account of the spiritual drives being so easily ensnared in addiction and the culturally approved endorsement of money, fame and power over service, devotion and modest goals ( the latter being true Virgo-Pisces impulses). These opposing drives would have been of considerable pain to a conflicted Amy Winehouse.
The response to her death reinforces that many loved and supported this talented woman, who was unable to love and support herself.
Read the Rolling Stone coverage
Updates July 26-30 2011
This text has been edited and expanded to reflect the latest information available, being a 10.25pm actual birth time. The rising sign is still mutable ( adding more Gemini energy) but the Moon shifts from an estimated Sagittarius to early Capricorn. With a 5th house Sun and Mercury covering Virgo-Libra, Amy's musical creativity is emphasised. Any strong Leo/5th house emphasis will also bring Aquarian tendencies. Amy has Aquarius at the top of her chart, the Midheaven -hence the strong rebellious, unconventional qualities.
Scroll to end of next section, for further update

The Oslo Massacre in Norway
This horrific slaughter of innocents at the hands of a right wing extremist has occurred as Pluto and Uranus come to their closest square in the first half of August 2011. The perpetrator, his victims and the locations of the events would share a very strong resonance to 4-5 degrees of Cardinal signs (Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn) In calendar terms this means being born on the days on or close to March 26, June 26, October 28,  December 27. In addition people's individual birth charts with the focal degrees and signs on the Ascendant at birth (aka Rising Sign) or opposite that point - or the Moon positioned there, or another important planet like Venus, Mars or Saturn. So there are a lot of strong resonating factors which will enhance a person's potential to be caught up in such an event. What is extra powerful is the collective karma  that is involved in mass events, whether positive or negative. Everyone who dies in a shared location in a certain time frame is very strongly karmically connected and their collective experience is very likely to resonate with an historic event in that same location. Karma is not simple, so it cannot be assumed that the dead in 2011 in Oslo, all previously died together in some ancient war on the island of Utoya,  nor that they were collectively perpetrators of such an atrocity. Their connection, however ancient or recent, is now strengthened.
The offender in these present events has apparently reacted in an extreme-right response to multi-culturalism and immigration. He wore a policeman's uniform to fool his victims.
 Breivik's online manifesto against the "Islamization of Western Europe," published just hours before the bloody attack, echoes anti-Muslim sentiment that has found a renewed voice on the fringes of mainstream politics across the region. -source article

The Pluto-Uranus combination in the signs Aries-Capricorn completely sums up the sudden, unexpected violence (Uranus in Aries) fuelled by an intense feeling of disempowerment (Pluto in Capricorn). Breivik lives in a nation that has little taste for  extreme right wing politics. Lacking systemic support, he chose to act alone (Aries). Not surprising though, he chose to hide behind the uniform of control (Pluto) used by the system (Capricorn).  Saturn in Libra contributes with loss of relationships for the bereaved.

This dark side of the Pluto-Uranus revolutionary/anarchic impulse is likely to rear its head again in other resonating people and places, as the two forces remain locked in evolutionary change mode until early 2016. The system is being radically restructured across many nations but some will resort to force and violence (the old way) in this process -  instead of the responsible use of power ( the new way)

Amy: Update July 27
Another writer has picked up on a factor I overlooked -  the trigger effect of Mars now in late Gemini, reaching 22-23 degrees as the deaths of Amy Winehouse and the Norway victims occurred. This late Gemini position of Mars is an energising/aggressive activator of the 24 degrees GEM-SAG lunar eclipse in June. (Energy has power as it builds to exactitude, as well as at the exact and waning phase, and various triggers can be involved to set off the combined energy effects)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Recent Pacific Quakes 2011 Ring of Fire

                         Video from thebarcaroller -see details on July 27 Update

The USGS map and data list shows a seismic battering going on in the South Pacific, in a region known for a lot of activity.

For the past month the Kermadec Islands region has had multiple events over M5.0, the largest M7.6 on July 6, the latest July 21 M5.0,
Samoa, Fiji, Tonga  feature on the list with the latter two oceanic zones being very frequent along with the Kermadec region. -see data list

In addition, the following recent sea-floor regional events: Dates are Universal Time UTC
July 20 M6.0 Solomon Islands
July 22  M6.0 Fiji
The regional activity at the July 6 Kermadec event - shown in close-up view below -source USGS

In this highly seismicly active region, with the plate boundaries accompanied by the Solomons Trench,
New Hebrides Trenches, Tonga Trench, Kermadecs Trench -  a huge area of connected territories are involved, right down to New Zealand.

This blog will update with any further significant activity in 2011

As a side note, Alaska also has a strong seismic profile being part of the Ring of Fire and recent ( back from July 23 2011) USGS data shows the frequent AK listings . The Aleutian Islands area of Alaska is home to the Cleveland volcano, on the uninhabited island of Chuginadak. This volcano is under watch due to "thermal anomalies". As in 2001, if this one blows, aviation disruption will be the result. -see full source

Update July 27
Vdeo added from You tube channel thebarcaroller, an Australian researcher who uses the technique of solar mirroring to detect co-ordinates for earth events ( quakes, volcanoes) Intriguing and worth following.

Update July 29
A M6.7 event south of Fiji around 7.30 pm, followed quickly by 2 M5+.
The deep events - 521-538 kms undersea send a shudder down the Kermadec trench, setting off several quake drums in NZ, especially the Urewera drum which seemed like a local M5 event.

