Friday, 8 July 2011

Does Solar Minimum = More Seismic & Volcanic Unrest?

 Does Solar Minimum = More Seismic & Volcanic Unrest on Planet Earth?

Though a cycle of roughly 11 years has been recorded pertaining to the sunspot output generated by the sun, sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections are the key events we observe from earth and understand to be part of the Sun's event processes. It is the sunspot cycle that seems highly important in terms of impacts upon our planet. Researchers believe that current Cycle 24 will be the smallest ( lowest total sunspots for over the past 100 years)
Even NASA is prepared to state: changes in the Earth's magnetic field are known to be caused by solar storms but the precise connections between them and future solar activity levels is still uncertain.

A significant body of researchers consider the solar minimum period corresponds with increased seismic and volcanic activity on earth. 
For some examples, refer to:
John L Casey
Brent Walker
Solar Cycle 24 Forum

Very fascinating is the dominant latitude band on the sun where primary sunspot activity occurs - in the main, 30N to 30S of the solar equator. Those who follow astrotometry,          (created by John Thomas Bryant Jnr) which looks at solar event locations being mirrored on earth, will be delighted to know that the 30-40 North-South earth latitude band is where the majority of quakes occur on our planet. ( Note: John Bryant appears to have shifted focus, but thebarcaroller is possibly superior in using the same solar mirroring technique - see video below)

see these related links:
Times and Places
The Latitude Factor..
Worst Zones for Earthquakes
Puyehue Cordon volcano update

Check back as this post is updated 

Update July 17 2011
Notes from a recent astrophysicists conference in New Mexico indicating the extent of the solar minimum and the sun's puzzling behaviour
A summary of recent theories 
based on the current somewhat unprecedented circumstances which make it hard for any space scientist to be on secure grounds when anticipating how the sun's unusual state will affect us on earth. ( The sunspot cycle has only a short history of data dating back 400 years)

Update July 27
Video re solar prediction techniques - from thebarcaroller


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