Where astro-analysis stands out is the capacity for tracking regular cyclic patterns over long periods of history.
Out of the long database of information it is possible to see repetitive correspondences.
Extreme weather events
are repeatedly shown
through astrological factors
to be born many weeks/months
prior to their unfoldment
Astrology allows us to look at the birth and the development up until the matured energy is unleashed
Preceding eclipses typically have a significant influence due to providing a resonant energy that remains latent and awaiting a match that activates the eclipse event energy potentials
A recent and a distant event
in the same location : 1977 and 2022
Comparing factors re
the January 1977 Blizzard
Western New York State
and the December 2022 Blizzard
Total Solar 29 Libra 55 & Lunar 14 Taurus 41
Jan 8 1977
lunar nodes activated Solar eclipse degree
Jan 17 1977
transit Saturn 14Leo41 90ºsqu lunar Eclipse
Saturn reached exact 3Leo-3Scorpio squ with Uranus July 1976 an early summer signifier of two contradictory forces in an aggravated relationship –this can be seen as a conception energy – the seed is sown and the theme is disturbance due to incompatibility
The October 1976 solar eclipse position 29Libra/0Scorpio is activated by 15 mutable. Neptune reached 15 Sagittarius on Jan 11 1977 – this adds the qualities of expanded moisture into the environment while Saturn at 15 Leo at this stage exact trine Neptune is tapping into the solar energies of light and heat meeting an expanse of water.
Saturn at 15 fixed has a powerful structuring role in building a weather pattern utilising the forces presently accessed – Pluto also is onboard at 14Libra being midpoint Saturn-Neptune – bringing an alteration in the atmospheric balance and helping potentise both Saturn and Neptune.
Adding extra ooomph is Jupiter – typically a big player – and stationing direct for several days either side of 15 January - is a source of oomph. Eventually Jupiter’s favourite team-mate on big projects – Mars – catches up to Jupiter by trine on 29 January but this combo is strong enough together to have been effective in creating the event start date 28 January even before the angle was exact.
During the blizzard the Aquarius Sun [ Aquarius frequently prominent in significant snow events ] was square Uranus in Scorpio on Jan 31 - another clash of fixed signs – here with planetary factors related to opposing signs Leo-Aquarius
Fixed signs are extreme and December 1976 and January 1977 were the coldest on record in Buffalo
The City of Buffalo is located precisely in line for the weather events that passage over the body of water called Lake Ontario which provides the perfect catalyst of warmer water vapor rising to mix with chilly inflowing Arctic air leading to cloud then snow formation.
Again in December 2022 [ 22nd- 25th ] a blizzard struck the same region same city hard hit.
This time at the winter solstice when a very potent Jupiter in Aries was at odds with the cold December solstice Sun in Capricorn at that latitude and in respect of those same environmental weather-producing factors but the astrology had both differences and similarities in comparison to 1977.
This time Buffalo is said to have suffered the worst blizzard ever. Along with extraordinarily deep heavy snow and whiteout frigid temperatures wind gusts fluctuating from 30 to 70+ mph – windchill -21F and a major sudden drop in atmospheric pressure – down 35 millibars within 24hrs gave a signature for a “bomb cyclone”.
Then came power cuts and other infrastructure and support system failures which reflect again a discord between Saturn and Uranus in fixed signs like noted in 1976-77. Saturn is structure/infrastructure and Uranus is the disruptor/destabiliser of all that.
Again the recent prior eclipses are relevant
October 2022 2 Scorpio solar eclipse was active at 17 mutable – the main trigger for that being the Sun on Dec 9 though Mars close to Earth alignment during retrograde - already got to 17 on the 5th
Jupiter was zero Aries at the winter solstice.
Uranus aligned to the November 8 lunar eclipse was semisquare Jupiter and sesquiquadrate the solstice Sun zero Capricorn: a potent mix.
Within days the atmospheric and environmental heat accumulation gestating away all summer played a major role in bringing on the blizzard [ Jupiter in Aries onset was May 10] and had a duration of 5 and a half months and nearly 3 of those were in retrograde alignment with Earth before the water period under Pisces also retrograde for nearly a further month. This constitutes a powerful buildup of both heat and moisture energy available for a weather event.
Jupiter pairing with Neptune met at 26 Pisces and square the Sun on December 18.
Jupiter still in Pisces was square the Sagittarius Sun on December 21 - which is a triple whammy combo of Jupiter-Neptune-Sun energies all hyper activated.
By late 23 December all the forces in synergy manifested a cyclonic pattern over East Canada.
The 16 Taurus November total lunar eclipse was associated again with the Saturn-Uranus square in fixed signs and by the onset of the blizzard Uranus in Taurus retrograde was at 15 fixed.
21 degrees of a fixed sign featured in both blizzard events:
1977 Jupiter 2022 Saturn. This could be a regional/local resonance factor separate from the 15 fixed globally relevant pattern.
1n 1977 Mars provided the heat factor with Jupiter amplifying it.
In 2022 Mars retrograde was angled square from mutable Gemini to Jupiter in mutable Pisces – but widely when the blizzard unfolded. Instead it was Jupiter in Aries absorbing Mars through much of 2022 and strong enough to do the job alone.
Retrogrades have a significant role in direct transmission of energy to Earth due to the much closer aligned position of a planet in transit when the illusion of backwards motion is perceived from Earth. There is no true backwards motion – and what is true and significant is that Earth gets a stronger dose of the passing planet during its retrograde.
Errors in understanding this have led to notions of weakened energy when the reverse is correct.
Saturn and Pluto were retrograde at the 1977 blizzard event.
In 2022 it was Mars and Uranus and other potentised positions were in effect: Sun and Jupiter at zero cardinal plus Uranus at 15 fixed. Neptune carrying extra water energy after station direct early December.
This brief study of two blizzards same location
serves as a further chapter in my work regarding
extreme weather and severe environmental events
that can be shown to correspond with planetary factors and patterns.
Research scientist Nicola Scafetta has a lot to say
on the role of planets in impacting earth climate.
begins after this updates section
Updates after 2021 publication:
These addenda provide further examples of factors
repeatedly shown to feature in severe weather-environmental damage events
Full details are found in the text body
May 2024
The original text was compiled in 2021 and did not feature a further factor that has been addressed in Sun Flares Earth Storms - a 2011 compilation on this site documenting observations including an insight that storm energy is also activated on Earth as a consequence of strong solar activity impacting this planet. In general solar activity in feedback with the solar-lunar cycle and planetary activators -especially outer planets are seen as ongoing influences.
From May 11 2024 and over several days solar activity resulted in a severe level G5 geomagnetic level - during the advance to Solar Sunspot maximum - that is not commonly observed. Given a time lapse known to be involved with planetary-driven influences as well as eclipses -it is no surprise that the Sun is capable of driving far stronger turbulence entering both the atmosphere.
Recent research re a Mars-Earth resonance says this is generating strong whirlpoool energy in Earth's oceans. This audio is a summary of the work of Prof Dietmar Müller University of Sydney. He states that:
turbulence in the atmosphere is mirrored in turbulence in the oceans
So worth noting here is a link between the Uranus and Neptune influenced environments -air and water and therefore Aquarius and Pisces
And I would argue that mainstream science is only in the earliest stages of detecting the overall influences of the total solar system - including vastly underestimating the many effects we can experience biologically and environmentally related to the key driver - the Sun.
The aftermath of days of elevated geomagnetic intensity before mid May - with resulting turbulence from charged particles it is of no surprise that very extreme weather and environmental events have unfolded by late May 2024:
hail heatwaves tornadoes earthquakes a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea burying a whole village widespread flooding severe thunderstorm warning [ May 27 US ] are all notable categories of severe events on record in a very compressed timeframe during May 2024 after the severe solar activity
The standout factor re both the solar and terrestrial high potency is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus that occurred at close to 22 Taurus on May 21 2024 Universal Time
Venus at 19 Aries and Mars at 22 Pisces did create a short train effect : Pisces Aries Taurus and both could have added energy support to the already powerful combination of Jupiter and Uranus - no one at this time will be confirming or validating this but the key drivers being in fixed sign Taurus evoke all 4 fixed signs - Leo the solar energy -Taurus earth energy Aquarius the charged particle field energy and Scorpio the meta-physical stuff embedded in natural forces. A power pair in a power mode.
