Saturday, 22 January 2022

Astrology answers: What is Being Asked of Me?

 What is being asked of me?

This question isn’t reserved for a few. It applies to everyone. All of us have made the deal to experience life in physical form and that deal comes with conditions.

Earthly life isn’t a free ride for anyone. We’re all here to bear a responsibility and that responsibility involves decoding an individualised set of instructions that aren’t written in your primary language.

The responsibility is what you can do to contribute to the betterment of the whole.

Where you carry out that responsibility is designated: it may be within a family a community a city or region. It may be related to a whole country or the world in general. Ultimately the responsibility carried out -or not - connects to the entire field of consciousness that permeates the Universe - our home base - while this little Earth is a temporary place of residence for learning by experience.

Because the instructions aren’t readily accessible the ordinary path is to live life in a way that may be totally disconnected from the mission.

It is a swifter easier process if you discover that you’re able to intuit the most authentic way to fullfil your part of the deal. There’s far less struggle frustration and discontent.

Those who really miss the signs and signals or choose to keep ignoring them cannot evade the relentless pressure: it’s the deal. 

Life will not deliver for you if you don’t deliver for Life.

We are all at some points novices or initiates in the art of living in the physical dimension of Earth. This isn’t our natural state of being. A lot of adjustment is needed to manage the requirements of living in the world because everything is totally opposite to the conditions of existence when not in physical form - where we began and where we will return to each time we die.

Understandably the Buddhist view is that Life is Suffering - though that can be explained further by seeing that attachment to the qualities and experiences of physical life - people things careers etc will ultimately and reliably bring about suffering pain loss -on account of that other concept - illusion - the mistaken belief that things people life in general have a permanence to them. 

Understanding impermanence and change as part of the deal is therefore another necessity to lessen pain and suffering.

The paradox is that we need to conform and adapt to the most structured earthy material conditions of experience in order to learn about the least physical dimension. The most meaningful eternal realities that are inherent and permeate everything - fields of information/patterns of waves that constitute what is termed the realm of spirit or energy - the vast dimension - exists mostly unseen - but is detectable while existing in physical form.

Mystics and prophets since the first humans emerged have been able to consciously enter other domains but it is not only their capacity. It lies within all of us the ability to shift our consciousness and awareness towards the flow of life - energy itself - when still quiet and present. Trees clouds wind fire the sea are all simple ways to begin becoming One with the underlying energy those natural forms and elements express so directly.

The more opening that is made to this other level the more direct realisation of “what is being asked of me?” Some are able to achieve this while still in childhood. Others still struggle during their last decade. The right time to begin is always now.

My knowledge of astrology has enabled me to cross-connect the role of this body of knowledge with the wisdom found in spiritual philosophy.

Thousands of years ago civilizations were able to tune into the meaning and significance of the planetary cycles they were able to witness -in addition to the primary recognition of what arises in the cycle of the Sun and Moon in their paired relationship.

Eventually in Western civilizations men of the Church determined that their interpretations both of original spiritual teachings and those pertaining to the cosmos were superior to anything that had gone before and so great wisdom and great knowledge was either lost or suppressed. 

In Eastern cultures the essence has been able to survive despite similar challenges in different eras. Now for many decades there has been a blending of wisdom - East with West West with East -as it should be -a return to a whole mind perspective.

Both East and West utilise the study of the stars. Every culture on the planet has done this and many have never lost it. In defiance of centuries of suppression and ignorance a Western strong revival of scholarly and professional astrology is underway  - but not without challenge from people who have intensely angry opinions about delusions they have manufactured in their own mind. Their choice. They are choosing to be modern era dinosaurs who are battling a powerful incoming tide called holism

Astrology has had some tough times due to being misrepresented as a simplistic method of fortune telling and as we know mud sticks - so the idea of astrology is set in many people’s minds as a very trivial type of pursuit. Dead wrong. It is an incredibly complex study of energy - in varying forms - assigned to each of the planets plus our solar system’s source of all life - Sun - and our local Moon [which serves to reflect varying portions of  solar light] - most of this study of the cosmos has occurred over thousands of years of observation. The more recent periods of research surround 3 outer planets and one asteroid discovered through the telescope rather than the human eye - the oldest modern era discovery being Uranus 240 years ago and the most recent the asteroid Chiron in the 1970s.

The names of planets and their mythology rooted in ancient Greek culture are a specialty for many astrologers due to the psychological archetypes that are resonant with the energy that is manifested by a planet when known to be in a significant period of activation e.g. of a person or place.

This means a lot of deep intuitive attunment was involved right from the beginning in relating to the cosmos and this quality has endured right to now and will continue. Those who named each planet had this gift and those observers and researchers who dedicate lives to knowing more and more also are capable of that direct insight.

When a person’s chart is created from the data of their birth time date and place we can ask “What is being asked of this person?” “What responsibility can they take on to contribute to the betterment of the Whole?”

These are the requirements we associate with the planet Saturn -the sort of concepts that arise when that planet is activated - and hopefully clear by now in reading to this point - that Saturn is the taskmaster energy related to living on planet Earth. 

Chinese divination using the Flying Star Lo Shu square assigns this energy as a very heavy manifestation of the Earth element but necessarily so as the Centre the hub the structural anchor around which all other life energies and elements revolve. They identify what the Western astrology calls “Saturn”energy by the number 5. 

Every planetary form Sun Moon asteroid identified can in its recognised energy expression be identified with concepts that apply to the experience of living as a physical being.

To clarify a few of the cosmic factors - fundamentally in terms of energy profiles - Saturn the primary Earth energy can clearly also be seen as the central energy moderator or manager. In relationship to another planetary energy the polarised expressions are clear.

Where Saturn expresses as contraction solidity structure -and responsibility - Jupiter which is expansion spread dispersal [and therefore has a role in carrying contagion] has a trait of freedom at all costs and therefore more prone to expressions of irresponsibility.

All through life we are confronted with the essence of being non-physical  - and many subconsciously attempt to access that realm through drugs or alcohol while struggling to live as a physical being. This involves Neptune energy -  the most unlike Saturn - the non-physical the spiritual the transcendent -as well as the escapist urge. Uranus corresponds to a sudden change of state a sudden force or disruption and therefore is an evolutionary marker. Uranus contrasts with the Saturn status quo inertia which is accumulated through stability. The energy can become stuck and needs some powerful breaking apart. Along comes Uranus energy and it disturbs or radically changes what Saturn has built and intends to sustain. Chiron shows how we experience the primal wound of separation [the first wound is separation or sense of being ejected from the nonphysical realm; the second is any resonant event in childhood that serves to intensify the first one—perceived as rejection by a parent - and how to resolve it.

The Moon indicates how we experience and express emotions.

The Sun indicates the Light within us -our inner divine-consciousness that we inherently contain and are intended to radiate.

Through examining these factors and the full range being considered the language of astrology decodes the instructions assigned to a person upon choosing a physical life experience -and therefore set in place at birth.

