Monday, 4 July 2011

The Holographic Mind as a Reality Template

One of the most significant books contributing to my concept of the nature of reality was The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot, first encountered in the late 1980's.
Here is a related description posted online by Talbot
With its clear explanations this book encompasses not only the way quantum physics explains so much of our world, but also covers the stuff on the fringes that most people fear and shy away from: a holographic model explains how everything from the concepts of planetary influences to psychic and paranormal phenomena are part of the fabric of reality. This is a truly holistic vision, and once you have grasped what a hologram is, you will have a beginning concept of how this might apply to absolutely everything in existence.

As a simple example, from the link above, when comparing a printed photograph to a hologram, Talbot explains:
             every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole
and this example by itself encapsulates the holographic model of reality he discusses. 
Holography links perfectly with the philosophy of Buddhism, which proposes there is no separation, we are all connected, part of one whole existence, perception of separation is an illusion and to hold a belief of being separate or distinct from other people, creatures and things is as strange as believing that your own hand or leg is not part of you. Most of us only enter the connected world during sleep time. Meditators can do this during hours of usual wakeness and those involved in perpetual spiritual practice would operate naturally on the universally connected level. Clearly something about the way in which the everyday awake mind processes information (most probably light itself) creates the false sense of distinction, separateness and difference. This perception is then employed to artificially categorise all things into such boxes as animal, vegetable, mineral, caucasian, negroid, asian, polynesian, dog, cat, budgie, horse  and so on into incredible sub-categories, sub-species, on and on. These perceptions make life fun for those who love lists but they are the basis of hatred, war, rejection, grief, pain, insecurity and conversely, the absence of compassion, empathy, love, bliss, security. You can only hate and reject The Other if you hate and reject yourself, as they are the same. Being able to conceive everyone is me ( a reflection of me, an aspect of me) means you cannot hate or reject another person without simultaneously hating and rejecting a part of yourself. The solution to this conundrum is healing through, self compassion, often called forgiveness, because the world you encounter, being holographic in nature, will continually feed back to you, like in an endless hall of mirrors, your range of internal personae or traits, manifested as other people.  In everyday terms we hearClean up your own back yard, instead of moaning about the neighbour's rubbish pile. It is only by totally honest self confrontation can you hope to alter your holographic footprint and generate feedback which nurtures you and lessens suffering. Without breaking the cycle the feedback loop creates what most would recognise as an experience of hell on earth, a living nightmare of continual repeats or themes.
Though Christianity has been corrupted by many for their own empowerment, the basic tenants relating to behaviour and redemption relate to universal truths. In this way many people have known healing through the church, but it is not necessary, or even sensible, to invest ultimate power in a figurehead as the controller of a person's life. A teacher is a teacher, a channel of information. The task for the student is to utilise the information, not worship the messenger, because such idolatry is an act of separation: the god is within.

Talbot says:
At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously.

Also refer to the prior post on the Nature of Reality in a Transforming World

I will update this post when relevant material comes to mind

Update August 2 2011
Rohaan Solare combines many of these ideas and more in his perception of an alternate notion of reality. This artlcle is well worth reading


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