Update August 1
recent summary of events over M6+ clustering around New Moon  (S) = seafloor
Fiji                   M6.7   (S) July 29    Universal Time (UTC)
Japan              M6.4   (S) July 30
Vanuatu          M6.2   (S) July 31
North PNG      M6.8   (S) July 31
Japan             M6.3    (S) Aug 1 
Updates August 4
                                  thebarcaroller forecast July 30-Aug 4 2011

                          Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons

                          Indonesia is added in due to Ring of Fire connection

Fiji                 M5.8    (S) Aug 2
Fiji                two M5+ (S) Aug 3
Kermadecs    M5.0    (S)  Aug 3
Indonesia     three M5+(S) Aug 3
PNG              two M5+(S) Aug 3
Vanuatu        M5.1 (S)   Aug 3
Santa Cruz   M5.3 (S)   Aug 5
PNG              M5.0 (S)  Aug 5
Kermadecs   M5.3 (S)  Aug 5
Sumatra       M5.7 (S)  Aug 6
Japan           M5.3 (S) Aug 6
PNG              M5.1 (S)  Aug 6
Kermadecs   M4.9 (S)  Aug 6

Fiji                M5.4 (S) Aug 7
Indonesia    M5.0 (S)  Aug 7
PNG              M5.2 (S) Aug 8
Solomons     M5.1 (S)  Aug 8
Kermadecs   M5.0 (S) Aug 8
Taupo NZ     M5.0       Aug 9
August 4
Space Weather is following the powerful sunspot1261 in particular amidst the largest display during Cycle 24. This sunspot is emitting numerous flares plus an earth-directed Coronal mass ejection (CME) of charged material. Watch the animation on their website  
"The size and broiling movement of these sunspots just boggles the mind. You could fit every planet in the solar system with all of the known asteroids neatly inside the largest!" 
Listen to the NOAA space weather report for Aug 4  2011 and coming days


August 7-11

This blog post will be updated with any relevant events (M6+) after August 9 
August 18
After a recent lengthy period of  only lower magnitude events the first global quake over M6.0 listed by USGS was in Japan -seafloor east off Honshu
August 19 M6.2 Fiji region , deep seafloor
After an extended quiet period, this is the first event over M6 in the south Pacific since July 31 2011
plus another over M6 in Japan today -M6.5 seafloor off Sendai  
August 21
Before waking, dreamed of an undersea volcano, then came online around 10.30 am to find Vanuatu is going off. - with  9 seafloor events M5-M7.1 since Sat Aug 20. (USGS has the data but this will expire from the main list within a month from today)
Vanuatu region continues to add to recent south Pacific activity in Fiji-Tonga regions. By 2pm NZ time there have now been 3 further M5+ events around Vanuatu. No damage reports and no widespread tsunami. So far the maximum depth of all 12 events since Aug 20 is only 53.8 kms. This reference gives some idea of the geology at different depths.
August 25
Vanuatu continues to be of interest - with this data from USGS
M6.2 AUG 24
+ noting that Vanuatu has had 7 M5+ events on August 25
Further updates are found on the August 2011 blog post tracking quakes over M6

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The Power of the Dalai Lama

The immense healing power of the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is apparent to anyone who has been in his presence. Whether that means in speaking distance or within a huge convention centre, the compassionate force emanated by this exceptional being is life changing.
The Chinese government has expressed outrage at a meeting provided by President Obama in Washington, but the continued good works by the Dalai Lama around the world are a testimony to his true heart.

A recent Herald article from July 2011, covers some interesting aspects of his succession, considering that this too is an aspect China intends to control.

Also read this excellent astro analysis regarding the Dalai Lama's encounter with Obama, charts and synastry included.

Astroblog Search Phrases week to 18 July 2011

unusual weather patterns 2011

2011 july tsunami

jupiter in taurus 2011

tsunami july 2011

2011 drought compared to 1934

chrischurch aftershock lull

detailed map of the dustbowl

effects of july 15 full moon

full moon july 2011 astro

full moon july 2011 interpretation
These are the reasons (mostly) Google searches came upon Astroblog -a combination of astrology, weather, climate & natural events - tsunami & earthquakes. 
Since astrological analysis can be applied to anything, posts are added to this blog in response to topical matters of widespread interest. 
Soon there will be an uptick in people wanting to know more about 2012, since there has been much published in print and online pondering the question regarding the Mayan Calendar and December 2012 marking an End Times scenario. 
I keep an open mind regarding that period coinciding specifically with markedly challenging events. What is more important is to see what is unfolding now, day by day regarding the environment, politics and the global economy. Make no mistake, 2012 is a big year for us collectively, but there are many indicators pointing to this, irrespective of where the sun is in relationship to the Galactic Centre. By scrolling through my archives you will find many related posts on these topics, but for now, start to look at how you can make changes in your life towards greater self sufficiency, simpler more modest material goals, down-sizing, relocating, avoiding risky investments. The writing is on the wall and the images are on the cards. You may be amongst the fortunate few who are mentally prepared to cope with radical changes to come.

Friday, 15 July 2011

July 15 Full Moon 2011- astro analysis

Busy today writing of the next likely financial meltdown as a pre-warning for those wanting to make preparations.
So here are some interpretations that may be of value around this month's Full moon's effects
- Ravenesue Tarot using astrology
- Astrolore

With icy conditions over New Zealand it definitely activates the Capricornian hibernation mode and as always when the signs Cancer and Capricorn align in a full Moon, the various issues of inner, private life offset against public, professional roles are up for reflection. Being two of the cardinal signs, which dominate into 2012, ( the remaining two being Aries, Libra) - all aspects of the cardinal group also come into the picture. Where Aries is individuality, me, my needs, Libra is us, we, our partnership or relationship (personal or work related)

Juggling all four of these into a work-life balance has proven to be tricky in this era of career and financially driven imperatives, but the social cost of imbalance has resulted in generations now of unparented children. Even those without parental responsibilities need time out in their shelter to recharge. The end result of running on caffeine, alcohol or drugs to cope with public life is a crash - that sends you home.

Balance is the mantra that all of this sorting out hinges on - brought into particular emphasis by Saturn -the channel for things associated with Capricorn - being in the sign of the scales, justice - LibraThis theme is particularly strong till October 2012 - though always humming along by other activations. Relationship responsibilities would definitely be a central issue arising for many since July 2010.
As this full moon was building, Saturn was in conflict with Venus in Cancer - aggravating relationship issues.

The big players, Pluto and Uranus are also at odds with the issues of Capricorn versus Aries - making for real challenges involving  Age versus Youth, Maturity versus Immaturity, Wisdom versus Naivity, Responsibility versus Self Interest - the essence also being on the world stage a power struggle which will see outmoded old orders and their representatives toppled by fit young challengers.
Rebellion against old systems will be in play for another 5 years. These are revolutionary times, more so than the 1960's, and much more is to come.