This is the special privilege of an astrologer and why the world needs a lot more helpers to decode.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Profiler Astroblog: Ongoing updated Astro Diary Post

Diary Post
is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information relevant especially to when they are uploaded but also regarding astrological insights in general.

Not a daily diary at all. Just spontaneous outbursts in various fonts!

Diary Posts will vary in length with latest on top. Any longer research will be posted as normal as a dedicated entry on the blog


A selection of postings in the run-up to the US election -starting June 2024

and a reminder from early October:

when earth-contained magma breaches the earth's crust the land is transformed

What more can be said? It is expected through early Profiler analysis that this messy election will see a win for Harris. This outcome is likely to unleash the magma flow with all the heat fire burning symbolism you can imagine - fully fuelled by the chief volcano and setting in place a truly divided America with all the expected adversarial consequences regarding the nationhood of what once was the United States. America now truly needs prayers and blessing to attain a just future

content provider not identified but full credit for an amazing composition

September 2024
Current & recent themes explored since April

Sept 2024

April 2024

April 6
A reminder to check out the extensively detailed Extreme Weather post created for Profiler readers in 2021. This extensive analysis provides signpost factors to note in the years of extreme climate when the frequency & intensity of natural events are taken up several notches

& consider this content in that post

Apr 6

April 3-4 2024
I make a case that defective company energy was merged to form International Computers Limited [ ICL ] in 1968 [Hansard record dated 21 June 1968]. Out of that developed defective management & software that caught thousands of UK postal staff in a web of accusations re dishonest accounting. 
Fujitsu had acquired ICL by 80% in 1990 and 100% in 1998
By Sept 1999 the UK Post Office Board knew the Horizon software installed in test mode was not enough up to standard and so refused to sign off the rollout.
Fujitsu was supposed to integrate rectifying software into the programme so on that basis Horizon was rolled out fully in October 1999.
Problems were very evident - extending to severe difficulties.
Software issues include the ICL programming team - a quarter or less of the 6-8 person team was seen as competent for the task.
By 1980 ICL was a financial loss [this issue was bred into the merger through at least one lineage -LYONS - ICL was given a UK government bailout due to the government's long term association with and therefore dependency on the firm's products.
By 1999 the developer team knew of hundreds of bugs.
Fujitsu staff had unregulated access to the accounting software in their attempts to make corrections.

It sounds like Mr Bean trying to fix Whistler's Mother

ICL was renamed Fujitsu Services in 2002

Software disasters on this scale don't often come into the light of day so the UK scandal is worth noting for the cluster of defective factors with deep roots - factors evident in the 1968 merger and extending into 2024

In essence ICL and Fujitsu created a marriage made in hell.

Many of the traumatised Post Office staff implicated in crimes are still to be reimbursed for the travesty of justice inflicted on them between 1999 and 2015 - many are now deceased financially and or and emotionally wrecked still in 2024 despite their own collective attempts to find acceptable redress.

Chart analysis of the 1968 merger that led to the outcomes in later decades points to 2024-25 bringing better outcomes.

3 of the 1968 factors at 24º-25º [Saturn Neptune and Uranus] are subject to the change factor Uranus at 24º-25º - in 2024 watch for signs in May-June Nov-Dec; in 2025 March-April.
2024 early March saw the lunar nodes in Aries-Libra return to the same position as in the 1968 chart for ICL. This reflects the end of a further cycle & with the Uranian factor interactive with the 1968 chart there is some hope of movement - a shifting tide. 

click to enlarge



Uranus &Eclipses

March 2024
Already March 2024 is proving to be vigorously active -reflective of the eclipse season [March -April ] and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April. Asd expected contributing transits of the outer planets can be identified in playing significant roles

Multiple tweets of relevance are compiled here with latest on top

March 28

March 27

March 27

March 26

March 25

March 24

September 21 2023

Update added to 2012 post Sun Flares Earth Storms which looks at terrestrial and human /biological effects of elevated geomagnetic levels as a consequence of highly volatile events on the Sun - flares coronal mass ejections filament eruptions corotating interaction regions and coronal holes can all play a role in despatching a solar wind enriched with charged particles through the solar system.
We are shielded largely by Earth's magnetic field but the North Pole is especially susceptible to incoming magnetic disturbance from the solar wind when it connects magnetically but atmospheric temperature effects are cited as more related to the southern hemisphere:

AUGUST 10 2023
This re-post showcases the profile of a dedicated online paedophile whose death by suicide in 2021 preceded the resolution of a large scale FBI investigation into paedophilia on the Dark Web - in this case personified by men who believe they are too clever to be caught

Suspect David Lee Huber In a Daily Mail report: killed himself during an arrest attempt in February 2021. Police and agents had gathered at his Florida residence in pursuit of an arrest warrant related to an extensive online paedophile network. 
Investigations showed the network originated in Australia and spread online through contacts in America.
On August 8 2023 it was announced that dozens of suspects had been arrested charged and convicted in the US and Australia.
Most of the Australians arrested had extensive internet technology skills as reflected in their employment roles. 
This knowledge allowed anonymous file sharing and encryption intended to evade detection. Their ages ranged from 32-81.
Despite their tech skills enabling the Dark Web activities these men seem to be ignorant to the workings of cycles and karma. Be assured that 2023-2024 are comeuppance time thanks to a huge theme in the collective promoting accountability. -  significantly through the end stage transit of Pluto through Capricorn.
Abusers will be hauled out of the shadows. The clock is ticking

As yet the only publicised face of the paedophile network is Danny Lee Huber [deceased]

A birthdate obtained for Huber -  thanks to a traffic violation - 

 is June 29 1965. He died at age 55 in February 2021 
Described in reports as a father of two prone to bipolar disorder and other mental health issues he was known to have a stash of firearms
Huber's birthdate has several Cancer placements: Sun Mercury Venus which elevates the range of expressions available in the Cardinal sign group - adding Capricorn Aries and Libra as likely alternations in his expressions. 
These factors sit alongside multiple factors in Mutable signs - Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus  Pluto and Chiron. Mutable signs point to the Mind and mental processing -an emphasis is very indicative of a very active mental orientation - this is not only a trait of Mars and Jupiter in Mutable but becomes more challenging/problematic when the far outer planets are mutable: Huber has a close conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo = details systems organising filing categorising in the context of intense obsessive use of technology. 
These two  planets are closely opposite Saturn in Pisces:  Pisces behaviours have high potential for problematic outcomes = accountability/getting into trouble. Sex abuse addiction is well described by a Pluto in Virgo opposition to Saturn in Pisces.
To add further intensity: Jupiter in Gemini abundant mental activity / processing a lot of information  is at a tight 90 degree square to both Saturn in Pisces and the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo.
The final Mutable factors- Mars at the very last degree of Virgo - is out of range of the 4 others mentioned but will have given Huber a huge incentive to pursue the mental activities he was engaged in. Chiron in Pisces is closely trine the Mercury-Venus tight conjunction in Cancer. 
His fundamental Cancerian capacity to nurture self and others was not only wounded [Chiron] but also disfigured by the extremely tight semi-square to Uranus in Virgo -he was able to detach due to mental immersion in details.