June 2023
Forces vs Fields
Despite the common usage of forces as a descriptor to account for the activity of one mass object body or entity interacting with another it is preferred to shift to the language of fields as the field is paramount. The field consists of/stores/utilises information and interacts with other field/s
Fields are comprised of wave patterns operating at a frequency.
Everything consists of fields. Our body contains fields within fields.
The solar system and the Cosmos are intrinsically a highly complex interconnection of fields.
Imagine planetary fields dispersing concentric waves from one planet which interact with those of another planet - forming a characteristic pattern due to a specific type of alignment - whether that is a square conjunction opposition etc.
This basic interference pattern of 2 undulating waves in a field shows how particular interaction points are achieved.
Points called Nodes are formed where there is a crossing --the nodal type differs based on whether a peak or a trough or mixed peak-trough crossings are made in the waveforms -these alternate [shown as bold peak thin trough]
It is the overlapping or overlaying field interaction that creates a new expression for 2 individual fields = planet A and planet B then morph into a fusion of their 2 capacities.
The quality of that fusion [ type of planetary potential depends on the structure of the pattern formed by their field interference.
How that pattern impacts an individual or a location - productively/strengthening or destructively/weakening - depends on the field of the interacting individual or place - though in the absolute rather than relative view the field of the location where an individual is accessing their personal field [birth chart potentials] will be part of the mix also when a new field [singular or mixed planetary field] is accessed [in transit]
June 2023 note on Ceres
Observations in 2023 keep pointing to Ceres as an observable factor in timing water element events impacting Earth in the context of the elements expressing as extreme weather - delivered by in particular the outer 3 - Uranus Neptune Pluto [as detailed in the main post which follows]
In June 2023 the current example of Ceres in Virgo approaching exact opposition to a very slow Neptune holding 27 Pisces [square the Galactic Centre 27 SAG during May-June - in the approach to stationing retrograde at the end of June 2023 - is occurring with several exaggerated Neptunian events -floods deluges landslips -all of which alter the earth surface and landforms/landscapes - and in many examples will impact food production.
A different type of flood -man-made in the context of war in Ukraine - has seen a dam damaged and set to flood around 80 towns and villages with tens of thousands of people needing to be evacuated. Ukraine has blamed Russia for this atrocity.
This is one of the key events aligned with the Ceres opposition to Neptune in Pisces June 2023 -which has potency over several days.
The reason I am considering why Ceres could be a factor to watch re significant natural elements impacting life is this asteroid is a dwarf planet like Pluto -and the only such dwarf in the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter.
It may well be that as Mars and Jupiter have a close field relationship with the asteroid belt - that they together being a known strong driver of elemental forces when working as a prominent pair in transit - may also be continually infusing imprints onto the field patterns of objects in the asteroid belt - possibly especially evident with Ceres due to the alignment of Ceres with our planet's version of Mother Nature - how this planet nurtures us - especially through agriculture and horticulture and seasonal characteristics.
This Mars-Ceres-Jupiter proposal represents to me an example of the knitting together that exists within our solar system - expanding the basic concept of planetary pairs which have a particular role together - examples such as Jupiter-Saturn Neptune-Pluto Saturn-Uranus - ultimately contributing to a completely connected system.
February 2023 Extreme weather events
in New Zealand [Cyclone Gabrielle posted Feb 13] in the US [posted Feb 20] Heat and cold in Argentina [posted Feb 18] Madagascar & Mozambique tropical storm Cheneso then Cyclone Freddy [ posted 23 Feb] Australia - Cyclone Gabrielle [posted 9 Feb] are just some of the significant storm events January-February 2023 that can be tracked to the prevailing positioning since December 2022 of Uranus [a known storm factor in my use of astrometeorology ]
Uranus holding 15 degrees +/- 30minutes has been extra significant from December 2022 through January February and into early March 2023.
Uranus in Taurus is connected to cyclonic forces winds and the wrecking of material and land forms.
Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: the deluge and flooding factors involve the long exaggerated buildup of Pisces water energy since late 2021 when Jupiter and Neptune first formed midpoints in Pisces. These Pisces midpoints were sustained until Early February 2023 and the water energy was amplified by Jupiter's entry into Aries in 2022. Moisture plus heat in the atmosphere is a meteorological recipe for heavy rain. Jupiter made that moisture torrential deep expansive by the time the rain reached Earth.
This wheel below holds a big clue regarding Uranus as has been referenced earlier in this post
Factors that made Uranus so potent:
- Planets have their strongest impact on Earth processes when in direct alignment with Earth and Sun. This is midway during the planet's retrograde period.
- In astronomical terms Uranus was perigee Earth & in opposition to the Sun at the November 2022 total lunar eclipse. This potent mix is factor number one in this sequence as an eclipse gives a stronger longer viability to a pattern that is "live" at that event
- Next came another major point -solstice -the late December solstice at zero Capricorn when Jupiter [the amplifier of storm intensity] was at zero Aries.
It should be noted too that Ceres cannot be discounted as a factor
in earth impacting events - being at zero Libra then ]
- Zero cardinal as per the Rudhyar wheel above - is semisquare all positions at 15 degrees fixed
- Cardinal zero is where all 4 seasonal markers sit
- Seasonal markers indicate elements in the atmosphere and environment that involve shifts in their balance from season to season
- Uranus is a disruptive factor that is capable of interfering with normal patterns and processes of balancing
- Uranus remained retrograde -which is slow-mode until late January with an extra slow stationing period in approach to exact Direct on January 22. The stationing in January 2023 enabled both an accumulation of Uranus potential as reflected by the 2 key periods -Nov and Dec 2022 - and the release of those energies in the environment = severe atmospheric and earth/material/physical-impacting events.
December 12 2021
The massive interstate tornado outbreak beginning Friday evening local time Dec 10 is detailed at the end of the main post
Nov17 2021
Content added re the Saturn-Uranus Cycle
Sept. 1900 Full Moon chart of the Galveston Hurricane
Nov 2021
Graphic & link added re Planets Across Time post with emphasis on the planetary accumulation in 2025
Sept 23 2021: refer to latest post: elemental factors in La Palma eruptions
July 31 2021 in The Future section - added more detail
Extreme Weather
- the forces identified in advance & in review
This post concerns some snapshots from within the database of a planetary ephemeris -starting from the context of known flooding events in one particular US region - with a specific focus upon extreme deluge and storm events then ranging further into Atlantic Hurricane seasons before expanding into the holistic framework of extreme environmental events in general.
Looking ahead is also the territory of astrologers and with the major period of water energy so dominant in late July 2021 across multiple geographic zones - it is very timely to look at the issue of intensity and frequency and what patterns look to be unfolded through the 2020s.
Examples for this study were gathered for the state of Texas US from the online MySanantonio slideshow documenting flooding examples selected by the compiler occurring during a period of a century from early 1900s to early 2000s.
The compiler’s selection is not literally 100 years of floods but the ones that were found in searching or that broke records or were notable in some respect - so the documentation was not a scientific record but the mere fact of providing exact dates or significant dates and extended time frames related to extreme flooding occurences allows for astrological data to be referenced.
This author -The Profiler - has posted on this site during the past decade several reports on the planetary forces involved in extreme weather.
[see linked examples at end]
This report in the first section looks particularly at flooding - based on Texas examples - as an outcome of those forces - which sometimes also involve severe tropical storms delivering wind and/or lightning.