Update July 20
Of course Rupert Murdoch and his empire are caught up in the current powerful planetary stresses. His rising/ascendant sign is Capricorn and the movement of Pluto through his first house brings it to the mid-point of his Moon and Saturn - he will have to experience public (Moon) disgust and rejection (Saturn) to an intense degree(Pluto) in order to take on a morally responsible(Capricorn) position. If he fails to take the path of integrity he has failed a major karmic test. This wil be n oquick fix though. Murdoch faces a long-term nose-rubbing with this set of planets till at least the end of 2012.
More from another analyst

The Next Financial Meltdown (2012) is not a movie

Before looking ahead, I urge each of you readers to watch the award winning movie The Inside Job (2010) by Charles Ferguson.
Here is a brief trailer, just a taste of what the full length documentary movie reveals.
Even if you feel you already know the full extent of the corrupt practices which underscored the 2008 crash in America and resulting recession. Even if you feel you've decided it will never happen again.
   For 2015 updates scroll to end of post
This documentary reveals the deeply embedded system in America, designed to create millions in profit for the engineers of the set up. Way beyond the realm of high roller casino gambling, the financial system embroiled in the 2008 crash is based on the schemes and dreams of men who play with multiple millions of dollars, at the expense of the everyday citizen. Rotten to the core, but still very much alive, the industry is loaded with Dead Men Walking, bankrupt in every manner possible, aside from their personal fortunes.
Shockingly, for New Zealanders, our current Prime Minister, John Key, learnt his financial trading skills in the employment of  Merrill Lynch, one of the top American finance companies, named and shamed in this movie.

Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicage, Professor of Finance, features in The Inside Job.
Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier? is one of his key papers (2005)
His most recent book (2010) is titled:
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy
 Also see reference to Rajan in this recent post.

The story, clearly, does not end in 2008.
If you, like millions of Americans thought the election of Barack Obama would see all that was wrong, evil, corrupt and unjust magically eradicated in the USA, you will understand, in watching this movie,that the President, as figurehead, is far less empowered than you could ever imagine. The appointments made, in his regime, re top financial advisories and controls, simply resume as normal the agendas of the past, pre-recession. This realisation alone will rock you, if you hold out hope that good always wins out over evil, because seriously negative forces are in control of America. They are known collectively as the finance sector.

In other words, the 2008 events, from the perspective of those who wheel and deal with your money, were just a blip, a temporary stutter. It's now business as usual, and in a bigger better way than before. You are witnessing human immorality, selective blindness, addiction and corruption at its most sophisticated, entrenched and determined. It is truly frightening.

Such conduct is ultimately anti-nature as well, because it acts in defiance of larger cyclic forces which are capable of obliterating anything and everything that humans have created.
Financiers have some inkling of this and scores of papers and books have been published with different versions of the primary factors which drive the cycles. Not surprising then that a substantial body of traders rely (discreetly) on planetary indicators of bull and bear markets, commodity highs and lows etc. After all, Kings, Queens and Presidents throughout history have done the same regarding territory and war, but in a hush-hush way. The Merriman Market Analyst is one such example of a contemporary Wizard providing tips on trading opportunities, based on planetary cycles.
Ray Merriman's April 2011 Report is worth a read and also look at his Weekly Previews along with any other similar planetary based market predictions you may locate online, because opinions and interpretations will vary.

HuffPost says this week: Sovereign Debt Crisis is Now Global

The bottom line is: 2012 could see the start of a major recession/ classic Depression.

The term Perfect Storm has not entered common usage just because of a gripping movie. We are living in times so complex and powerful, that the scenario of factors combining to create mega-events is unmistakeable. They have already begun - from 2008 and sustained through to 2016, with flow on effects for many years beyond that focal period. Be assured that the environment/climate will play a much more significant role than in the 1930's. Be assured that globalization will assist in the contagion.

There is enough time for those who wish to re-establish themselves in a more modest way and with greater self-sufficiency, but some major life changes are likely to be entailed.
The more embedded you are in the systems that will fail, the more you will face losing. This includes that cash assets you may have in the markets and banks.
Conversely, those who have little now, have little if anything to lose.

Renowned American libertarian socialist, Noam Chomsky writes of the preceding era:
There was also a sharp change in the U.S. economy in the 1970s, towards financialization and export of production. A variety of factors converged to create a vicious cycle of radical concentration of wealth, primarily in the top fraction of 1% of the population -- mostly CEOs, hedge-fund managers, and the like. That leads to the concentration of political power, hence state policies to increase economic concentration: fiscal policies, rules of corporate governance, deregulation, and much more.
Meanwhile the costs of electoral campaigns skyrocketed, driving the parties into the pockets of concentrated capital, increasingly financial: the Republicans reflexively, the Democrats -- by now what used to be moderate Republicans -- not far behind.
Chomsky adds: crises that began as the regulatory apparatus was dismantled starting in the 1980s. 
As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.
And before we laugh, we might also bear in mind that the current economic crisis is traceable in no small measure to the fanatic faith in such dogmas as the efficient market hypothesis, and in general to what Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, 15 years ago, called the "religion" that markets know best -- which prevented the central bank and the economics profession from taking notice of an $8 trillion housing bubble that had no basis at all in economic fundamentals, and that devastated the economy when it burst. 
The full political-economic text is worth reading   source

Update July 17
Merriman's latest post on urgent issues facing America
In New Zealand are we in a situation far removed from American style economics? The answer, is of course, No.
Liam Dann writing in the Herald says:
If it's a boom why are so many feeling bust?
Disconnect between figures and what economy feels like has people questioning statistics
And if you haven't yet watched The Inside Job, you will still assume that ratings agencies like Moody's, Standard and Poor's actually have some sort of god-like intelligence and the independence of a saint. Under questioning, as seen in the movie, they will only reiterate the Mantra of the Unaccountable:
It's Only An Opinion

Update July 18
Arnold Bock reiterates my conclusions re 2012 and the Perfect Storm in this article
A Financial Crisis in 2012 is Inevitable! Here’s Why, located today, from the website Financial Sense

Confirmed by more commentary by a planetary analyst

For those needing some keyword help to understand planetary concepts as discussed in political contexts.

Update July 19
Commentary on financial meltdown from America using various sources

Here's a case study from the 1340's -
How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse yes over 600 years ago - Human behaviour has changed little.
From a planetary point of view, in the mid 1340's the two big players prominent today, Pluto and Uranus were conjunct and in the cardinal sign Aries, marking the start of a long term cycle.