The Scorpio factor - so commonly problematic for people - features in this profile in the context of Neptune [sexual addiction fantasies escapism ] and is near exact trine to his Saturn in Pisces - so now the confluence of 3 Water signs is in the mix - but the feeling aspect of water is overwhelmed by the mental disposition of the dominant Mutable factors. His Gemini Jupiter is tight on the North Node

At his death on Feb 2 2021 Chiron  was closely square his Sun
Pluto was tightly opposing natal Mercury
Pluto-Venus was tightly opposing natal Venus
His nodal return in Gemini was soon due
Neptune was in a separating trine to natal Neptune
Neptune was not far past a conjunction with natal Saturn in Pisces

Each of these is a tolling of the bells.
Together their chime spells out the time to end.

Being lost in mind as a way to suppress or avoid feelings comes at great cost: 
Saturn Pluto and Uranus all squaring the Jupiter-Node positions constructed the sort of tortured life path that few could have the capacity to transcend.

In acts of simultaneous self-torture Huber chose to torture others. 
The most vulnerable.

Original posting in the Sex Offenders Profiling post

JUNE 24 2023

2023 is an intense year due to Pluto still working through Capricorn while also introducing a Plutonic Aquarius to the world - AI helpmate Chat GPT has commanded a lot of headlines and political dyfunctions are far from resolved - the Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn has seen some political figures fall from grace or finish their life span...but more is to come -a look at the current retrogade cycle of 5 outer planets points to their focal impact periods
To look at a retrograde sequence it is useful to expand the view to look at the advance and aftermath events involving the Sun. 
This calender of events follows the first planet to begin retrograde in 2023: PLUTO [APR] then in retrograde sequence Saturn is next [MAY] Neptune

Each of the outer planets forms a square to the Sun before retrograde occurs -for the slowest 3 this square happens 11-13 days before retrograde

For the slowest 3 planets the retro period lasts roughly 5 months - almost half a year

Jupiter and Saturn being quicker have shorter retro periods -Jupiter almost 4mnths - Saturn a little over 4 months

Understanding retrogrades is important if you plan to utilise observe or go with the flow of what is offered.
Importantly - when an outer [Mars to Pluto] planet is retrograde and especially retrograde in opposition to the Sun that planet is very aligned to the Earth-Sun connection. 
This means the access to us Earth dwellers is more direct on a collective level with some but not all individuals being natally responsive to any single event in the retrograde sequence: the imprints are on the subtle planes -a kind of hynotic or subconscious messaging received by our brain for processing before responding behaviourally especially if the position of the retro transit planet at opposition to transit Sun is relevant to our chart.

The stationing Retro or Direct is a strong emphasis due to the daily movement slowdown. June 2023 showed the effects of Saturn stationed retro while sextile Jupiter and while Neptune in slowdown approaching retro station was square the Sun [and New Moon]. 
In the next diary entry for June 24 I refer to the powerful events of June 18 :

which demonstrate the field of influence exhibited by a planet at a critical juncture while angled to other planets/planet/luminaries - providing a synergy of impactful capacity



PLUTO          APR 20        MAY 1      JULY 22    OCT 11       OCT 21

SATURN       MAY 28        JUN 17     AUG 27    NOV 4         NOV 23

NEPTUNE    JUN 19         JUN 30    SEP 19    DEC 6           DEC 17

JUPITER       AUG 7         SEP 4      NOV 3      DEC 31        JAN 27

URANUS      AUG 16       AUG 29    NOV 13    JAN 27         FEB 8       

STANDOUT periods June Aug Nov Dec 
All 5 retrogrades are in effect from Sept 4-Oct 10
June Aug and Nov all have 2 events in quick succession
Aug and Nov have the most events: 4
Jan 2024 has 2 events on the same day

The dates reveal that this group of outer planets operate as a group within 3 periods of 4 months: 4 months period during which each in turn squares the Sun before Retrograde. A four month period during which each reaches Retrograde Then four months during which each in sequence opposes the Sun. A four month period during which each reaches Direct. Finally four months when each squares the Sun after going Direct.   A well ordered universe

Worth observing the actual date and the periphery either side to build up a feeling for how these periods function personally and collectively.

JUNE 24 2023

The big story of June 2023 is the misadventure that befell the submersible exploration vehicle called Titan which had 5 explorers on board..
So many adverse factors were at play at the chosen time for the deep sea expedition to the Titanic wreck in the Atlantic ocean offshore from eastern North America and so many planetary factors were an echo of the sinking of the Titanic.
My reading of the connections to the past is that those aboard had unfinished business and felt compelled to return rto the original tragic event

MAY 9 2023

Recent snippets




May 4 2023

Some recent snippets - some the basis of longer work

1. On UFOs

correction here: Stations Direct & Retrograde are a feature
Further details below

 Having reviewed work started mid 2022 a recent news item about ionised propulsion fuel for spacecraft I considered how this might relate to the operation of UFOs -particularly as according to the US NUFORC database of sightings - now a far more representative survey due to both accessible technology for capturing sightings and heightened awareness and interest compared to the pre1960s minimal records going back to 1940
For example 2022 saw 5008 sightings posted.
Between 1947 - when a notable increase occurred - to 1960 the highest number of reports gathered annually was 93 in both 1957 and in 1960

By 1975 sightings were climbing to a level where June alone in that year had 128 but overall highest monthly figures from the early 1960s to early 1990s tended to show a median of 70 sightings in the month with most sightings - an overall range from 27-128 in the period of highest monthly sightings 1962-1992. The biggest cluster was within the 65-75 sightings range [ highest month per annum of ]

Figures are continually updated but at time of this report it is clear that by 1993 the highest month tally was another step up: to 109
By 1999 the figure was 455.
In the 21st century the numbers continued an up then down climb with highest month figure peaking first in 2014 at 1129 - but this has been a rarity.

From 2010-2022  - 13 years inclusive

Tracking the number of months with sightings of 700+ in a calendar month
2010 and 2011 had one each
2012 - 5 months
2013 - 6 months
2014 - 6 months
2015 - 3 months
2016 - 1 month
2017 - 0 months
2018 - 0 months
2019 - 3 months
2020 - 3 months
2021 - 0 months
2022 - 0 months

Strongest concentrations of all-time sightings listed on NUFORC therefore fell in the 2012 2013 and 2014 years
Full year figures:
2012 -  8199
2013 -  7873
2014 -  8779

compared to

2019 -  6404
2020 -  7404
2021 -  3609
2022 -  5008

Total annual figures posted began to climb in 1995  - when June lost its top place to August. Some random snapshots:

1995        1515
2000        3140
2005        4543
2010        4840
2015        7009

These totals overall highlight 2014 as the most significant year so far for UFO sightings posted on NUFORC and since 2000 the lowest annual total has been year 2000 - which was double the 1995 total five years prior.