From the sample data 27 significant flooding events - being specific dates or ranges of days & sometimes up to 3 months of sustained impact - between 1913 (December) and 2015 (October) were investigated.
The standout planets in terms of frequency of activity* in order were:
Neptune Jupiter Mars Pluto Uranus Saturn
The Moon’s Nodal Axis featured as frequently as Saturn
*Activity means activated by aspect to another planetary force in the above grouping or in respect of the Lunar Nodes
Frequency of Activity within 27 Event Periods
Neptune - 24
Jupiter - 20
Mars - 20
Pluto - 19
Uranus - 15
Saturn - 13
Nodes - 13
Eclipses can be said to be a key driver of volatile planetary forces
-the extent of effect relative to the qualities of the planetary forces activated within the period of influence of the eclipses in a paired “season”.
The lunar cycle is in reality a solar-lunar relationship and the power points signified by a New and Full Moon - even when not part of an eclipse season - are when signatures are laid down which can hold sway more than once in the 4 week lunar month. The signature is not simply restricted to the zodiac position of the luminaries: it is the pattern revealed by the planetary factors and lunar nodes when the sun moon alignment occurs.
Some of those factors may closely impact the sun-moon pair by aspect - or there can be connections between the significant planets which don’t closely involve the sun-moon.
Reading each signature from an astrometeorological perspective involves applying knowledge of the elements and expressions that apply to the zodiac signs and their related planet -fire earth air water - so Neptune is water and the quality of that water will vary due to the zodiac element: after the current Neptune in Pisces phase [double water intensity] comes the transit of Neptune in Aries [warm seas increased water in atmosphere = more rain and storms]
Returning to eclipses: it is not uncommon for the eclipse-generated turbulence to build during a 2 month period after the generating eclipse.
For this reason many of the extreme outpouring events occur in the mid period between eclipses while others either follow closely after an eclipse or arise within less than 4 weeks in advance, sometimes very close to the eclipse. It all depends what other activating factors are present in that time frame to respond to the eclipse degree:
e.g. Sept 9-10 & Sept 21 1921 floods before Oct 1 1921 total eclipse.
A significant part of the picture is that the manifestation of flooding on Sept 9-10 occurred as an outcome of the prior conjunction of Mars and Neptune setting up atmospheric conditions two weeks in advance [remembering that water is chemically a combination of hydrogen and oxygen - Mars plus Neptune will warm the oxygen component resulting in warm air -which holds more moisture.
The next pattern leading up to the deluge was the exact conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter when the floods occurred. Two forces that on the surface are totally contradictory combining forces.
The involvement of factors in advance of outcomes is totally in line with atmospheric realities: that certain processes involved with the delivery of an event or outcome occur unseen weeks before that manifestation.
Mars conjunct Neptune with both in Leo in this event brings 2 heating factors to the water element - Mars being hot and Leo carrying solar fire.
The role of Saturn may seem counter-intuitive to astrologers accustomed to seeing Saturn as simply associated with the opposite principle: dryness but Saturn can be seen to carry organisational or structural capacity that is built into weather systems and therefore can be seen to feature in a variety of aspects to 4 planets in 11 events and the lunar nodes twice in this sample. The opposition was most common [3] Saturn can also negate an element -constraining or limiting it.
The role of Mars as an energiser of natural forces should not be underestimated. Documented involvements of Mars within the 27 event periods examined show:
Mars activated Jupiter by conjunction, opposition, trine, sextile with 2 examples of conjunction and opposition.
Mars activated Neptune by conjunction [twice] trine, opposition, square and quincunx
Mars activated Pluto by conjunction square [twice] trine
Mars activated Uranus by conjunction quincunx sextile
Whether stationary direct or retrograde - the periods of planetary stations feature highly.
Looking at the 27 events the period of influence of a station closely surrounding the flood period revealed 23 stations in the vicinity
- involving primarily Neptune (7) Pluto (6) Uranus (6) - the rest were Jupiter (3) and Saturn (1)
Stations Direct or Retrograde were evenly matched overall - Direct 12 and Retro 11 and especially for Neptune - 3D and 4R.
Pluto and Uranus showed a stronger activation at Direct stations:
Pluto 5D 1R Uranus 4D 2R
This gives weight to the notion that the impact of stations especially for Uranus Neptune Pluto involves a wide span of days either side of the exact date of station:
e.g. Hurricane Alice May 25 1954
Pluto the potentiser was still in station direct a week prior after beginning the station early in May.
Uranus the wind/storm driver had a 3 degree orb off exact square to Neptune
Jupiter the enlarger/spreader reached an exact trine to Neptune late in April -building the atmospheric conditions some 4 weeks before outcome in late May
e.g. Hurricane Beulah 19-25 Sept 1967:
A four-factor loop
Jupiter semisextile Uranus
Jupiter semisextile Sun
Uranus conjunct Sun [ 25 Virgo]
Jupiter square Neptune
Neptune sextile Uranus
Pluto 20 Virgo conjuncted the Sun on Sept 14 adding potency
e.g. Tropical Storm Claudette July 25-26 1979 coincided with the station direct of Uranus square to Jupiter and semisextile Pluto -all at 16 degrees plus Neptune at 18 degrees activated due to a recent prior opposition from Mars.
e.g. Hurricane Rosa October 1994 manifesting around week 3 after the stations Direct of Uranus and Neptune on October 2 - which were and had been in close conjunction retrograde in months prior and clearly carried much energetic force.
Zodiac signs have element relevance -water and fire are self evident. Air is also wind. Earth is soil and land surface structure - but overall it is the planetary forces that demand most attention.
Pluto - starting 2023 to enter Aquarius is likely to deliver a stormy era when linked in to other volatile planetary factors.
The sign Pisces holds prominence with relationship to the water element.
Consequently when the planets with strongest flooding capacity and attunement to Pisces are transiting through Pisces the prevalence and intensity of flooding is likely.
The planet Jupiter which inflates spreads and amplifies engaged with Mars Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto the Sun the Lunar Nodes - all multiple times and was stationary retro -totalling 31 activations within 20 events in the sample of 27 flooding events.
Jupiter has a 60 year cycle with approximately one year phases.
In 2021 it moves through Aquarius and Pisces [air/wind and water]
The last prior Jupiter in Pisces was March 1962-April 1963
The 2021 Jupiter in Pisces ingress was May 13.
A brief taste of Pisces till July 28 retrograde into Aquarius again.
The second ingress is December 29 2021 extending until May 10 2022.
Neptune the carrier of Pisces energy most associated with the water element features in the sample events as the primary factor: 36 activations in 24 events out of 27.
Being a long-cycle planet there’s a huge gap of over 150 years for Neptune to return to the same zodiac sign [discovered by astronomy in 1846 when in Aquarius, the full Pisces phase began in April 1847 lasting 15 years - so no one alive has lived in Neptune in Pisces before the current period beginning April 2011 extending to the end of January 2026 - around 15 years in total.
Places have energy patterns so the cycle of particular planets can bring the larger pattern to a certain environment. - ON REPEAT
e.g. Germany floods August 2002 with Mars 20 Leo
Germany floods July 2021 with Mars 20 Leo
In 2002 August 11 Mars at 18 Leo energised the 18 degree midpoint of Neptune 9 Aquarius Uranus 27 Aquarius…days in advance the extra energy was applied.
In July 2021 that pattern was not involved but before mid August the Sun 18 Leo is equal to the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in week 2 - while Uranus enters a retrograde station. Whether Germany is again connected is worth observing. Somewhere will be with the storm energy of Uranus also impacting the Sun in Leo.
2002-2021 also have degree matches in the lunar nodes - a Gemini-Sagittarius nodal cycle in both those years.
July 2021 Flooding Events & Significant Planetary Factors
It is typical to have multiple factors in effect when a severe event occurs involving natural forces and this includes flooding.