Update July 30
For a while I did'nt really get John Key's (NZ Prime Minister) fascination with Obama, other than of course the obvious narcissism of worshipping someone with a very similar planetary lineup -they were born the same week in 1961 -Obama August 4, Key August 9. Different times, different countries, but hey, enough shared energy for a bromance. 
Now, since hearing Yves Smith talking ( author of ECONned: How Unenlightened Self Interest Undermined Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism)  and accessing her blog website Naked Capitalism, it is possible to see Obama as further to the right than his voting public could ever have believed. Similarly, Centre Right is where John Key positions himself, yet a lot of his opinions on social issues depict a  position much further to the right. Two men with a chameleon ability, a charismatic charm, a dangerous capacity to mislead.
Obama's exact birth-time is known so correct chart analysis is possible. This chart link gives some interpretation, but overlooks that central aspect: Neptune tightly square Sun-Mercury for Obama and we find Neptune tightly square Mercury, widely square Sun, for Key -  lies, deceit, dishonesty, fudging, being creative with the facts. Mercury is what you say, how you think, your method of communication.
With Neptune in Scorpio, both are with-holding information, holding onto secrets. They speak the same language and they are far more aligned than their overt politics suggest.

Update August 6
This video has just been brought to my attention. Here in NZ these American economics authors may not have hit the radar yet, since they failed to initially get any mainstream coverage in the US.
The offer of a free copy is now expired but the video alone is well worth watching. Time will tell whether 2012 -or 2013 -as highlighted in the video - is the major collapse point.
In a just published interview, the authors reveal what this means for the average citizen  - expect many of the consequences noted to have global similarities.
August 16
Nouriel Roubini is also worth reading

September 27

Of course events during August-Sept 2011 only confirm the trends evident to observers across the world. Heres a new video featuring a market trader, which seems to have slipped through the BBC, shocking the interviewer with his level of candor about the current and upcoming economic reality

October 6 2011
IMF warns of global recession risk in 2012

October 7 2011 
Banking meltdown imminent says IMF advisor

Updates 2012
Jan 16 -  The Collapse of China
Jan  19 - The World Bank puts the globe on notice
             - The Warning Signs are there for all to see
Jan 31 - Bankers Report Anxiety  a sobering NZ survey from inside the industry
April 12 - BBC video on the return of bartering to the Greek town of Volos
April 14 2012 -  NZ columnist Brian Gaynor writes about why the New Zealand economy is basically in crisis compared to neighbourhood nation Australia - report
April 26 2012
Helen Clark, former NZ Prime Minister makes reference to this global report re causes such as over-population and over consumption and their impacts on economic and environmental crises  in this present century - report

2013 updates
April 2013
A confused economic picture globally with signs pointing in both directions, but warnings remain in place that the rot has not been excised from the system.
Human nature will lead many again into the folly of debt and pre-crisis lending behaviour by banks in New Zealand for housing investment is again commonplace
IMF report
Auckland housing boom warning

March 2013
The dangerous aspect of the present era is the capacity for misinformation to prevail in all manner of circumstances.
Though profound collapse has not yet affected global markets, the disease factors are ever present.

March 11 Telegraph UK business editor reports on the global economy
Sputtering global economy belies stockmarket boom
Asia's economic recovery is losing momentum and Europe's slump is proving deeper than expected, raising concerns that soaring stock markets globally have jumped ahead of economic reality.
full report  

November 17 2013
I recently watched Niall Ferguson's series China Triumph & Turmoil [ You Tube has 4 episodes] in order to understand the mind of the dragon nation - now as we face an increasingly easternized world - see this post also related to Ferguson's proposals for an historical shift
While watching the episode related to the famine in the years surrounding 1960 -the Great Chinese Famine 1958-1961 with mass fatalities from starvation on account of a mega failure of Maoist policy involving greatly reduced food production, coupled with drought & adverse weather I was very interested to se the astrological picture in effect at that time and the connections to the astrology of China

To select a "birth" chart for a nation is not easy because there can be many new beginnings. When the Chinese Soviet Republic chart [1931] is considered there is much more of current relevance than the People's Republic chart [1949]
   I believe the austerity,famine, drought, large scale transformational energy of this chart was activated during the Great China Famine - and that it will be activated again in the period starting in the middle of 2015, further strengthening from March 2016, noticeably as 2017 begins, throughout 2017, sustained through 2018, 2019

In the China Soviet chart:

  • Saturn 18 Capricorn-Pluto 22 Cancer both at 90 degree angle to Uranus at 16 Aries with midpoint of 19 Cardinal are the energy points about to be re-awakened
The Energy Re-visited:
  • The process begins from 2015 with Uranus, Pluto and Saturn all activating the 16-22 degrees of the cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn 
  • The spectre of drought-related food shortages and severe reductions in production is revisited with Saturn passing through the growth and production sign Sagittarius in the period 2015-2017

The Consequences
  • The scale of impact gives rise to considerations of an economic meltdown impacting the world -but which originates in China -not in the West eg the Eurozone - as many expect. Global effects are now the consequence of globalisation & the expanded footprint China has in multiple countries

The Deeper Meaning:

Activations of the cardinal signs Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn signify gross imbalances come to light and must be corrected.
Humanity faces the agenda preprogrammed by natural forces

In the Great China Famine:
Saturn was in Sagittarius in 1957-1958 = the decline in growth & production [Saturn returns to Sagittarius in late Dec 2014-late Dec 2017]
Environmental factors very relevant as well as policy effects
Saturn was in Capricorn 1959, 1960, 1961 = extreme austerity phase

With Sun-Mercury-Venus in Scorpio in the China-Soviet chart - transformational periods are very natural in the course of China's modern history.
Pluto [by connection to Scorpio] is therefore very relevant and having intense links to Saturn [by opposition] and Uranus [by 90 degree square] the potential for cycles of mass disaster, death, annihilation and destruction are anticipated both in the human and natural environments

November 26 2013
The Pope has released a document defining his papacy. His comments of capitalism as "a new tyranny" are very relevant in this time of major social, economic, political & environmental upheaval since he essentially is pointing out the gross imbalances underlying inequality and poverty
The full text of his address [in English] can be accessed via this link    
Related news report in The Independent

2015 updates
2014 has passed and the meltdown is yet to occur, despite multiple sources seeing relevant indicators.
One important reminder as stated here in 2013
Saturn returns to Sagittarius in late Dec 2014 & exits late Dec 2017.
This is a global indicator of restrained growth.
The period 2015, 2016 2017 represents a high potentiality for a significant global downturn.
This could occur as soon as 2015.