 Patterns or trends may be  extrapolated from the data. 
Apologies for any errors in this quickly compiled snapshot.
Totals on NUFORC are regularly updated

As this is not a completed study -more of a teaser -  fully formed conclusions are not posted here. Best to offer just some initial observations:
Look at any year from 1947 - when reported sightings began their initial slow climb -i.e. the ultra famous ROSWELL incident July 1947 must have spurred much wider interest. Look at the planetary ephemeris data from 1947 to the present -currently full data to 2022 at NUFORC and look for periods/months of highest reported sightings and several consistencies will arise

Firstly the month of highest NUFORC US UFO reports 1947-2022
June is by far the highest -  in 32 out of 76 years - ceasing in 1997.
July took highest totals in only 15/76 years but July featured in second highest in 40 out of 76 years.
July featured almost consistently second to first place holder June especially  1968-1991.
Then the pattern shifted to mostly July in top position - 1997-2018 featuring top in 14 years out of 22
The June-July emphasis was starting to decline from 2015.
July has not held top or second highest position for NUFORC US sightings after 2018

The pattern now is diverse. 2019-2022 4 year period has
DEC APR MAY SEPT in top place with OCT MAR DEC AUG in second place.

An explanation for this change may well be a more even spread of sightings all year round now due to devoted observers.

A further explanation involves planetary patterns which may be proposed as a theory re why more sightings cluster at particular times.
Some astronomy is needed to visually explain the proposals here

The planets of significance are the outer ones from Jupiter to Pluto - with the outer 3 - Uranus Neptune Pluto featuring far more frequently when higher sighting totals are reported - compared to Jupiter and Saturn.
The significance of outer planets in the retrograde period as this is known in astronomical terms to be when these planets line up with Earth - termed opposition asthe planet is positioned in a line from planet to Earth to Sun on the opposite side to when behind or in conjunction with the sun. The vertical alignment shown below is actually an overhead or bird's-eye perspective of the orbital paths of both inner/inferior and outer/superior planets

The period when an outer planet reaches East Quadrature [space perspective -not same as Earth] has significance in the sequence of relevance.
The East quad is a 90degree angle to the planet-earth-sun alignment position

At quadrature an outer/superior planet is exact with the red dot positions
At quadrature the planet is viewed as in Direct motion.
Pluto was at East Q April 14 2020 [Universal Time] - being 90degrees angle to both Earth and Sun while still Direct. Typically over the next 11 days later Pluto's position is perceived from Earth as slowing down to an eventual halt - called a Station. This exact Station was on 25 April 2020 UT when the planet is termed Retrograde - an apparent backwards loop - an optical illusion due to both Pluto & Earth being in rotational orbit. 
Once Pluto lines up with Earth and Sun [around 3 months later] it is termed an Opposition and is still retrograde. 
The switch to a Direct orbital path occurs for Pluto around 2 months after opposition. West Q is reached around 12 days after this. 
Clearly a very even pattern of time-based points along the timeline from East to West Quadrature.

Connecting Orbital Positioning with UFO reports

Of primary interest is to try and align monthly recorded UFO sightings in the US with a particular planet/planets and patterns.
Due to orbital variations and the nature of a complex system there is no single signifier to point to but there is a collection of strong indicators.

The above diagram needs to be referenced to follow the sequence of ideas - so here is another zoom in to the points of interest:

We need to look at outer planets reaching the Red Dot on the East when the planet in transit is at right angles [90 degrees /square] to the Earth and Sun alignment.

Using Pluto as an example:
Pluto takes 11 days to go from the East square to start of when apparent retrograde is viewed from Earth perspective.
 Retrograde will last 5 months plus a variable 5-10 days before Direct station occurs.

This UFO material is the introduction to a dedicated post here

January 2 2023
Reflecting on Saturn Neptune Saturn in Pisces & Saturn Neptune midpoints

Related tweets from this day:

2022 was really a year for rampaging Neptune.
Positive Neptune is so needed within this Earth [Saturn] environment where we see so many destructive and degenerate expressions of Neptune. 
Saturn protections and boundaries against those expressions are essential to contain a variety of serious consequences.
Saturnian wisdom and guidance can stabilise manage mentor and reform rudderless Neptune.
Ultimately it is the inner Saturn that saves us.

This indepth look compiled mid 2022 clarifies why these two planets have to work functionally together during incarnation on this planet 

October 11 2022

Big big absence from DiaryPost due to 3 months of Uranian upheaval [radical rehousing & dealing with all the stuff!] plus COVID wipeout.
In random spurts have been compiling some of my best work - one on Jupiter-Saturn dynamics soon to post as well as work on the interplay and contrasts between 
  • Also here recently is a short but deep dive recent work on Venus. [noting factors such as Star Points and the significance of Venus at 29 Libra on Oct 22 -and how significant Venus is overall in 2022

a little snippet from the Venus post

  • Also a little review of PLUTO during 2022
This is just on Twitter but will be useful for personal or collective themes to track those dates - events clustered around those exact dates = at least a day either side of exact.

  • Nuclear force  In recent days in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine I looked at resonating factors from Chernobyl as the closest parallel to what might happen -not a reaclear reactor event but Putin delivering on his threat to use nuclear force against Ukraine. This work is appended to the larger 2022 post on nuclear events in Japan especially 1945.
The midpoints of Chernobyl were checked for resonance in 2022 and beyond. Here is part of the picture

July 5 2022
Notes on July to November pull together some larger themes in the collective:

The bigger picture points to forces building in July that unfold in August. Then with Uranus in the last 2 weeks of August in slowdown & exact station retro being set to sustain Uranian conditions around Taurean things. This added factor reinforces the potential that the start of August manifestations have extended consequences.

read the full post

A period of upheaval plus Covid illness has interrupted my flow but more is in the pipeline soon ready for publication.

April 6 2022

 April is a significant month due to several intense planetary buildups
* Jupiter-Neptune synergy and conjunction  dominate the month
* April 5 Nodes Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune all clustered at 22-23 degrees
*April 12-13 cluster at 23-24 degrees Sun Nodes Jupiter Saturn Neptune
* April 18 Pluto entering greater interaction with earth begins slowdown then stationary retrograde April 29
April 30-May 1 partial solar eclipse with Uranus-Eclipse midpoint 12 Taurus semisquare Venus -Jupiter-Neptune midpoint.
not only are there powerful natural forces in this mix -wind and water especially impacting land and earth structure [the volcanic and seismic risk is elevated in connection to the end of April solar eclipse signature] but also powerful impacts on human expression ranging from the positives and negatives of extreme Neptune - escapism addiction to empathy and compassion; ongoing issues related to the covid pandemic and on-going societal and economic impacts as well as energies accumulating that point to an aggravation of conflict hotspots and a similar increased inflammatory potential in biological systems.