The bigger picture will consider nearby stations, eclipses and New and Full Moon signatures
The factors regarded as significant in July 2021 include:
[ in addition to the signature laid down at the Cancer New Moon - which is in effect during the lunar month from July 10]
Jupiter and Neptune both in Pisces and both with recent retrograde stations
Neptune trine Sun
Pluto opposite Sun
Saturn aspecting lunar nodes
Uranus square Mars
Pluto sextile Neptune
Cancer New Moon signature had Jupiter in Pisces semisquare Sun in Cancer
Saturn square Uranus
Saturn sqq Pluto
2021 sees one key period when Jupiter and Neptune are both in Pisces: May 13-July 28.
The next period begins at the very end of December 2021: December 29 extending for four months till May 10 2022.
In late June both Jupiter and Neptune entered stationary retrograde
This is a double signifier of the accumulation of atmospheric water given extra capacity during the station period -for faster moving Jupiter this would amount to around 3 days either side of the exact station on June 20.
For slower Neptune this could amount to around 7 days either side of the station on June 25. Even these expectations could be conservative in terms of the full power of a station to intensify a planetary force. The fine details are not the issue - it is more a matter of comprehending that processes are set in motion by a station and when planets connected to the water element are involved that is a flag waving in terms of advance warning.
In the first ingress period of Jupiter in Pisces 2021 the world has witnessed flooding to an historic extreme on many continents as well as lesser destructive floods.
Standout zones as at July 22 included northwest Germany northern Belgium and southern Netherlands collectively caught up in mass fatality floods of a catastrophic nature.
A sequential deluge pattern followed over days in weeks 3-4 of July with NZ South Island northwest coast next to be inundated followed by central Chinese Henan province quickly evacuating 200,000+ urban residents in anticipation of dam collapses. A year’s rainfall fell within 3 days in this province.
Mongolia in northeast China soon experienced the deluge and a dam collapse.
In days following:
Multiple regions in Russia experienced flooding with infrastructure damage
A tropical low over Vietnam delivered a deluge.
The West coast of India experienced more intense than usual monson flooding.
Turkey experienced flooding.
Typhoon In-Fa hit Taiwan and East China bringing storm damage and flooding
Manilla Philippines flooding
London and other UK locations flooded.
Belgium flooding in second wave of deluge.
Typhoon In-Fa toppled 30,000 trees in China Shanghai region.
Flash floods in Sudan.
Storm and flooding impacting northern Italy and more northern regions of Europe
Clearly no single indicator is ever involved in extreme weather events.
Planetary activity very close to or recently before outcomes is evident.
Some activations periods have clear reference back to a prior eclipse or in reference to a coming eclipse.
The synodic cycle of outer planets (Jupiter to Pluto) plays a clear role and the reach or time frame of potency of a conjunction of a pair within this grouping cannot be underestimated.
Although not covered in detail in this report the capacity of the Moon to be an activator - aside from the clear potency of eclipses - it is also worth adding into the mix any lunation that picks up the ingress degree of any planet as well as degrees of transits in range.
2021 being so loaded with material for study led me to overlook the July Full Moon at 1’26 Aquarius being the first lunation subsequent to the Jupiter-Saturn 0’31 Aquarius ingress of December 2020.
The July Full Moon on the 24th carried with it during waxing, the ingress position of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction and was further bolstered in the week unfolding by the Moon conjuncting Neptune as well as a Mars-Jupiter opposition while the other major pattern - Saturn-Uranus square - carried the atmospheric dynamics related to that mixture of forces.
The Full Moon signature contained Pluto-Jupiter separated by 35 degrees, having a midpoint at 13 Aquarius - bringing Saturn 11 Aquarius into the synergy - which equally embraces Uranus at 14 Taurus [interms of full fixed sign relevance everything at & surrounding 12.5 fixed would be gathered into the vortex of Pluto and Jupiter.
This potency imprinted in the full moon signature of July 2021 explains the timing of such widespread [Jupiter] disturbance [Uranus] annihilation [Pluto] and damage [Saturn] which arose both in advance and subsequent to July 24 covering an extended time frame
Examples first presented were devoted primarily to flooding events in recognition of the scenes evoked in late July.
Neptune was highlighted as a major signifier.
Retrograde periods though this study has not yet covered any strong difference between retrograde and direct movement of planets during outcomes it is clear that enhanced concentration during stations especially direct stations is significant and likely to be formative in those outcomes.
Refer to section on Atlantic Hurricane season strongest storms featured further through this post to see some indications in the Notes on hurricanes section
The Jupiter-Saturn Synodic Cycle
Having mentioned the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn ingress it is useful to assert the significance of this cycle due to the dynamic balancing processes inherent in the interaction of these two in some ways contradictory planetary forces. An ingress is notably a significant point in their cycle and the 2020 ingress had extra significance being the official full entry point [1980 was transitional in Libra] for the 2 century long era of Air conjunctions in the synodic cycle of these 2 planets.
Jupiter-Saturn aspects are frequent [typically more than one aspect per year and repeated aspects within any 12 month or annual period when considering conjunction sextile square semisextile opposition trine sesquiquadrate and for this reason could conceivably serve as an ongoing regulating influence in timing the formative processes that result in seasonal patterns .
The significance added to the Jupiter-Saturn presence in advance of events is the extra potency delivered by accompanying transits closer to the outcome period of an event.
Keywords of Jupiter and Saturn are useful in the context of dynamic processes
Jupiter-Saturn aspects:
A conjunction may neutralise processes due to their polarisation promoting a faster attainment of balance
A square offsets energies in a state of competitive tension
An opposition presents extremes oscillating wild swings
A trine enables much more coherent synergy of the two forces.
Other aspects have qualities similar to similar main angle eg:
The sample of Texas flooding events looked at interactions of these planets close to or in the event period -but did not including reference to any earlier Jupiter-Saturn angle but it is clear Jupiter-Saturn angles did feature in some events.
Details from prior unpublished research into this factor looking for events when there was any tight angle between Jupiter and Saturn are included below.
The following dates involving United States records of snowstorms,/blizzards/severe cold waves that were preceded by a Jupiter-Saturn interaspect as well as featuring other planetary indicators surrounding the event period:
1869 November Jupiter qnx Saturn: 1870 Feb 16-17 massive snowstorm Louisiana to Michigan
1885 December 25 Jupiter squ Saturn: Kansas blizzard Jan 1886
1888 January Jupiter trine Saturn: 1888 March East coast snowstorm
1911 October Jupiter opp Saturn: November 1911 Central -Eastern US “Great Blue Norther” cold front
1921 September Jupiter conj Saturn: Washington DC Jan 27-28 heavy snow
1935 November Jupiter squ Saturn: 1935 December cold wave began. Continued into 1936 January February. Northwestern states.
1940 October Jupiter conj Saturn: November 11 Midwest blizzard
1977 December Jupiter sxt Saturn: 1978 January 25 Feb 1 “Cleveland Superbomb” blizzards
1992 Dec-Jan 1993 Jupiter tri Saturn: 1993 March 12-14 Eastern seaboard “Great Blizzard”
1993 October Jupiter tri Saturn: December 1993-March 1994 10 snowstorms US New Jersey archive*
1995 Nov Jupiter squ Saturn: Nov 1995-April 1996 13 snow storms & one blizzard feature on Ray Martin's US New Jersey archive
Other locations
1971 October Jupiter opp Saturn: Iran Feb 3-9 1972 historic blizzard
2008 January Jupiter tri Saturn: Afghanistan Feb 2008 severe blizzard and China winter storms of Jan 25-Feb 6 2008
In these 13 northern hemisphere examples the Jupiter-Saturn aspect always preceded the late season event by 1-3 months.
Commonest aspects in this selection :
Tri=4 Squ=3 Opp=2 Conj=2 Sxt=1 Qnx=1
Other indicators of significance - planetary, eclipses, stations etc as documented in this article will be discovered around events as additional to the structural qualities created by Jupiter and Saturn in synergy when this pair are active in advance of an event.
