Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Astroblog Search Phrases week to 18 July 2011

unusual weather patterns 2011

2011 july tsunami

jupiter in taurus 2011

tsunami july 2011

2011 drought compared to 1934

chrischurch aftershock lull

detailed map of the dustbowl

effects of july 15 full moon

full moon july 2011 astro

full moon july 2011 interpretation
These are the reasons (mostly) Google searches came upon Astroblog -a combination of astrology, weather, climate & natural events - tsunami & earthquakes. 
Since astrological analysis can be applied to anything, posts are added to this blog in response to topical matters of widespread interest. 
Soon there will be an uptick in people wanting to know more about 2012, since there has been much published in print and online pondering the question regarding the Mayan Calendar and December 2012 marking an End Times scenario. 
I keep an open mind regarding that period coinciding specifically with markedly challenging events. What is more important is to see what is unfolding now, day by day regarding the environment, politics and the global economy. Make no mistake, 2012 is a big year for us collectively, but there are many indicators pointing to this, irrespective of where the sun is in relationship to the Galactic Centre. By scrolling through my archives you will find many related posts on these topics, but for now, start to look at how you can make changes in your life towards greater self sufficiency, simpler more modest material goals, down-sizing, relocating, avoiding risky investments. The writing is on the wall and the images are on the cards. You may be amongst the fortunate few who are mentally prepared to cope with radical changes to come.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...