Jupiter is soon to be almost finished in Pisces so a dedicated post forecasts some significant potentials when in Aries

We think we're small but this graphic from Universe Today shows the compact little grey powerhouse  called Pluto in comparison

The graphic below shows Pluto's key positions in 2022 from an overhead and very compressed view using a standard astronomical perspective on dynamic planetary-Sun-Earth points in transit

In showing this it is made clear how important the period from squre to square is -from East to West quadrature [squares to Sun] because this is the time frame when a planet is most influential on us/Earth.
Effectively retrograde slowdown begins once a planet has reached the Eastern square after conjunction. Pluto doesn't reach the full stationary retrograde degree [out of shadow] until the end of January 2023.
Though retrogrades are considered a time for internalising and interior or subconscious processes their energy is also experienced in a heightened way.

March 2 2022

The planets provides strong resonances between late 1930s Europe and the present era in the context of Putin's invasion of Ukraine

From an astrological perspective the standout indicator of the resonance between these 2 periods is the transit of Pluto

Pluto was late in Cancer from 1936 until entry into Leo began in 1937 but due to retrograding did not leave Capricorn fully and enter Leo until June 1939.

The opposing position of Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees has been relevant since February 2022 and in the context of the Ukraine invasion.

Pluto was at 27 Cancer multiple times in the late 1930s:  from 1935 to 1938

read the full post here

March 1 2022

The underlying layer of the global pandemic has been reinforced in February 2022 by Russia's decision by President Putin to fully invade Ukraine.
The economic consequences of Covid-19 are now strongly at risk of being significantly amplified by the restructuring of the global economy [Pluto in Capricorn] within the context and consequences of war. 
Though currently the physical activity of war is being played out within Ukraine involving Russian invaders and Ukrainian defenders the involvement of significant global networks and nation states has quickly entered the frame through not only overwhelming support for Ukraine from the international community - this support in itself is tantamount to entering the war from the Kremlin's perspective.
Retaliative payback for especially the economic damage inflicted by primarily Western democracies is a high potential scenario within the long as well as short-term outlook.

February 28 2022

This post looks at the March New Moon chart the chart of Ukraine and that of Putin


 February 2022 has witnessed since the 24th a progressive invasion of Ukraine by Russia under direction of President Putin.

The world at large has responded within the context of Sun Jupiter Neptune in Pisces with considerable support and compassion. This protective energy resonates with the inherent beneficial placement of Jupiter in Ukraine's natal chart of 24 August 1991. 

Read the full post here

Feb 20 2022

Reports in recent weeks from Argentina of deadly cocaine contaminated with drugs of a potency more suitable as elephant anaesthetic confirm the elevated risk under the Jupiter-Neptune convergence in Pisces.


Aside from the risks posed by elemental water in the environment and Neptunian contagion/contamination on the levels of biology and the mind –the issue of drug overdose and drug toxicity or poisoning looms extra large in the period noted below. Recreational and pharmaceutical drugs are all relevant here.

Jupiter has correspondence with the liver in the body and this organ is vulnerable to overload and ultimately a fatal outcome from any substance [alcohol also] that places unsustainable demands on the body

Extra attention is needed to be aware of anyone at risk of Neptunian overload – both bodily and on a mental level during March 2022

The Jupiter-Neptune midpoints in Pisces began as early as February 2021 and so have been “live since then - but 2022 –January to May is when the full force of this combination accumulates –both being direct – and already Jupiter fully entered into Pisces very late in December 2021. 

Next is the effects of this combo being potentised by the Sun in March when

Sun is conjunct Jupiter March 5

Sun conjuncts Jupiter-Neptune midpoint March 10

Sun conjuncts Neptune March 13

Jupiter ranges 14’50 to 17 Pisces over those 8 days = 2 degrees

Neptune from 22’33-22’53  =  less than half a degree.

The wider orbs would include;

 14-18 degrees being extra sensitive for Jupiter and 21-24 for Neptune –the full range giving 14-24 Pisces lots of susceptibility from March 1st for 2 weeks.

This will also affect 14-24 in any mutable sign.

Generationally this includes most relevantly:

 mid to late 1960s Uranus and Pluto both in Virgo 

 mid 1970s to early 1980s Neptune in Sagittarius [in most cases] and may express for both as a heightening of ideals as well as delusions.

A mistaken belief that there no limits can permeate the minds of the  1960s cohort –along with trying to claim back power due to a mistaken perception of disempowerment by larger forces. Protest actions against pandemic protections in NZ Canada & Europe show these themes. 

The Neptunian cohort beginning mid 1970s faces perhaps the most vulnerability to deception misperception delusory ideas and beliefs under the combined effects of Jupiter and Neptune squaring their natal Neptune during March 2022.

These factors added to the Uranian impulses generated under the solar month of Aquarius –with added input from Uranus and Saturn in January-February 2022 -  suggest that by March the mental patterns attached to non-reality are set to intensify especially within the first 2 week period.

An even more powerful convergence of Jupiter and Neptune  dominates April 2022 and will be noted in greater detail in due course.

Feb 17 2022

Latest long post on the threat of invasion and attack

The threat of invasion and attack being currently [February 2022] applied to the situation faced by the nation of Ukraine under military duress from neighbouring Russia can be seen as applicable to the world at large within the larger shared collective experience of the coronavirus pandemic since 2020.

We know the Jupiter –Saturn conjunction of December 2020 holds long-term significance as a new cycle in social as well as political developments and that in the context of the pandemic - this conjunction being in Aquarius - huge impacts have occurred as a result of the restraints on social activity – as well as from the easing up of social distancing. 

Threat and invasion of the biological kind have manifested in numerous global locations from early in 2020 – though the early signs of the pandemic inception can be said to have predated the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction by at least a year so this story of threat and invasion clearly has a fundamental driver that carries the overall themes intensely.

Pluto strongly resonates with the archetype of the threat-bearing invader the Intimidator –and during the period of Saturn in Aquarius has crystalised into groups who both feel intimidated [and protest about that] – and who subsequently intimidate others in a knee jerk response...

 full post here

Feb 13 2022

The socio-economic chaos unfolding in diverse global locations in week 2 of February 2022 has seen typical Aquarian/Uranian rejection of rules [Saturn] during the period of the ongoing square between Saturn and Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. The double-whammy effect of these two synergising Earth and Air energies while being each representative of Earth and Air shows the degree of intensity unfolding in the outpouring of rejection against restrictions.

Even a 5 degree offset from an exact square has not been enough to lessen the potency -and this can be explained by a few added factors.

1. The Sun is in Aquarius during the first part of February making both Saturn [old rulership] and Uranus [modern rulership] wake up and show characteristic dispositions.

2. Saturn conjuncted the Sun at very close approach to 16 Aquarius late on February 4 [Universal Time] Uranian Aquarius had to face Saturn in another context that day - as detailed in the Feb 10 entry below - when 40 satellites freshly orbiting Earth were dragged from their gravitational orbit [Saturn] by the force of an incoming solar storm energy field.