Hurricane Level Storms
Extreme weather can wear many faces - depending on which elemental force asserts dominance.
To demonstrate the element of Air - as wind - the Atlantic Hurricane Seasons are a rich source of reference.[Wikipedia] Fire expressing as Heat is a very connected factor.
A few selected periods provide results anticipated from my past examinations of correspondences between elemental forces and their systems of planetary delivery.
Each hurricane season entry on Wikipedia identifies the strongest storm using standard meteorological practice. In the data sets compiled below the strongest storm in a given season was noted in comparison to prevailing astrometeorological factors.
The contemporary period in Atlantic hurricane seasons is presented first as from 2016 a buildup in intensity is noted by the online author ‘above average” comparative to prior periods in the reference.
Year Storm Name Date and observations considered most relevant presented
Formative influences always exist in advance of outcome.
New processes can emerge within the outcome period
Expected factors: Uranus [wind] Jupiter [amplifier/spreader] Mars [energiser] Neptune [ water] Pluto [potentiser ]
Eclipses/lunations. Stations of outer planets - which can last weeks with little movement for the slowest planets - intensifying their potency when connected.
[Though rarely mentioned Venus and Mercury can sometimes join forces with an activated outer planet.]
2016 Matthew Sept 28-Oct 10 - Lunar eclipse 16 Sept with Mars trine Uranus; Mars square Sun; Uranus qnx Sun. Jupiter conjunct Sun. Uranus ssq Neptune. Pluto statD
2017 Maria Sept 16-Oct 2 - Followed total solar eclipse 3 weeks prior. Saturn square Sun. Jupiter opposite Uranus. Pluto statD
2018 Michael Oct 7-Oct 16 - Pluto statD with Jupiter ssq Sun Sept 30.
Pluto qncx solar eclipse of August. Uranus in sustained ssq to Neptune since May ingress
2019 Dorian Aug 24-Sept 10 - Jupiter statD + Uranus statR 11 Aug = 2 major forces hyperactivated during stations. Jupiter ssxt Saturn. Aug 31- Sept 15 : Mars conj Sun; Mars squ Jupiter; Mars opp Neptune; Jupiter squ Sun; Neptune opp Sun; Pluto sxt Sept Full Moon
2020 Iota Nov 13-18 At New Moon with Jupiter-Pluto exact conj & sxt Sun; Before lunar eclipse Nov 30. Mars statD. Uranus 8 Taurus activates anything simplest or subtlest angles at 23 = Sun Jupiter Pluto. Neptune squ Nodes.
For comparison -Atlantic hurricane Season 1984-1988
This group includes a previously detected factor noted in much earlier research posted onsite:
The Galactic Centre [GC] position 27 Sagittarius can be seen to contribute considerable potency when activated by planetary factors Mars to Pluto at 26-28 Sagittarius -or any of the mutable signs in that range.
See links at end for some onsite posts dedicated to this significant recurrent factor
Galactic Centre is noted as “on GC”.
The semisquare of 27 mutable is 12 Fixed and if also presrent will intensify and build strength.
I have labelled this the 27-12 indicator in past documents [ full orb range 26-28 + 11-13 degrees ]
Also note lunation sequences that feature a string of solar-lunar pairings in this paired range 27-12 [check Sept 2021-April 2022]
1984 Diana Sept 8-16 - Uranus statD August 18. Neptune statD on GC
1985 Gloria Sept 16-Oct 4 - Neptune statD 12 Sept after Uranus statD Aug 23. Neptune squ Sun at 0Libra equinox ingress. Jupiter statD trine Sun
1986 Earl Sept 11-19 - Neptune stationing to statD 14 Sept. Uranus statD 27 Aug. Uranus squ Jupiter in Pisces & squ Sun. Pluto-Venus Saturn Neptune all range 3-5 degrees
1987 Emily Sept 20-25 - Uranus statD Sept 1st. Uranus squ Sun Sept 16. Neptune statD Sept 17 . Surrounding solar eclipse Sept 23. Jupiter qnx solar eclipse.
1988 Gilbert Sept 8-19 - The multiple stations -each strong for at least a week either side of exact = very relevant:
Uranus statD Sept 5. Surrounding solar eclipse Sept 11.
Saturn had gone stat D on Aug 30
Uranus conj Saturn 26-27 Sagittarius both on GC. Pluto ssq Saturn-Uranus. Neptune stationing to exact Sept 18. Jupiter stationing to retrograde Sept 24.
This event at 888hPa had almost the lowest recorded barometric pressure
The Retrograde factor during the event period
specified for the strongest storm per Atlantic hurricane seasons has been considered for the 1980s and most recent events 2016-2020 listed above.
Some patterns may be relevant in terms of the shift to the 2016-2020 greater intensity era.
The 1984-1988 5 year period showed Jupiter was retrograde in 3 events.
The 2016-2020 5 year period all had Uranus and Neptune retrograde.
The strongest event period Dorian 2019 had Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto all retrograde.
This is a tiny sample but whether more retrogrades produce stronger events could be one more factor to add in. Also whether Jupiter retrograde takes out a lot of force. Jupiter was stationary direct as Uranus was stationary retrograde in mid August before the event period from August 24 2019.
More study needed in this area so see whether proximity to a station is the most relevant retrograde factor.
The slowing down period of a planet in approach to exact station Retrograde or Direct carries very impactful potential - enhanced by interaction with another planet during that period -and the quality of that interaction being made clear by both the qualities of the planets creating a synergy and their zodiac sign potentials
Others Patterns to Note:
Philippines Typhoon:
Oct 4-Oct 24 1979 with peak intensity Oct 12:
Like Gilbert [above] Typhoon Tip adds another features to consider - the Saturn-Uranus cycle with expected strong intensity when in range of the GC location 26-28 mutable especially in Sagittarius-Gemini -but also when tightly aspected
This typhoon was not in range of the GC and Saturn-Uranus were a 1 degre orb off exact sextile but the lineup of planets here tells the full story including an example of Saturn-Neptune :
As in personal charts when there is a string of planets closely aligned this spells very powerful intensity due to the locked in synergy arising from any planets all sitting at or very close to the same degree number -in any sign -but just like in a card game the exactly ordered sequence is strongest -creating a chain reaction effect in energetic terms.
Typhoon Tip had serious planets ranging through Virgo Libra Scorpio & Sagittarius
At the first emergence of the storm Oct 4 they were in order:
Saturn Pluto Uranus Neptune - at the degree positions -
On Oct 12 -peak intensity point when barometric pressure was lowest on record = 870hPa there were now 5 players in the mix
Saturn Sun Pluto Uranus Neptune - at positions -
Here at both points Saturn was tighly square Neptune.
Saturn-Neptune is definitely one to watch and next arises as an exact conjunction in 2025 in Aries but is also likely to cause some damage in Pisces -despite not achieving an exact conjunction -the Pisces midpoints of Saturn-Neptune will be potent when triggered by another powerful factor in transit range - expressing variably as water issues water damage water loss drought.
Saturn-Uranus shifts one notch around the 4 key positions on the cyclic wheel around every 10-11 years eg this pairing played a big role in 1988 being the New Moon or conjunction part of their cycle.
In 2021 this has been the Last Quarter archetype or square in Aquarius-Taurus before the next conjunction. More research on this underway and soon to be added but the next key date is 2032 when 28 Gemini -being a Galactic Centre resonator is the conjunction degree.
I probably won't be still blogging when the 1st Quarter type of square arises in Scorpio-Leo in 2043!
A quick view of the years when Saturn and Uranus were in opposition.
Refer to data tables posted on Astropro in the Features section.
Red and White colour codes quickly identify the midcentury to modern era 1942-1977 and 1988-2021 plus earlier past to 1931 and future sequences to 2057 in magenta
Because Saturn energy has the capacity to serve as a structural and management force - this factor has been noted in relationship with Jupiter due to the regularity and frequency of the typically 20 year cycle from conjunction to conjunction which enables closer observation.