Capricorn and therefore its connected planet Saturn carry the energy of banks and the banking system.
Libra relates to finance in general, accountancy [balancing the books]
These two Cardinal signs are highly affected by the dominant transformational energy of the period 2012-2016   -the revolutionary impetus of Pluto in Capricorn offset at 90 degrees to Uranus in Aries.
It seems that the tail end of the cycle is where the fruit is - where real change for the better is possible.
A major economic crisis provides much positive opportunity to create collectively better systems.

note: for what it's worth, since "sensitive degrees" are found to cluster around events of similar nature: 
Saturn, the Sun and Neptune all conjunct at 7degrees [in Sagittarius and Pisces] at the end of Nov 2015-start of Dec.
the lunar nodes are at 26-27 degrees in mid Dec 2015

In August 2007 as the GFC began to unfold:
the lunar nodes were at 7 Pisces  
Saturn was at 27 degrees
Chiron at 13 degrees [Aquarius]

In October 1929 the Wall St Crash precipitating the Great Depression;
Saturn was at 26 degrees
Chiron and the nodes at 13 & 12 degrees [Taurus]

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Dust Bowl Drought - the return of cycles

US Drought Monitor 2020-2023: A snapshot inserted here January 2024

Update April 2020
Looking at Drought in the 2020s

Since the original post was compiled in 2011 evidence continues to affirm the author's observations that particular positions of the outer planets are signposts of drought - the ancients used direct observation - the modern  observer has historical records and search engines -and the ability to match these with predictions using the methodology outlined is clear. Data is data

The advantage of knowing planetary movements in advance using an Ephemeris enables advance warning far beyond the time frames of standard meteorology.
What is clear when viewing the 2020s is that - as usual - there are preceding conditions that feed into the present era.

With current references to "megadrought" conditions it is timely to look ahead. By now conditions in your local landscape will confirm where you are placed on the spectrum of severity regarding what is to come

The buildup of outer solar system planets in the dryness indicator Capricorn since 2008 has seen firstly Pluto & briefly Jupiter then Saturn [from 2018], next a return of Jupiter late in 2019 all combining in that primary drought signifier Capricorn. 

Prior research has shown that outer planets in any one or more the Cardinal sign group: Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn feature consistently in drought periods. [these 4 signs are our seasonal markers and identify the Tropics and their lateral angles] 

Outer planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto in these signs are the significant carriers of the energy in these signs - modern era events in the periods 1970-1974 India & West Africa; late 1980's North America, UK & Europe; 1990's China Australia New Zealand - are some of the examples displaying this pattern.

The other main sign indicator is Pisces [water] which can be excessive/extreme when carried by a transit of Neptune -but the extreme can go from deluge to drought if Neptune is harnessed by a planet in a restraining state or sign - and when a restraining planetary energy - especially Saturn - is in Pisces.

Cardinal sign Aries is second in line after Capricorn in meteorological terms. Aries is heat so if a major planet is in Aries and one or more in Capricorn [1990's] then the effect is strong.

Overall all 4 Cardinal signs play a role in creating balance and imbalance 

Looking at a timeline projection:
  • 2020 Jupiter Saturn [partly] Pluto in Capricorn
  • 2020 Neptune in Pisces
  • 2021 Pluto in Capricorn Neptune in Pisces
  • 2022 Pluto in Capricorn Neptune in Pisces
  • 2023 Jupiter in Aries Saturn in Pisces
  • 2023 Neptune in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn
  • 2024 Saturn in Pisces Neptune in Pisces
  • 2024 Pluto in Capricorn
  • 2025 Saturn in Pisces Neptune in Aries
  • 2026 Saturn in Aries Neptune in Aries
  • 2027 Saturn in Aries Neptune in Aries
  • 2028 Neptune in Aries until start of 2039
Neptune in Aries heats water/the seas/the oceans.
Check the variable states of Mars during the period from 2025-39 as Mars in Aries will aggravate the heat - as will other fire signs Leo and Sagittarius. Mars in Pisces and Cancer will be less intense. Scorpio is water but is a destructive mode. Mars in earth signs especially Taurus and Capricorn heats the Earth.
Pluto's long reign 2008-24 has not occurred in Capricorn since 1762-1778 so observations are much more limited for the longest cycle planet [which happens to be small but powerful]

Outer planets in Taurus show impacts upon the Earth itself and soil.
In 2020 planet Uranus is part way through its 7 year stint in Taurus [last cycle in Taurus was WW2 era mid 1930's-early 1940s when the earth was shaken by bombs and warfare] Uranus is a sudden shock unusual change unexpected event type of energy. Uranus was in the heat sign Aries before entering the physical form sign Taurus in 2018. The cycle of Uranus is approximately 7 years per sign for a full cycle of 84 years.
2018-2026 is when Uranus in Taurus changes the nature of physical forms especially the Earth itself and the soil and everything derived from the land -even before such changes are visible.
All combined it is clear that a very long complex event is underway starting in 2008 and significant until at least 2030 when Saturn leaves Taurus, leaving just Neptune still in hot water mode. Saturn in Taurus is a rebuilding energy which may restore some of the aftermath effects on the soil of Saturn in Aries.

Drought is clearly a natural and recurrent event on this planet -with variable intensity as highlighted using this method. The past is full of lessons learnt. May those be well used in this decade

Prior records and research follow with the original post at the end of the updates section.

Planetary cycles are indicating
In 2011, US drought indicators resembled the early stages
 of the Dust Bowl which rocked the USA in the 1930's.
This blog tracks developments from then using analysis and forecasts based on planetary cycles. 
Conclusions are reached which line up with those
 from diverse perspectives including historic records
July 19 2011 drought map from US Drought Monitor
 scroll down to read the detailed original post 
from July 2011
or visit the summary page giving a timeline of drought development

Watching the massive Arizona dust storm of early July 2011 brings to mind the Dust Bowl era, which dominated the American natural environment and economy in the 1930's
A 2010 environmental report cites relevant climate events involved.
This post looks at various examples, including the USA & other global situations noticing significant drought events.
For those who wish to read about the role of solar system planetary cycles in altering Earth's climate, the detailed analysis in the original post below identifies which factors are repeating in this era up to 2016.