[A solar storm has fixed energies of Leo-aquarius]

Back here on Earth -in Canada New Zealand and Paris France  - people antagonistic towards public safety measures re Covid began to increasingly face penalties consequences arrest by the end of week 2 when political and Police authorities in all 3 of those locations reached the point of saying:

 You have the right to protest but not to gridlock a city

 and imperil others in the community

Philosophers and spiritual teachers have a decent track record of trying to school humanity around the nature of Freedom and the common piece of wisdom - clearly aligned to rational experience - is that there is no such thing as freedom disconnected from responsibility.

This level of understanding the integral nature of things is clearly represented when an astrological template is overlaid.

Responsibility is Saturn

Freedom is Uranus and Jupiter

The Saturn mindset is inherent in the structuring of society. Its energy field is the past: "This is the way it always has been" and maintaining the status quo -though ambition/goals are also part of the Saturn structuring approach.

The Jupiter mindset expresses in our desire to expand explore and grow/develop - whether physically materially mentally experientially spiritually. This energy is future-focussed.

The Jupiter disposition is found in people who view life as largely without boundaries - a nice life if you can get it - except it just isn't real [and here Jupiter shows its traditional link to Pisces]

Life on this planet in this physical dimension will always manifest boundaries no matter how "free" you believe you are.

The Uranian mindset is born of pursuit of the new - the urge to change/reform/reinvent/modernise - because these are "better" than what is.

Uranian energy is even more future-focussed than Jupiter and more extreme in pursuit of the revolutionising of society through technology and radical or advanced/vanguard ideas which will supposedly 'free humanity" from past physical material archaic conditions -and anyone representative of those -such as governments and rule-makers/enforcers.

In order to keep these polarised forces in check there is an elegant solution in place:

Saturn has a cycle with Jupiter and a separate cycle with Uranus

These graphics below show an actual positioning of Jupiter and Saturn during their shared cycle of angular relationships - and the schematic view which shows the standard positioning of the angles

We know that Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted in December 2020 effectively a New Moon type of event - new seeds planted to infuse social conditions during the new 20 year cycle.

The conjunction was in Aquarius -effectively serving as the first big signal of much social conflict over how to best be a citizen a group member in society a fellow human and we know this energy heralded in the social conditions of the Covid era. A year has passed by early 2022 and it is Saturn engaging with Jupiter that is bringing things to a head but things aren't finished between Saturn and Jupiter: the next critical stage is the 90 degree right angle/square 

Richard Nolle's Astropro is a handy reference re paired planetary cycles:

The extract below for the Jupiter-Saturn square shows in the 10 month period 2024 to 2025 Jupiter in Gemini-Cancer is square to Saturn in Pisces-Aries. Currently being far off from the contexts of that period it is not easy without further focus on the actual period to select from the range of potentials to anticipate which is most likely to manifest.

This phase is about testing the viability around whatever rebalancing has been achieved since December 2020 re Saturn and Jupiter in societal contexts . Saturn's social structuring around governance and economy and Jupiter's focus on cultural developments will play out in terms of both goverment policies and social trends in reference to the energies commonly linked to some or several of those zodiac signifiers noted above.

 The Saturn-Uranus square was in 2021 at 13 Aquarius-Taurus - so 13 fixed is a sensitive point in the period from 2021 until the next big angle: several decades are to pass before the  opposition arises in 2056 - Aries-Libra.

Look at any periods where the Sun adds emphasis -eg early May 2022 looks significant economically - in advance of the early August 2022 pile-up of Uranus-Mars on the North Node and the August full moon squared by Uranus. 

Saturn in Aquarius is within touching distance of all those points and so lends a big flavour of struggle still likely regarding the wheels of commerce still not adequately rolling in order to avert further economic downtrends. This could still involve airlines internet commerce and supply chains.

Saturn got to 13 Aquarius for the final pass in week 2 January 2022. Uranus goes to 13 Taurus again in week one April 2022 - also the final pass over this point in this cycle. 

At early February 2022 New Moon phase the Sun in Aquarius also reinforced Saturn at 13 degrees. This re-emphasises the containment of groups - especially protesting groups and can be problematic for various things Aquarian [eg Starlink satellites, electricity supply] Expect some further upheavals early in April from Uranus due to the resonance factor with the 2021 exact square to Saturn. The socio-economic aspect is likely to be significant then -due to that theme being otherwise highlighted in synch with Saturn [conjunct Venus late March 2022]


February 10 2022

Elon musk's SPACEX took the gamble of launching 49 satellites into near earth orbit on Feb 3 2022 right when the Aquarian Sun [almost 15 degrees] was applying a one degree orb to Saturn [almost 16 degrees]

This combination in itself  reflects not only Saturnian space ambitions [corporate high flyer literally] but also the potential for Saturn to show it's problematic side - failure - in conjunction with the Sun being extra influential in the space domain when solar activity is more active.

Dr Tamitha Skov points out a tweet showing the geomagnetic field relevant to the time period after the Feb 3 launch

SPACEX made their press statement in acknowledgement -but Dr Skov feels there's not enough recognition being paid to the Boss. Here's her long You Tube coverage including the satellite fail - start in at around 35 mins after the spaceweather forecast

It seems the space cowboys need to realise that Space is different from Earth

Here's the launch chart on Feb 3 with midpoint grid.

In a tight chart like this with a very compressed array of energies - across just a few signs and houses - midpoints will always be valuable sources of information.

The balance between dreams or visions [Neptune] and physical reality [Saturn] seem strongly contrasted in this chart

Neptune has also been abetted here by Pluto. Pluto explains the mass death of 40 satellites in a Neptunian context related to Aquarian goal/ambition.

Saturn Neptune Pluto all have a lot to say about this launch...while the typical suspect Uranus is square but widely off Sun-Saturn but does loosly lick up Mars and Jupiter by angle -obviously contributing because hey this is the era when Uranus is wrecking a lot of Taurus.

The number of activated planets and strong themes pay testimony to the significance of this event both in scale and in relevance for future space projects.

The satellites were knocked out on February 4 just a day after launch.

In itself the rapid demise of this project also reflects the quantity of adverse factors at play.

This Reuters report gives good backgroud info

Overall a very sobering message for space pioneers who don't do enough meaningful homework

Some of the standout synergies in this event include:

MC = Neptune Pluto

and Mars-Chiron on MC

Pluto =Sun-Venus & Sun-Mars and Mars-Saturn  -which all connect to Mercury-Pluto

Several of the Capricorn positions meet at around 17-18 giving a sexrile to the Pisces Moon [ more Neptune ! ]

But Mercury-Jupiter is also on Saturn

Venus-Moon on the Sun

Venus-Neptune on Saturn

Jupiter-Pluto very close to Saturn

With my ongoing astrological study of extreme weather this event grabbed my attention with commentary around how solar storms...

cause the atmosphere to warm and atmospheric density at our low deployment altitudes to increase. [Feb 8 2022 Spacex press release].
This will be common knowledge amongst space physicists but to an intuitive researcher this warming factor [fire energy -which is solar-driven but can be energised by Mars and amplified by Jupiter] is relevant to the current change period in our climate - which I see as being very connected to Solar sunspot cycle 25 currently underway and more active already than anticipated by many solar scientists.
Due to an accumulation of planetary synergies being very intense at the same timeframe as the solar cycle is expected to peak - 2025 - the warming factor is also reflected in the shift of Neptune [everything concerning water] into the Mars related sign Aries in early 2025  -joined by Saturn. 
Heat and dryness affect water and earth.
We don't have enough preparation time to protect everyone but our governments ought to be focussing on this now.