Saturn can clearly play that role with other planets and with Uranus the typically 10 year time frame to shift from one angle to the next -conjunction-square-opposition-square-conjunction prompts us to look at the various relationships as well as the conjunctions which can take over 40 years [44,45,46 in the examples shown]
Saturn's role is going to be involved in the management of elements and those elements will be signified by the zodiac signs held by Saturn and the aspected planet
The Saturn-Uranus relationship reveals issues of balance/imbalance in terrestrial [Saturn] and atmospheric [Uranus] elemental interchanges
Cardinal signs being involved will reflect dynamic processes
Mutable signs are indicative of movement variability and flow
Fixed signs show extremes ranging from blocking stalling and stable conditions to sudden instability
At the SAT-URA conjunction eg October 1988 27 Sagittarius signifies Mutable conditions. Jupiter being relevant to Sagittarius - was also Mutable [Gemini] at the conjunction.
But what gave this 1988 event extra strength was not only the strong resonance with the GC Galactic Centre 27SAG but also the number of planets stationing in September 1988: Uranus Neptune then Jupiter in quick succession -effectively giving planet earth's magnetic and atmospheric environments a thorough dosing with the energy fields of those planets.
Notes on Hurricanes:
Uranus [air/wind] as expected features significantly in all examples
Other outer planets play significant roles.
Eclipses and lunations are relevant. Especially when transits pick up solar-lunar degrees in those events.
All mutable signs 26-28 degrees are reactive due to the Galactic Centre position 27 Sagittarius radiating through this galaxy.
It is evident how frequently direct stations especially of Uranus Neptune Pluto apppear in these examples. Stations by their very nature involve a major slowdown in the rotational momentum of the planet to the point of lingering almost at standstill -sometimes with extremely small decimal positions of movement over a period of weeks with the outer planets.
It seems according to observation regarding proximity to extreme elemental forces enacted in Earth locations that the transit planet’s forces in process that concentrate while sustaining a station are capable of amplifying the potency not only of that planet - but also any other planet in transit tightly connected to the stationing planet.
Elemental Forces in Other Extreme Contexts
A lot of prior documentation is avaiable on this site re extreme environmental events - ranging from drought, volcanoes, to earthquakes and tsunami.
Some examples are linked below.
When referencing the forces involved in events that appear to be distinct from the weather or climate events it is clear that they evolve out of the same factors - just tweaked enough to morph into a different type of outcome. It is the different combinations or different emphases that may determine what form will manifest.
For example Capricorn/Saturn have both an Earth energy and a physical/material structure/infrastructure expression meaning that a very energised Capricorn/Saturn energy can manifest as an earthquake with physical land deformation and structural/infrastructure damage in one context - yet in another context there is no earthquake but the other accompanying elemental forces push the emphasis towards a different major force such as water -which delivers the structural/infrastructure damage. So it depends upon the bigger picture within the mix of influences in range of the event outcome - and this is a larger and more complex study [likely to evolve from this current level of investigation] to pinpoint the determining factors that describe the most likely manifestation.
It is important to make these crossover connections between energies in different contexts because that is the holistic and truly natural versus human-determined separatist perspective.
In reference to examples regarding Neptune in future scenarios detailed below it is important to factor in that any version of Neptunian extreme can potentially be in the mix - so this not only means:
water that falls from the skies in torrential deluges but also water encroachment from sea level rise exacerbated during violent storm energy [Uranus] - and the big player - as seen before and still in the frame - the tsunami.
2011 Earthquakes Tsunami Hurricane
Some very instructive prior examples selected for reference manifested in the year 2011 and give some clear pointers to the key planetary forces involved in multiple contexts.
Christchurch City New Zealand A magnitude 6.2 earthquake on February 22 2011 caused massive infrastructure damage to the city and suburbs
Very tight connections between several planets;
Mars Neptune Uranus all clusted around 28 degrees. Mars conjunct Neptune. Uranus semisextile Neptune. Mars added enegy to the fluidity factor. Uranus brought the sudden change factor responding to the recent lunar eclipse of December 2010.
Jupiter squ Pluto = huge energetic force applied to infrastructure deformation
Nodes at zero Capricorn-Cancer are seasonal marker points with high energy. Uranus 29 Pisces was squ the nodal axis
Why was that time frame so energetically primed?
Two very relevant eclipses - total lunar December 2010 29 Gemini Moon and 29 Sagittarius Sun followed by partial solar January 4 2011 13.5 Capricorn.
The 29 degree factor is powerful and clearly primed Uranus at 29 Pisces to be emphasised at the time of the February 2011 Christchurch quake…and yet this was not on the surface a flood event - but land deformation definitely made sudden changes in the water table and caused extreme liquefaction - whereby uprising water turns silt/sand into a thick fluid state - the changes in the Earth state due to Water also deformed and damaged infrastructure carrying drinking water and wastewater.
To expand back into causative factors we need to start back at November 2010:
Nov 7 : Neptune was statD for around a week ahead
Nov 11 : Pluto is exact conjunct North Node in Capricorn [mass infrastructure damage signifier ]
Neptune 26 Aquarius is sqq Saturn 12 Libra.
Neptune-Saturn impacts Pluto-Node in Capricorn.
Dec 4: Mars conjunct GC 27 Sagittarius
Dec 7 : Uranus statD squ GC
Dec 21 : Total Lunar Eclipse 29 Gemini features Jupiter 25 Pisces conjunct Uranus 27 Pisces = 2 synergise square GC degree 27 Sagittarius. Pluto still tight on North Node. Neptune semisextile Uranus
Jan 4 : solar eclipse 13 Capricorn [activating 28 Aquarius by ssq]
The imprinted signature features Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 27 Pisces [carrying GC activation energy] both ssxt Neptune 27 Aquarius. Water energy is very emphasised.
Saturn 16 Libra is square the 13 Capricorn eclipse. Another infrastructure damage signifier.
Energies are set in place for 2 major events:
22 Feb Christchurch earthquake: as detailed above.
11 March Japan Earthquake +Tsunami - a well documented event involving massive inundation from seawater and massive infrastructure damage.
This event was responsive to the originating sequence:
- December 2010 total lunar eclipse 29 Gemini [and its imprinted signature planets especially Jupiter conjunct Uranus 25-27 Pisces - unusual large and widespread water energy]
- March 5 Uranus 29 Pisces exact squ Nodes 29 Sagittarius-Gemini
- [29 mutable captures the potency of the 4 seasonal markers at zero Cardinal]
- The March Full Moon even though exact on March 20 in Japan was a Supermoon [closest to Earth in 18 years] and occurred at 28’48 Pisces-Virgo squ the Nodes at 28 Sagittarius-Gemini - a full range of mutable forces embedded.
To complete the year 2011 - referring back to the Atlantic Hurricane Season
It was known to be very active, multiple events.
The strongest was Ophelia September 20-October 7.. 3 key players Jupiter Uranus Neptune were retrograde -another possible example of building strength as in Dorian example above.
Sept 16 Pluto was statD and square Uranus.
Sept 17 Mars energised Neptune by qnx
Sept 18 Jupiter 10 Taurus sqq Sun 25 mutable Virgo
Sept 20 Sun 27 Virgo = GC activation degree. Storm registered.
The Future
It would be of considerable collective benefit if astrometeorology can serve as a much earlier warning system re extreme elemental events than is currently available through standard meteorology but that is not achievable in the required time frame during the current era.
However astrologers can assist in further understanding the extra-terrestrial factors that stand out in the delivery of powerful natural forces -the four elements wind water fire earth are here to stay in one form or another. It is our task to comprehend their patterns now that intensified outcomes are presenting with greater frequency.