Please refer first to latest updates -or  scroll down to read the original 2011 report
 Latest updates:
May 2018 US drought monitor -source

As anticipated by the forecasting method used in the original 2011 report:
This trend continued as shown by the early March 2017 drought map for the US

US Drought Monitor

Western drought abated in August while flood arises further east -typifying prevailing drought/deluge conditions as forecast in full report below the following updates: 
As stated in 2011 the planetary pattern regarding drought in 2016 was identified:
"Saturn in mutable Sagittarius will square Neptune in mutable Pisces from December 2015-October 2016 - a significant drought indicator" which has potential for multiple global contexts.
Full detail in main report

November -record El Nino -exceptional drought in California also spells scenarios of funneled flooding

September 2015
US Drought Monitor California segment Sept 17 issue

The Washington Post reports on the 4 year California drought -saying it is the driest in 500 years
While wildfires rage in the north, a mid september deluge in the Los Angeles region proved how parched earth simply funnels most of the hydrating fluid across surfaces rather then down. A chaotic outcome affecting all types of infrastructure.
This season added around a thousand more wildfires in California than the tally for the last season
Sept 15 full US drought monitor map confirms yet again the Western states in trouble
Compare drought geography Sept & Aug 2015 with 2011 on the right

August 18 2015
US Drought Monitor map issued August 18
August 13 2015
Extract re the environmental effects of Saturn on our terrestrial conditions from the special report
Conditions related to the creation of floods and droughts will be a significant factor at certain points: late November early Dec 2015, May, June, July, August, September 2016. Hemisphere differences and localised patterns will be the clue as to whether it is more likely to be an excess or deficit of water"

The periods noted in 2015-2016 reflect when the water element is either destroyed or becomes destructive. This equates to loss of water or too much water - both are environmental negatives.

[Saturn is at 90 degrees to Neptune an angular dynamic that offsets earth structure against water. ]

August 1 2015
El Nino is forecast to return strongly.
El Nino conditions in 2015 are already pointing to heat and drought with Northern China low on drinking water
El Nino events related to this comparative study, occurred in the periods 1925-1926, 1930-31, 1932-1933, 1939-1940, 1940-1941, 1941-1942.
The strongest event in recent decades was the 1997-98 El Nino.
Weak El Ninos occurred 2004-2007, Moderate in 2009-10.
The return of El Nino for 2015-2016 is potentially strong to very strong & if a run of El Nino years occurs as in 1930-1933 or 1939-1942 then the flow on economic effect will also be sustained.

April 11 
Video and graphics explain implications of California extreme drought for US economy
April 4
The latest drought monitor map for the US is clear in emphasising the state of California
 Scroll down to compare this to April 2014

This NY Times news article is very clear in identifying the path ahead
Relevant universal influences affecting Earth.

This section summarises the analysis of cyclic universal factors, in the form of planetary pairings and positions which according to historic events, repeatedly feature in environmental consequences on Earth
Developments to note include the return of Saturn to Sagittarius = a signature of stunted growth, deformity which translates at the fundamental level to crop failure.

Saturn remains in Sagittarius for the most part - Xmas 2014 to Dec 21 2017 - 3 years, aside from a brief retrograde into Scorpio .
The drought-deluge potentials are emphasised in the last week of Nov 2015 and through the first week of Dec 2015.

This is when Saturn and Neptune both hover around 7 degrees -offset at 90 degrees to each other.

Places prone to drought will most likely get intensification then.

Places prone to deluge will most likely get destructive water that also destroys growth. Drought also causes water funnelling, floods.

Note also that snow is water.

Snow can provide destructive effects on growth and damage in the melt phase. This is also a Saturn-Neptune combo

Full details in the original post
-scroll down

2014 updates
July 12
Multiple influences affecting jetstream creating locked in patterns: drought versus deluge. You will know by now what prevails in your local environment.
The influences are intensifying through July and into August 2014

July 2
..once a reservoir San Jose [Getty]

2014 -May
The West Without Water a text by Ingram & Malamud-Roam
"The West Without Water documents the tumultuous climate of the American west over twenty millennia, with tales of past droughts and deluges and predictions about the impacts of future climate change on water resources." read more

Some data via

Long range forecaster Cliff Harris has some very interesting articles on the Long Range Weather site.
This historical global trend graphic is worth a look

Cliff Harris reports that the Weather Science Foundation  identified 4 historical cycles -cold-dry, cold-wet, warm-wet, warm-dry. 
2014 remains in the warm-wet, heading for warm-dry.
The 1930's was a warm-dry and the cycle of around 100 years is expected by their calculations to resume around the 2030's
Exceptionally strong weather extremes including the winter snows are also noted by Cliff Harris.

End of April 2014:Exceptional drought zones have enlarged

2014 - February:
Very clear now that the drought conditions have moved West of California

January 30 2014
Off Twitter:

January 26
Megadrought in California? -article

January 6
Drought issues in California as evident in the latest drought monitor map

2013 updates:
September 5

August 28
The connection between drought and wildfires - brief video
The Yosemite wildfires remain largely uncontained - report
NOAA drought monitor August:

August 8
In early August 2013, aside from Arkansas, flash flooding has hit states largely to the east of the major drought zone.
Imbalance, too much, too little remains the theme.
Most of western US expected to remain in persistent drought.
US Drought forecast - view full PDF or click to enlarge graphic in new window

A record setting heat wave in the US, exceeding 128F in places.
End of June, New York Times report on the intensifying conditions in the West
Out of control wildfire in Arizona -report 

June 25 drought map for the US

April 2013
April 13 saw another locked in drought indicator:
In environmental terms:
Uranus in Aries is warm wind. Saturn in Scorpio is transformed land - which is likely to dry out and add to drought issues in vulnerable areas - particularly as the pattern ranges over the next 6 months -being exact again in early October 2013 [Saturn 10.27 Scorpio, Uranus 10.27 Aries on  October 5]