Refer to my extensively detailed extreme weather post which links also to some spaceweather entries over the past decade

February 9 2022

Neptune has been carrying considerable potency since the station direct occurred on December 1 2021 accompanied by a tight trine to Mars in Scorpio = very energized heated water molecules.

This chart from gives a different timing for the entry point into Direct for Neptune using Universal Time compared to the American Ephemeris giving 10.40am Ephemeris Time. The wide disparity is puzzling but the main issue is the planetary links.

The Sun-Neptune trine is supported by sextiles to Venus. In my past observations of severe weather Venus can be seen to feature occasionally and to a lesser degree in powerful patterns but its role is not as readily understand compared to the Mars to Pluto energies - as detailed in my dedicated Extreme Weather post on this site 

What is clear early in 2022 is that Neptune paired with Mars is driving a lot of patterns that involve water plus heat.

What is clear is that an initial pattern can be reinforced/sustained/extended when extra planetary energy is added into the mix.

for more read the full post here 

February 1 2022

today my astro-neurons fired when I read a reference to:

the economy overheating

I pulled up a sequence of latest bulletins when I saw this was a zeitgeist:

and the players in this are immediately clear and worth noting.

Economy is one of those old Capricornian concepts and Venus is the physical/material manifestations of money/cash/assets.

Venus has been in Capricorn since Nov 5 2021 [London time]

Heating has a strong association with Mars. 

Mars has brought further heat into the global economy once it entered Capricorn on January 24 2022.

Overheating is a combination of Jupiter added to Mars and this occurs by sextile on February 4 2022

So it seems likely that energies are locked into this pattern by February 4 - a week after Venus reached a return to Direct -outward emphasis - and soon to be pursued by a now pumped-up Mars running at a hotter temperature - and the pair reach their exact conjunction - on February 18 2022...

but this isn't the end point - the 2 are so closely magnetically bound at a subatomic level that they maintain a very unusual long duration synergy in Capricorn for weeks...

read the full post on Profiler Astroblog

Also scroll down for some prior diary Posts which mention Venus and Pluto

January 22 2022

A longer post evolved in a role both as a cheerleader for astrology and to put astrology into a larger context:

January 20 2022

We're living through very complex times - and feeling this is backed up by evidence of the intensity of planetary interactions that are being dispersed through our local solar system.

In addition to prior entries here the early months of 2022 have even more to deliver: this entry looks at the unusually long meet-up of Venus and Mars. Both of these being energies that signify how we express ourselves in our relating/relationships - there's an equivalence in the Chinese concepts of Yin and Yang -the 2 balancing forces that exist in all dynamics and polarities - but in Western terms these tend to be given defined gender -Venus female and Mars male. We are now seeing that it's not so rigid - that we all contain a mix of both no matter what our assigned gender is.

Women in the West have clearly embraced more Mars [confident assertive initiating] energy during the decades of feminism - while still wanting to keep the best of being female. The Venus goddess look is very en vogue these days - beauty and glamour but now with grit.

Men have been a lot slower to embrace the blending but the signs are there amongst younger males that embracing female roles and pursuing the body beautiful are part of this growing process.

Where does it end? Far more androgyny is likely to emerge during a phase where extreme female and extreme male archetypes try to hold onto that far end-of-the-spectrum position: eventually that gap will close to a far greater homogeneity and the gender wars will be ancient history.

This philosophical/evolutionary musing about Venus and Mars is not the major point about the 4 weeks from February 10-March 14 period when these two planets are very very close together every day every hour between the positions 12 Capricorn to 7 Aquarius.

This is highly unusual. The 1992 Venus-Mars conjunction in Capricorn and early Aquarius was this close for only 5 days. They were in Capricorn together in 1965 -but no conjunction -always widely apart. The 2024 period of Venus in Capricorn sees Mars come within 5 degrees briefly near the end. Pfftt! 

This one is worth watching then but there's little to compare it to so standard expectations are in the mix.

In personal private matchups of Mars and Venus where 2 different chemistries cause mutual sparks the Capricorn factor indicates being attracted to an older partner or love interest - who may/or may not have a stable mature or wise energy and may or may not be a high-ranking person in society - or at least a successful person in management business or politics.

Everyone fitting one or more of those criteria suddenly becomes more sought after and attractive under these influences. 

Older males and females who have any of the added extra personal-inner or societal-outer attainments are endowed with extra charisma during the period outlined -and this aura grows to peak strength at the start of March surrounding the New Moon due to both Venus and Mars together catching up with Pluto - the very intense obsessive force which signifies power games. 

March 2-4 will be unbelieveable for those who can reap the best of all this energy.

Because Capricorn energy signifies a range of examples of "older people who have things under control" in general that category represents the bosses and politicians in our society.

One older male politician looking very much impacted by the prevailing energies around Feb 10 is UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The writing is definitely on the wall for him but not in the love department -as his own personal factors are telling another story: born when Jupiter and Neptune opposed from 15'44 Taurus to 15'24 Scorpio [a testimony to all of his flaws of excess exaggeration and looseness] -The end of January into early February [ sees the carrier of the scythe -Saturn - reach those degrees at a 90 degree angle from Aquarius. Boom!

Saturn is the taskmaster that places all the demands on Capricorn people and everyone symbolically Capricorn [bosses politicians high achievers] Saturn makes the final judgement as to whether the scales are even or terribly unbalanced.

Boris Johnson meets that deliberation most likely from the Saturn voice of society while Saturn transits Aquarius. Conversely the judgement of his peers -a political vote being lost. 

Either way the broad consensus will be: Begone! 

As for Venus and Mars - they come to the home position in Johnson's chart [IC] at nearly 13 degrees Capricorn in week 2 of February. This may be when it's packup and goodbye to 10 Downing St.

Other manifestations of the tight Venus-Mars pairing do generally surround business politicians governments so expect lots of relationship forming mergers partnerships in those contexts in February into March though Pluto can go either way -intense boding or annihilating destruction.

With multiple other factors potentially in the mix dependent upon an individual person's own energy [as the Boris Johnson example clearly shows] there is a lot of scope for things to come to a head one way or another -either productively and beneficially or leading to a falling out and breakdown in relationship.

Capricorn's ideal attainment over a lifetime is maturity stabilty wisdom and a protective paternal/maternal disposition. It literally can take a lifetime to cut through the impediments obstructing that most important inner attainment - often left until after the need for diversion into outer symbols of success have been met and satisfied. 

