Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Massive Transformations Ahead -

We are seeing an extended return of the Pluto-Uranus cycle
 in 2011 which will dominate global conditions
 for the next 5 years
as well as flow on effects in the coming decade

Astrologers have the benefit of being able to use a planetary ephemeris to view way back into the past as well as far ahead into the future, in terms of where the sun, moon planets and other solar system objects were, are or will be at any given date. This is an excellent research tool for seeing what the planets were doing when a particular historical event occurred - and from that analysis, to consider what might occur in a future repeat cycle of particular planetary relationships -such as Pluto in cycle with Uranus which figured strongly in the 1960's upheavals. We are seeing an extended return of the Pluto-Uranus cycle beginning in 2011 ( along with other patterns in progress) which will dominate global conditions for the next 5 years as well as flow on effects in the coming decade.

Anti-establishment, pro-democracy, civil unrest, civil disobediance, revolution, coups, over-throw - these are all keywords along the theme of challenges made to systems, organisations, controlling forces, governments and individual people who embody corrupt, abusive power.

As an individual you could become more rebellious angry and impatient if faced with a boss, leader, or system that is thwarting your individuality, rights or independence.  Those most likely to manifest this will have connections from their own birth-time planets to the current planetary positions and cycles.

So this really is about outdated, oppressive and dysfunctional systems being overturned. Already such figures are being challenged in the pro-democracy movements; men being termed dinosaurs for their dark ages views. It really is a shift from the worst of the past to hopefully, and eventually, the best that a future world can offer: egalitarianism, freedom, equity, justice, responsible use of power. But many other energy shifts coming from philosophically driven Jupiter, compassionate, humanitarian Neptune and the healer Chiron will have to contribute to these outcomes. There is no one single magic solution for the complex woes of humanity and it is a gradual process over generations.

It is likely that a big shift back to family values will need to occur to rebalance societal dysfunctions in the Western nations in particular, where generations of abandoned children are now causing widespread social concern. This problem cuts across all socio-economic levels and points to a fundamental loss of the parenting principle ( Cancer-Capricorn). For the wealthy and materially comfortable this has meant  pursuit of career, money, prestige, status and possessions has prevailed over simple mum and dad stuff with the kids. For the less well-off, material ambitions have again played a part, along with less capacity to afford such media induced aspirations, so less time with the kids is again the outcome. Forgetting how to parent generations of children creates a deep wound in society and the outcomes can only be increasingly destructive until the remedy is found. This time around though, the solution ought to involve more obvious shared parenting and even role reversals, part-time work, home based work - overall a reconstruction of work-life balance

Self identity, how we relate to others, our home and family dynamics as well as our public life and relationship to the workings of society will all be re-examined during the period of strong cardinal sign readjustments ( Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) If you have planets in  these signs you will be more affected than others by the changes already unfolding.

Effects on people are just part of the picture , though we, with anthropocentric blindness tend to consider we are like the sun, the centre of all things. Not true, sorry.

Changing values are likely to shift humanity away from the materialistic stranglehold we are in, towards simpler, more modest relationship with objects. For some people this will be an agreed and conscious choice. For others seemingly enforced by circumstances -loss of income, home, possessions due to economic or environmental forces - can lead to a rethink, a shift in perspective. Do you really want to work, work, work just to get more things? Or just to fit in with others? How about being true to yourself?

So the planetary influences will alter our physical environment as well, in some cases due to actual changes in the earth and our living environment, due to the effects of weather or climate. The earth has cycles too, plus it is part of a system and therefore prone to the influences of remote activity from the sun and other planets.

Abstract things, like concepts, ideas are involved in the changes - as people address such issues as democracy, independence, individuality, parenthood.

This will be a highly challenging era for those who resist change, those who just want everything to stay the same. In the complexities surrounding us now, unstable, unprecedented and unexpected events and developments will be part of the fabric of deconstruction and reconstruction as our collective spirit seeks a better life in a better world. Much work is to be done to get there but if you can grasp the essence of this global shift, the process can be seen as a mass healing.