In a sense we are back in the state of the dawn of collective humanity forced to keep gazing at the stars for guidance. In the larger scheme nothing in our personal lives can withstand a natural element in full rampage so if our location is already known to be at risk we need a proactive attunement to local conditions and plans for how to be out of harm’s way when the time comes.
The rule of resonance always applies- a total global outbreak of one element would be a rare and probably unlikely possibility as local resonance [natural plus human] is what anchors an energy to a place. However 2021 has shown in late July how extensively the element of water affected disparate locations [even though primarily northern hemisphere -a factor also noted in past observations as significant]
Four Horses
Noticing in 2020 the intense buildup of powerful outer planet energies in the near future my immediate response of “Four horses” was a clear connection to Biblical prophesy found in Revelation 6.
The symbolism of the Horses or if you prefer Horsemen signifies the release of powerful forces in the world.
Commonly associated with pestilence/plague famine war and death - it is possible in this era of events that have echoes of Biblical references to associate the prophesy with 4 planetary energies unleashing environmental extremes as well as signs of great imbalance in human realms.
In terms of planetary transits it can be seen that at the start of the 2020s we sit on the cusp of this level of intensity -with signs already emerging through the global pandemic major flooding fire and heat.
Key Planet Processes
Mars in most planet contacts will energise the other
Jupiter will increase expand spread amplify whatever planet it contacts
Saturn is a condensing slowing organising-structuring force
Uranus is a sudden turbulent chaotic force
Neptune is a liquefier dissolver unifier
Pluto is a demolishing annihilating transforming force
5 Key Planets in signs during 2020s:
Jupiter: Capricorn to Scorpio
Saturn: Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus
Uranus: Taurus Gemini
Neptune: Pisces Aries
Pluto: Capricorn Aquarius
5 key planets Mode of Expression 2020s:
Cardinal [C] Fixed [F] Mutable [M]
Energy modes in the context of Natural Forces
Cardinal relates to the four season markers inhabited by Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn and therefore planets in cardinal signs have implications for seasonal weather/climate and their state of balance/imbalance
Fixed relates to the signs Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius -all being life force indicators: Leo light/sun/creation. Aquarius-Scorpio electro-magnetism . Taurus-Scorpio physical-nonphysical. Transformational death-rebirth cycles
Mutable relates to the signs Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces which each have a role to play to connect/communicate/disperse or transport energy and the movement and flow within the system
Pisces -water erosion deluge-drought - Jupiter Saturn Neptune
Aries- fire heat-cold - Jupiter Saturn Neptune
Taurus -land soil - Jupiter Saturn Uranus
Gemini “lungs of the world’’ exhalation, atmospheric flow/jet stream - Jupiter Uranus
Leo - solar strength - Jupiter
Libra - balance/imbalance - Jupiter
Capricorn - cold, material/physical structure - Jupiter Saturn Pluto
Aquarius - cold, air wind atmosphere - Jupiter Saturn Pluto
The imbalance in fluid -too much/too little
Atmospheric factors highlighted
The likelihood of radical shifts in the polar jetstreams with Pluto in Aquarius - begins 2023 and Uranus in Gemini - begins 2026.
[Jan 5 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming caused North Polar Vortex early in the Jupiter Saturn cycle in Aquarius. Windflow around the pole is slowed and impacts the vortex pattern. This can weaken the jetstream allowing polar air to expand into lower latitudes]
The 2020s ahead of the present [2021] are now examined
A rare conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces brings 2 key players in deluge scenarios conjoined at 24 Pisces with major events expected April and May including when midpoint is on GC and jupiter reaches 26-27-28 degrees in April-May both planets are direct April-May. Saturn ssxt Jupiter with both aspecting nodes. Venus is captured in the watery force of Jupiter-Neptune just as the solar eclipse builds late April. Pluto enters stationR late April. In May Mars adds energy to Neptune.
Jupiter brings heat/fire energy in big doses in resonant locations especially May-October, late December. Mars adds fire energy especially in June.
The year ends with water energy again emphasised in November-December with 26-28 [GC] mutable in effect.
Patterns accumulating during 2022 - especially water and heat buildup are the background and gestation forces expressed in 2023 as severe weather.
Globally relevant weather-environment hazards also include the earth-changing effects of Uranus passing through Taurus alongside to the infrastructural pressures intensified with Pluto at the end point of Capricorn. These two influences relate to earth energy - the land and all material objects.
[ updates added 3/2023 to original summary points to include multifactorial buildup]
Pluto in several months [ Feb March June July and late December-to late Jan 2024] continues 29 degrees Capricorn [Anaretic = “clear confrontation/deliverance” degree] -failures and deficiencies in infrastructure/structure [Earth/material] exposed as never before.
[update: Feb 2023 saw Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand extreme weather in many global locations; earthquakes Turkey-Syria - all with severe structural impacts as well as extreme loss of material lifestyle elements]
March 2023
23 March-June 11 First ingress of Pluto into Aquarius [air/wind] holding zero degree position places strong emphasis on the wind-storm factor.
March 16 Neptune-Sun-Mercury 24-25 Pisces conjunction ssq Taurus Node-Uranus midpoint points to more flood-landslip soil erosion issues
March Aries Jupiter sustains fire/ heat energy as well as fire risk.
Uranus 16 Taurus responds to Sun 1 Aries = March 21st New Moon and evokes Nov 8 2022 prior total lunar eclipse signatures:
Uranus 16 Taurus conjunct eclipse
points to significant earth/land changes.
Jupiter at 29 Pisces & Neptune 23 Pisces
-giving 26 Pisces synergy = resonates with 27 SAG GC position giving galactic level amplification
to water energy.
Pluto was 26 CAP in November
merging with the 26 Pisces synergy.
November Nodes 13 Taurus also merged
with eclipse-Uranus
13 Taurus=28 mutable=GC activation
Saturn entering Pisces at March 7 full moon contact to Aries energy at 15 degrees. Venus Jupiter and Chiron in Aries causing heat issues this month are all drawn into the mix. Saturn in Pisces can restrict and cause management issues with water: water politics.
Also problems/deconstruction/losses related to water. Water damage insurance issues. The Aries factors add to pain hurt anger related to the water issues.
Drought /dryness is aggravated by Saturn reducing water while heat is elevated.
Locational factors determine where an effect manifests.
New Zealand north got deluge and flooding Jan-Feb and NZ south got the heat -dryness factors
April around 11th Jupiter receives a big surge from the Sun. April solar eclipse activates Pluto.
As eclipse builds from 17 April the stationing effect of Pluto is emphasised and heightened by the building eclipse. Soon Moon Mercury and Uranus meet between 15-18 degrees Taurus = approx 16.5 midpoint also evoking prior November earth-change indicators . The earthquake land slip instability issues are strongly sustained April 17 into May due to the May 5 15 degree Taurus-Scorpio lunar eclipse just as Pluto is holding station for over a week. Both April & May eclipse periods - are high risk for earth movement events.
Days in advance and after exact New or Full Moon eclipse create around 7 days of peak vulnerability = 3 days either side when events can manifest depending upon added strengthening factors.
Pluto is obvious in this example but Venus Mars
and outer planets if angled in connection
are all potential activators
May-June-July-August-September 2023 mark a sustained period with Neptune in the 26-28 degree key range of connection to the GC position which strongly accentuates natural processes involving the water element on planet earth.
Jupiter now enters a year long passage through Taurus which brings growth energy to plants after the effects of water then flood resulting from Aries heat in the atmosphere.