Venus and Mars together in Capricorn asks those most affected by this pairing of energies to act responsibly with restraint caution and wisdom - and various political situations bubbling away globally have a clear need for this wherever confrontational [Mars] circumstances are in process [eg Russia-Ukraine-US]

The highest risk period will be early March with Pluto in the mix -where some power brokers may be incapable of the ideal Capricorn response even if the opportunity is there to evolve their natural instincts instead of choosing war. The urge to dominate and annihilate politically using force is strong at that time.

Another arena for all this powerful energy at the start of March is the business sector and specifically banking & finance - where the potential for meltdowns and wipeouts is worth preparing for with Capricornian risk-averse actions in advance.

2022 is not starting off quietly.


January 16 2022

Looking at January 2022 the standout factor is Uranus being virtually at a standstill for the whole month. 

This lingering situation around 11 degrees Taurus affects all fixed natal and transiting positions at 11 degrees and trines all Earth signs at 11 degrees as well as while at 11 degrees Uranus is resonant with the semi & sequi positions at 26 degrees.

And it is clear that we need to flip back to December 2021 and what was happening for virtually the whole month too as Uranus retrograded back under 12 degrees heading for 11 by the time December started.

Deep processes were underway then even during late November and continue to linger in January 2022 -especially because in December the  full moon at 27 Gemini locked in a close semisquare orb with Uranus 11 Taurus orb - the exact angle being 26 Gemini here. This makes the 26-27 Gemini natal house position relevant to what Uranus is shifting within you.

We know Taurus is things values money property security pleasures.

We know Uranus is sending the sort of energy that promotes changing any or all of those things.

One of my responses spontaneously carried out last week was a much bigger declutter than had already been gradually underway.

This one over several hours over several days was both decisive and indicative of a clear separation from prior attachments -stuff belonging to others not in my life [unhappy associations].

The process isn't complete and the energy remains strongly alive but exhaustion did cause me to pace myself and have a break period.

Uranus in transit house position is clearly relevant as well but not solely on its own -paired with the opposing house the issue is around resolving 2 aspects of expression or realms of activity and trying to find the right proportion or balance of focus on one or the other: this means that Uranus going through 11 has a connection to Uranus as if it were also going through the 5th. Somewhere digging through the options for both of those houses lies the correct polarity being explored - elements of collective [11th] juggled with personal [5th] or is friendship the right option -versus the greater closenesss of a 5th house connection? Time will tell.

Look at Venus too -currently manifesting matters arising through Uranus in Taurus is still Earthy in Capricorn and stays there till March 6 -around 4 months in total.

Venus was stationary retro at the December full moon mentioned earlier -and in close contact with Pluto -one degree of separation which soon closed to anexact pairing of these energies at Xmas. Intense - but likely quite suberranean stuff being processed with the impulse from a near Earth retrograde plus Pluto's favourite way of keeping stuff under control -shoving it down deeper.

The next period of note for this combo of energies has been mid January - a volcanic eruption in the South Pacific territory of the Tongan Islands in the evening of January 15 -just as Uranus [earth changes] is at its slowest -days from exact stationary Direct and slightly in advance of the Sun becoming conjunct with Pluto at 26.5 Capricorn.

Rocks rained down on roofs in local settlements and tsunami effect has been widespread far from the event location.

An aerial view of the Tonga eruption

Even for a reasonably close observer of natural forces like me...this one came as a surprise in terms of the potency - but the planets tell the story:  Pluto...on the scene along with Uranus [both of these in elemental form were nuclear bomb-making materials used against Japan in WW2]

Soon after mid January... Venus in middle degrees of Capricorn is exact semisextile Saturn at around 13'40 Aquarius which in this context will likely indicate the economic hardship faced by the affected communities.

2022 -beginning of August -Uranus has a big role to play - but Neptune/Pisces water energy is very strong.

In Chinese Feng shui which is a system based on natural elemental balancing - the Year of the Tiger in effect from February 1 is a Water Tiger year - big water and though a repeated challenge look particularly at March and April where the water energy really accumulates.

Dry land will get some relief if able to absorb deluges- allowing good vegetation growth - but we know too much water is often a destructive force

  The fixed signs Taurus and Aquarius held by Uranus and Saturn also activate Leo-derived = solar radiated Fire = environmental heat/combustion will also repeatedly be a challenge in 2022

January 4 2022

In the era of Pluto in Capricorn -when all of us are being pressured to mature or at least grow up in some way the Venus Pluto in Capricorn synergy from the end of week one December 2021 - then followed by Mercury Venus Pluto in the last days of 2021 stretched further into the early days of 2022 as a Venus-Mercury combo with Pluto on their midpoint.

Hands up if you went a little crazy !

By Jan 4 if you recalibrated yourself well enough the effects will be waning.

With such a strong emphasis on Capricorn the enrgy naturally spreads to the whole sign group which contains Aries Cancer and Libra as well.

These four Cardinal groyp signs are all all about relation - Aries to self Cancer to family Libra to partners or partnerships and Capricorn to society - so any one or more of those contexts are likely to have been the personal focus of the strong Capricorn energy from early December 2021.

This was one potent humdinger of intense energy  -first affecting either or both of Venus' fields of influence -Libra relationships and Taurus attachments - people things money security and what you value as well as how to balance out both of those.

Then Mercury entered the mix adding way more mental stimulation - I personally  [with Mercury ruled Gemini Asc ] felt close to manic in my stringing of words and ideas - but I have a natural medicine qualification so that came in handy calming the system down.

At 25 Capricorn these combos squared my Neptune and sextiled my Sun also -while transiting the 8th.

It won't have been as intense if you had nothing natal being aspected or usually easier with a trine or sextile -and less intense outside of the 8th house -but aside from that - everyone on planet Earth has had these energies in a big dose.

They carried not only Capricornian energy but also Saturn's current placement in Aquarius - so we are being asked not only to use Capricorn energy in the ideal mature/adult/parental/supportive/mentoring/guiding or even peak achievement/mastery way - all of which are keywords for a well-formed Capricorn principle - but also to apply that in response to collective and community contexts.

This is totally clear in the context of Covid where restrictive mandates ask us to act for the common good, think of others, do what serves the collective benefit, think of community instead of self interest - and most of the world is placed in this gripping situation still at the start of 2022 - and worsening in primarily the Northern Hemisphere - since it all unfolded 2 years ago.

Given such a globally significant theme it is absolutely clear how meaningful the message is for humanity - a huge collective shift is being demanded in order to rebalance the cultural trends which need a shift away from me me me me at the expense of others me at the expense of community and family or me at the expense of other species and me at the expense of our shared social and natural environments.

The planet is teaching us all these things through Covid and through the intensifying climate events. What we have trashed and abused and debased is now having its turn to take much more obvious control over our lives.

When eventually the Covid crisis has run its course in this decade the natural elements will continue to frequently manfiest their intense patterns.

My research on extreme weather shows that the 2020s will demand a lot of us in terms of adapting to and dealing with wind water fire and processes in the land. 

This situation requires that we shift now to a more collective mindset - commitment to being a responsible member of a community - because that is how we will deal best with what arises. Being ready and willing to do whatever a situation demands to help others.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...