US Drought Monitor -April 
...this cycle [current sunspot Cycle 24 ] should be like Sunspot Cycle No 14, and be followed by two that will create a brief ice age. During the 1920s and ‘30s Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology published research about the sun/climate relationship, especially Sunspot Cycle No 14, showing that it probably caused the worst drought then on record.
The sun ejects enormous quantities of matter continuously in the form of the solar wind, or periodically as either a mix of high energy protons and electrons (Coronal Mass Ejections, (CMEs)), or as mostly high energy protons (Solar Proton Events (SPEs)). The earth’s atmosphere is more sensitive, and more reactive, to the CMEs and SPEs than to the sun’s short wavelength radiation, to
which it is, in any case, highly reactive. The effect of the solar wind, CMEs and SPEs is to reduce the amount of ozone and as a result, warm the middle atmosphere. The overall effect on climate
is more turbulence: stronger winds, more storms and greater precipitation....
the entire field of planetary-lunar-solar dynamics, including gravitational dynamics, has to be studied so the dynamics of terrestrial climate can be understood
 -    source

little rain in 3 months over much of New Zealand to April 2013

March12 2013
The United States drought of 2012 was unprecedented in many states and depleted water resources through the year. Drought conditions are still rated as "exceptional" right across the midwest, from Texas to the Great Lakes, nearly a year later. - Dr James Renwick is Associate Professor of Physical Geography at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Wikipedia reference on current North American drought has some background info.

From New Zealand:  a Greenpeace perspective on the drought's impact on NZ agriculture - report

From Australia: ..."the agricultural sector is now brushing close to Great Depression conditions" read this report regarding debt & crop loss in the Wheat Belt of Western Australia - report

March 10 2013 The UK Met Service calls for urgent action to prepare for extreme weather events
noting that "droughts and floods will be common events in Britain'. - report

New Zealand now reports the worst drought in almost 70 years, officially declared now for most of the North Island -but soon to cover parts of the South Island.

It seems the extremes are what the world now faces, rather than a simplistic warming scenario

Refer to my April 2012 post on the period 2010-2016 :  water issues -too little-too much and 2015 Heat Flood Drought Fire

NZ graphic from NIWA

March 4 2013 New Zealand -  after a baking hot summer, begins to declare official drought, starting from the north of the North Island (latitude 34.35-36.48 South)  & soon to include other North Island regions - report   report2 & NZ climate maps

US: As a comparison refer to this Dec 2012 drought map compared to January & February 2013

2012 updates

June 2012
The latest USA drought map courtesy of NOAA - click to enlarge all graphics
Colorado wildfires
Tens of thousands evacuated in June 2012 as the worst fires in the state's history rage - report
US Heatwave -more than a thousand heat records broken in a week, late June 2012 - report
Both North & South Korea experiencing 'worst in a century" drought  - report

2012 mid April 
Drought expands throughout USA. Hasn't been this dry in 5 years -full report 
Abnormally dry areas recorded north, south, east and west - see Drought Monitor map

 April 5 2012
Meanwhile, China has entered a drought sequence 
Scientific American reports:

April 2 2012
Accuweather provides a summary of the warmest March ever in multiple US cities and states 
March 22 2012 
Economic impact report on the current US Texas & southwest drought - with more heat predicted

Feb 20 2012  Issues outside of the US:

Feb 3 2012
This post has proved very popular so updates will be maintained as necessary.

click all graphics to enlarge
January 5 2012

Worst drought in Texas history causes  farm stock reduction
China's largest freshwater lake -parched dry - see photos Lake Poyang
What is interesting about this Lake in China is that it sits at latitude 29North -which is shared by areas in America's drought zone. Changes in the planet's jet streams may be involved in this connection.

2011 updates

July 2011
Drought zones USA July 2011 - Dust Bowl again in strife 
Click link above to view large map of the environmental hazards currently in USA - source: NOAA [update October 2011] news item linking backing to Dust Bowl era
What is fascinating about this July 2011 forecast map from the American environmental agency NOAA, is the extent of the drought zone - outlined in brown - far more extensive than in the 1930's -below

Update July 12
A NOAA map has been inserted in the main body to show current drought in the Dust Bowl and a comparative map of the Dust Bowl region.

Update July 13
Astrologer Alice Portman shares her research on flood cycles linked to eclipse triggers
Check out this astro-meteorology specialist who confirms the view ahead. Theodore White says:
climate events - such as flood and drought - can and do exist together and occur very close to one another, or even at the same time under particular planetary configurations, which I remind everyone are cyclical.
Update July 14
An American climatologist underestimates the indicators of long-term  Dust Bowl drought
Update August 17 2011
Here's some climate maps and commentary re July 2011 in the US -showing extremes
Update August 26
There is ongoing interest from online searches in this post so want to add an excellent global map from NOAA showing how extreme the central US drought zone is. (may be slow to download)

Update Sept 9 2011

This US NOAA report is worth reading re Texas drought conditions

From Nov 30 2011 New York Times -secrets of the deep revealed as drought causes lakes to recede
Dust Bowl Drought - the return of cycles
Original Post From July 2011 onwards, begins here, featuring indepth identification of planetary indicators impacting Earth's environment

Watching the massive Arizona dust storm of early July 2011 brings to mind the Dust Bowl era, which dominated the American natural environment and economy in the 1930's
A 2010 environmental report cites relevant climate events involved

Anyone with a long memory, or the ability or inclination to research cycles can see how history repeats, often too in the same place, since every place, person and thing has an inherent vibrational resonance - and like a tuning fork, will respond when a matching vibration arises from the larger, universal environment.

So if we look at the period 1931-1939 inclusive, people from different disciplines will uses their frame of reference to identify what was happening then, to create particular consequences. Farming methods were blamed but nature itself was in control. Climatologists will use the terms jet stream and southern oscillation, amongst others, now, looking back with hindsight.

We are witnessing in 2011 the early stages of events which rocked the 1930's USA.

This conclusion can also be reached from diverse perspectives.
Here is the analysis based on planetary cycles:

The cycles of the planets, are detailed fully for the present, past and future in an ephemeris, compiled using software, using known patterns of movement over time. The mathematics alone show how points in time are connected when a planet is positioned at the same or an angularly related position. ( positions within say 3 degrees of exact, along with 45 degree, 90 (square), 135 and 180 (opposition) degrees are particularly important - and found to feature when the energy of two or more planets merge in time with an observable outward event.