For further astrological information and timing please refer to this recent post

Latest updates to original post
June 2012
As the process of transformation has its early beginnings, we see political chaos in Syria, Egypt along with the threat of financial meltdown in the eurozone, with global implications. Refer to a further forecast re Uranus-Pluto & America
May 9 2012
The election of Francois Hollande, Socialist leader as President of France, shows the shifting tide in political power dynamics
November 10 2011
Head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde warns of a "lost decade" in the global economy as Greece and now Italy face severe economic decline impacting the Eurozone and global financial stability.
October 21 - full report
The Libyan people have overcome their leader Gaddafi. 

October 20 2011
Major unrest continues in Greece in the face of austerity measures

October 19 2011
The global Occupy Movement has come of Age. 
The essence of this popular uprising and protest movement exemplifies the direction of change to come, following on from pro-democracy surges in the Middle East. Planetary patterns spell this out clearly as detailed below. Now that the Western nations are linked in, using highly contagious social media like Twitter and Facebook, there is the greatest potential ever for organizing, motivating and sharing amongst billions of disaffected global citizens, the 99% put under duress by the 1% who pull the strings at the highest level.
The Occupy Together site is a useful information hub  
Oct 19 2011  Astrologer Mark Lerner (@markgobear) adds further astro-analysis in the light of the Occupy Movement
August 25 2011 Have redisdisovered an old favourite astrological author - he's online and this article about Pluto-Uranus is an important adjunct to this post.
August 12 2011
Refer to latest blog post on August 2011 - an astro analysis putting recent events into context of this transformational era,
Amazon UK best sellers now are baseball bats as the British populace look to self-defend in the land of limited gun-power. Meanwhile further news reports indicate that the faces of looting are far more diverse than first depicted - youth under 20, the underclass. But reports now paint a wider and more disturbing picture -as in this from the UK Telegraph
What is more disturbing is that if employed people in relatively secure material circumstances have joined in the mob mentality of looting for the hell of it, it shows how little investment in society and community they have. The bottom line is tragically no investment either in the core of society, the family unit, after decades of absentee parenting. The fundamental re-shaping of society that is critical involves a return to parenting, being the basis of a well-structured community and society. This is foreseen in the current and enduring pattern of a cardinal mix of planets intrinsically activating all four bedrock signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) bringing an emphasis on the home/family focus of Cancer as well as the self, relating to others and what one does in the world..

August 10 2011

After a delayed response in terms of protection of the innocent, London has been flooded with Police. This has left other cities perpetuating the momentum of the riots - news summary
In New Zealand, positive use of people power has seen protests regarding what is seen as price gouging in the run up to the Rugby World Cup. by manufacturer adidas, who supply rugby jerseys. The NZ All Blacks jersey is not only the most expensive, but also sells in NZ for considerably more than fans can buy online from America. A major NZ retailer has dropped the price to lure fans back to bricks and mortar retail. Though no trading laws have been broken by adidas, NZ politicians and former veteran All Blacks have roundly criticised the multinational giant. This is a classical exampleof people standing up to a corporate seen as abusing market power, and fits into the Uranus versus Pluto theme which is presently full on.
Update August 9 2011
Rioting which started in London over a Police (Pluto in Capricorn) shooting (Aries) has erupted (Pluto square Uranus) in collective anger (Uranus in Aries) related to an outdated system (Pluto in Capricorn). The disempowered and disengaged are on the rampage - see this incomplete map of early outbreaks
This response is exactly what can be expected in the context of austerity measures continuing to squeeze those with no investment in the system that created them. With global markets tumbling at this time, the omens are not good for the maintenance of global stability.

 Update July 11 2011
Interesting that the closure of the News of the World has garnered headlines about the end of the World  and the death or end of an institution.
Pluto (death, destruction, transformation) began its long process in Capricorn (institutions) in 2008 and  will continue the overhaul of the Old Order until late 2024


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...