Friday, 29 July 2011

Picking up Dog Poop with Sigourney Weaver

                                                  Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

 Sigourney and I had engaged in an enjoyable conversation at the gathering we were both attending. It was a film industry event held in New Zealand, in a location away from the city.
We found ourselves on a sloping hillside amongst thick mounded rows of freshly cut green grass. Suddenly, Sigourney let out an anguished cry, as befits one with such impeccable skills. In her bare feet, she had stood on dog poop, as I discovered when I rushed over to her assistance. The droppings looked suspiciously like those of my own dog, Pablo - small, thin and moist, caramel-coloured, in a little heap. So many times I had collected up deposits like this.
Of course, I had plastic bags available, but the enormous heaps of grass served well to scoop up the poop and clear it away beyond a rocky border. Whew!
That drama over, we spoke of an associate's new project and that I was disappointed he  hadn't made a fuller reveal at the conference. Sigourney pointed out that there was a risk that GLEE would latch onto his ideas if he didn't keep the project under wraps. How true.
Sigourney looked at me with tenderness. Was she reading my innocent kiwi schmuck persona ? She reached out her hand to touch my face. I sensed more was to come. I woke up.

Research Notes:
Sigourney Weaver, born October 8 1949, Manhatten, New York City, is a Libran.
She wisely renamed herself Sigourney in 1963, after a character in F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gadby ( Born Susan, Alexandra)
I have enjoyed Sigourney in many movies, including the Alien series, Gorilla's in the Mist, Death and the Maiden, Ghostbusters, Avatar.
Though highly regarded in the sci-fi genre, Sigourney pulls off Oscar worthy performances in drama & her comic touch is evident in numerous lighter roles.
Her birth chart  for a 6.15pm birth gives Moon and ASC in Taurus, a very useful Jupiter in Capricorn on the midheaven ( fortunate career) and trine the ASC = more luck and protection -so more Earth energy than you'd imagine - but Neptune placed right conjunct to the Sun gives the ability to inhabit any role. Mars and Pluto together tightly in Leo gives the capacity for powerful performances - especially the tough persona roles as in the Aliens movies. Venus is an important indicator for Librans and with Venus in Scorpio, Sigourney has a big dose of charisma. Definitely an unconventional thinker, with Uranus square Mercury - and Mercury retrograde gives a highly imaginative mind. The 6th house emphasis will give her more of a Virgo persona at times.
( hard-working, analytical, self-critical, even a shy side)
Uranus aspecting the ASC gives more unconventional traits than a typical Taurean would display so that's why we are not seeing a shorter, rounder physique: Juptier and Uranus both incline to height and well-toned or at least leaner bodies.
Saturn provides a counter-point to any tendency to go too Jupiterian or Uranian -in other words Sigourney is able to achieve balance by using these opposing energies in measured amounts -reflected so clearly in her movie choices. Librans are all about learning balance and this chart is a classic in terms of the potentials given for going too far in either direction, only to face the need for correction. Truly symbolic of our age - a zeitgeist example for planet earth and its inhabitants. Thankyou Sigourney. Looking forward to your next movie release.

p.s. it turns out Sigourney LOVES dogs -see this special pic


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