The outer planets and Moon's Nodes emphasis on Cardinal signs in 1931 is strong, with positions in Cancer Capricorn, Aries and Libra all involved in strong planetary dynamics.

These four signs are the seasonal markers as well as marking the equatorial north and south passage points ( Aries-Libra) and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn - these all cover the territory where the sun, moon and planetary belt interacts with Earth.
These powerful astronomical factors of how earth is impacted by other bodies in space, means I believe, that these 4 cardinal signs have significant environmental impact when the power group Pluto, Uranus and Saturn in particular pass through those sectors.

1. Pluto in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn
2. Pluto and Saturn both square the moon's nodal positions in Aries-Libra
3. Uranus in Aries squares both Pluto and Saturn

1932, 1933, 1934
Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Cancer 
(in terms of elements: hot wind vs deep changes in lunar, tidal, fluid levels)

Saturn, the planet corresponding with restriction, dryness and drought ( see extended keywords ref.) is in the sign related to wind [Aquarius] and this intensifies the destructive effects of  Pluto and Uranus.-  as tight alignments occur in this year

After the emphasis on cardinal signs in the early 1930's, the focus then moved to mutable signs
(Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius)

Saturn enters the water sign Pisces and interacts with the energies of Jupiter and Uranus
Pluto the transformer makes a hard  [destructive] contact with Neptune, the planetary signifier of water,
Pluto is in exact contact with the Moon's nodal position, emphasising destructive effects from changes in lunar, tidal, fluid levels and earth-planet/soil structural aspects
Uranus is exactly square to the moon's nodes  = the effects of hot wind on the above aspects
Saturn gains dominance over drought conditions, being both in the water sign Pisces and opposite Neptune. Any planetary opposition generates issues re a need for balance
The year begins with Saturn still in Pisces, opposing Uranus in earthy systems sign Virgo
Jupiter in Capricorn (abundant dryness, restricted growth) opposes Pluto in Cancer (deep changes in lunar, tidal, fluid levels)
The prevailing energies already set in motion, keep their momentum during this year

The year begins with abundant (Jupiter) water (Pisces) energy
In March, when Jupiter in Pisces opposes Neptune in Virgo , the energy is set in place for the drought-breaking rains to arrive in the next fall.

Those are the standout factors for this comparison ( though not a full analysis of all contributing planetary elements) because when the current and upcoming period is examined, repeating aspects are evident.

Drought In the 21st Century -a Summary:

1. We are again in an era of dominant Cardinal sign placements held by the powerfully influential Pluto, Uranus and Saturn in 2011. Plus, the mutable energies follow that group, as in the 1930's.
The cycle repeats

From July 2010 Saturn's drying and blocking influence has held sway in the cardinal sign Libra, relating to issues of  balance/imbalance.
Saturn remains in Libra until October 6 2012, after which the sign of Scorpio follows for almost 3 years.
The effects of Saturn now bring endings, transformation and new beginnings, commonly marked by the symbolism and actuality of death - re Saturn's domain of the surface crust & soil.

2. 2011 sees the start of a long-term 90 degree square-off involving Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries (2011-2016). This is a signature of environmental extremes (in terms of elements: hot wind vs deep changes in lunar, tidal, atmospheric & fluid levels; earth element [ soil & ground ] undergoing restructuring; imbalances exposed)

3. In 2013 early April and early October are two markers with Saturn in Scorpio offset against Uranus in Aries: transformation of the soil element in conjunction with hot winds; death and transformation from dryness. This pattern reinforces the already strong drought indicators in play

4. Saturn-Uranus Neptune-Nodes July 2014  - drought and imbalance indicators
5.  Saturn in mutable Sagittarius will square Neptune in mutable Pisces from December 2015-October 2016 - a significant drought indicator

Essentially, the Pluto-Uranus cycle is being witnessed again as in the 1930's, USA, and the effects of Saturn (restriction) on water are repeated.

This post is primarily about environmental matters, but a further reinforcement of repeated cycles comes in this commentary on 1930's financial issues in America:
During that month of June, 1931, there was a foretaste--and a sour one--of many a financial scandal to come, when three officers of the Bank of United States were convicted by a jury in New York, after shocking disclosures of the mismanagement of the bank's funds during the speculative saturnalia of 1928 and 1929 - source

Whether the drought conditions target America again is an interesting question, but the issue is, as stated initially, one of resonance - wherever on earth matches this particular combination of planetary conditions
In 2011 it is the Horn of Africa  as well as the USA responding to the Pluto Uranus factors.

The epicenter of the drought lies on the three-way border shared by Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, a nomadic region where families heavily depend on the health of their livestock. Uganda and Djibouti have also been hit. (HuffPost)

The Cardinal Crisis
Floods, Fires & Drought

This fascinating study of the period 1628-1643, during the Maunder Minimum ( extremely low sunspot period) provides a lot of mapped climate data from China during the Ming dynasty. Sustained planetary patterns were in process bearing the signatures of drought and flood -

  • drought signatures in that time frame being typically Saturn square Neptune, Saturn square Jupiter, Saturn square Nodes & Saturn in Pisces.
  • Flood signatures were Jupiter square Neptune, Jupiter square Nodes, Jupiter conjunct Neptune, Jupiter square Uranus
As expected, Pisces, mutable signs, Neptune figured continually in the flood signatures -but with Saturn in mutable SAG square the Nodes in mutable Pisces (1634) this would translate to a drought scenario, due to the over-riding effect of Saturn to restrict energies.

This ends the original 2011 post
 Dust Bowl Drought, the Return of Cycles

addendum May 2018
It can be added at this point that the May 2018 entry of Uranus [unexpected or sudden change] into Taurus [earth, land, soil] will usher in further signs of change in the condition of the land & of the planet in general during the period up to 2026. 
Due to the process of climate shift developing over many years the outcomes are sustained long-term with deluge and drought continuing as the hallmarks of nature in a state of severe imbalance -different locations will generally get the wet or the dry expected typical for their regional climate -but in a more extreme fashion.
Severe storms are also part of this picture.
Big changes will occur in agriculture, horticulture and land use in general. The value of land will be subject to sudden changes. [read more in-depth on the economic outlook in this era]

Also Read
Heat, Flood Drought Fire a 2015 update & summary


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