Jupiter Mars Pluto all 0º fixed creates a lot of atmospheric intensity days after May New Moon -watch 20-21-22 May
June 2 Jupiter exact on Taurus-Scorpio nodes emphasises accelerated physical environment changes on planet Earth in the death/deformation-formation cycle
July likely a month to prepare for re environment hazards
The Node-Uranus midpoint is Jupiter in the first fortnight -further signs of accelerated earth changes
Pluto opposite the Sun during retrograde means stronger influence in the Earth environment is underway increasingly in the slowdown period lasting until direct station has finished and speed increases in November
Jupiter semisquare Neptune: excessive growth in some locations driven by Jupiter earlier in 2023 could reveal depleted water in other zones
July Nodes activate April solar eclipse and Pluto square the nodal axis, Neptune sqq Sun August 5,
Several months in 2023 have out-of-bounds Moons - check out September to December but November features 12 extra-extreme out-of-bounds Moon declination over 28 degrees which is likely to aggravate prevailing indicators.
In human terms out of bounds is said to intensify emotions.
In environmental terms it can be expected that extreme factors can be engaged. Whether these effects express more in the hemisphere of extreme declination is something to observe
The Moon is at extreme -more than 23.5 degrees north or south declination in latitude relative to the earth equator [and celestial equator] The extreme is high North or high South from the equatorial position dependent upon hemisphere.
The Moontracks site offers 3 periods in March 2023 of out-of-bounds Moon to a max nearly 28 degrees on a few occasions Track the Moon here
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November 2023
Has Mars then Sun at 15 Scorpio opposite the Jupiter-Uranus Taurus midpoint. Ceres 21 Scorpio also opposite Uranus .
Check out Sun-Mars-Uranus around the mid Nov New Moon: earth changing processes globally are still very much in accelerated & disordered motion.
Saturn stations - at zero Pisces again - resuming the highlighting of issues re water-or lack of it
Saturn impacts Sun Mercury Mars all in early SAG by late Nov = growth restricter due to reduced water in dry zones
December 2023
A mix of imbalance re rain - the too much too little situation continues as a larger pattern variation across zones or regions
Neptune stations direct from late November and will be square Sun Dec 17 but as early as 6th Sun is the Saturn-Neptune midpoint.
Mars squ Neptune in last days of year indicates vigorous rain where local conditions are conducive.
[this brief summary may be updated ]
Saturn is in early Pisces: creates both lack of water and water damage -as well as infrastructure - water supply/pipe issues water quality issues. There exists regional differences in resonance.
Pluto resumes in Aquarius [ingress #2] aspects Sun then Mars.
Neptune returns to GC range 27 Sagittarius = 27 Mutable in February March April elevating flood risk
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct close to 22 Taurus in April
Second long range Neptune on GC degree effect: September-October-November-December into 2025.
Jupiter Gemini square Saturn Pisces - 14º ends the year. These 2 are always in a dynamic that seeks balance of the forces and elements involved. Jupiter creates excess. Saturn can cause deficiency. Water is the Pisces element. Gemini is the flow system. Water restrictions in zones where this is anticipated are likely to be signalled in December 2024
[Gas and oil may also show as having flow restrictions/ limited supply as these are also linked to Pisces]
Major signifiers of extremes converge: “Four Horses Year”
This graphic is one of several prepared for the November 2021 post Planets Across Time showing quickly where energetic convergences occur - read the full post here
2025 is a very emphatic year re multiple severe weather factors in effect:
There is little let-up from the late 2024 sequence of months showing strong activation of known factors
Neptune continues on GC January-February and now conjunct North Node in Pisces. Very extreme water indicator late Jan-early Feb with Venus joining. Mass evacuations necessary in worst affected areas.
Effects sustained in March April with North node Neptune Venus then Saturn all tightly connected.
Neptune reaches 29 degree “deliverance” state in March on a massive environmental scale. The aftermath is Saturn ‘earth/material structures impacted by water - and in some locations by lack of water/drought.
Neptune at first ingress degree in Aries at end of March. Signifier of warm water heated oceans and storms/deluges as higher temperatures allow clouds to hold more moisture.
Saturn in Pisces on the GC position April May September October aggravates the destructive deconstructive power of water.
Saturn entering Aries creates heat restriction/reduction in some contexts as well as heat/fire damage in others.
Four Horses energy builds from June 2025 when Jupiter ampliflies Saturn-Neptune in Aries and connects to Pluto - which tightly squares Saturn-Neptune.
Mars squ Uranus in the same time frame makes mid June very significant.
The four Horses arise within weeks of Saturn and Neptune stations in July emphasising the potency and extremes of both planets in the sign Aries: heat drought dryness as well as deluges delivered by heat.
August sees the closest alignment of the four players between 1-2.5 degrees in weeks 1-2 -assisted by Mars in early Libra around August 9-10 when Neptune is sqq Sun. Saturn retrogrades but remains in range in potent degrees in Pisces in September when eclipses -29 Virgo especially notable - occur [see Case study below] -then an active period extends some months into 2026
Jupiter trines Saturn in Pisces in November
November-December Saturn-Neptune converge both on GC. Both station direct late November-early December.
Mars and Sun will square Saturn-Neptune in December.
2026 "Four Horses" Return
January and February sustain the Pisces water energy end of phase for Saturn and Neptune - bolstered by Uranus in January - before both ingress again into Aries in January-February while Uranus squares the Aquarius eclipse.
April is highest risk for fire heat dryness drought hot water
July is the return of the signifiers of “Four Horses” - four planets tightly aligned in air and fire signs at 4.5 degrees of Leo Aries Gemini and Aquarius - involving Jupiter Neptune Uranus and Pluto.
The 21st is their closest contact and follows the Neptune stationR on July 7.
The next lineup has the Sun at 4-5 Leo 27-28 July supercharging Jupiter directly at nearly 6 Leo as well as Neptune 4 Aries, Uranus nearly 5 Gemini and Pluto 4 Aquarius.
The Pluto-Uranus pattern is potentised air/wind.
Uranus-Neptune is windstorms with deluge.
Sustained patterns deliver:
Repeated tight connections of Uranus Neptune Pluto occur in 2026 into 2027
[3 Horses] and occur in periods with repeated Jupiter-Saturn aspects [ 2026 trine; 2027 trine and qnx ]
2028 [3 Horses = Saturn Neptune Pluto -but Uranus is under 3 degrees away]
2029 4 Horses Saturn-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto
These factors will be accentuated as well by the factors already emphasised in the body of previous text:
Eclipses/degree-linked lunations
29 and 0 degree positions
Jupiter-Saturn aspect exact signposting an elemental outcome in several weeks ahead.
The current second decade of the new millennium is regarded as delivering higher frequency higher intensity synergies of forces and my own research points to an era of fast-paced delivery of an intensity that will deliver very significant impacts.
There is much more to share and will be in further posts as this topic is another existential issue of great importance - and may since 2020 have been overshadowed by the Covid pandemic.
The huge infrastructure annihilation, lives and possessions obliterated as we have already seen amount to a massive human and economic toll as a result of these uncontrollable natural forces - which do have a relationship to human behaviour and the human level of consciousness regarding our relationship and connection with natural forces and the environment.
It is therefore not simply a matter of reducing emissions.
It is a whole new level of care respect and gratitude that needs to become globally practised.
2021 Update
The big example provided by the Dec 10-11 US tornadoes gives further reinforcement to analysis contained in the above report.
In reference to the severe event:
the graphic from NOAA refers to the effects of the La Niña oscillation - in particular the shift in the positioning of the jetstream further north which is said to be a consequence of cooler sea temperatures. The Fox Weather meteorological analysis shows the jetstream further north allows warmer humid air drawnfrom the Gulf of Mexico to flow further north - and this air then meets the cooler air north of the jet stream
for prior work see related posts onsite:
Useful entries from the past decade though some if not all are much briefer and the conclusions will have been modified and refined in terms of research and conclusions reached by 2021.
Some of this material has only been briefly referenced in the current post and some such as related to solar activity not covered here.
Extreme Weather from the Galactic Centre
2019 Volcanic Eruption -New Zealand
Extreme Environmental Events -how the Profiler predicts
The Galactic Centre and Extreme Weather
Extreme Weather: cycles and indicators
Dust Bowl Drought - the return of cycles
Galveston 1900 Mega-Weather Forces